Transparency = Integrity

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Propaganda has sometimes been classified as "white," "black" or "gray." White propaganda generally comes from an openly identified source and is not intentionally deceptive. Black propaganda pretends to be from a friendly source, but is actually from an adversary and is intended to deceive its audience. Gray propaganda falls somewhere between white and black.

Q. Why are most of the political ads 'black'?
A. Because they work.

Q. Why?
A. Simple. Most Americans are too disinterested, or incapable of engaging in critical thought.
Most Americans are too disinterested, or incapable of engaging in critical thought.

I think lazy might be a more appropriate word than disinterested. There are plenty of interested--or at least moderately attentive--people who just don't bother to make the effort to collect information.
Unfortunately collecting information isn't enough. Having a knowledge base to weigh it against is necessary. That can't be done by reading Wiki for 2 minutes.

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