"Transgendered" Bathrooms

I'm sure some of the time they are attacked because they were dishonest about what they actually are. Not that it excuses an attack on a person, but some people are going to react very negatively and violently when they find out that the "beautiful woman" they are with is not actually a biological woman.
The government really has no right to even address the toileting of individuals nor assign the level of privacy that the government thinks the people deserve.

These kinds of kingly decrees have to be slapped down, hard.

It is addressing the discrimination and segregation of transgenders not being accepted as their identity.
There is no right to have one's perception of reality accepted by all as their reality. Transgenders have never been segregated. They have not been discriminated any more than anyone who claims to be the Queen of Sheba, or God. We don't provide public litterboxes for those who believe themselves to be cats.
The government really has no right to even address the toileting of individuals nor assign the level of privacy that the government thinks the people deserve.

These kinds of kingly decrees have to be slapped down, hard.

It is addressing the discrimination and segregation of transgenders not being accepted as their identity.
There is no right to have one's perception of reality accepted by all as their reality. Transgenders have never been segregated. They have not been discriminated any more than anyone who claims to be the Queen of Sheba, or God. We don't provide public litterboxes for those who believe themselves to be cats.

They aren't delusional or psychotic, so the comparison sucks.
Why Transgender Americans Are Being Murdered

Transgender people are four times more likely than the general population to report living in extreme poverty, making less than $10,000 per year, a standing that sometimes pushes them to enter the dangerous trade of sex work. Nearly 80% of transgender people report experiencing harassment at school when they were young. As adults, some report being physically assaulted trains and buses, in retail stores and restaurants. Greater awareness has not yet translated into broad acceptance, says Kris Hayashi, executive director of the Transgender Law Center: “The majority of society does not understand who transgender people are in ways that lead to the violence and the murder and the harassment that we’re seeing.”
Transsexualism is a paltry minority. Do they deserve this much notoriety they are getting? They are like .3 percent of the population. Do they deserve this attention they are getting? Red heads or left handers deserve FAR more attention than that. None of which are demanding special restrooms or special Constitutional rights.

Based on the number of threads on "transgender" this and that (over 20) - I have to ask - why do people spend an inordinate amount of time obsessing over another person's gender identity since they are a "paltry minority"?

What harm do they do? None.

What harm does it do to treat them with the same respect any human being deserves?

You're obsessing over this tiny group of people. Aren't there more significant things to worry about then this?
The harm comes from trying to twist this aberration into normalcy and forcing everyone else to accept it.
The government really has no right to even address the toileting of individuals nor assign the level of privacy that the government thinks the people deserve.

These kinds of kingly decrees have to be slapped down, hard.

It is addressing the discrimination and segregation of transgenders not being accepted as their identity.
There is no right to have one's perception of reality accepted by all as their reality. Transgenders have never been segregated. They have not been discriminated any more than anyone who claims to be the Queen of Sheba, or God. We don't provide public litterboxes for those who believe themselves to be cats.

They aren't delusional or psychotic, so the comparison sucks.

Maybe not psychotic, but definitely delusional. To focus on your genitals and your gender to such an extent is a sign of a mental illness.
The government really has no right to even address the toileting of individuals nor assign the level of privacy that the government thinks the people deserve.

These kinds of kingly decrees have to be slapped down, hard.

It is addressing the discrimination and segregation of transgenders not being accepted as their identity.
There is no right to have one's perception of reality accepted by all as their reality. Transgenders have never been segregated. They have not been discriminated any more than anyone who claims to be the Queen of Sheba, or God. We don't provide public litterboxes for those who believe themselves to be cats.

They aren't delusional or psychotic, so the comparison sucks.

Maybe not psychotic, but definitely delusional. To focus on your genitals and your gender to such an extent is a sign of a mental illness.

It's not the genitals, it's the whole package of their identity including being treated as that sex. Some can't afford the SRS but they change what they can. It is a process not walk-in and walk-out totally a new sex.

The focus is on the identity, not the genitals
The government really has no right to even address the toileting of individuals nor assign the level of privacy that the government thinks the people deserve.

