Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate

Trey Starkey Gowdy fooled a lot of us.
"Conservatives" are easily fooled. Just like sheep and lemmings.

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Republicans who "fooled" CrusaderFrank:

George Bush
Jim Comey
Trey Gowdy
Sarah Palin
John McCain
Mitt Romney
Paul Ryan
Mitch McConnell
Chris Christie
Jeb Bush
Ben Carson
Carly Fiorini
Marco Rubio
Rand Paul
Rick Perry

Maybe CrusaderFrank is just a fool.

I'm not saying Frank is dumb as a rock....but his middle name is Granite.....:04:
Trey Starkey Gowdy fooled a lot of us.
"Conservatives" are easily fooled. Just like sheep and lemmings.

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Republicans who "fooled" CrusaderFrank:

George Bush
Jim Comey
Trey Gowdy
Sarah Palin
John McCain
Mitt Romney
Paul Ryan
Mitch McConnell
Chris Christie
Jeb Bush
Ben Carson
Carly Fiorini
Marco Rubio
Rand Paul
Rick Perry

Maybe CrusaderFrank is just a fool.

At least I'm not a cheap sock stuck in the dryer until Jake or Bodecca decide to use me again
Your senility is almost complete, old man. You knew me from the mid-2000s on hannity’s Forum, back when you were sucking Liability’s dick on a daily basis.
CrusaderFrank, right now: "hmmm....yeah, he’s right....I was sucking Liability’s dick on a daily basis back then..."
Trey Gowdy is a smart man and unquestionably a Republican in my opinion.

Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said on Tuesday that the FBI’s use of an informant for the Trump campaign in 2016 was appropriate, joining top Democrats in disputing President Donald Trump’s characterization of the informant as a spy.
he just confirmed a spy was there. so? I'd say thank you for the verification.
Informant; not spy. You’re welcome

Informant implies insider knowledge. Spy implies gathering information from the outside.

The guy was not part of the campaign. He was trying to gather information about the campaign. Spy seems more appropriate.
Trey Starkey Gowdy fooled a lot of us.
"Conservatives" are easily fooled. Just like sheep and lemmings.

Did you get Stats approval to change your avatar?
Republicans who "fooled" CrusaderFrank:

George Bush
Jim Comey
Trey Gowdy
Sarah Palin
John McCain
Mitt Romney
Paul Ryan
Mitch McConnell
Chris Christie
Jeb Bush
Ben Carson
Carly Fiorini
Marco Rubio
Rand Paul
Rick Perry

Maybe CrusaderFrank is just a fool.

At least I'm not a cheap sock stuck in the dryer until Jake or Bodecca decide to use me again
Your senility is almost complete, old man. You knew me from the mid-2000s on hannity’s Forum, back when you were sucking Liability’s dick on a daily basis.

What ever happened to Liability?
Cause they didn't put a spy in the Trump camp.... You this is now just made up shit by Trump, has to keep the base fed....

Honest America can see Trump America for what it is..
Clapper says otherwise...Clapper said the FBI had an informant inside the Trump campaign...was he lying?
No because they didn’t. Look up the definition of what a CIA spy really is and tell me you think that was what happened here... not to mention the little turd nugget that Trump likes to throw in there by saying it was politically motivated by Obama. So dishonest and so transparent and so lame
Lets see....informant vs informant is inside of a campaign and is providing information to the FBI....a spy would be outside of the campaign but still providing information to the FBI....are you really so dumb as to split those hairs? all the FBI had to do to escape this scrutiny was to inform Trump of the informant and ask for his cooperation to not do so meant they were spying on Trump...
Reverse the scenario to Bush and his FBI implanting an informant into the Obama campaign without telling Obama....and be as honest as you can to yourself.....
"Conservatives" are easily fooled. Just like sheep and lemmings.

Did you get Stats approval to change your avatar?
Republicans who "fooled" CrusaderFrank:

George Bush
Jim Comey
Trey Gowdy
Sarah Palin
John McCain
Mitt Romney
Paul Ryan
Mitch McConnell
Chris Christie
Jeb Bush
Ben Carson
Carly Fiorini
Marco Rubio
Rand Paul
Rick Perry

Maybe CrusaderFrank is just a fool.

At least I'm not a cheap sock stuck in the dryer until Jake or Bodecca decide to use me again
Your senility is almost complete, old man. You knew me from the mid-2000s on hannity’s Forum, back when you were sucking Liability’s dick on a daily basis.

