Trapped in Hitler's Hell

I am not concerned about shocking anyone. I was honestly speaking my mind.

It is as if people assume that it is impossible for another to admire and respect Adolf Hitler.
I am not concerned about shocking anyone. I was honestly speaking my mind.

It is as if people assume that it is impossible for another to admire and respect Adolf Hitler.

So you admire Auschwitz? Seems a way of getting a Christian god to condemn you. Why unless u just want replies here?
I am not concerned about shocking anyone. I was honestly speaking my mind.

It is as if people assume that it is impossible for another to admire and respect Adolf Hitler.

So you admire Auschwitz? Seems a way of getting a Christian god to condemn you. Why unless u just want replies here?

Must we bring the Master of Creation into this?

Must we bring into this, the Master of Destruction?

I continue to worship God... outside of religion.

It is possible you know. One needn't conform to to the indoctrination and spiritual slavery of Christianity in order to choose to worship "God".

Admiring and respecting Hitler does not contradict my loyalty to God/ YHWH/ Allah/ Adonai. I even admire and respect the Devil, yet that does not contradict my loyalty to YHWH.

Sunni, it's a little too soon for you to be spreading your 'Holocaust never happened' propaganda. There are survivors still alive to refute your anti-Semitic agenda.

I wish I could find this woman's testimony about her foot being treated by a Nazi nurse who cut deep holes into her foot - did great damage to it and then wrapped it in a bandage that caused the foot to be greatly infected - the Russians were coming through and came into the place where Jews were but also the Nazis - this woman Anita Dittsman was a young girl at the time - the Russians came in and threw her on a mattress - in front of men, women and children and removed her clothes planning to rape her. They demanded the bandage be removed from her foot wanting to see what that was about - when the bandage was removed there was so much poisonous infection in the foot it shot out of her foot all over the room - she said - the Russians were so grossed out they changed their mind and did not touch her! Incredible turn of events - some time later- she sees this woman weeping in a corner who is great distress and torment - the woman was raped repeatedly by the Russian soldiers - upon drawing closer to her she sees this is the Nazi nurse who harmed her foot! Then Anita prays forgive me LORD of my unforgiveness for this woman - remove it please so I can have compassion on her and comfort her otherwise I cannot - oh then God moved mightily and the young girl comforts the nazi nurse that is sobbing in a corner - then the nazi nurse recognizes this young Christian Jewish girl and says how can you care about me? I am the one who did that to your foot! The girl says, I know but I forgive you. Wow! What a moment! Talk about the strength and power of Jesus Christ versus the weakness of Satan! He surely lost his grip on that Nazi woman that day! What a victory for heaven! I love that testimony!
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I am not concerned about shocking anyone. I was honestly speaking my mind.

It is as if people assume that it is impossible for another to admire and respect Adolf Hitler.

So you admire Auschwitz? Seems a way of getting a Christian god to condemn you. Why unless u just want replies here?

No one admires Auschwitz. The Christian God is the One True God. Jesus Christ is God, Toronado. The Jewish woman in this video accepted Jesus as her Messiah and He is the One who saved her life! Repeatedly. It's a wonderful testimony about the Lord Jesus Christ!
Sunni, it's a little too soon for you to be spreading your 'Holocaust never happened' propaganda. There are survivors still alive to refute your anti-Semitic agenda.

There will always be survivors because the families of these people are also survivors in that the family name goes on - the story will live on - it will never be forgotten. That is why the stories continue to be told - because it will never be forgotten. EVER.
Yes I read those Russians were worst than the Germans and many in the camps followed the Germans and thus got burnt in the Berlin fire, that the US caused by
You heard right, Penelope. The Russians are the most vile offenders in war, raping women and children - no conscience - as many of them (being Communists) have no fear of God - they are godless souls who do not realize such merciless cruelty will guarantee them hell. Pray for the Russians. Especially Putin. If there's a hotter place in hell? He'll be there.
Interesting story - there was a history channel documentary some time ago - perhaps a year or two ago which depicted the Russian soldiers as ones who did not rape or harm women or children - it was a doc on WWII - you could tell by the people they selected to recount the stories they were full on liars. I knew immediately they were trying to revise history and put a much softer version on the Russians. Why? Probably because when the Russians invade America they want the America people to be in total disbelief of how viciously they attack - ditto for the Chinese soldiers - some who are living here among us now.

I have a story for you - I was in my car this past year sitting at a red light - a four way intersection with Walmart on the corner - there was a very slender Chinese man dressed in nylon shorts and nylon shirt - running shorts - and shirt - pushing a baby carriage that was completely zipped up. In the spirit I knew immediately he was training for something and there wasn't a baby inside the carriage but weights. As I watched him sprint across the highway pushing the carriage I noticed that he was barefooted. I carefully examined everything about him as he went on his way - and asked the LORD what he was doing. The LORD told me he is training for the invasion of the United States of America.

So I had errands to run, Penelope. I was busy for awhile. I do not remember how long but I decided to take the back way home and many, many miles away as I was headed towards my home - I drive right up on this same chinese man - still running in his bare feet - still running pushing the carriage with weights inside - in front of him. There is another Chinese woman - who owns a Chinese restaurant in my city - she is a communist and the workers in her kitchen are like him - waiting for the invasion - you see the Chinese think they have hidden this from the Americans and in part - yes, they have - but this is not hidden from the servants of the LORD - we are watching what is going on and we can see what is coming. It is going to be a very bitter time for America. Very bitter. If you do not know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you should call upon His name now and be saved - it is simply a surrender of your will - read Romans 10: 9,10 and do what it says - that is really 9/10's of the matter to encountering Christ - and just completely surrender your will to the LORD and commit yourself to do His will. Not your own.

What if you sin? If you sin, repent quickly and the LORD will be faithful to forgive you. Be sincere with God. God will see your heart and He will teach you each day how to be more and more surrendered to Him and as you obey the LORD he will bless you.
To be honest

I have yet to see anything that Putin has done for me to consider him a sinner according to Christianity.

Homophobic?--not a sin!
Make war for the benefit of Russians?--not a sin!
Cold, ruthless and calculating demeanor?--not a sin!!
Oppresses certain segments of his population that he considers seditious?--again, not a sin!!

So please tell me, what "sins" will send Putin to hell?

Look, I am not fond of him, but I don't see how he is condemned according to Christianity. Can someone enlighten me?

Maybe there is some jealousy here? Like a "Putin is strong like vodka/Obama is weak like Virgin Margarita"-type of jealousy?

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