These kinds of kingly decrees have to be slapped down, hard.

It is addressing the discrimination and segregation of transgenders not being accepted as their identity.
There is no right to have one's perception of reality accepted by all as their reality. Transgenders have never been segregated. They have not been discriminated any more than anyone who claims to be the Queen of Sheba, or God. We don't provide public litterboxes for those who believe themselves to be cats.

They aren't delusional or psychotic, so the comparison sucks.

Maybe not psychotic, but definitely delusional. To focus on your genitals and your gender to such an extent is a sign of a mental illness.

It's not the genitals, it's the whole package of their identity including being treated as that sex. Some can't afford the SRS but they change what they can. It is a process not walk-in and walk-out totally a new sex.

The focus is on the identity, not the genitals

Not it isn't, obviously. The surgeries and hormones are all about your "gender." Plenty of girls are "tomboys." This seems to be a much deeper and serious problem.
The government really has no right to even address the toileting of individuals nor assign the level of privacy that the government thinks the people deserve.

These kinds of kingly decrees have to be slapped down, hard.

It is addressing the discrimination and segregation of transgenders not being accepted as their identity.
There is no right to have one's perception of reality accepted by all as their reality. Transgenders have never been segregated. They have not been discriminated any more than anyone who claims to be the Queen of Sheba, or God. We don't provide public litterboxes for those who believe themselves to be cats.

They aren't delusional or psychotic, so the comparison sucks.

Maybe not psychotic, but definitely delusional. To focus on your genitals and your gender to such an extent is a sign of a mental illness.

It's not the genitals, it's the whole package of their identity including being treated as that sex. Some can't afford the SRS but they change what they can. It is a process not walk-in and walk-out totally a new sex.

The focus is on the identity, not the genitals

To say, I can't find happiness in this life unless I am a "girl" or a "boy"? How about focusing on being a good person or helping others?
whites balked at treating blacks as equals for awhile. Now most people don't consider anything else.
Those who don't understand object to transgender, but they are basically women mentally, but born with a third leg that they want removed if they have the money and accept the surgical risks. Why would a woman be a danger to other women in the bathroom? Walk into a stall, close the door, do you "job", come out and wash hands, then leave. What is the big deal? Transgender is a woman in a woman' bathroom, vs.

Do you jump at shadows as well? Stop watching horror movies if you are so afraid of everything..........or lock yourself in your room and stop trying to infringe on the rights of others.

If you don't understand transgender get an education from a transgender support group. Go to transgender sights and get information. Stop making up wild and erroneous assumptions and worry about the real threats out there.
. This has nothing to do with civil rights concerning blacks in America, but that is the old stand by when nothing else works right ?... Just pull that race card everytime right ? Do you realize that a majority of blacks are against what is being proposed here ? I ask a stone cold black Obama supporter what he thought about the restroom situation or issue going on now, and he said he isn't for it at all, and that he can't support such non-sense as that.

Discrimination of any kind, even sexual is discrimination.

................and its wrong

That's absurd
. I know right... So if a person makes a sexual advance, and a person refuses that advance, does it mean now that a person is being discriminating towards the person who is making the advance ? Can the person under Aris2chat's ideology or perception of discrimination, protect all sorts of bad based upon her broad brushing of what discrimination in her mind should stand for ? Is this what a liberal thinks or how their mind works you think ? If so then you are spot on with your word obsurd used in your comment. Thanks.

As far as I can tell, there is no right "to make a sexual advance" period. Why would allowing transgender people to use the appropriate bathroom change that?
. What part of the risk factor involved do you all not understand ? Trannies were using the restrooms with no issues as you all say in the past, but then the government wants to stick it's ignorant nose into something that wasn't broken as you all say it wasn't, and now it's created a situation that puts the predators to thinking hey I got an idea. Next thing you know there are peds and preds trying to pose as what ever the government deems worthy of it's protections and law in order to infiltrate the situation, and so next your child is having to deal with a perpetrator posing as a trannie in which the government can't protect them from. No one is willing to accommodate the government telling us what to do, if the risk factors are far to great. Further more, do you think that because a person is a trannie, that they can't be bad people also? Trying to inject something into something that wasn't broken in and around the restrooms, is going to cause a dis-trust of the public, and a huge blow back. The people see it all as an agenda being pushed, and it will fail.
. This has nothing to do with civil rights concerning blacks in America, but that is the old stand by when nothing else works right ?... Just pull that race card everytime right ? Do you realize that a majority of blacks are against what is being proposed here ? I ask a stone cold black Obama supporter what he thought about the restroom situation or issue going on now, and he said he isn't for it at all, and that he can't support such non-sense as that.

