Treated Like Trash. South East Asia vows to return mountains of rubbish to the West.


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
The Western Nations have been using South East Asia as the dumping ground for waste for Decades. China stopped accepting plastic in 2017. South East Asia has had enough. And now we have a problem of where to send our trash.

Treated like trash: south-east Asia vows to return mountains of rubbish from west

Region begins pushback against deluge of plastic and electronic waste from UK, US and Australia

For the past year, the waste of the world has been gathering on the shores of south-east Asia. Crates of unwanted rubbish from the west have accumulated in the ports of the Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam while vast toxic wastelands of plastics imported from Europe and the US have built up across Malaysia.

But not for much longer it seems. A pushback is beginning, as nations across south-east Asia vow to send the garbage back to where it came from.

Last week the president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, threatened to sever diplomatic ties with Canada if the government did not agree to take back 69 containers containing 1,500 tonnes of waste that had been exported to the Philippines in 2013 and 2014.

Canada had refused to even acknowledge the issue for years but as the dispute escalated, Duterte declared that if the government did not act quickly, the Philippines would tow the rubbish to Canadian waters and dump it there.

“The Philippines as an independent sovereign nation must not be treated as trash by a foreign nation,” said presidential spokesman Salvador Panelo.

The rhetoric was symptomatic of a wider regional pushback that began last year when Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam all introduced legislation to prevent contaminated foreign waste coming into their ports.

On 23 April a Malaysian government investigation revealed that waste from the UK, Australia, United States and Germany was pouring into the country illegally, falsely declared as other imports.

Enough was enough, said Yeo Bee Yin, the environment minister. “Malaysia will not be the dumping ground of the world. We will send back [the waste] to the original countries.”
China's Polluted Rivers Yield

Liu Yuzhi lives in the rural hamlet of Huangmengying, in eastern China's Henan province, on the Huai river — one of China's most polluted. Huangmengying is one of the 459 "cancer villages" in the country. "Since 1992, more than 140 out of 2,800 people in this region died of cancer," says Huo Daishan, an ecologist trying to raise awareness about this issue. "This street is called the 'cancer alley' because each house holds at least one victim."

In China, about 190 million people drink contaminated water.

Victims of Huangmengying fall ill because of the river's pollution. "The water they are drinking comes from the well filled by this river. They're eating fish caught in this same river and the vegetables are irrigated by the same water," he says. In China, almost 60% of underground water, 30% of rivers and 19% of cultivated soil are so polluted that they are deemed dangerous to humans. One out of seven people in China, or about 190 million people, drink contaminated water. The soil contains chemicals like mercury, lead and arsenic.

Huai is not the only contaminated river. The Yellow River, Yangtze and the Pearl River are among the most polluted rivers in China. Their banks hold factories of paper, leather, paint and pesticides. "These factories usually throw away their waste in the river," says Huo Daishan. It's not unusual for a putrid layer of moss to cover the Huai river and for the water body to turn red or black. A couple of years ago, six peasants died after using polluted water to irrigate their crops.
these countries apparently have no EPA counterpart....~S~
They are literally destroying themselves for quick money. That attitude has led them to an Environmental disaster of EPIC proportions. The Human misery associated with this MADNESS is now legendary.

An now we have a problem.............What to do with all our trash......Only about 8% of the rubbish is recycled........the rest of it is destroying the Far East. Yet the talking heads here go .......Safe the they send it over there to destroy the planet.
.What to do with all our trash

are we talking industrial trash?

No..........the average joe trash......and the recycle joke trash with the talking heads YELLING RECYCLE......then they send it to China and the Far East..........and go WE ARE GREAT......
And the industrial trash as circuit boards and such.....and eventually solar panel waste in the hundreds of millions of tons.

India and China can't handle more......they've already destroyed themselves..........Even as China is spending almost a Trillion in the next Decade to try and fix it.
How is this all being done illegally escapes me Eagle....~S~
Sarcasm noted..........the world only cares about making a buck.........As 100's of millions are being poisoned from it.

Then the talking heads say we saving the planet...........LOL.....bunch of BS from the globalist..........The Far East is going through the Industrial revolution on Steroids.........It's not just the Far is Africa where the people are being used as Cannon Fodder.

Google it.......and read for yourself.
Pretty sure we can find a hole to throw it in.

I'm not sure if that picture could hold the dead need a few more pictures......Not enough space there to hold the dead from the Far East there.

Guess it's a form of Population Control
123 views of this thread...........and only a couple posting in it.

Imagine that.............

these countries apparently have no EPA counterpart....~S~
They are literally destroying themselves for quick money. That attitude has led them to an Environmental disaster of EPIC proportions. The Human misery associated with this MADNESS is now legendary.

An now we have a problem.............What to do with all our trash......Only about 8% of the rubbish is recycled........the rest of it is destroying the Far East. Yet the talking heads here go .......Safe the they send it over there to destroy the planet.
Liberals need to go after the Chinese for their pollution that is 100 times worse than ours.....The air they belch out is horrendous. Add India
But libs say that WE in the US are the problem....laughable......They'd listen to
these countries apparently have no EPA counterpart....~S~
They are literally destroying themselves for quick money. That attitude has led them to an Environmental disaster of EPIC proportions. The Human misery associated with this MADNESS is now legendary.

An now we have a problem.............What to do with all our trash......Only about 8% of the rubbish is recycled........the rest of it is destroying the Far East. Yet the talking heads here go .......Safe the they send it over there to destroy the planet.
Liberals need to go after the Chinese for their pollution that is 100 times worse than ours.....The air they belch out is horrendous. Add India
But libs say that WE in the US are the problem....laughable......They'd listen to
Which is why I've been pointing out the exportation of the pollution to the Far East............and the consequences of it. The mining of Rare Earth Metals is part of the equation......and it has toxic effects as a result......

But over here they go..........LOOK AT THIS CLEAN ENERGY.

Just exposing the DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS and the nightmare that is now coming.

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