Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate

Spies inform and informants spy....
not really...
spies, spy

and informants, inform!
what do spies do then? what is spying? they just keep all they learn to themselves? or,.... do they inform someone of what they found? seems auseless effort if a spy merely retains what they learn don't you think? kind of ends up being a useless practice. Dude, I don't know how much more stupid you can get, that is fking obvious as fking hell.
trump claimed there was a SPY put IN TO the Trump campaign, FOR POLITICAL PURPOSE.

1. there was no spy undercover or 'put in to', that was operating as a mole, in the Trump campaign

There was an outside human source, a professor, asking questions of the 3 trump campaign workers who were in constant contact with Russian government agents.

2. There was no spying for POLITICAL PURPOSE.
any port in a storm. any wordsmithing you can to wiggle out - but the end results and questions are still the same.

now trump can think his opponent in 2020 is doing some nefarious shit. doesn't matter what really, just things detrimental to our overall good as a country. now he can put people into the dems campaign and not have to tell anyone at all. he just have to believe they're up to no good is all that is needed.

if trump were to do this, well you've now validated as an "ok" action by defending it, so you have no recourse to cry FOUL, but you would just the same, IF TRUMP DID THIS.

so if it would be wrong for trump to do this (and i do believe it would be) then it's wrong for obama to have done this (and it was wrong).

anything else is a desperate attempt to continue to justify your own hate.
Because telling the idiot Trump that an informant was gathering information on his crooked and corrupt staff,is TANTAMOUNT to warning the Russians that we were onto them.
If that was true then that means they didn't trust that Trump was independent of the Russian interference which means they had reason to spy on Trump himself...but where is that evidence? Don't be stupid by half...they were spying on Trump and everyone knows it.....If they didn't tell Trump the spy was there they were spying on Trump.....period....
no, it means they had no reason to tell him, nor trust him yet....he was simply a candidate, of whom, none knew his ability to keep his trap shut.

loose lips, sink ships
but that isn't our country. sorry friend. that's germany.

law enforcement/the fbi has always used human sources as a tool to find out more information on cases they are working on... this is nothing new at all... it, this tactic, has saved us from Nazi's!!!!
I'll rephrase.

If your house is on fire, do you think the fire trucks should make sure to spray some water on a neighbor a mile down the road's house, just to be fair?
If the fire is hot enough must have been pretty hot to get permission to implant a spy into a presidential campaign of your party's opponent....
If the FBI's attempt was to protect the Trump campaign and the integrity of the election as Clapper has said...they would have informed Trump and Clinton would have had an informant in her campaign as well...same for Bernie's campaign... they must think we are all stupid...
You go where the evidence takes you. You had Manafort who's had known shady dealings with Russian agents before, then you've got Pappadaplous and Page who were worth looking into. In a matter as serious as possible collusion with a campaign to influence an election: that's some serious shit. To have someone on the inside to blow the whistle is a good idea so long as you're not partaking in any infidelity along the way. That's the argument that's being made here in favor of the informant(s) being there in the first place and i don't see much evidence (yet anyway) as to any undue gains Hillary picked up as a result.

And you've got this Russian collusion investigation going on for a year now. Which, if the story that we're being sold above is true, it completely undermines the need for even having the collusion investigation after the fact, and that's what should be targeted as being improper and politically motivated considering an informant inside the campaign didn't see any real evidence of collusion.
Manawho? unbelievable......
Cause they didn't put a spy in the Trump camp.... You this is now just made up shit by Trump, has to keep the base fed....

Honest America can see Trump America for what it is..
Clapper says otherwise...Clapper said the FBI had an informant inside the Trump campaign...was he lying?
Spies inform and informants spy....
not really...
spies, spy

and informants, inform!
what do spies do then? what is spying? they just keep all they learn to themselves? or,.... do they inform someone of what they found? seems auseless effort if a spy merely retains what they learn don't you think? kind of ends up being a useless practice. Dude, I don't know how much more stupid you can get, that is fking obvious as fking hell.
trump claimed there was a SPY put IN TO the Trump campaign, FOR POLITICAL PURPOSE.

1. there was no spy undercover or 'put in to', that was operating as a mole, in the Trump campaign

There was an outside human source, a professor, asking questions of the 3 trump campaign workers who were in constant contact with Russian government agents.

2. There was no spying for POLITICAL PURPOSE.
what was the purpose? I mean clapper stated there was an informant. Gowdy has stated there was an informant. what do informants do? they spy. it's what makes them informants. hahaahahaha the fact that you don't know that is really sad.