What ever happened to Liability?
He came here, was humiliated by making a wager to leave the board and lost, snuck back in under a new identity, then disappeared. Prolly dead. Definitely not missed.
Because telling the idiot Trump that an informant was gathering information on his crooked and corrupt staff,is TANTAMOUNT to warning the Russians that we were onto them.
If that was true then that means they didn't trust that Trump was independent of the Russian interference which means they had reason to spy on Trump himself...but where is that evidence? Don't be stupid by half...they were spying on Trump and everyone knows it.....If they didn't tell Trump the spy was there they were spying on Trump.....period....
Did you get Stats approval to change your avatar?
Republicans who "fooled" CrusaderFrank:

George Bush
Jim Comey
Trey Gowdy
Sarah Palin
John McCain
Mitt Romney
Paul Ryan
Mitch McConnell
Chris Christie
Jeb Bush
Ben Carson
Carly Fiorini
Marco Rubio
Rand Paul
Rick Perry

Maybe CrusaderFrank is just a fool.

At least I'm not a cheap sock stuck in the dryer until Jake or Bodecca decide to use me again
Your senility is almost complete, old man. You knew me from the mid-2000s on hannity’s Forum, back when you were sucking Liability’s dick on a daily basis.

What ever happened to Liability?
He came here, was humiliated by making a wager to leave the board and lost, snuck back in under a new identity, then disappeared. Prolly dead. Definitely not missed.

That sounds like something Bodecca would say
No because they didn’t. Look up the definition of what a CIA spy really is and tell me you think that was what happened here... not to mention the little turd nugget that Trump likes to throw in there by saying it was politically motivated by Obama. So dishonest and so transparent and so lame
Lets see....informant vs informant is inside of a campaign and is providing information to the FBI....a spy would be outside of the campaign but still providing information to the FBI....are you really so dumb as to split those hairs? all the FBI had to do to escape this scrutiny was to inform Trump of the informant and ask for his cooperation to not do so meant they were spying on Trump...
Reverse the scenario to Bush and his FBI implanting an informant into the Obama campaign without telling Obama....and be as honest as you can to yourself.....
A spy is somebody who is trained to infiltrate an organization under a false identity to extract information. That is very different than having somebody ask questions and investigate when they know a crime is in progress. This whole thing is being grossly overblown by Trump, like he does with everything, so he can try and turn the focus on nefarious actions by our intel agencies that simply don’t exists. The fact that Gowdy came out saying that it was completely legit and in no way was spying on Trump, says it all. He was one of the few that saw the actual classified intel and he has no reason to lie... have you seen the intel? No. So why are you putting up such a fight?

Yesterday I asked somebody where the nearest Home Depot was... I guess I found it from some pretty handy spy work. Pat myself on the back! I guess all of our cops and detectives can now call themselves spy’s... this is gonna be fun. Sorry, but y’all are idiots.
No because they didn’t. Look up the definition of what a CIA spy really is and tell me you think that was what happened here... not to mention the little turd nugget that Trump likes to throw in there by saying it was politically motivated by Obama. So dishonest and so transparent and so lame
Lets see....informant vs informant is inside of a campaign and is providing information to the FBI....a spy would be outside of the campaign but still providing information to the FBI....are you really so dumb as to split those hairs? all the FBI had to do to escape this scrutiny was to inform Trump of the informant and ask for his cooperation to not do so meant they were spying on Trump...
Reverse the scenario to Bush and his FBI implanting an informant into the Obama campaign without telling Obama....and be as honest as you can to yourself.....
A spy is somebody who is trained to infiltrate an organization under a false identity to extract information. That is very different than having somebody ask questions and investigate when they know a crime is in progress. This whole thing is being grossly overblown by Trump, like he does with everything, so he can try and turn the focus on nefarious actions by our intel agencies that simply don’t exists. The fact that Gowdy came out saying that it was completely legit and in no way was spying on Trump, says it all. He was one of the few that saw the actual classified intel and he has no reason to lie... have you seen the intel? No. So why are you putting up such a fight?

Yesterday I asked somebody where the nearest Home Depot was... I guess I found it from some pretty handy spy work. Pat myself on the back! I guess all of our cops and detectives can now call themselves spy’s... this is gonna be fun. Sorry, but y’all are idiots.
Spies inform and informants spy....
To Trump...the "informant" was a spy...if Trump was informed of his presence he would have been an informant.....but because he was there without the candidate being notified he was a if's and's or buts....
No because they didn’t. Look up the definition of what a CIA spy really is and tell me you think that was what happened here... not to mention the little turd nugget that Trump likes to throw in there by saying it was politically motivated by Obama. So dishonest and so transparent and so lame
Lets see....informant vs informant is inside of a campaign and is providing information to the FBI....a spy would be outside of the campaign but still providing information to the FBI....are you really so dumb as to split those hairs? all the FBI had to do to escape this scrutiny was to inform Trump of the informant and ask for his cooperation to not do so meant they were spying on Trump...
Reverse the scenario to Bush and his FBI implanting an informant into the Obama campaign without telling Obama....and be as honest as you can to yourself.....
A spy is somebody who is trained to infiltrate an organization under a false identity to extract information. That is very different than having somebody ask questions and investigate when they know a crime is in progress. This whole thing is being grossly overblown by Trump, like he does with everything, so he can try and turn the focus on nefarious actions by our intel agencies that simply don’t exists. The fact that Gowdy came out saying that it was completely legit and in no way was spying on Trump, says it all. He was one of the few that saw the actual classified intel and he has no reason to lie... have you seen the intel? No. So why are you putting up such a fight?

