Transgender kids should allowed to play sports like all other children!!!

By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.
No child should be 'transgendered'. They're not old enough yet to make a decision condemning them to Fruit Loop status for the rest of their lives.
All this amounts to horrific child abuse in my opinion. Trans individuals have extremely high rates of suicide and much lower life expectancies than straight individuals. While there are certainly children that are legitimately experiencing a genetic or physical abnormality, the large majority of trans people are not. I believe that we have created an environment where kids who want or need attention can say they feel funny and next thing you know, Billy is wearing a dress.
Child abuse? Child abuse is when a child is rejected, shamed and told that it is all in their head as opposed to being taken seriously, listen to and helped to navigate the issue that they are dealing with. The failure to do that is what results in the suicides
You can call me a moron all you want but the fact is that ihave offered a solution to a complex problem and all that you people do is riddicule and demean trans kids and set them up for self destructive behavior. You have blood on your hands

For the record, I havent riduculed or demeaned anyone except dumb ass parents who think its ok to give hormone blockers to 2nd graders and then lecture me on right and wrong.


View attachment 474267
Who is giving hormone blockers to 2nd grader who would be about 8 years old. Your are just making that shit up. As far as riddicule goes. I said "you people" People who do not take gender dysphoria seriously and have the attitude that the kids should just get over it and fail to offer help and support. I donm't know for a fact that that is you, you I will give you a chance to respond.

This has nothing to do with gender identity, but simply the fact that those who have had years or decades of excessive male hormones, can then never be allowed to compete against people who did not have this cheating advantage.
Change gender identity all you want, but if you have had illegal hormones, then you can't be expected to compete as if you didn't.
Boys who think they're chicks: Choose band, ROTC, education. Anything that doesn't involve competition where men are clearly more capable due nature. That or compete against boys, poor fucking babies, if they can.
Clearly you have not understood anything that I have said. Men are not always more capeable than women in physical abilities. The ability of trans girls to compete in girls sports should be evalualte d on a case by case basis using weight class and an evaluation of abilities. They need not be arbitrarily excluded. SAnd your reference to Boys who think they're chicks is clearly insensitive and stupid

Ah, so we're going to pick & choose which boy/girl is too masculinish to compete with girls and which is not so masculinish. BS, you speak BS.

How about you quit pretending boys are girls, that's why you can't make sense of it, you're doomed from start.
You are just too fucking obtuse to deal with. You have blood on your hands
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You can call me a moron all you want but the fact is that ihave offered a solution to a complex problem and all that you people do is riddicule and demean trans kids and set them up for self destructive behavior. You have blood on your hands

For the record, I havent riduculed or demeaned anyone except dumb ass parents who think its ok to give hormone blockers to 2nd graders and then lecture me on right and wrong.


View attachment 474267
Who is giving hormone blockers to 2nd grader who would be about 8 years old. Your are just making that shit up. As far as riddicule goes. I said "you people" People who do not take gender dysphoria seriously and have the attitude that the kids should just get over it and fail to offer help and support. I donm't know for a fact that that is you, you I will give you a chance to respond.

This has nothing to do with gender identity, but simply the fact that those who have had years or decades of excessive male hormones, can then never be allowed to compete against people who did not have this cheating advantage.
Change gender identity all you want, but if you have had illegal hormones, then you can't be expected to compete as if you didn't.
Excuse me but what the fuck are you blathering about? The subject is trans girils compeeting in girls sports. They are not being given male hormones. They may be given hormone blockers which surpresses the male hormoes .Get a grip.
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I am absolutly amazed at how willfully ignorant people like you are.

Says the freak who cannot grasp the distinction between men and women.

While we're at it.........Bathrooms. If a guy can get away passing as a chick in the women's bathroom then it's natural. If you can't then suck it up. Why spend millions to entertain the problems of the extremely few? Nobody is saying they can't use the bathroom, same as nobody ever said a homo couldn't get married. And BTW, VERY FEW homos are married to other homos. The left pitches on the one percent who believe in fabrications, in the case of gay marriage less than that.
Cut the horseshit.!! It is not about bathrooms. It is not about sports. And it was not abput bwater fountains and luch counter back then. It is about bigotry and exclusion. Same bullshit differnt day

Wrong again my leftist friend. It's about you and your fellow leftists forcing me through the power of government to ignore science and make me call a man a woman. Then through the power of government forcing it onto America's children through the school system.
You know nothing of science. You do not want to know anything about science. You are afraid of science because science will force you to confront reality and undermine the basis of your bigotry
While we're at it.........Bathrooms. If a guy can get away passing as a chick in the women's bathroom then it's natural. If you can't then suck it up. Why spend millions to entertain the problems of the extremely few? Nobody is saying they can't use the bathroom, same as nobody ever said a homo couldn't get married. And BTW, VERY FEW homos are married to other homos. The left pitches on the one percent who believe in fabrications, in the case of gay marriage less than that.
Cut the horseshit.!! It is not about bathrooms. It is not about sports. And it was not abput bwater fountains and luch counter back then. It is about bigotry and exclusion. Same bullshit differnt day

