Transgender kids should allowed to play sports like all other children!!!

I identify as a trans Martian
Do I get all sorts of special treatment with people constantly sidestepping to avoid me encountering reality?
No. You get to be thrown in the back ward of the state hospital
Will all the other”trans” hoaxers be my playmates?
rans hoaxers?
T View attachment 486390
Yep another hoax stemming from feelings that the miracle of birth incorrectly assigned their gender so they need to have that medically corrected to supposedly make them feel right
Arrogant. Fake. Hoax.
Feel free to continue to wallow in willfull ignorance

You're serious???

Democrats......they lie a about everything.

I identify as a trans Martian
Do I get all sorts of special treatment with people constantly sidestepping to avoid me encountering reality?
No. You get to be thrown in the back ward of the state hospital
Will all the other”trans” hoaxers be my playmates?
rans hoaxers?
T View attachment 486390
Yep another hoax stemming from feelings that the miracle of birth incorrectly assigned their gender so they need to have that medically corrected to supposedly make them feel right
Arrogant. Fake. Hoax.
Feel free to continue to wallow in willfull ignorance

You're serious???

Democrats......they lie a about everything.

View attachment 486403
Yes ....

A person pretending to be the opposite sex is participating in a HOAX !!!
The Hoax is all yours. Thank you for admitting that you are willfully ignorant and will avoid at all costs , any information that challenges to bigoted, preconceived notions of gender and sex
A run of three insults to three different poster with no factual refutation. Try and dispute that the transgender arrogantly, fakely and hoaxly is asserting that birth made a mistake and he/she feels that mistake needs to be corrected to bring them the life they feel entitled to AND the result of society damn well better accept it or society is “ists” and “isms”. Each time we dont accept every single aberration that gets floated our way its not a result of “ics ” or “ism”. It’s more a result of sane thinking which gets met with feelings name calling
I identify as a trans Martian
Do I get all sorts of special treatment with people constantly sidestepping to avoid me encountering reality?
No. You get to be thrown in the back ward of the state hospital
Will all the other”trans” hoaxers be my playmates?
rans hoaxers?
T View attachment 486390
Yep another hoax stemming from feelings that the miracle of birth incorrectly assigned their gender so they need to have that medically corrected to supposedly make them feel right
Arrogant. Fake. Hoax.
Feel free to continue to wallow in willfull ignorance

You're serious???

Democrats......they lie a about everything.

View attachment 486403

You are in deadly need of an intervention, and should share therapy with those delusional trans folks.

Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

Male and Female are biological categories. People lie; DNA doesn’t.

Gender dysphoria, a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/ claims to identify, is a mental illness.

Demanding that other people participate in the delusion is not a right.

They deserve therapy, not credence.
The Hoax is all yours. Thank you for admitting that you are willfully ignorant and will avoid at all costs , any information that challenges to bigoted, preconceived notions of gender and sex
You are delusional.

There is no challenge to the notions of gender and sex.

There are only your mental illnesses that makes you think otherwise.

This is the fighter mentioned in the article you posted: Fallon Fox.


View attachment 475521
The real issue here is these young kids are confused and will have it figured out by the time they are 20.

To push young kids into thinking they are this or that is so wrong. So many boys are being affected by this. Just libturdism weakness.

Reminiscent of lemmings rushing over a cliff...

If I was The Catcher In The Rye, I'd let em fall.
The Hoax is all yours. Thank you for admitting that you are willfully ignorant and will avoid at all costs , any information that challenges to bigoted, preconceived notions of gender and sex
You are delusional.

There is no challenge to the notions of gender and sex.

There are only your mental illnesses that makes you think otherwise.

Their masters lie, and they swear by the lies.

See how many lies you can find in this short section of CNN article about transgenders....

