"Transgendered" Bathrooms

There is no right to have one's perception of reality accepted by all as their reality. Transgenders have never been segregated. They have not been discriminated any more than anyone who claims to be the Queen of Sheba, or God. We don't provide public litterboxes for those who believe themselves to be cats.

They aren't delusional or psychotic, so the comparison sucks.

Maybe not psychotic, but definitely delusional. To focus on your genitals and your gender to such an extent is a sign of a mental illness.

It's not the genitals, it's the whole package of their identity including being treated as that sex. Some can't afford the SRS but they change what they can. It is a process not walk-in and walk-out totally a new sex.

The focus is on the identity, not the genitals

Exactly. I have a friend who is a trans woman and it's a long process, and her life has been particularly painful, she has a lot of social phobias as a result. Insurance doesn't always cover the SRS, and it's a big step - it's not undertaken lightly, and there's a long period of evaluation leading up to it. Bathrooms are such a small thing we can do to accommodate them. They aren't criminals for God's sakes. Nor is it a "choice".
. How did they go to the restrooms before ? It's just part of an overall agenda is what it all is, and trannies are up to bat. If it ain't marriage with these groups, then it's wedding cakes or photography, fast food resteraunts, and now restrooms ? When will it end, when they have pushed those who oppose these encroachments into the abyss ?

They have been using their identity bathrooms without problems till now.
Unisex bathrooms have been around for at least twenty years.
Why so much fuss now?
Bigots make excuses but are wrong. Many businesses have a single bathroom rather than gender bathrooms, offices are opting for unisex bathrooms instead of gender designations.

This is really much-a-do hate and not reason.

LGBT are not a threat to men or women in the bathroom

Hetero pedophiles on the other hand could be, but men and boys are not given separate bathrooms.
So you are okay for transvestites forced to use the single family restrooms instead of the ladies room?

Unisex bathrooms have never bothered me
Unisex bathrooms have been around for at least twenty years.
Why so much fuss now?
Bigots make excuses but are wrong. Many businesses have a single bathroom rather than gender bathrooms, offices are opting for unisex bathrooms instead of gender designations.

This is really much-a-do hate and not reason.

LGBT are not a threat to men or women in the bathroom

Hetero pedophiles on the other hand could be, but men and boys are not given separate bathrooms.
So you are okay for transvestites forced to use the single family restrooms instead of the ladies room?

Unisex bathrooms have never bothered me
. You act as if this is not another slippery slope when it is exactly that... The push back on the agenda has begun.
women wearing men's skin

That is ridiculous horse shit.

Unisex bathrooms have been around for at least twenty years.
Why so much fuss now?
Bigots make excuses but are wrong. Many businesses have a single bathroom rather than gender bathrooms, offices are opting for unisex bathrooms instead of gender designations.

This is really much-a-do hate and not reason.

LGBT are not a threat to men or women in the bathroom

Hetero pedophiles on the other hand could be, but men and boys are not given separate bathrooms.
So you are okay for transvestites forced to use the single family restrooms instead of the ladies room?

Unisex bathrooms have never bothered me

Pervs tend to have a higher threshold for the grotesque.
They have been using their identity bathrooms without problems till now.
Then why is there a need for change? Liar. A few of the most extreme slice jobs have gotten away with it for years, but the Federal standards are based on what someone says they identify as, which is pure nonsense.
They aren't delusional or psychotic, so the comparison sucks.

Maybe not psychotic, but definitely delusional. To focus on your genitals and your gender to such an extent is a sign of a mental illness.

It's not the genitals, it's the whole package of their identity including being treated as that sex. Some can't afford the SRS but they change what they can. It is a process not walk-in and walk-out totally a new sex.

