Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate

I'm the one splitting hairs? I'm the one saying its one hair...if the informant was inside of Obama's campaign you would be on fire with anger....Trump said they infiltrated his you disagree with that? How can anyone disagree with that sentence???
Did the irs audit anybody involved in his campaign in 2016? Would you say that’s the IRS infiltrating and interfering with the campaign too? It’s a stupid argument. The FBI was investigating RUSSIAN crimes, not spying for political dirt like Trump is trying to imply with the spygate narrative. Gowdy just shut it down. End of story
not really. so far anything RUSSIA related hasn't proven to be very accurate. we have a meeting in a building behind a closed door is as much as i gather so far.

the real question is that by allowing this in ANY form, the next generation will say "hold my beer" and push it.

and at that point i'm sure the left will shit a herd of bulffalo in anger.
By allowing what? What is it that you are objecting too? Investigating crimes when there is evidence or suspicion of crimes?
putting a "plant" (call it what you will) into the opposite campaign for XYZ reason. we keep hearing NO POLITICAL PURPOSE but come on - look who was in there. do you really think they stuck with only "yes/no" on russia questions?

we also have no concrete evidence of a crime to begin with and the FISA warrants have already been deemed illegal.

It Is Complicated – FISA Court Found FAULT With NSA, FBI, And Obama Of Illegally Spying On Trump Team – MSM Keeps Quiet. – Investment Watch Blog

questionable at best.

so all we need to do is have some emotional tie to a crime and we can now put someone into the opposing camp to watch what they do. if you're ok with this, fine. i'm not. not because i'm defending trump but because i think it's a horrible way of conducting our government in general.
Name one credible person who has seen the intel who denies Russia’s illegal actions and involvement with the election. Cause I can name many who support that claim including Pompeo who was Trumps appointed director of the CIA. All the other Trump appointed directors agree as well so how can you deny that there were crimes taking place?

You also have no evidence of politicalization of the investigation from this so called spy. We didn’t hear anything about this during the election. Know what we did hear all about? The Clinton investigation. Talk about playing politics. You wisely said yourself that after hearing Treys take you need to rethink. That’s a good idea. It isn’t just the MSM that pumps out spin and propaganda. The Trumpsters and right wing media are distorting the shit out of this situation and none of it is backed up by facts.
you get to choose who is credible? hahaahahaha way to caveat that. so leftist of you.
Top Democrat says Obama shares responsibility for Russia's meddling

Oh dear, a top democrat is blaming the Obama administration for ignoring Russian meddling. This crap just has to stop, otherwise, how can we vote straight down party lines?

It's almost as if Obama and company thought Russian meddling was OK......until Trump won the Oval Office?

Hmm. Maybe Obama let it happen to try and use it against Trump knowing Hillary was doomed.

To be honest, I grow weary of all the conspiracy theories on both sides. We know nothing will come of any of it whether they be true of false and we already know both parties are hopelessly corrupt. Some people just like to watch monkeys sling poo.
You are stepping all over yourself. In one breath are are bitching about them investigating the Russians and calling it spying and outrageous... then in the next breath you say they did nothing about the Russians. I realize any narrative that makes Obama or the Dems look bad is attractive to you but try and sort out the logic before you make yourself sound foolish.

You kids are hysterical. How exactly did Putin sway the American vote substantially?

The painful truth is, the below video is why Hillary lost.

Now is your chance to admit that Hillary was the most corrupt and unlikable candidate of our generation.
apparently gowdy was saying if someone in the trump campaign (Papadapa-snufalufakus) was talking about russians having emails, then the investigation was legit. But, as it's been pointed out, the whispers of russians having the emails was actually circulated by the FBI "spies" to begin with, then it wouldn't be.

more and more links are being established that papadapolousanufagus was fed the info he recited in order to setup the ordeal to begin with.

*if* that is true then obama and company needs to go down and make big rocks small rocks for the rest of their lives.
I see Facts escape you. The informant was NOT an FBI plant....use your brain
He wasn't sent in to the campaign by Walmart...What is it you don't get about "The FBI had an informant inside of the Trump campaign" Clappers own words?

Clapper: "Spying" Had Nothing To Do With Trump Campaign, It Was About The Russians

You are one of those trumpettes that will believe your Great matter how outrageous his lie is.