Discrimination of any kind, even sexual is discrimination.

................and its wrong

That's absurd
. I know right... So if a person makes a sexual advance, and a person refuses that advance, does it mean now that a person is being discriminating towards the person who is making the advance ? Can the person under Aris2chat's ideology or perception of discrimination, protect all sorts of bad based upon her broad brushing of what discrimination in her mind should stand for ? Is this what a liberal thinks or how their mind works you think ? If so then you are spot on with your word obsurd used in your comment. Thanks.

As far as I can tell, there is no right "to make a sexual advance" period. Why would allowing transgender people to use the appropriate bathroom change that?
. What part of the risk factor involved do you all not understand ? Trannies were using the restrooms with no issues as you all say in the past, but then the government wants to stick it's ignorant nose into something that wasn't broken as you all say it wasn't, and now it's created a situation that puts the predators to thinking hey I got an idea. Next thing you know there are peds and preds trying to pose as what ever the government deems worthy of it's protections and law in order to infiltrate the situation, and so next your child is having to deal with a perpetrator posing as a trannie in which the government can't protect them from. No one is willing to accommodate the government telling us what to do, if the risk factors are far to great. Further more, do you think that because a person is a trannie, that they can't be bad people also? Trying to inject something into something that wasn't broken in and around the restrooms, is going to cause a dis-trust of the public, and a huge blow back. The people see it all as an agenda being pushed, and it will fail.
. This has nothing to do with civil rights concerning blacks in America, but that is the old stand by when nothing else works right ?... Just pull that race card everytime right ? Do you realize that a majority of blacks are against what is being proposed here ? I ask a stone cold black Obama supporter what he thought about the restroom situation or issue going on now, and he said he isn't for it at all, and that he can't support such non-sense as that.

Discrimination of any kind, even sexual is discrimination.

................and its wrong

That's absurd
. I know right... So if a person makes a sexual advance, and a person refuses that advance, does it mean now that a person is being discriminating towards the person who is making the advance ? Can the person under Aris2chat's ideology or perception of discrimination, protect all sorts of bad based upon her broad brushing of what discrimination in her mind should stand for ? Is this what a liberal thinks or how their mind works you think ? If so then you are spot on with your word obsurd used in your comment. Thanks.

As far as I can tell, there is no right "to make a sexual advance" period. Why would allowing transgender people to use the appropriate bathroom change that?
. What part of the risk factor involved do you all not understand ? Trannies were using the restrooms with no issues as you all say in the past, but then the government wants to stick it's ignorant nose into something that wasn't broken as you all say it wasn't, and now it's created a situation that puts the predators to thinking hey I got an idea. Next thing you know there are peds and preds trying to pose as what ever the government deems worthy of it's protections and law in order to infiltrate the situation, and so next your child is having to deal with a perpetrator posing as a trannie in which the government can't protect them from. No one is willing to accommodate the government telling us what to do, if the risk factors are far to great. Further more, do you think that because a person is a trannie, that they can't be bad people also? Trying to inject something into something that wasn't broken in and around the restrooms, is going to cause a dis-trust of the public, and a huge blow back. The people see it all as an agenda being pushed, and it will fail.

Does anyone thing that because people post here and use avatars "that they can't be bad people"

Anyone shopping, walking down the street, sitting on a bus, working in a factory.........

Stop trying to defame all transsexuals for the acts of heteros or a small portion of LGBT in risky areas.

They want to be normal people and treated as their identity. Keeping them on the fringes of society and reviled by some groups and bullied is what drives them to drugs, risky behavior and self abuse.

