Trayvon Martin Day cancelled at Pittsburgh high school


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
They had planned to all wear hoodies.

Trayvon Martin Day Cancelled At High School After Parents Complain

There is something so completely beautiful about the idealism of kids and how when they try to do something positive they put their entire hearts and souls into it. Unfortunately for one Pittsburgh high school, adults turned the equation into something ugly. So the kids were no longer able to have an awesome tribute to Trayvon Martin’s memory for their homecoming festivities. Instead they switched to something less meaningful.

We just have this to say to those kids who tried to do something so heartfelt and wonderful on behalf of Trayvon…you are amazing kids with great hearts and we are impressed! Salute!

Trayvon Martin Day Cancelled At High School After Parents Complain | The Urban Daily
Saint Trayvon...... the patron saint of gang bangers wearing hoodies

If they teach children to honor street thugs, they will keep doing it. The line between right and wrong will be increasingly blurred. In a better world, trayvon martin would have been buried in an unmarked grave, to be forgotten. Today, we celebrate thugs and make heroes of them which leads to more of them. It's these same kinds of teachings that lead young people to make a hero of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

It should be an object lesson. If you attack a stranger on the street, you have no way of knowing whether that person is armed. Don't attack strangers on the street. You may not be able to beat them to death, even if you are black.
They had planned to all wear hoodies.

Trayvon Martin Day Cancelled At High School After Parents Complain

There is something so completely beautiful about the idealism of kids and how when they try to do something positive they put their entire hearts and souls into it. Unfortunately for one Pittsburgh high school, adults turned the equation into something ugly. So the kids were no longer able to have an awesome tribute to Trayvon Martin’s memory for their homecoming festivities. Instead they switched to something less meaningful.

We just have this to say to those kids who tried to do something so heartfelt and wonderful on behalf of Trayvon…you are amazing kids with great hearts and we are impressed! Salute!

Trayvon Martin Day Cancelled At High School After Parents Complain | The Urban Daily

Why not change the day to Polar Bear Hunting day. Blacks can walk up to any white 9or hispanic) and beat the shit out of him/her with immunity. Oh wait they already have that in Chicago!
Martin was from Florida. Why in the world would Pittsburgh want to have a day remembering his life? According to FBI statistics there are around 8,000 Black men murdered every year. Pittsburgh kids would be doing nothing else but "remembering" if they gave everybody equal time.

Those kids know that Trayvon was not a thug, not a punk, but an ordinary American high school kid just like them. His murderer getting off scott free has put a target on all their backs: any kid who is black, wearing a hoodie, and out for a walk is now a target for any nut with a gun. These kids know far more than anyone else what is going on.

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