The focus is on the identity, not the genitals

Exactly. I have a friend who is a trans woman and it's a long process, and her life has been particularly painful, she has a lot of social phobias as a result. Insurance doesn't always cover the SRS, and it's a big step - it's not undertaken lightly, and there's a long period of evaluation leading up to it. Bathrooms are such a small thing we can do to accommodate them. They aren't criminals for God's sakes. Nor is it a "choice".
. How did they go to the restrooms before ? It's just part of an overall agenda is what it all is, and trannies are up to bat. If it ain't marriage with these groups, then it's wedding cakes or photography, fast food resteraunts, and now restrooms ? When will it end, when they have pushed those who oppose these encroachments into the abyss ?

They have been using their identity bathrooms without problems till now.
They've been using men's restrooms as well. While I wouldn't say it is a regular occurrence, I have used restrooms where there were obvious men dressed as women in them. Nobody beat them up any of those times, nobody even said anything to them. People chuckle, but hey...when you are obviously a man dressed as woman you should expect to be looked at as a joke.
They've been using men's restrooms as well. While I wouldn't say it is a regular occurrence, I have used restrooms where there were obvious men dressed as women in them. Nobody beat them up any of those times, nobody even said anything to them. People chuckle, but hey...when you are obviously a man dressed as woman you should expect to be looked at as a joke.

So what? Just because some dive in Gay Town lets things go in a bathroom doesnt mean that the rest of America wants their kids subjected to it or themselves either.

But let the mitosis continue, we need to divide the goats from the sheep soon enough and issues like this will speed things along quite nicely.
They've been using men's restrooms as well. While I wouldn't say it is a regular occurrence, I have used restrooms where there were obvious men dressed as women in them. Nobody beat them up any of those times, nobody even said anything to them. People chuckle, but hey...when you are obviously a man dressed as woman you should expect to be looked at as a joke.

So what? Just because some dive in Gay Town lets things go in a bathroom doesnt mean that the rest of America wants their kids subjected to it or themselves either.

But let the mitosis continue, we need to divide the goats from the sheep soon enough and issues like this will speed things along quite nicely.
Bro...I'm agreeing with you. I do not want them in women's bathrooms. Only thing I am saying is if they are male...they should use the men's restroom. I was trying to assure aris2chat that I won't beat them up or even talk to them...that I don't care if they use the correct bathrooms.
If it were all up to me, all of these deviants would be tossed from a staggering height out of helicopters and/or shot down by Right Wing Death Squads. But for now, tolerance.
They've been using men's restrooms as well. While I wouldn't say it is a regular occurrence, I have used restrooms where there were obvious men dressed as women in them. Nobody beat them up any of those times, nobody even said anything to them. People chuckle, but hey...when you are obviously a man dressed as woman you should expect to be looked at as a joke.

So what? Just because some dive in Gay Town lets things go in a bathroom doesnt mean that the rest of America wants their kids subjected to it or themselves either.

But let the mitosis continue, we need to divide the goats from the sheep soon enough and issues like this will speed things along quite nicely.
Bro...I'm agreeing with you. I do not want them in women's bathrooms. Only thing I am saying is if they are male...they should use the men's restroom. I was trying to assure aris2chat that I won't beat them up or even talk to them...that I don't care if they use the correct bathrooms.

My point was n ot whether you agreed or disagreed with my point. I assume the 'likes' you gave me indicated that.

The point I am making is that the mitosis of our nation into two separate societies of one Christian and the other pagan is ongoing and this bullshit about allowing cross gender use of public restrooms is just the more leading agitating edge of that mitosis.

We might as well bring on more. Trump is against the government using its power to enforce restroom segregation, and I agree, but private people and public schools need to be allowed to do so or about two thirds of the nation will eventually rebel, about 80% by land area. What parts of the nation? All the red congressional districts for starters.

They've been using men's restrooms as well. While I wouldn't say it is a regular occurrence, I have used restrooms where there were obvious men dressed as women in them. Nobody beat them up any of those times, nobody even said anything to them. People chuckle, but hey...when you are obviously a man dressed as woman you should expect to be looked at as a joke.

So what? Just because some dive in Gay Town lets things go in a bathroom doesnt mean that the rest of America wants their kids subjected to it or themselves either.