They are just people equal to everyone else with the same rights. Quit trying to shove them into jail or into the gutter for being themselves.
Discrimination of any kind, even sexual is discrimination.

................and its wrong

That's absurd
. I know right... So if a person makes a sexual advance, and a person refuses that advance, does it mean now that a person is being discriminating towards the person who is making the advance ? Can the person under Aris2chat's ideology or perception of discrimination, protect all sorts of bad based upon her broad brushing of what discrimination in her mind should stand for ? Is this what a liberal thinks or how their mind works you think ? If so then you are spot on with your word obsurd used in your comment. Thanks.

As far as I can tell, there is no right "to make a sexual advance" period. Why would allowing transgender people to use the appropriate bathroom change that?
. What part of the risk factor involved do you all not understand ? Trannies were using the restrooms with no issues as you all say in the past, but then the government wants to stick it's ignorant nose into something that wasn't broken as you all say it wasn't, and now it's created a situation that puts the predators to thinking hey I got an idea. Next thing you know there are peds and preds trying to pose as what ever the government deems worthy of it's protections and law in order to infiltrate the situation, and so next your child is having to deal with a perpetrator posing as a trannie in which the government can't protect them from. No one is willing to accommodate the government telling us what to do, if the risk factors are far to great. Further more, do you think that because a person is a trannie, that they can't be bad people also? Trying to inject something into something that wasn't broken in and around the restrooms, is going to cause a dis-trust of the public, and a huge blow back. The people see it all as an agenda being pushed, and it will fail.

Does anyone thing that because people post here and use avatars "that they can't be bad people"

Anyone shopping, walking down the street, sitting on a bus, working in a factory.........

Stop trying to defame all transsexuals for the acts of heteros or a small portion of LGBT in risky areas.

They want to be normal people and treated as their identity. Keeping them on the fringes of society and reviled by some groups and bullied is what drives them to drugs, risky behavior and self abuse.

They are just people equal to everyone else with the same rights. Quit trying to shove them into jail or into the gutter for being themselves.

They aren't going to be by getting surgery and taking hormones! What don't you get about that? They are NOT women if they have an XY chromosome. They are not MEN if they have an XX chromosome. You are what you are, and if you cannot deal with what you are and be happy with that, then you need to have therapy!
Slicing up a perfectly healthy body in the name of a delusion is .. . . delusional! It's PC gone insane!! Stop with the insanity already!
Why Transgender Americans Are Being Murdered

Transgender people are four times more likely than the general population to report living in extreme poverty, making less than $10,000 per year, a standing that sometimes pushes them to enter the dangerous trade of sex work. Nearly 80% of transgender people report experiencing harassment at school when they were young. As adults, some report being physically assaulted trains and buses, in retail stores and restaurants. Greater awareness has not yet translated into broad acceptance, says Kris Hayashi, executive director of the Transgender Law Center: “The majority of society does not understand who transgender people are in ways that lead to the violence and the murder and the harassment that we’re seeing.”
. So they (the transgenders) shouldn't have to check themselves, but we do right ? What if they are wrong about what they do, and we are right about wanting to keep separate from what they do ? Ever think about that one ? Should the majority accept something they might see as wrong or be forced by government to accept something that the majority of people see as wrong and want to remain separated from ? Who told the government it is right on these issues ? What maybe a few verses hundreds of thousands or maybe even millions ? Now the black/white issue of the past is far different, so don't even go there.
Why Transgender Americans Are Being Murdered

Transgender people are four times more likely than the general population to report living in extreme poverty, making less than $10,000 per year, a standing that sometimes pushes them to enter the dangerous trade of sex work. Nearly 80% of transgender people report experiencing harassment at school when they were young. As adults, some report being physically assaulted trains and buses, in retail stores and restaurants. Greater awareness has not yet translated into broad acceptance, says Kris Hayashi, executive director of the Transgender Law Center: “The majority of society does not understand who transgender people are in ways that lead to the violence and the murder and the harassment that we’re seeing.”
. So they (the transgenders) shouldn't have to check themselves, but we do right ? What if they are wrong about what they do, and we are right about wanting to keep separate from what they do ? Ever think about that one ? Should the majority accept something they might see as wrong or be forced by government to accept something that the majority of people see as wrong and want to remain separated from ? Who told the government it is right on these issues ? What maybe a few verses hundreds of thousands or maybe even millions ?