"Though the two executive orders signed by Noem do not explicitly mention transgender athletes, they reference the supposed harms of the participation of "males" in women's athletics -- an echo of the transphobic claim, cited in other similar legislative initiatives, that transgender women are not women. The orders also reference "biological sex," a disputed term that refers to the sex as listed on students' original birth certificates.

It's not possible to know a person's gender identity at birth, and for some people, the sex listed on their original birth certificate is a misleading way of describing the body they have.

The factors that go into determining the sex listed on a person's birth certificate may include anatomy, genetics and hormones, and there is broad natural variation in each of these categories. For this reason, the language of "biological sex," as used in this legislation, can be overly simplistic and misleading."
South Dakota's governor issues executive orders banning transgender athletes from women's sports

South Dakota's Republican Gov. Kristi Noem banned transgender girls and women from competing on women's sports teams at public high schools and colleges via a pair of executive orders issued Monday.

Democrats.......they lie about everything.
The field will never be leveled. Males will always have certain biological advantages that can't be
nullified with testosterone blockers, etc. Rapinoe is a clown.
It is not about sports. It is not about bathrooms. Those issues are just excuses for bigotry.
Why should I feed another persons delusions? If I told you I was a dog, would you call me Fido or find me insane?
Just more ignorant horseshit.

We should all bow to your experience in faggotry.
Their masters lie, and they swear by the lies.

See how many lies you can find in this short section of CNN article about transgenders....

"Though the two executive orders signed by Noem do not explicitly mention transgender athletes, they reference the supposed harms of the participation of "males" in women's athletics -- an echo of the transphobic claim, cited in other similar legislative initiatives, that transgender women are not women. The orders also reference "biological sex," a disputed term that refers to the sex as listed on students' original birth certificates.

It's not possible to know a person's gender identity at birth, and for some people, the sex listed on their original birth certificate is a misleading way of describing the body they have.

The factors that go into determining the sex listed on a person's birth certificate may include anatomy, genetics and hormones, and there is broad natural variation in each of these categories. For this reason, the language of "biological sex," as used in this legislation, can be overly simplistic and misleading."
South Dakota's governor issues executive orders banning transgender athletes from women's sports

South Dakota's Republican Gov. Kristi Noem banned transgender girls and women from competing on women's sports teams at public high schools and colleges via a pair of executive orders issued Monday.

Democrats.......they lie about everything.
Short of the first half of the first sentence and the very last sentence .... every other sentence in that short section of CNN article about transgenders, is a LIE.

And, I will agree with you that EVERYTHING about the Left is a LIE.

The disturbing part about this is everyone knows it's a LIE except those who are deeply mentally ill.
I just don't know why it's so difficult to acknowledge that boys and girls are different physically.
no one is saying that they are not different. I am saying that there might be ways to accomodate trans kids rather than simply bann them from sports See post 17 and try to comprehend the concept

No one is saying, "Ban them from sports" . . . except you, because your agenda can't be achieved without lies.

Try to comprehend the concept of telling the truth, and then MAYBE you can very politely request that we please spend a few moments listening to what you say as though you were a person.

His homosexuality rules his life.
By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.

Purple hair? Is that the depth of you intellectual ability to comment on this issue? Do you think that this is a big fucking joke? Is is possible that you do not understand that these trans children are human beings who are struggling with their gender identity and are desperate to fit in and to be accepted?

This whole issue about trans girls in women's sports is hysterical and bigoted bullshit just like the bathroom issue is hysterical and bigoted bullshit. In both cases, it is not about protecting anyone. It is about marginalizing and excluding those who are different.
Consider the fact that there is a wide variation in the size and physical abilities among both boys and girls. Consider the fact that some girls are larger and stronger than some boys. A trans girl will not necessarily have an advantage over a cisgender girl. If a trans girl cannot do sports with the girls because of fear of an unfair advantage, and cannot do sports with the boys.....because SHE is not a boy, where does she go?
If you people were really concerned about children, you would try to find solutions, How about considering weight classes as is already done in boxing and wrestling? Kids on a team, of any gender could be required to fall within certain physical parameters. But no, you don’t want to hear that shit because it undermines the basis of your bigotry. You just want too bitch and complain and make life as difficult as possible for these kids. Shame, shame, shame