Yesterday I asked somebody where the nearest Home Depot was... I guess I found it from some pretty handy spy work. Pat myself on the back! I guess all of our cops and detectives can now call themselves spy’s... this is gonna be fun. Sorry, but y’all are idiots.
Spies inform and informants spy....
To Trump...the "informant" was a spy...if Trump was informed of his presence he would have been an informant.....but because he was there without the candidate being notified he was a if's and's or buts....
You're splitting hairs. Informant, spy, it doesn't matter with regard to intent really. Trump is suggesting that the intent was to get intel on his campaign for political reasons, and that just doesn't wash.

You righties need to learn when to take a win where you can get them and not defend Trump just to defend Trump. The presence of an informant there in the campaign specifically to monitor/report on Russian involvement in the campaign and still no indictments for actual Russian collusion basically wraps that up. Mueller will run down his indictments pertaining to things that have cursory-at-best ties to the original intent of the investigation and it'll end with a whimper.
You're splitting hairs. Informant, spy, it doesn't matter with regard to intent really. Trump is suggesting that the intent was to get intel on his campaign for political reasons, and that just doesn't wash.

You righties need to learn when to take a win where you can get them and not defend Trump just to defend Trump. The presence of an informant there in the campaign specifically to monitor/report on Russian involvement in the campaign and still no indictments for actual Russian collusion basically wraps that up. Mueller will run down his indictments pertaining to things that have cursory-at-best ties to the original intent of the investigation and it'll end with a whimper.
I'm the one splitting hairs? I'm the one saying its one hair...if the informant was inside of Obama's campaign you would be on fire with anger....Trump said they infiltrated his you disagree with that? How can anyone disagree with that sentence???
No because they didn’t. Look up the definition of what a CIA spy really is and tell me you think that was what happened here... not to mention the little turd nugget that Trump likes to throw in there by saying it was politically motivated by Obama. So dishonest and so transparent and so lame
Lets see....informant vs informant is inside of a campaign and is providing information to the FBI....a spy would be outside of the campaign but still providing information to the FBI....are you really so dumb as to split those hairs? all the FBI had to do to escape this scrutiny was to inform Trump of the informant and ask for his cooperation to not do so meant they were spying on Trump...
Reverse the scenario to Bush and his FBI implanting an informant into the Obama campaign without telling Obama....and be as honest as you can to yourself.....
A spy is somebody who is trained to infiltrate an organization under a false identity to extract information. That is very different than having somebody ask questions and investigate when they know a crime is in progress. This whole thing is being grossly overblown by Trump, like he does with everything, so he can try and turn the focus on nefarious actions by our intel agencies that simply don’t exists. The fact that Gowdy came out saying that it was completely legit and in no way was spying on Trump, says it all. He was one of the few that saw the actual classified intel and he has no reason to lie... have you seen the intel? No. So why are you putting up such a fight?

Yesterday I asked somebody where the nearest Home Depot was... I guess I found it from some pretty handy spy work. Pat myself on the back! I guess all of our cops and detectives can now call themselves spy’s... this is gonna be fun. Sorry, but y’all are idiots.
such a shame.
Spies inform and informants spy....
not really...
spies, spy

and informants, inform!
what do spies do then? what is spying? they just keep all they learn to themselves? or,.... do they inform someone of what they found? seems auseless effort if a spy merely retains what they learn don't you think? kind of ends up being a useless practice. Dude, I don't know how much more stupid you can get, that is fking obvious as fking hell.
I'm the one splitting hairs? I'm the one saying its one hair...if the informant was inside of Obama's campaign you would be on fire with anger....Trump said they infiltrated his you disagree with that? How can anyone disagree with that sentence???
Of course, but again, it has to do with intent. The intent to spy for nefarious political gain is what Trump is accusing them of. Was there any of that going on? Maybe, but good luck proving it especially since they easily could've used it to damage his campaign akin to the Hillary email stuff but didn't.
Trump is being shown as the traitor and liar that he is.

How the fuck can anyone with the slightly love of his/her country continue to support Trump?
how the fuck can anyone who believes in what this country stands for demonize people who don't think like they do?

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