Transgender TSA Screeners: Who can they Pat Down?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
This is anectdotal, and from Twitter. So I'm not verifying its veracity.

Still, if TSA has any transgender screeners, this issue would automatically come up. I'm sure transgenders are not banned from being TSA screeners.

I sure don't want my wife touched on her private parts by a guy in a female TSA uniform. Not really a fan of her being touched at all by TSA, but especially not that.
I guess they'd only pat down other transgenders. It's not like there isn't a bazzilion of them in this country, at least that's what they'd like you to believe.
Weird. All they ever do when we walk through is make us dump our stuff in the tray for X-ray, stand in the thing with our hands up, and maybe wave a wand up and down us. I fly when I need to, but we have never been patted down.
Weird. All they ever do when we walk through is make us dump our stuff in the tray for X-ray, stand in the thing with our hands up, and maybe wave a wand up and down us. I fly when I need to, but we have never been patted down.

To tell the truth, the last time I was in an airport was DFW Airport in 1997. It was before 9/11, so you could just walk right in with no screening, or hang out in the bar.

I miss the pre-9/11 time period like I miss the pre-pandemic times. Both of those pushed the world closer to the edge.
I dated a woman that was a screener at Hobby in Houston. Her pat downs were great, but I never could get her to do it in front of other people.
Weird. All they ever do when we walk through is make us dump our stuff in the tray for X-ray, stand in the thing with our hands up, and maybe wave a wand up and down us. I fly when I need to, but we have never been patted down.
But, like, how attractive are y'all to the screeners? In pretty good shape, or have Father Time and Mother Nature made you not very inviting for the screeners to want to get their hands on?

Nothing stops the screeners from picking the flyers that they want to feel up. Unless they like Arabic looking guys, then they'd be accused of profiling. I know as soon as I'm next in line, the screener usually starts rubbing his hands together to warm them up. Maybe I should be more grateful for that than I am. I just think about something else, and wait for him to get done.
But, like, how attractive are y'all to the screeners? In pretty good shape, or have Father Time and Mother Nature made you not very inviting for the screeners to want to get their hands on?

Nothing stops the screeners from picking the flyers that they want to feel up. Unless they like Arabic looking guys, then they'd be accused of profiling. I know as soon as I'm next in line, the screener usually starts rubbing his hands together to warm them up. Maybe I should be more grateful for that than I am. I just think about something else, and wait for him to get done.
I'm in great shape, for my age, and compared to my graduating class, but were just your average TSA Pre-Pass type folk. If your are really some later age stud muffin, I suggest you get your paperwork in order. Maybe it depends on what line you go through. Most of the time, we're traveling in a party with two or three other retired or active military officers (all in pretty good shape), and possibly don't look like the types to fuck with, without reason. Maybe you look like the shifty type.
I'm in great shape, for my age, and compared to my graduating class, but were just your average TSA Pre-Pass type folk. If your are really some later age stud muffin, I suggest you get your paperwork in order. Maybe it depends on what line you go through. Most of the time, we're traveling in a party with two or three other retired or active military officers (all in pretty good shape), and possibly don't look like the types to fuck with, without reason.
That make sense.

My wife gets it worse than I do. For some reason her screener always has very short hair. If there is a longer haired one at the station, every time, some short haired supervisor takes over. Usually they say, "I need the practice, ha ha," or some other lame comment. I end up waiting until people behind her say, "what's the hold up? Let's go! etc." Price I pay, I guess.
Maybe you look like the shifty type.
So funny that you say that last part. I hear that all the time from people who know what I look like.

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