Trapped in Hitler's Hell

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is such an amazing testimony this precious woman, Anita Dittman, has given the world about her experience surviving Hitler's Hell! She wrote a book about her experience and this is an interview with her that I know you will be absolutely amazed by!

Here is the description that was posted for the video :

Published on Jun 2, 2014

Anita Dittman was just a little girl when the winds of Hitler and Nazism began to blow through Germany. By the time she was twelve, the war had begun. Abandoned by her father when he realized the price of being associated with a Jewish wife and family, Anita and her mother were ultimately left to fend for themselves. Anita's teenage years are spent desperately fighting for survival yet learning to trust in the One she discovered would not leave her ...

This book was made into a video too! Both are available now. She is a precious woman and her testimony is magnificent. I'll have to find a you tube video so that the readers can see her!

This one gives a good part of her testimony - excellent interview with Anita Dittman - she makes clear that Markell wrote the book and she is the subject. She gives the credit to Markell for writing the book.

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This is an excellent video on the making of the book and includes Jan Markell and Anita Dittman. Excellent documentary on the holocaust which includes in the beginning anti-semites who denied the holocaust in order to cause more harm to the Jewish people.

Just another jewish nut case that Jeremiah worships like a god. ... :cuckoo:

"Now Anita Dittman is reliving the worst nightmare of her life in watching Barack Obama. She sees the very same traits and characteristics in Obama that she saw in Hitler. She sees Obama almost as a Hitler incarnate and that scares her to the point of nightmares. She feels compelled to warn the American people, but sadly, most will never hear her story or what she has to say. The liberal mainstream media will protect Obama at all costs and help him lead his people into the bondage of a maniacal dictator."

Holocaust Survivor Says Obama s America identical To Hitler s Germany - The Last Resistance
Obama scares ME to the point of nightmares.
Where's my book deal? :dunno:

Anita Dittman had a Jewish mother and Jewish sister and a Gentile father who couldn't handle the pressure of being connected to them due to Hitler. So he abandoned them. Her story is one of the most powerful testimonies I have ever heard from a survivor. When you live through what she lived through and with an intact personality that clearly exudes the joy of the LORD? Without a trace of bitterness or un- forgiveness? You'll have your book deal, Mr. H..
Oh goodie!!.........another Holocaust fantasy story. .. :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:

Here Sunni Man:
Maybe Peter Loth is more deserving of your respect
Welcome to

This man did not want to forgive the abuses that happened to him during and afterwards,
even after coming to America and suffering racial discrimination and persecution.

He admits he struggled to forgive, but that is what set him free.
So he brings this message of healing and forgiveness to others.
If he can fight himself to overcome the painful past and receiving healing, anyone can overcome.

"My name is Peter Loth and I am a Holocaust Survivor. Born in Stutthof concentration camp, I suffered extreme abuse and humiliation. As an adult, I came to know Yeshua as my savior and found that, with Him, I could forgive those who had hurt me. In forgiving, I immediately received peace, joy, and healing of my body, mind, and spirit. I have been called to share my testimony and share God's love, forgiveness, and healing with all who will have ears to hear.



Despite living through physical and emotional abuse, Peter shares how we can only be set free from the pain if we choose to forgive.


We are healed when the chains that bind us to our past hurts are severed~ with God's love and forgiveness.

Sunni Man since Charity is one of the Pillars of Islam.
Maybe you can understand that Forgiveness is the greatest act of Charity of all.
When we share the gift of Forgiveness the blessings are multiplied
by the Merciful Abundance of the One God.

The more we Forgive the more we Receive
and by the teachings of Mohammad true
believers are to receive and respect
ALL sent by God, and Forgiveness is the most Divine gift of All.

Should we not receive and share this Gift which can only come from God

It isn't a fake. It is a true story and she survived approximately 12 years of Hitlers hell. So there is nothing fake about it. Apology accepted. Goodnight.
Sunni, it's a little too soon for you to be spreading your 'Holocaust never happened' propaganda. There are survivors still alive to refute your anti-Semitic agenda.

Sunni thing is safe...

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

Then they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
I did not speak out;
I was not a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out for me.
Pastor Martin Niemöller

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