BTW, what did they think the russians were doing? giving lessons on how to fix voting machines?
Give a better speech? save gas? what?
you all probably believe the mail room clerks at corporations offer insight into stock holder meetings too. right? how fking stupid are you all? never mind, I know that answer.
If your house is on fire, do you think the fire trucks should make sure to spray some water on your neighbor's house that's not on fire as well, just to be fair?
Not to be fair but to make sure the fire doesn't spread....don't be so gullible...the FBI is lying...Clapper is lying...

You're choosing to interpret my analogy incorrectly.

Is Trey Gowdy lying?
who knows? anyone to say one way or another based on media speculation is just going by their own emotional desires.
If the FBI's attempt was to protect the Trump campaign and the integrity of the election as Clapper has said...they would have informed Trump and Clinton would have had an informant in her campaign as well...same for Bernie's campaign... they must think we are all stupid...
You go where the evidence takes you. You had Manafort who's had known shady dealings with Russian agents before, then you've got Pappadaplous and Page who were worth looking into. In a matter as serious as possible collusion with a campaign to influence an election: that's some serious shit. To have someone on the inside to blow the whistle is a good idea so long as you're not partaking in any infidelity along the way. That's the argument that's being made here in favor of the informant(s) being there in the first place and i don't see much evidence (yet anyway) as to any undue gains Hillary picked up as a result.

And you've got this Russian collusion investigation going on for a year now. Which, if the story that we're being sold above is true, it completely undermines the need for even having the collusion investigation after the fact, and that's what should be targeted as being improper and politically motivated considering an informant inside the campaign didn't see any real evidence of collusion.
what was the fking influencing? what, what do you think they could do? come on be a fking man and at least pony up something.
If your house is on fire, do you think the fire trucks should make sure to spray some water on your neighbor's house that's not on fire as well, just to be fair?
Not to be fair but to make sure the fire doesn't spread....don't be so gullible...the FBI is lying...Clapper is lying...

You're choosing to interpret my analogy incorrectly.

Is Trey Gowdy lying?
he answered your analogy perfect. it's what I wrote as well. if you meant something different, you did it poorly.
I'm the one splitting hairs? I'm the one saying its one hair...if the informant was inside of Obama's campaign you would be on fire with anger....Trump said they infiltrated his you disagree with that? How can anyone disagree with that sentence???
Of course, but again, it has to do with intent. The intent to spy for nefarious political gain is what Trump is accusing them of. Was there any of that going on? Maybe, but good luck proving it especially since they easily could've used it to damage his campaign akin to the Hillary email stuff but didn't.
If the FBI's attempt was to protect the Trump campaign and the integrity of the election as Clapper has said...they would have informed Trump and Clinton would have had an informant in her campaign as well...same for Bernie's campaign... they must think we are all stupid...

If your house is on fire, do you think the fire trucks should make sure to spray some water on your neighbor's house that's not on fire as well, just to be fair?
dude, they do do that. hahahahaahahhaa :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I'll rephrase.

If your house is on fire, do you think the fire trucks should make sure to spray some water on a neighbor a mile down the road's house, just to be fair?
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:WTF are you trying to say?
Spies inform and informants spy....
not really...
spies, spy

and informants, inform!
what do spies do then? what is spying? they just keep all they learn to themselves? or,.... do they inform someone of what they found? seems auseless effort if a spy merely retains what they learn don't you think? kind of ends up being a useless practice. Dude, I don't know how much more stupid you can get, that is fking obvious as fking hell.
trump claimed there was a SPY put IN TO the Trump campaign, FOR POLITICAL PURPOSE.

1. there was no spy undercover or 'put in to', that was operating as a mole, in the Trump campaign

There was an outside human source, a professor, asking questions of the 3 trump campaign workers who were in constant contact with Russian government agents.

2. There was no spying for POLITICAL PURPOSE.
what was the purpose? I mean clapper stated there was an informant. Gowdy has stated there was an informant. what do informants do? they spy. it's what makes them informants. hahaahahaha the fact that you don't know that is really sad.

BTW, what did they think the russians were doing? giving lessons on how to fix voting machines?
Give a better speech? save gas? what?
you all probably believe the mail room clerks at corporations offer insight into stock holder meetings too. right? how fking stupid are you all? never mind, I know that answer.
and you believe the Tooth Fairy left you that money under your pillow! :D
Of course, but again, it has to do with intent. The intent to spy for nefarious political gain is what Trump is accusing them of. Was there any of that going on? Maybe, but good luck proving it especially since they easily could've used it to damage his campaign akin to the Hillary email stuff but didn't.
If the FBI's attempt was to protect the Trump campaign and the integrity of the election as Clapper has said...they would have informed Trump and Clinton would have had an informant in her campaign as well...same for Bernie's campaign... they must think we are all stupid...