Sadly...all the world now knows not to trust a word the orange liar says....
Did the irs audit anybody involved in his campaign in 2016? Would you say that’s the IRS infiltrating and interfering with the campaign too? It’s a stupid argument. The FBI was investigating RUSSIAN crimes, not spying for political dirt like Trump is trying to imply with the spygate narrative. Gowdy just shut it down. End of story
not really. so far anything RUSSIA related hasn't proven to be very accurate. we have a meeting in a building behind a closed door is as much as i gather so far.

the real question is that by allowing this in ANY form, the next generation will say "hold my beer" and push it.

and at that point i'm sure the left will shit a herd of bulffalo in anger.
By allowing what? What is it that you are objecting too? Investigating crimes when there is evidence or suspicion of crimes?
putting a "plant" (call it what you will) into the opposite campaign for XYZ reason. we keep hearing NO POLITICAL PURPOSE but come on - look who was in there. do you really think they stuck with only "yes/no" on russia questions?

we also have no concrete evidence of a crime to begin with and the FISA warrants have already been deemed illegal.

It Is Complicated – FISA Court Found FAULT With NSA, FBI, And Obama Of Illegally Spying On Trump Team – MSM Keeps Quiet. – Investment Watch Blog

questionable at best.

so all we need to do is have some emotional tie to a crime and we can now put someone into the opposing camp to watch what they do. if you're ok with this, fine. i'm not. not because i'm defending trump but because i think it's a horrible way of conducting our government in general.
I really can't believe they're going with this. dude, they'd have shit a cow if this had been hitlery. you and I know that. when one is disingenuous, they are always disingenuous.
and this is my core issue. has nothing to do with trump or the election at this point and everything to do with what we'll allow our government to do. our *hate* is allowing some very questionable behavior to be OK'd cause we hate trump.

sooner or later this will be used against someone they like and then what? they said it's ok to put someone into the opposing camp for "non political reasons". now how we can make it "non political" when it's the campaign to run for president i have no idea. seems convenient to me and an easy way out so you don't have to understand the bullshit going on.

so when people believe "it wasn't political" it's because they want to.
dude I agree. It's disingenuous and they are fake. they merely are partisan hacks not caught up in it yet. but they'd be yelling like fking babies if their side had been affected. for them to say otherwise makes them all liars. I know if it happened to them I'd tell them it isn't acceptable. spying is spying and not acceptable against our own nation.
You're splitting hairs. Informant, spy, it doesn't matter with regard to intent really. Trump is suggesting that the intent was to get intel on his campaign for political reasons, and that just doesn't wash.

You righties need to learn when to take a win where you can get them and not defend Trump just to defend Trump. The presence of an informant there in the campaign specifically to monitor/report on Russian involvement in the campaign and still no indictments for actual Russian collusion basically wraps that up. Mueller will run down his indictments pertaining to things that have cursory-at-best ties to the original intent of the investigation and it'll end with a whimper.
I'm the one splitting hairs? I'm the one saying its one hair...if the informant was inside of Obama's campaign you would be on fire with anger....Trump said they infiltrated his you disagree with that? How can anyone disagree with that sentence???
Did the irs audit anybody involved in his campaign in 2016? Would you say that’s the IRS infiltrating and interfering with the campaign too? It’s a stupid argument. The FBI was investigating RUSSIAN crimes, not spying for political dirt like Trump is trying to imply with the spygate narrative. Gowdy just shut it down. End of story

You can't argue with mental degenerates....
apparently gowdy was saying if someone in the trump campaign (Papadapa-snufalufakus) was talking about russians having emails, then the investigation was legit. But, as it's been pointed out, the whispers of russians having the emails was actually circulated by the FBI "spies" to begin with, then it wouldn't be.

more and more links are being established that papadapolousanufagus was fed the info he recited in order to setup the ordeal to begin with.

*if* that is true then obama and company needs to go down and make big rocks small rocks for the rest of their lives.