"Stop insisting you have real concerns when I want to just dismiss you so I can have what I want!!!"
I do have real concerns. My concern is to promte the civil treatment and equality of trans people. Your concern is to promote bigotry and drive them to self destructive behasvior

This has nothing at all to do with civil treatment of trans people.
The simple fact is that people with a history of male hormone exposure would be illegal cheaters if allowed to compete with those who do not have this hormone exposure.
You can call me a moron all you want but the fact is that ihave offered a solution to a complex problem and all that you people do is riddicule and demean trans kids and set them up for self destructive behavior. You have blood on your hands

For the record, I havent riduculed or demeaned anyone except dumb ass parents who think its ok to give hormone blockers to 2nd graders and then lecture me on right and wrong.


View attachment 474267
Who is giving hormone blockers to 2nd grader who would be about 8 years old. Your are just making that shit up. As far as riddicule goes. I said "you people" People who do not take gender dysphoria seriously and have the attitude that the kids should just get over it and fail to offer help and support. I donm't know for a fact that that is you, you I will give you a chance to respond.

This has nothing to do with gender identity, but simply the fact that those who have had years or decades of excessive male hormones, can then never be allowed to compete against people who did not have this cheating advantage.
Change gender identity all you want, but if you have had illegal hormones, then you can't be expected to compete as if you didn't.
Excuse me but what the fuck are you blathering about? The subject is trans girils compeeting in girls sports. They are not being given male hormones. They may be given hormone blockers which surpresses the male hormoes .Get a grip.

This is about people who have a lifetime of male hormones, who then decide to compete against women in sports, who have not had this hormone advantage.
This has nothing to do with pills or injections.
We are talking about a life time of previously having their bodies producing an illegal amount of testosterone.
And after that, there is no way to level the playing field and allow them to compete.
The then are just cheaters.
You don't know what you are talking about.
By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.
No child should be 'transgendered'. They're not old enough yet to make a decision condemning them to Fruit Loop status for the rest of their lives.
What exactly do you mean by " transgendered"? What do you think is happening?
While we're at it.........Bathrooms. If a guy can get away passing as a chick in the women's bathroom then it's natural. If you can't then suck it up. Why spend millions to entertain the problems of the extremely few? Nobody is saying they can't use the bathroom, same as nobody ever said a homo couldn't get married. And BTW, VERY FEW homos are married to other homos. The left pitches on the one percent who believe in fabrications, in the case of gay marriage less than that.
Cut the horseshit.!! It is not about bathrooms. It is not about sports. And it was not abput bwater fountains and luch counter back then. It is about bigotry and exclusion. Same bullshit differnt day

Wrong again my leftist friend. It's about you and your fellow leftists forcing me through the power of government to ignore science and make me call a man a woman. Then through the power of government forcing it onto America's children through the school system.
You know nothing of science. You do not want to know anything about science. You are afraid of science because science will force you to confront reality and undermine the basis of your bigotry

The science says that if you have decades of male hormone exposure from your own body, then you can NEVER be allowed to compete with women in sports.
That is absolute and incontrovertable.
It has nothing at all to do with gender.
It has to do with what hormones your body has been producing for decades.
You can call me a moron all you want but the fact is that ihave offered a solution to a complex problem and all that you people do is riddicule and demean trans kids and set them up for self destructive behavior. You have blood on your hands

For the record, I havent riduculed or demeaned anyone except dumb ass parents who think its ok to give hormone blockers to 2nd graders and then lecture me on right and wrong.


View attachment 474267
Who is giving hormone blockers to 2nd grader who would be about 8 years old. Your are just making that shit up. As far as riddicule goes. I said "you people" People who do not take gender dysphoria seriously and have the attitude that the kids should just get over it and fail to offer help and support. I donm't know for a fact that that is you, you I will give you a chance to respond.

This has nothing to do with gender identity, but simply the fact that those who have had years or decades of excessive male hormones, can then never be allowed to compete against people who did not have this cheating advantage.
Change gender identity all you want, but if you have had illegal hormones, then you can't be expected to compete as if you didn't.
Excuse me but what the fuck are you blathering about? The subject is trans girils compeeting in girls sports. They are not being given male hormones. They may be given hormone blockers which surpresses the male hormoes .Get a grip.

