Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate

If your house is on fire, do you think the fire trucks should make sure to spray some water on your neighbor's house that's not on fire as well, just to be fair?
Not to be fair but to make sure the fire doesn't spread....don't be so gullible...the FBI is lying...Clapper is lying...

You're choosing to interpret my analogy incorrectly.

Is Trey Gowdy lying?
he answered your analogy perfect. it's what I wrote as well. if you meant something different, you did it poorly.

No, both you and he chose to assume that when I said "neighbor", I meant a house physically close enough to be threatened by the fire. I did not - hence my clarification.
can't you fks even be fking man enough to admit you were wrong? ever? dude, a neighbor is a neighbor. next store is usually what people think when put in your context. just admit you wrote it not how you meant it. it's ok, your face won't fall off.


I don't know why you're having such a hard time with this. I've made it clear what I meant. Why are you still harping on my original wording?
Trey Gowdy day, thanks for the fun today. just more of the left showing what a bunch of irrational humans they really are. spy = informant all day everyday. Come on leftists, show us some more of how stupid you all can really be.
Gowdy never struck me as a left-leaner. He seemed always to express himself clearly, even eloquently. To be honest, I would vote for him if it were against H. Clinton or D. Trump.
Not to be fair but to make sure the fire doesn't spread....don't be so gullible...the FBI is lying...Clapper is lying...

You're choosing to interpret my analogy incorrectly.

Is Trey Gowdy lying?
he answered your analogy perfect. it's what I wrote as well. if you meant something different, you did it poorly.

No, both you and he chose to assume that when I said "neighbor", I meant a house physically close enough to be threatened by the fire. I did not - hence my clarification.
can't you fks even be fking man enough to admit you were wrong? ever? dude, a neighbor is a neighbor. next store is usually what people think when put in your context. just admit you wrote it not how you meant it. it's ok, your face won't fall off.


I don't know why you're having such a hard time with this. I've made it clear what I meant. Why are you still harping on my original wording?
dude, it makes absolutely no sense at all. I don't speak stupid like yours.
Gowdy never struck me as a left-leaner. He seemed always to express himself clearly, even eloquently. To be honest, I would vote for him if it were against H. Clinton or D. Trump.
he did state there was a spy.
Cause they didn't put a spy in the Trump camp.... You this is now just made up shit by Trump, has to keep the base fed....

Honest America can see Trump America for what it is..
Clapper says otherwise...Clapper said the FBI had an informant inside the Trump campaign...was he lying?

I already posted the link here multiple times...look it up! Clapper on the View...

Trumpettes lie like they breath their orange is the truth

No, former intel chief never said FBI spied on Trump
Clapper said there was an informant inside of the Trump link can change his own words...he now has said it in multiple interviews....trying to make it sound like it happens every day in every deny it is fool hearty fake news...

I see Facts escape you. The informant was NOT an FBI plant....use your brain.
You're choosing to interpret my analogy incorrectly.

Is Trey Gowdy lying?
he answered your analogy perfect. it's what I wrote as well. if you meant something different, you did it poorly.

No, both you and he chose to assume that when I said "neighbor", I meant a house physically close enough to be threatened by the fire. I did not - hence my clarification.
can't you fks even be fking man enough to admit you were wrong? ever? dude, a neighbor is a neighbor. next store is usually what people think when put in your context. just admit you wrote it not how you meant it. it's ok, your face won't fall off.


I don't know why you're having such a hard time with this. I've made it clear what I meant. Why are you still harping on my original wording?
dude, it makes absolutely no sense at all. I don't speak stupid like yours.


It does make sense, it just flew over your head.
I see Facts escape you. The informant was NOT an FBI plant....use your brain
He wasn't sent in to the campaign by Walmart...What is it you don't get about "The FBI had an informant inside of the Trump campaign" Clappers own words?
Gowdy never struck me as a left-leaner. He seemed always to express himself clearly, even eloquently. To be honest, I would vote for him if it were against H. Clinton or D. Trump.
this is my own dilemma - i've always viewed gowdy as a no nonsense kind of guy. i was either wrong about him or wrong about what was done.

gonna sit back and wait from here.
this is my own dilemma - i've always viewed gowdy as a no nonsense kind of guy. i was either wrong about him or wrong about what was done.

gonna sit back and wait from here.
Trey is all talk and no action...he wants to be on the SCOTUS or maybe he wants Session's job after Trump cans him but what is not foremost on his mind is justice in this case.....
No because they didn’t. Look up the definition of what a CIA spy really is and tell me you think that was what happened here... not to mention the little turd nugget that Trump likes to throw in there by saying it was politically motivated by Obama. So dishonest and so transparent and so lame
Lets see....informant vs informant is inside of a campaign and is providing information to the FBI....a spy would be outside of the campaign but still providing information to the FBI....are you really so dumb as to split those hairs? all the FBI had to do to escape this scrutiny was to inform Trump of the informant and ask for his cooperation to not do so meant they were spying on Trump...
Reverse the scenario to Bush and his FBI implanting an informant into the Obama campaign without telling Obama....and be as honest as you can to yourself.....
A spy is somebody who is trained to infiltrate an organization under a false identity to extract information. That is very different than having somebody ask questions and investigate when they know a crime is in progress. This whole thing is being grossly overblown by Trump, like he does with everything, so he can try and turn the focus on nefarious actions by our intel agencies that simply don’t exists. The fact that Gowdy came out saying that it was completely legit and in no way was spying on Trump, says it all. He was one of the few that saw the actual classified intel and he has no reason to lie... have you seen the intel? No. So why are you putting up such a fight?

