Trial begins for 20 youths who gang riped high school student

The rates of rape among ethnicities is cultural. To the rapist, he isn't doing anything wrong. His intent negates the act. He's having fun, doesn't mean harm and thinks she might have wanted it. In Sweden and Norway, rape by muslim men to native women is epidemic because the women deserve it and shouldn't expect any other kind of treatment. An Imam in Australia justified rape of Australian girls by saying the girls were like meat left out for cats. They don't get to complain about which cat comes along to eat. He was deported for that.
The problem here is that you seem to be pointing to race as a causal variable for rape, which doesn't make much statistical sense given the nature of minority status in general world populations.

Asians are minorities here.

Strange you never see news articles about them gang-raping young girls and peeing all over them and injuring them by taking turns sticking objects in them.

I guess Asians need to get more fun-loving, huh?

Yeah...the Rape of Nanking was a barrel of laughs.
Trial begins in horror assault on girl, 16, who was gang raped by up to 20 men and left for dead at her homecoming dance | Mail Online

Great job democrats for creating this environment! No doubt these "youths" had wonderful intact families and were in no way enabled by liberals to become sociopath! Pat yourselves on the back!

Small price to pay for a feel good moment, eh?

Great job you liberal retards!

You would actually use a gang-rape of a 16-year-old just to get a dig on "Democrats"?

FUCK you.

I would bet that all of the suspects and their parents that are not illegal aliens and/or felons are obama supporters.

I would take that bet, and take the side that they're apolitical and not supporters of anybody.

Can't believe I have to Captain Obvious this, but rape is not a political act. A rapist doesn't need a political position. Not everything that happens in the world must necessarily be wearing either a blue or red political cloak.


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