If your house is on fire, do you think the fire trucks should make sure to spray some water on your neighbor's house that's not on fire as well, just to be fair?
dude, they do do that. hahahahaahahhaa :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I'll rephrase.

If your house is on fire, do you think the fire trucks should make sure to spray some water on a neighbor a mile down the road's house, just to be fair?
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:WTF are you trying to say?

If you think about it real hard, I think you can figure it out.
Because telling the idiot Trump that an informant was gathering information on his crooked and corrupt staff,is TANTAMOUNT to warning the Russians that we were onto them.
If that was true then that means they didn't trust that Trump was independent of the Russian interference which means they had reason to spy on Trump himself...but where is that evidence? Don't be stupid by half...they were spying on Trump and everyone knows it.....If they didn't tell Trump the spy was there they were spying on Trump.....period....
no, it means they had no reason to tell him, nor trust him yet....he was simply a candidate, of whom, none knew his ability to keep his trap shut.

loose lips, sink ships
but that isn't our country. sorry friend. that's germany.

law enforcement/the fbi has always used human sources as a tool to find out more information on cases they are working on... this is nothing new at all... it, this tactic, has saved us from Nazi's!!!!
can you say desperation? sure you can.
Cause they didn't put a spy in the Trump camp.... You this is now just made up shit by Trump, has to keep the base fed....

Honest America can see Trump America for what it is..
Clapper says otherwise...Clapper said the FBI had an informant inside the Trump campaign...was he lying?

I already posted the link here multiple times...look it up! Clapper on the View...

Trumpettes lie like they breath their orange is the truth

No, former intel chief never said FBI spied on Trump
If your house is on fire, do you think the fire trucks should make sure to spray some water on your neighbor's house that's not on fire as well, just to be fair?
Not to be fair but to make sure the fire doesn't spread....don't be so gullible...the FBI is lying...Clapper is lying...

You're choosing to interpret my analogy incorrectly.

Is Trey Gowdy lying?
he answered your analogy perfect. it's what I wrote as well. if you meant something different, you did it poorly.

No, both you and he chose to assume that when I said "neighbor", I meant a house physically close enough to be threatened by the fire. I did not - hence my clarification.
not really...
spies, spy

and informants, inform!
what do spies do then? what is spying? they just keep all they learn to themselves? or,.... do they inform someone of what they found? seems auseless effort if a spy merely retains what they learn don't you think? kind of ends up being a useless practice. Dude, I don't know how much more stupid you can get, that is fking obvious as fking hell.
trump claimed there was a SPY put IN TO the Trump campaign, FOR POLITICAL PURPOSE.

1. there was no spy undercover or 'put in to', that was operating as a mole, in the Trump campaign

There was an outside human source, a professor, asking questions of the 3 trump campaign workers who were in constant contact with Russian government agents.

2. There was no spying for POLITICAL PURPOSE.
what was the purpose? I mean clapper stated there was an informant. Gowdy has stated there was an informant. what do informants do? they spy. it's what makes them informants. hahaahahaha the fact that you don't know that is really sad.

BTW, what did they think the russians were doing? giving lessons on how to fix voting machines?
Give a better speech? save gas? what?
you all probably believe the mail room clerks at corporations offer insight into stock holder meetings too. right? how fking stupid are you all? never mind, I know that answer.
and you believe the Tooth Fairy left you that money under your pillow! :D
who else leaves it? if you didn't believe in the tooth fairy, why did you use her name?
If your house is on fire, do you think the fire trucks should make sure to spray some water on your neighbor's house that's not on fire as well, just to be fair?
Not to be fair but to make sure the fire doesn't spread....don't be so gullible...the FBI is lying...Clapper is lying...

You're choosing to interpret my analogy incorrectly.

Is Trey Gowdy lying?
he answered your analogy perfect. it's what I wrote as well. if you meant something different, you did it poorly.

No, both you and he chose to assume that when I said "neighbor", I meant a house physically close enough to be threatened by the fire. I did not - hence my clarification.
can't you fks ever be fking man enough to admit you were wrong? ever? dude, a neighbor is a neighbor. next store is usually what people think when put in your context. just admit you wrote it not how you meant it. it's ok, your face won't fall off.
Cause they didn't put a spy in the Trump camp.... You this is now just made up shit by Trump, has to keep the base fed....

Honest America can see Trump America for what it is..
Clapper says otherwise...Clapper said the FBI had an informant inside the Trump campaign...was he lying?

I already posted the link here multiple times...look it up! Clapper on the View...

Trumpettes lie like they breath their orange is the truth

No, former intel chief never said FBI spied on Trump
Clapper said there was an informant inside of the Trump link can change his own words...he now has said it in multiple interviews....trying to make it sound like it happens every day in every deny it is fool hearty fake news...

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