Yesterday I asked somebody where the nearest Home Depot was... I guess I found it from some pretty handy spy work. Pat myself on the back! I guess all of our cops and detectives can now call themselves spy’s... this is gonna be fun. Sorry, but y’all are idiots.
Spies inform and informants spy....
To Trump...the "informant" was a spy...if Trump was informed of his presence he would have been an informant.....but because he was there without the candidate being notified he was a if's and's or buts....
Whatever you say. Twist and turn all you want we all know what’s going on here, I shouldn’t need to explain it.
Reporters are supposed to inform. In spite of what many say about the press these days, certainly all would agree that "reporter" is not synonymous with "spy".
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You're splitting hairs. Informant, spy, it doesn't matter with regard to intent really. Trump is suggesting that the intent was to get intel on his campaign for political reasons, and that just doesn't wash.

You righties need to learn when to take a win where you can get them and not defend Trump just to defend Trump. The presence of an informant there in the campaign specifically to monitor/report on Russian involvement in the campaign and still no indictments for actual Russian collusion basically wraps that up. Mueller will run down his indictments pertaining to things that have cursory-at-best ties to the original intent of the investigation and it'll end with a whimper.
I'm the one splitting hairs? I'm the one saying its one hair...if the informant was inside of Obama's campaign you would be on fire with anger....Trump said they infiltrated his you disagree with that? How can anyone disagree with that sentence???
Did the irs audit anybody involved in his campaign in 2016? Would you say that’s the IRS infiltrating and interfering with the campaign too? It’s a stupid argument. The FBI was investigating RUSSIAN crimes, not spying for political dirt like Trump is trying to imply with the spygate narrative. Gowdy just shut it down. End of story
Trey Gowdy is a smart man and unquestionably a Republican in my opinion.

Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said on Tuesday that the FBI’s use of an informant for the Trump campaign in 2016 was appropriate, joining top Democrats in disputing President Donald Trump’s characterization of the informant as a spy.
That statement is ment to give him credibility to further his own career imo.
Agreed a little bump of impartially so he doesn’t go out as a partisan puppet. Bet he has his sites on a Judge or AG position next where he will need bipartisan support.
Clapper said there was an informant inside of the Trump link can change his own words...he now has said it in multiple interviews....trying to make it sound like it happens every day in every deny it is fool hearty fake news...
The FBI infiltrates a lot of criminal organizations. The way to avoid them is don’t pal around with criminals.
The FBI infiltrates a lot of criminal organizations. The way to avoid them is don’t pal around with criminals

So the Trump campaign was a criminal enterprise? You just discredited your opinion in one sentence.....
☝️☝️☝️ Jilted lover lashes out.
I've been a skeptic of the swamper Trey for years...he always comes riding in on a white horse to save the establishment on both sides of the crooked isle...
Which Republicans in Congress aren’t "establishment"? What makes them establishment? Time served?

Louie Gohmert? Been in Congress since 2005.
Jim Jordan? Since 2007.
Mark Meadows? Since 2013.

Pretty swampy! Especially since they all campaigned on not being career politicians - they’d go to Washington, then back to their great careers.

How’d that work out, rube?
The FBI infiltrates a lot of criminal organizations. The way to avoid them is don’t pal around with criminals

So the Trump campaign was a criminal enterprise? You just discredited your opinion in one sentence.....
He pals around with criminals. And yes, his campaign was a criminal enterprise. He pocketed political donations, for one. He conspired with foreign governments to receive stolen emails and win an election.

Those are criminal acts. Sorry rube.
he answered your analogy perfect. it's what I wrote as well. if you meant something different, you did it poorly.

No, both you and he chose to assume that when I said "neighbor", I meant a house physically close enough to be threatened by the fire. I did not - hence my clarification.
can't you fks even be fking man enough to admit you were wrong? ever? dude, a neighbor is a neighbor. next store is usually what people think when put in your context. just admit you wrote it not how you meant it. it's ok, your face won't fall off.


I don't know why you're having such a hard time with this. I've made it clear what I meant. Why are you still harping on my original wording?
dude, it makes absolutely no sense at all. I don't speak stupid like yours.


It does make sense, it just flew over your head.
with your broom.

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