No, that's not what Gowdy is saying. This is what he said:

“I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do when they got the information they got, and that it has nothing to do with Donald Trump"
Last edited:
Did the irs audit anybody involved in his campaign in 2016? Would you say that’s the IRS infiltrating and interfering with the campaign too? It’s a stupid argument. The FBI was investigating RUSSIAN crimes, not spying for political dirt like Trump is trying to imply with the spygate narrative. Gowdy just shut it down. End of story
not really. so far anything RUSSIA related hasn't proven to be very accurate. we have a meeting in a building behind a closed door is as much as i gather so far.

the real question is that by allowing this in ANY form, the next generation will say "hold my beer" and push it.

and at that point i'm sure the left will shit a herd of bulffalo in anger.
By allowing what? What is it that you are objecting too? Investigating crimes when there is evidence or suspicion of crimes?
putting a "plant" (call it what you will) into the opposite campaign for XYZ reason. we keep hearing NO POLITICAL PURPOSE but come on - look who was in there. do you really think they stuck with only "yes/no" on russia questions?

we also have no concrete evidence of a crime to begin with and the FISA warrants have already been deemed illegal.

It Is Complicated – FISA Court Found FAULT With NSA, FBI, And Obama Of Illegally Spying On Trump Team – MSM Keeps Quiet. – Investment Watch Blog

questionable at best.

so all we need to do is have some emotional tie to a crime and we can now put someone into the opposing camp to watch what they do. if you're ok with this, fine. i'm not. not because i'm defending trump but because i think it's a horrible way of conducting our government in general.
Name one credible person who has seen the intel who denies Russia’s illegal actions and involvement with the election. Cause I can name many who support that claim including Pompeo who was Trumps appointed director of the CIA. All the other Trump appointed directors agree as well so how can you deny that there were crimes taking place?

You also have no evidence of politicalization of the investigation from this so called spy. We didn’t hear anything about this during the election. Know what we did hear all about? The Clinton investigation. Talk about playing politics. You wisely said yourself that after hearing Treys take you need to rethink. That’s a good idea. It isn’t just the MSM that pumps out spin and propaganda. The Trumpsters and right wing media are distorting the shit out of this situation and none of it is backed up by facts.
what actions did they specifically take?

let me start there.
How about the topic of this thread... they opened a counter intelligence investigation
apparently gowdy was saying if someone in the trump campaign (Papadapa-snufalufakus) was talking about russians having emails, then the investigation was legit. But, as it's been pointed out, the whispers of russians having the emails was actually circulated by the FBI "spies" to begin with, then it wouldn't be.

more and more links are being established that papadapolousanufagus was fed the info he recited in order to setup the ordeal to begin with.

*if* that is true then obama and company needs to go down and make big rocks small rocks for the rest of their lives.


No, that's not what Gowdy is saying. This is what he said:

“I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do when they got the information they got, and that it has nothing to do with Donald Drumpf"
so since you quoted it i'm to believe gowdy called him "drumpf".

we'll see how it plays out.
You're splitting hairs. Informant, spy, it doesn't matter with regard to intent really. Trump is suggesting that the intent was to get intel on his campaign for political reasons, and that just doesn't wash.

You righties need to learn when to take a win where you can get them and not defend Trump just to defend Trump. The presence of an informant there in the campaign specifically to monitor/report on Russian involvement in the campaign and still no indictments for actual Russian collusion basically wraps that up. Mueller will run down his indictments pertaining to things that have cursory-at-best ties to the original intent of the investigation and it'll end with a whimper.
I'm the one splitting hairs? I'm the one saying its one hair...if the informant was inside of Obama's campaign you would be on fire with anger....Trump said they infiltrated his you disagree with that? How can anyone disagree with that sentence???
Did the irs audit anybody involved in his campaign in 2016? Would you say that’s the IRS infiltrating and interfering with the campaign too? It’s a stupid argument. The FBI was investigating RUSSIAN crimes, not spying for political dirt like Trump is trying to imply with the spygate narrative. Gowdy just shut it down. End of story
not really. so far anything RUSSIA related hasn't proven to be very accurate. we have a meeting in a building behind a closed door is as much as i gather so far.

the real question is that by allowing this in ANY form, the next generation will say "hold my beer" and push it.

and at that point i'm sure the left will shit a herd of bulffalo in anger.
By allowing what? What is it that you are objecting too? Investigating crimes when there is evidence or suspicion of crimes?

