Transgender kids should allowed to play sports like all other children!!!

No all of this started because you said that I was making shit up about young kids being given hormone blockers. That was TRUE. Then you moved from that and challenged me on the fact that we are teaching sex ed concepts to young children. That is also TRUE.

Nothing will change the fact that it is wrong to fuck with kids about sex and sexuality. They are too young. No 8 or 10 year old should decide what gender they are or want to be. Never.
Yes this is rediculous. You choose to ignore everything that has been said. Again, kids do not shoose their gender at 8 or 10 and are not given hormone blockers at that age. Pull your head out! The fact is tyhat children may question their gender identity at a young age at those feeling cannot just be dismissed. They have to be dealt with in a resonsible and sensitive way. The alternative- telling them to just get over it- is a recipe for suicide. Do you want blood on your hands? YHour problem seems to be that you can't get past a simplistic binary, all or nothing mentality where ther only choices are to "let them choose their gender, or tell them that they are mentally ill and need to get over it.

I haven't ignored anything you said. I disagree with you.... vehemently. And you have done nothing to refute any facts that you were given. You have only ignored them.

You just said "kids do not shoose their gender at 8 or 10"
Here is a video of a lady who said her 8 year old daughter was transgender. She is talking to Biden and Biden comments that it's ok for 8 and 10 year olds to decide what gender they want to be.

You also said, "8 or 10 and are not given hormone blockers at that age". Wrong again.

In a Facebook group with over 8,000 members for parents transitioning their children, one parent expressed concerns about a report that an eight-year-old had been included in the NIH study’s cross-sex-hormone cohort. “NONE of this is true,” [Doctor] Dunski-Vermont stated. “We start Puberty blockers in early puberty, which at times could be 8-9 years old but NEVER cross gender hormones.”

Another story from London a judge lowers the age at which children can receive the drugs. " To date GIDS has treated over a thousand children with puberty blockers, with about 230 of these children under the age of 14, the youngest child being 10 years old. "

And finally, a set of parents in Texas are in court because mom wants one of their boys to be a girl and wants to transition him. He is 7. Dallas judge affirms joint custody order in case involving 7-year-old’s gender identity

So give me a fucking break with your bullshit that I havent listened or that I am not read up. Its not reasonable to transition a fucking baby. Period. People who are doing this are mentally ill and need help.
ou just said "kids do not shoose their gender at 8 or 10"
Here is a video of a lady who said her 8 year old daughter was transgender.
I did not see anything about that in the video but I will give you the benifit of the doubt that Biden may have said something like that. I do not know what the woman said either, but if she said that her daughter was "transgendered, or if anyone said that she can choose her gender at that age, you might wantto consider what that means. I will gaurentee you that it does not mean any irreversable medical proceedure. It may simply mean that if an 8 or 10 year old feels that they are of the opposite gender, that they should be allowed to explore those feelings and play the role. They are very real and compelling feelings and telling the child to just get over it is not an option unless you are prepared to start planning the funeral.
In a Facebook group with over 8,000 members for parents transitioning their children, one parent expressed concerns about a report that an eight-year-old had been included in the NIH study’s cross-sex-hormone cohort. “NONE of this is true,” [Doctor] Dunski-Vermont stated. “We start Puberty blockers in early puberty, which at times could be 8-9 years old but NEVER cross gender hormones.”
I stand corrected. I didn't realize that puberty could start at such a young age. It did not when I was a kid. But those treatmets are not irreversable and it buys time for the child to explore, with professional help, what their true identity is
What kind of fucking idiot simultaneously defends AND diminishes the rights of young women when
it comes to equal access to athletics and an even playing field?

Megan Rapinoe, of course! She is the epitome of a woke idiot!
Rapinoe is truly schizophrenic and an enemy of young girls wishing to participate in
sports that are fair and equal in keeping males and political ideology out of the mix.

Shut up and sit down Megan Rapinoe.
And then in the same breath say they are for women’s rights! I’m laughing
This is an appalling propaganda piece from a far right publication. This child is cought between two waring parents, neither of which may have the childs best interest in mind. This should never happen but it does all of the time. But the Nationmal Review has the gaul to say that it is progressive policies that are to blame. Bullshit! The parents need to stop using and manipulatin her, or him, or whatever he/she feels that he /she is and get him/her help and guidence
But those treatmets [sic] are not irreversable…

At the most crucial point in the transition from a child to an adult; to artificially stunt that development—how can the harm caused not be irreversible? You're talking about treatments that would cause someone at the age of adulthood remain with the physical development of a child. At the very least, this condemns the victim of such Frankensteinery to remain for life developmentally-stunted.