The only people making life difficult for them is you leftists. Why dont you share with the readers the suicide rate for transgenders?
Why don't you share with the readers the REASONS why they kill themselves? In case you don't know why, I will tell you . It is because of the narrow minded morons who make life hard for them. It is c=because they are marginalized, riddiculed, discriminated against, and yes , because they are excluded from activitiies that other kid can join in. You have blood on your hands

Wrong. Nice try. Blame it on society doesn't work with me leftist. If you've studied the facts you'd be able to tell the readers of the mental health issues many transgenders face.

He is a prime example of the mental health issues faced by faggots.
Their masters lie, and they swear by the lies.

See how many lies you can find in this short section of CNN article about transgenders....

"Though the two executive orders signed by Noem do not explicitly mention transgender athletes, they reference the supposed harms of the participation of "males" in women's athletics -- an echo of the transphobic claim, cited in other similar legislative initiatives, that transgender women are not women. The orders also reference "biological sex," a disputed term that refers to the sex as listed on students' original birth certificates.

It's not possible to know a person's gender identity at birth, and for some people, the sex listed on their original birth certificate is a misleading way of describing the body they have.

The factors that go into determining the sex listed on a person's birth certificate may include anatomy, genetics and hormones, and there is broad natural variation in each of these categories. For this reason, the language of "biological sex," as used in this legislation, can be overly simplistic and misleading."
South Dakota's governor issues executive orders banning transgender athletes from women's sports

South Dakota's Republican Gov. Kristi Noem banned transgender girls and women from competing on women's sports teams at public high schools and colleges via a pair of executive orders issued Monday.

Democrats.......they lie about everything.
Short of the first half of the first sentence and the very last sentence .... every other sentence in that short section of CNN article about transgenders, is a LIE.

And, I will agree with you that EVERYTHING about the Left is a LIE.

The disturbing part about this is everyone knows it's a LIE except those who are deeply mentally ill.

Even those like the one above who claims to believe it.....don't.

I'm not convinced that that is the explanation.

I've decided that there are but three possible explanations for what passes for thinking in their sort.

1. They're so deeply ignorant of reality, and especially of history, that they don't realize they've been tricked into supporting what normal folks hate.

2. They are so lacking in achievements, and therefore, in self-esteem, that they need the warm embrace of the crowd, and are willing to accept all sorts of lies to attain same.

3. They are so cowardly that, while recognizing that they vote for the same doctrines and agenda as Nazis and Bolsheviks, and have such fear of what the Left will do if they disagree or even question, that they acquiesce.

They bend the neck and the knee.
Even those like the one above who claims to believe it.....don't.

I'm not convinced that that is the explanation.

I've decided that there are but three possible explanations for what passes for thinking in their sort.

1. They're so deeply ignorant of reality, and especially of history, that they don't realize they've been tricked into supporting what normal folks hate.

2. They are so lacking in achievements, and therefore, in self-esteem, that they need the warm embrace of the crowd, and are willing to accept all sorts of lies to attain same.

3. They are so cowardly that, while recognizing that they vote for the same doctrines and agenda as Nazis and Bolsheviks, and have such fear of what the Left will do if they disagree or even question, that they acquiesce.

They bend the neck and the knee.
I think there maybe a little truth in all three of those examples.

But, I don't think you can explain this kind of disorder with logic, anymore than you can explain with logic why the Schizophrenic jumped off the roof because the voices in their head told them to do so.

There is no logical explanation for that.

It is purely mental illness.
By Megan Rapinoe

Can't ever recall a person with purple hair normal or stable.
I got it! Her brain has been pickled and the juice is flowing outward to her hair. Took me that long to figger that out. I'm slippin

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