Especially when the evidence leads to the presidents son...son in law....or slightly treasonous adviser named Stone. Those three are coming to the top of the crime circle....
Did the irs audit anybody involved in his campaign in 2016? Would you say that’s the IRS infiltrating and interfering with the campaign too? It’s a stupid argument. The FBI was investigating RUSSIAN crimes, not spying for political dirt like Trump is trying to imply with the spygate narrative. Gowdy just shut it down. End of story
not really. so far anything RUSSIA related hasn't proven to be very accurate. we have a meeting in a building behind a closed door is as much as i gather so far.

the real question is that by allowing this in ANY form, the next generation will say "hold my beer" and push it.

and at that point i'm sure the left will shit a herd of bulffalo in anger.
By allowing what? What is it that you are objecting too? Investigating crimes when there is evidence or suspicion of crimes?
putting a "plant" (call it what you will) into the opposite campaign for XYZ reason. we keep hearing NO POLITICAL PURPOSE but come on - look who was in there. do you really think they stuck with only "yes/no" on russia questions?

we also have no concrete evidence of a crime to begin with and the FISA warrants have already been deemed illegal.

It Is Complicated – FISA Court Found FAULT With NSA, FBI, And Obama Of Illegally Spying On Trump Team – MSM Keeps Quiet. – Investment Watch Blog

questionable at best.

so all we need to do is have some emotional tie to a crime and we can now put someone into the opposing camp to watch what they do. if you're ok with this, fine. i'm not. not because i'm defending trump but because i think it's a horrible way of conducting our government in general.
I really can't believe they're going with this. dude, they'd have shit a cow if this had been hitlery. you and I know that. when one is disingenuous, they are always disingenuous.
and this is my core issue. has nothing to do with trump or the election at this point and everything to do with what we'll allow our government to do. our *hate* is allowing some very questionable behavior to be OK'd cause we hate trump.

sooner or later this will be used against someone they like and then what? they said it's ok to put someone into the opposing camp for "non political reasons". now how we can make it "non political" when it's the campaign to run for president i have no idea. seems convenient to me and an easy way out so you don't have to understand the bullshit going on.

so when people believe "it wasn't political" it's because they want to.
They didn’t just put somebody there for the hell of it. They were acting on intel gathered during a counterintelligence active investigation. It takes many eyeballs to get all that going. Not just obama sending a spy over to infiltrate trump
not really. so far anything RUSSIA related hasn't proven to be very accurate. we have a meeting in a building behind a closed door is as much as i gather so far.

the real question is that by allowing this in ANY form, the next generation will say "hold my beer" and push it.

and at that point i'm sure the left will shit a herd of bulffalo in anger.
By allowing what? What is it that you are objecting too? Investigating crimes when there is evidence or suspicion of crimes?
putting a "plant" (call it what you will) into the opposite campaign for XYZ reason. we keep hearing NO POLITICAL PURPOSE but come on - look who was in there. do you really think they stuck with only "yes/no" on russia questions?

we also have no concrete evidence of a crime to begin with and the FISA warrants have already been deemed illegal.

It Is Complicated – FISA Court Found FAULT With NSA, FBI, And Obama Of Illegally Spying On Trump Team – MSM Keeps Quiet. – Investment Watch Blog

questionable at best.

so all we need to do is have some emotional tie to a crime and we can now put someone into the opposing camp to watch what they do. if you're ok with this, fine. i'm not. not because i'm defending trump but because i think it's a horrible way of conducting our government in general.
Name one credible person who has seen the intel who denies Russia’s illegal actions and involvement with the election. Cause I can name many who support that claim including Pompeo who was Trumps appointed director of the CIA. All the other Trump appointed directors agree as well so how can you deny that there were crimes taking place?

You also have no evidence of politicalization of the investigation from this so called spy. We didn’t hear anything about this during the election. Know what we did hear all about? The Clinton investigation. Talk about playing politics. You wisely said yourself that after hearing Treys take you need to rethink. That’s a good idea. It isn’t just the MSM that pumps out spin and propaganda. The Trumpsters and right wing media are distorting the shit out of this situation and none of it is backed up by facts.
what actions did they specifically take?

let me start there.
How about the topic of this thread... they opened a counter intelligence investigation
yea, sooner or later we need to stop politics by investigations.
apparently gowdy was saying if someone in the trump campaign (Papadapa-snufalufakus) was talking about russians having emails, then the investigation was legit. But, as it's been pointed out, the whispers of russians having the emails was actually circulated by the FBI "spies" to begin with, then it wouldn't be.

more and more links are being established that papadapolousanufagus was fed the info he recited in order to setup the ordeal to begin with.