Only someone as short-eyed and mentally/morally fucked-up as you are could see this as anything other than severe child abuse.

But then we all know where you stand on issues related to sexually/developmentally fucking-up children, don't we?
But those treatmets [sic] are not irreversable…

At the most crucial point in the transition from a child to an adult; to artificially stunt that development—how can the harm caused not be irreversible? You're talking about treatments that would cause someone at the age of adulthood remain with the physical development of a child. At the very least, this condemns the victim of such Frankensteinery to remain for life developmentally-stunted.

Only someone as short-eyed and mentally/morally fucked-up as you are could see this as anything other than severe child abuse.

But then we all know where you stand on issues related to sexually/developmentally fucking-up children, don't we?
They love to say that the puberty blocker drugs are reversible. But you are right!! There are children who have legitimate ailments which cause pubic hair to develop in 7 and 8 year olds and breast tissue to begin maturing for girls of the same age. These kinds of drugs are arguably beneficial to those who have those legit medical diagnoses but inflict all kinds of trauma in otherwise physically healthy children.
How can any child know their inherent gender proclivities until puberty?
No one has any sexual orientation until puberty, so then nothing should ever be done until after puberty and a counter orientation was discovered.
They love to say that the puberty blocker drugs are reversible. But you are right!! There are children who have legitimate ailments which cause pubic hair to develop in 7 and 8 year olds and breast tissue to begin maturing for girls of the same age. These kinds of drugs are arguably beneficial to those who have those legit medical diagnoses but inflict all kinds of trauma in otherwise physically healthy children.

Yes, I know of that condition. The ultimate poster-child for it surely is Lina Medina, who gave birth to a baby boy at the age of five years old.

It does seem plausible to me that these puberty-blocking drugs may be beneficial in cases of precocious puberty.

This is the fighter mentioned in the article you posted: Fallon Fox.



This is the fighter mentioned in the article you posted: Fallon Fox.


View attachment 475521

Did the gal who had her skull fractured know that she was fighting a dude?

If so, its the risk she took.

But if not, Mr. Fox should be arrested and charged with assault and battery upon a defenseless broad.

This is the fighter mentioned in the article you posted: Fallon Fox.


View attachment 475521

Did the gal who had her skull fractured know that she was fighting a dude?

If so, its the risk she took.

But if not, Mr. Fox should be arrested and charged with assault and battery upon a defenseless broad.

Where was she given a choice?
If the kid says that he's a pirate, are the parents gonna poke out one of his eyes, amputate one leg below the knee, and buy him a parrot?
If the kid says that he's a pirate, are the parents gonna poke out one of his eyes, amputate one leg below the knee, and buy him a parrot?

On the bright side, they only have to buy him one volume of the encyclopedia.....the RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Some words of wisdom from an extremely credible source...

Former Olympic champion Caitlyn Jenner says trans girls born as boys should NOT compete in female sports, with the California gubernatorial hopeful adamant that 'it just isn't fair'
  • Caitlyn Jenner said does not believe 'biological boys who are trans' should compete in girls' sports
  • 'It just isn't fair and we have to protect girls' sports in our schools,' she said
  • It comes as multiple states move towards banning transgender girls and women from playing in public sports teams
  • West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice signed a bill into law on Wednesday banning transgender athletes from competing in female sports
  • West Virginia is one of at least 30 states that has introduced a slate of more than 200 'discriminatory, anti-LGBTQ legislation this session'
  • Last Friday, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed a similar bill into law
  • The Florida Senate this week also adopted an anti-transgender House amendment to an education bill which Gov. Ron DeSantis has said he will sign
Some words of wisdom from an extremely credible source...