This is about people who have a lifetime of male hormones, who then decide to compete against women in sports, who have not had this hormone advantage.
This has nothing to do with pills or injections.
We are talking about a life time of previously having their bodies producing an illegal amount of testosterone.
And after that, there is no way to level the playing field and allow them to compete.
The then are just cheaters.
You don't know what you are talking about.
You make no sense! Their bodies produce illegal hormones ? .m You are sounding like a mad person.
Boys who think they're chicks: Choose band, ROTC, education. Anything that doesn't involve competition where men are clearly more capable due nature. That or compete against boys, poor fucking babies, if they can.
Clearly you have not understood anything that I have said. Men are not always more capeable than women in physical abilities. The ability of trans girls to compete in girls sports should be evalualte d on a case by case basis using weight class and an evaluation of abilities. They need not be arbitrarily excluded. SAnd your reference to Boys who think they're chicks is clearly insensitive and stupid

Ah, so we're going to pick & choose which boy/girl is too masculinish to compete with girls and which is not so masculinish. BS, you speak BS.

How about you quit pretending boys are girls, that's why you can't make sense of it, you're doomed from start.
You are just too fucking obtuse to deal with. You have blood on your hands

Hear that? SNOWFLAKE TERMS. The gender jumper says I have blood on my hands cuz boys can't compete with girls.
When we get to the point that no natural biological woman can even win a beauty contest, this bullshit has gone way too far. Some people need to be ridiculed and drummed out of common society because they are fucking nuts. Others need to be ridiculed and made fun of for supporting that shit.

Both the mentally unstable tool who thinks he’s a woman and those that support that bullshit need to be relentlessly mocked and made to be the fools they are.

Now is the time to fight back against these morons and make them all feel the stupidity they are promoting. That includes individuals and governments. It’s gone so far it’s stupid. Start calling them out and hurt their feelings so fucking bad they can never leave their homes.
By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.
No child should be 'transgendered'. They're not old enough yet to make a decision condemning them to Fruit Loop status for the rest of their lives.
What exactly do you mean by " transgendered"? What do you think is happening?
I remember when I was in Kiddigarten. This little blue eyed blond girl named Sandy knock me off my ass and I was forever in love with her and still am to this day.

I knew at 5, I was not a fruitcake,especially when I popped a pretzel knub thinking about Sandy ......Normality
OK - so you for some reason responded to my one comment in three different ones. Why, I'll never know.

Child abuse? Child abuse is when a child is rejected, shamed and told that it is all in their head as opposed to being taken seriously, listen to and helped to navigate the issue that they are dealing with. The failure to do that is what results in the suicides

Yes - fucking child abuse. When you make your son's balls shrivel up because you want to indulge the idea that he likes to play with dolls more than trucks, you are abusing that child and setting them up for a life of pain and misery. 8 and 10 year olds don't get to decide what gender they are. That's lunacy.

You want me to look it up YOU look it up. When you make such allegaytions, the burden of proof is on yiou.

Fuck off with that bullshit. If you are really interested in the shit you are peddling, you'd spend some time researching what I told you instead of staying here spouting off at the mouth and acting sanctimonious.

What I find more disheartening is that we are now trying to teach pretty advanced sex education concepts to kids as young as 5. A current bill in New York (authored by Senator Samra Brouk (D-Rochester) will include mandatory alignment with a group which calls for all public schools to advise 8 year olds about hormone blockers in case they identify as transgender.
Document it. Provide context for christ sake

Again, you can't put any effort info a subject that you appear to be so invested in? I'll help with this one. But for fucks sake, put in some real research. You look lazy as hell because all you can do is insult those who challenge your opinion.

By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.

Purple hair? Is that the depth of you intellectual ability to comment on this issue? Do you think that this is a big fucking joke? Is is possible that you do not understand that these trans children are human beings who are struggling with their gender identity and are desperate to fit in and to be accepted?

This whole issue about trans girls in women's sports is hysterical and bigoted bullshit just like the bathroom issue is hysterical and bigoted bullshit. In both cases, it is not about protecting anyone. It is about marginalizing and excluding those who are different.
Consider the fact that there is a wide variation in the size and physical abilities among both boys and girls. Consider the fact that some girls are larger and stronger than some boys. A trans girl will not necessarily have an advantage over a cisgender girl. If a trans girl cannot do sports with the girls because of fear of an unfair advantage, and cannot do sports with the boys.....because SHE is not a boy, where does she go?
If you people were really concerned about children, you would try to find solutions, How about considering weight classes as is already done in boxing and wrestling? Kids on a team, of any gender could be required to fall within certain physical parameters. But no, you don’t want to hear that shit because it undermines the basis of your bigotry. You just want too bitch and complain and make life as difficult as possible for these kids. Shame, shame, shame

I thought you commies were all about science. The fact is a boy has a larger lung capacity and larger bone structure than a girl of a similar height and weight. That's a scientific fact, and it gives boys a physical advantaged over girls.

So take you commie propaganda and shove it.

I am absolutly amazed at how willfully ignorant people like you are.

What's amazing is how stupid you commies are, you'll eat down every bit of propaganda fed you by your masters.


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