*if* that is true then obama and company needs to go down and make big rocks small rocks for the rest of their lives.


No, that's not what Gowdy is saying. This is what he said:

“I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do when they got the information they got, and that it has nothing to do with Donald Drumpf"
so since you quoted it i'm to believe gowdy called him "drumpf".

we'll see how it plays out.


Apologies. I have a browser plug-in that automatically replaces "Trump" with "Drumpf". I've edited my post.
not really. so far anything RUSSIA related hasn't proven to be very accurate. we have a meeting in a building behind a closed door is as much as i gather so far.

the real question is that by allowing this in ANY form, the next generation will say "hold my beer" and push it.

and at that point i'm sure the left will shit a herd of bulffalo in anger.
By allowing what? What is it that you are objecting too? Investigating crimes when there is evidence or suspicion of crimes?
putting a "plant" (call it what you will) into the opposite campaign for XYZ reason. we keep hearing NO POLITICAL PURPOSE but come on - look who was in there. do you really think they stuck with only "yes/no" on russia questions?

we also have no concrete evidence of a crime to begin with and the FISA warrants have already been deemed illegal.

It Is Complicated – FISA Court Found FAULT With NSA, FBI, And Obama Of Illegally Spying On Trump Team – MSM Keeps Quiet. – Investment Watch Blog

questionable at best.

so all we need to do is have some emotional tie to a crime and we can now put someone into the opposing camp to watch what they do. if you're ok with this, fine. i'm not. not because i'm defending trump but because i think it's a horrible way of conducting our government in general.
I really can't believe they're going with this. dude, they'd have shit a cow if this had been hitlery. you and I know that. when one is disingenuous, they are always disingenuous.
and this is my core issue. has nothing to do with trump or the election at this point and everything to do with what we'll allow our government to do. our *hate* is allowing some very questionable behavior to be OK'd cause we hate trump.

sooner or later this will be used against someone they like and then what? they said it's ok to put someone into the opposing camp for "non political reasons". now how we can make it "non political" when it's the campaign to run for president i have no idea. seems convenient to me and an easy way out so you don't have to understand the bullshit going on.

so when people believe "it wasn't political" it's because they want to.
They didn’t just put somebody there for the hell of it. They were acting on intel gathered during a counterintelligence active investigation. It takes many eyeballs to get all that going. Not just obama sending a spy over to infiltrate trump
and some backtalk (agreed it's not mainstream yet but it's not as if mainstream media is very honest in this to begin with) is that the FBI fed papawhatever the info he then said while drunk in a bar to the FBI - if this is the case it's a complete setup.

if not, we'll see where it goes.
apparently gowdy was saying if someone in the trump campaign (Papadapa-snufalufakus) was talking about russians having emails, then the investigation was legit. But, as it's been pointed out, the whispers of russians having the emails was actually circulated by the FBI "spies" to begin with, then it wouldn't be.

more and more links are being established that papadapolousanufagus was fed the info he recited in order to setup the ordeal to begin with.

*if* that is true then obama and company needs to go down and make big rocks small rocks for the rest of their lives.


No, that's not what Gowdy is saying. This is what he said:

“I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do when they got the information they got, and that it has nothing to do with Donald Drumpf"
so since you quoted it i'm to believe gowdy called him "drumpf".

we'll see how it plays out.


Apologies. I have a browser plug-in that automatically replaces "Trump" with "Drumpf". I've edited my post.
all good - just glad we're not at each others throats while talking about this. :)
Top Democrat says Obama shares responsibility for Russia's meddling

Oh dear, a top democrat is blaming the Obama administration for ignoring Russian meddling. This crap just has to stop, otherwise, how can we vote straight down party lines?

It's almost as if Obama and company thought Russian meddling was OK......until Trump won the Oval Office?

Hmm. Maybe Obama let it happen to try and use it against Trump knowing Hillary was doomed.