But let the mitosis continue, we need to divide the goats from the sheep soon enough and issues like this will speed things along quite nicely.
Bro...I'm agreeing with you. I do not want them in women's bathrooms. Only thing I am saying is if they are male...they should use the men's restroom. I was trying to assure aris2chat that I won't beat them up or even talk to them...that I don't care if they use the correct bathrooms.

My point was n ot whether you agreed or disagreed with my point. I assume the 'likes' you gave me indicated that.

The point I am making is that the mitosis of our nation into two separate societies of one Christian and the other pagan is ongoing and this bullshit about allowing cross gender use of public restrooms is just the more leading agitating edge of that mitosis.

We might as well bring on more. Trump is against the government using its power to enforce restroom segregation, and I agree, but private people and public schools need to be allowed to do so or about two thirds of the nation will eventually rebel, about 80% by land area. What parts of the nation? All the red counties for starters.
That's what the international leftists wanted since way back. That's why they were behind desegregation, they know people who are different than one another being forced to live, do business, and work amongst each other will lead to racial conflict...that's how this pro-faggotry and pro-tranny stuff works too. It is purposely done to stir up conflict.
The goal of the left is to tear down western society by any means necessary. That's why they champion black criminals, illegals, faggots, trannies, drug addicts, and any other "woe is me, I'm a victim" group you can think of.
They aren't delusional or psychotic, so the comparison sucks.

Maybe not psychotic, but definitely delusional. To focus on your genitals and your gender to such an extent is a sign of a mental illness.

It's not the genitals, it's the whole package of their identity including being treated as that sex. Some can't afford the SRS but they change what they can. It is a process not walk-in and walk-out totally a new sex.

The focus is on the identity, not the genitals

Exactly. I have a friend who is a trans woman and it's a long process, and her life has been particularly painful, she has a lot of social phobias as a result. Insurance doesn't always cover the SRS, and it's a big step - it's not undertaken lightly, and there's a long period of evaluation leading up to it. Bathrooms are such a small thing we can do to accommodate them. They aren't criminals for God's sakes. Nor is it a "choice".
. How did they go to the restrooms before ? It's just part of an overall agenda is what it all is, and trannies are up to bat. If it ain't marriage with these groups, then it's wedding cakes or photography, fast food resteraunts, and now restrooms ? When will it end, when they have pushed those who oppose these encroachments into the abyss ?

They have been using their identity bathrooms without problems till now.

Charlotte screwed that up. Why can't the left place the blame where it is.
. I know right... So if a person makes a sexual advance, and a person refuses that advance, does it mean now that a person is being discriminating towards the person who is making the advance ? Can the person under Aris2chat's ideology or perception of discrimination, protect all sorts of bad based upon her broad brushing of what discrimination in her mind should stand for ? Is this what a liberal thinks or how their mind works you think ? If so then you are spot on with your word obsurd used in your comment. Thanks.

As far as I can tell, there is no right "to make a sexual advance" period. Why would allowing transgender people to use the appropriate bathroom change that?
. What part of the risk factor involved do you all not understand ? Trannies were using the restrooms with no issues as you all say in the past, but then the government wants to stick it's ignorant nose into something that wasn't broken as you all say it wasn't, and now it's created a situation that puts the predators to thinking hey I got an idea. Next thing you know there are peds and preds trying to pose as what ever the government deems worthy of it's protections and law in order to infiltrate the situation, and so next your child is having to deal with a perpetrator posing as a trannie in which the government can't protect them from. No one is willing to accommodate the government telling us what to do, if the risk factors are far to great. Further more, do you think that because a person is a trannie, that they can't be bad people also? Trying to inject something into something that wasn't broken in and around the restrooms, is going to cause a dis-trust of the public, and a huge blow back. The people see it all as an agenda being pushed, and it will fail.

Does anyone thing that because people post here and use avatars "that they can't be bad people"

Anyone shopping, walking down the street, sitting on a bus, working in a factory.........

Stop trying to defame all transsexuals for the acts of heteros or a small portion of LGBT in risky areas.

They want to be normal people and treated as their identity. Keeping them on the fringes of society and reviled by some groups and bullied is what drives them to drugs, risky behavior and self abuse.