Former Olympic champion Caitlyn Jenner says trans girls born as boys should NOT compete in female sports, with the California gubernatorial hopeful adamant that 'it just isn't fair'
  • Caitlyn Jenner said does not believe 'biological boys who are trans' should compete in girls' sports
  • 'It just isn't fair and we have to protect girls' sports in our schools,' she said
  • It comes as multiple states move towards banning transgender girls and women from playing in public sports teams
  • West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice signed a bill into law on Wednesday banning transgender athletes from competing in female sports
  • West Virginia is one of at least 30 states that has introduced a slate of more than 200 'discriminatory, anti-LGBTQ legislation this session'
  • Last Friday, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed a similar bill into law
  • The Florida Senate this week also adopted an anti-transgender House amendment to an education bill which Gov. Ron DeSantis has said he will sign
I used to look up to Caitlyn. Between her being a Republican and her discriminating against Trans athletes; I must say I have lost all respect for her.

It makes me wonder if she really is a Trans person and not pretending to be one.

She might as well just go back to being Bruce
Some words of wisdom from an extremely credible source...

Former Olympic champion Caitlyn Jenner says trans girls born as boys should NOT compete in female sports, with the California gubernatorial hopeful adamant that 'it just isn't fair'
  • Caitlyn Jenner said does not believe 'biological boys who are trans' should compete in girls' sports
  • 'It just isn't fair and we have to protect girls' sports in our schools,' she said
  • It comes as multiple states move towards banning transgender girls and women from playing in public sports teams
  • West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice signed a bill into law on Wednesday banning transgender athletes from competing in female sports
  • West Virginia is one of at least 30 states that has introduced a slate of more than 200 'discriminatory, anti-LGBTQ legislation this session'
  • Last Friday, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed a similar bill into law
  • The Florida Senate this week also adopted an anti-transgender House amendment to an education bill which Gov. Ron DeSantis has said he will sign
I used to look up to Caitlyn. Between her being a Republican and her discriminating against Trans athletes; I must say I have lost all respect for her.

It makes me wonder if she really is a Trans person and not pretending to be one.

She might as well just go back to being Bruce
>her discriminating against Trans athletes

Respectfully, letting trans athletes compete in women's sports discriminates against women. It prevents the women from fairly achieving their life goals, and in some instances, prevents them from landing sports scholarships at universities.

Being born with a Y chromosome gifts one with larger muscles, heart, lungs, and volume of blood. These advantages persist after genetic reassignment surgery and hormone therapy.

Apparently, Caitlyn gets it, being both trans and an accomplished athlete. Why don't you?

By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.

Purple hair? Is that the depth of you intellectual ability to comment on this issue? Do you think that this is a big fucking joke? Is is possible that you do not understand that these trans children are human beings who are struggling with their gender identity and are desperate to fit in and to be accepted?

This whole issue about trans girls in women's sports is hysterical and bigoted bullshit just like the bathroom issue is hysterical and bigoted bullshit. In both cases, it is not about protecting anyone. It is about marginalizing and excluding those who are different.
Consider the fact that there is a wide variation in the size and physical abilities among both boys and girls. Consider the fact that some girls are larger and stronger than some boys. A trans girl will not necessarily have an advantage over a cisgender girl. If a trans girl cannot do sports with the girls because of fear of an unfair advantage, and cannot do sports with the boys.....because SHE is not a boy, where does she go?
If you people were really concerned about children, you would try to find solutions, How about considering weight classes as is already done in boxing and wrestling? Kids on a team, of any gender could be required to fall within certain physical parameters. But no, you don’t want to hear that shit because it undermines the basis of your bigotry. You just want too bitch and complain and make life as difficult as possible for these kids. Shame, shame, shame

I considered all the facts and you're a fucking moron. But if you feel better about, start a pick-up game with girls only. Very young girls I mean, so you can be competitive.
Funny how I usually disagree with PoliticalChic, but here I am again agreeing.

If a person does have a gender dysphoria condition, it could not be detected until AFTER puberty, because no one has a sexual orientation until then.
And by then it is too late for then to be able to compete in sports.
They already have decades of inappropriate levels of hormones that has completely effected every part of the body.
They already have decades of inappropriate levels of hormones that has completely effected every part of the body.

By “inappropriate levels of hormones that has [sic] completely effected [sic] every part of the body”, of course, you mean the correct hormones for the person's actual sex, which affect their body in exactly the way they are supposed to, but which to not match their delusional “gender identity” which directly contradicts objective physical reality. You're labelling it as “inappropriate” that the body has developed exactly the way it is supposed to develop, for the person's actual sex, rather than developing the wrong way according to that person's mental illness.

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