Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Watch: Palestinian mothers in Gaza dress their toddlers in Hamas uniforms, hoping they will grow up to kill Jews for Jihad (Islam's holy war). This interview was filmed during a rally in support of female Hamas politician Maryam Mohammad. She became popular in Gaza after she was filmed celebrating with her 3 armed sons their last moments before blowing themselves up in suicide attacks against Jews in Israel. As you can see in the video, she explains that Palestinian Muslims are willing to sacrifice their children for the sake of Allah (God of Islam) while waging jihad against Jews.At the end of the interview she sent a message to all Jews in Israel, urging them to hand over all of Israel's lands to the Palestinians and flee before they will be blown up into pieces by Palestinian suicide bombers.

Link to the video:
Just like the surveys, most are pro the jihadofascist butchers.

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