They are just people equal to everyone else with the same rights. Quit trying to shove them into jail or into the gutter for being themselves.

They aren't going to be by getting surgery and taking hormones! What don't you get about that? They are NOT women if they have an XY chromosome. They are not MEN if they have an XX chromosome. You are what you are, and if you cannot deal with what you are and be happy with that, then you need to have therapy!

XX male syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaXX_male_syndrome
XX male syndrome is a rare sex chromosomal disorder. Usually, it is caused by unequal ... most XX males are not stereotypically feminine and are typical boys and men although other reports suggest that facial hair growth is usually poor ...
Presentation - ‎Clinical diagnosis - ‎Pathophysiology - ‎See also
Klinefelter syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Klinefelter syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Klinefelter syndrome or Klinefelter's syndrome (KS) also known as 47,XXY or XXY, is the set of ... Symptoms are typically more severe if three or more X chromosomes are present. ... XXY males are also more likely than other men to have certain health problems that typically affect females, such as autoimmune disorders, ...
XX male syndrome definition - MedicineNet - Health and Medical ...
www.medicinenet.com › home › medterms medical dictionary az list
XX male syndrome: A syndrome characterized by the presence of an XX sex chromosome complement in an individual with male genitalia including both testes ...
How can a person with two X chromosomes develop into a man ...
In people, almost all men carry two different sex chromosomes (XY) and women are XX. But there are some (extremely rare) exceptions to this rule. It is possible ...

Please provide the statistics for the number of people with the above disorders that go though sex reassignment surgery.

Thanks in advance
Unisex bathrooms have been around for at least twenty years.
Why so much fuss now?
Bigots make excuses but are wrong. Many businesses have a single bathroom rather than gender bathrooms, offices are opting for unisex bathrooms instead of gender designations.

This is really much-a-do hate and not reason.

LGBT are not a threat to men or women in the bathroom

Hetero pedophiles on the other hand could be, but men and boys are not given separate bathrooms.
So you are okay for transvestites forced to use the single family restrooms instead of the ladies room?

Unisex bathrooms have never bothered me

Pervs tend to have a higher threshold for the grotesque.

personal expereience?
Unisex bathrooms have been around for at least twenty years.
Why so much fuss now?
Bigots make excuses but are wrong. Many businesses have a single bathroom rather than gender bathrooms, offices are opting for unisex bathrooms instead of gender designations.

This is really much-a-do hate and not reason.

LGBT are not a threat to men or women in the bathroom

Hetero pedophiles on the other hand could be, but men and boys are not given separate bathrooms.
So you are okay for transvestites forced to use the single family restrooms instead of the ladies room?

Unisex bathrooms have never bothered me

Pervs tend to have a higher threshold for the grotesque.

personal expereience?

Of course, in that I watch pervs like you cruise through shit that would make most people puke.
Unisex bathrooms have been around for at least twenty years.
Why so much fuss now?
Bigots make excuses but are wrong. Many businesses have a single bathroom rather than gender bathrooms, offices are opting for unisex bathrooms instead of gender designations.

This is really much-a-do hate and not reason.

LGBT are not a threat to men or women in the bathroom

Hetero pedophiles on the other hand could be, but men and boys are not given separate bathrooms.
So you are okay for transvestites forced to use the single family restrooms instead of the ladies room?

Unisex bathrooms have never bothered me

Pervs tend to have a higher threshold for the grotesque.

personal expereience?
If you have ever seen a faggot pride parade, you wouldn't be asking that question.
They have been using their identity bathrooms without problems till now.
Then why is there a need for change? Liar. A few of the most extreme slice jobs have gotten away with it for years, but the Federal standards are based on what someone says they identify as, which is pure nonsense.

State passed the law as a knee jerk to gay marriage and the school requirements for trans treated as their identity. It was to allow people to act on their prejudices, bathrooms just happened to be part of it, a very obvious discrimination part of it.

You dont' go through years of examination and treatment just to get a sneaky peek in a public bathroom

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