To be honest, I grow weary of all the conspiracy theories on both sides. We know nothing will come of any of it whether they be true of false and we already know both parties are hopelessly corrupt. Some people just like to watch monkeys sling poo.
You are stepping all over yourself. In one breath are are bitching about them investigating the Russians and calling it spying and outrageous... then in the next breath you say they did nothing about the Russians. I realize any narrative that makes Obama or the Dems look bad is attractive to you but try and sort out the logic before you make yourself sound foolish.

You kids are hysterical. How exactly did Putin sway the American vote substantially?

The painful truth is, the below video is why Hillary lost.

Now is your chance to admit that Hillary was the most corrupt and unlikable candidate of our generation.

Stop diverting to hillary, that tactic is worn out. To answer your question. I never said a word about swaying an election. That has nothing to do with any of this. You are either trying to pivot the discussion or you don’t understand what’s going on. Are you having a hard time following?
apparently gowdy was saying if someone in the trump campaign (Papadapa-snufalufakus) was talking about russians having emails, then the investigation was legit. But, as it's been pointed out, the whispers of russians having the emails was actually circulated by the FBI "spies" to begin with, then it wouldn't be.

more and more links are being established that papadapolousanufagus was fed the info he recited in order to setup the ordeal to begin with.

*if* that is true then obama and company needs to go down and make big rocks small rocks for the rest of their lives.
Come on, you are better than this. When you hear your self saying “if” “if” “if” then you know you are stretching. You are being fed narratives from right wing kooks and Trumpsters to cast doubt on the facts. Don’t go down that road. The Dems are doing it with collusion and now the right is doing it with these deep state conspiracies. Don’t play their games.
I'm the one splitting hairs? I'm the one saying its one hair...if the informant was inside of Obama's campaign you would be on fire with anger....Trump said they infiltrated his you disagree with that? How can anyone disagree with that sentence???
Did the irs audit anybody involved in his campaign in 2016? Would you say that’s the IRS infiltrating and interfering with the campaign too? It’s a stupid argument. The FBI was investigating RUSSIAN crimes, not spying for political dirt like Trump is trying to imply with the spygate narrative. Gowdy just shut it down. End of story
not really. so far anything RUSSIA related hasn't proven to be very accurate. we have a meeting in a building behind a closed door is as much as i gather so far.

the real question is that by allowing this in ANY form, the next generation will say "hold my beer" and push it.

and at that point i'm sure the left will shit a herd of bulffalo in anger.
By allowing what? What is it that you are objecting too? Investigating crimes when there is evidence or suspicion of crimes?
putting a "plant" (call it what you will) into the opposite campaign for XYZ reason. we keep hearing NO POLITICAL PURPOSE but come on - look who was in there. do you really think they stuck with only "yes/no" on russia questions?

we also have no concrete evidence of a crime to begin with and the FISA warrants have already been deemed illegal.

It Is Complicated – FISA Court Found FAULT With NSA, FBI, And Obama Of Illegally Spying On Trump Team – MSM Keeps Quiet. – Investment Watch Blog

questionable at best.

so all we need to do is have some emotional tie to a crime and we can now put someone into the opposing camp to watch what they do. if you're ok with this, fine. i'm not. not because i'm defending trump but because i think it's a horrible way of conducting our government in general.
Name one credible person who has seen the intel who denies Russia’s illegal actions and involvement with the election. Cause I can name many who support that claim including Pompeo who was Trumps appointed director of the CIA. All the other Trump appointed directors agree as well so how can you deny that there were crimes taking place?

You also have no evidence of politicalization of the investigation from this so called spy. We didn’t hear anything about this during the election. Know what we did hear all about? The Clinton investigation. Talk about playing politics. You wisely said yourself that after hearing Treys take you need to rethink. That’s a good idea. It isn’t just the MSM that pumps out spin and propaganda. The Trumpsters and right wing media are distorting the shit out of this situation and none of it is backed up by facts.

Yup....all we heard was Clinton emails while trumps people were working with Russians to spread fake news stories about Hillary.

Not a word from Coney about the treason taking place in the trump camp.

There are three (3) that have indictment written on their backs. Junior....Kushner.....and Stone.
.make note if it.

Then others will fall..

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