While I don't agree with the transgender agenda, I would never advocate harming them in any way. I don't have any problem with them personally. I just think that the whole agenda is bullshit, and I'm not buying into it.
Why Transgender Americans Are Being Murdered

Transgender people are four times more likely than the general population to report living in extreme poverty, making less than $10,000 per year, a standing that sometimes pushes them to enter the dangerous trade of sex work. Nearly 80% of transgender people report experiencing harassment at school when they were young. As adults, some report being physically assaulted trains and buses, in retail stores and restaurants. Greater awareness has not yet translated into broad acceptance, says Kris Hayashi, executive director of the Transgender Law Center: “The majority of society does not understand who transgender people are in ways that lead to the violence and the murder and the harassment that we’re seeing.”
. So they (the transgenders) shouldn't have to check themselves, but we do right ? What if they are wrong about what they do, and we are right about wanting to keep separate from what they do ? Ever think about that one ? Should the majority accept something they might see as wrong or be forced by government to accept something that the majority of people see as wrong and want to remain separated from ? Who told the government it is right on these issues ? What maybe a few verses hundreds of thousands or maybe even millions ?

Separating or ignoring them is one thing, but I'm not sure of your question since my post was about them being assaulted. ???
Discrimination of any kind, even sexual is discrimination.

................and its wrong

That's absurd
. I know right... So if a person makes a sexual advance, and a person refuses that advance, does it mean now that a person is being discriminating towards the person who is making the advance ? Can the person under Aris2chat's ideology or perception of discrimination, protect all sorts of bad based upon her broad brushing of what discrimination in her mind should stand for ? Is this what a liberal thinks or how their mind works you think ? If so then you are spot on with your word obsurd used in your comment. Thanks.

As far as I can tell, there is no right "to make a sexual advance" period. Why would allowing transgender people to use the appropriate bathroom change that?
. What part of the risk factor involved do you all not understand ? Trannies were using the restrooms with no issues as you all say in the past, but then the government wants to stick it's ignorant nose into something that wasn't broken as you all say it wasn't, and now it's created a situation that puts the predators to thinking hey I got an idea. Next thing you know there are peds and preds trying to pose as what ever the government deems worthy of it's protections and law in order to infiltrate the situation, and so next your child is having to deal with a perpetrator posing as a trannie in which the government can't protect them from. No one is willing to accommodate the government telling us what to do, if the risk factors are far to great. Further more, do you think that because a person is a trannie, that they can't be bad people also? Trying to inject something into something that wasn't broken in and around the restrooms, is going to cause a dis-trust of the public, and a huge blow back. The people see it all as an agenda being pushed, and it will fail.

Does anyone thing that because people post here and use avatars "that they can't be bad people"

Anyone shopping, walking down the street, sitting on a bus, working in a factory.........

Stop trying to defame all transsexuals for the acts of heteros or a small portion of LGBT in risky areas.

They want to be normal people and treated as their identity. Keeping them on the fringes of society and reviled by some groups and bullied is what drives them to drugs, risky behavior and self abuse.

They are just people equal to everyone else with the same rights. Quit trying to shove them into jail or into the gutter for being themselves.
. And there is the agenda folks.... You see, we are talking about something specific that involves children or others who value their up bringings, their religious beliefs, their secular beliefs, their born with instincts, and their privacy when it comes to using a restroom peacefully, secure and safely. You are trying to move the goal post when a post is written in which your wiggle room is greatly diminished.
They aren't delusional or psychotic, so the comparison sucks.

By definition, one who believes something that is, as a matter of direct observable and provable fact, false, is delusional. For example, a man who believes he is a woman, in spite of the obvious physical proof that he is a man.

For that matter, someone who denies that a man who thinks he is a woman is delusional, is also probably delusional. The very essence of delusional is the denial of what is obvious and indisputable reality.

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