Trick or treaty? The legal question hanging over the Paris climate change conference

Paris Agreement safer with the US out: Climate observer
ELEANOR HALL: Now European leaders are warning that the US should not abandon the Paris Agreement, but you argue that it would be better for international action on climate if the US were to withdraw. Why?

LUKE KEMP: Well it's really quite simple, the US as a rogue administration can do much more damage inside of the agreement, than it can do outside of the agreement. All you're doing by keeping the US inside of it is gifting greater leverage to a recalcitrant administration.
Under Paris, all Trump has to do is put forward a new pledge every five years. He doesn't have to meet the pledge they've already made and he doesn't have to provide any further climate financing. So, the participation of the US is really just symbolic in that sense. What people are really worried about is the third risk, which is the idea of a domino effect. That the US withdraws, other countries will either, free ride or renege on their commitments or potentially withdraw as well. Now I think that a lot of advocates and commentators in this space are actually really being quite hysterical when you look at it. It seems highly unlikely that other countries are going to withdraw from the agreement to follow someone who is already an international pariah out into the woods, just to avoid making a pledge every five years.
The thing is, I think it's just as likely to happen if the US stays in. If the US stays in, it shows quite clearly that you can operate blatantly violating the purpose and spirit of the agreement and you can miss your target intentionally, you can cut financing, you can go ahead and built new coal mines and build new pipelines. Any other countries will still want to have you on board. That sends a very, very clear message that Paris is simply symbolic and I think that does just as much, if not more damage to the legitimacy of Paris.
LOL.. Now Europe is claiming the high road as they doom themselves to more left wing foolishness...

The treaty was never ratified by congress.. so it is toilet paper..
Well, the treaties will be set up by adults, and you ignorant rednecks will be told to fuck off by all. This is but the first of several such summits where the world's leaders address a mutual problem.

Who gets to tell whom to fuck off now?


The rest of the world is telling the US to fuck off. Merkel is now the de facto leader of the free world. The US is considered the abode of a bunch of backward hicks that constantly stumble over their own feet. Led by a fat senile old orange clown. Every day is a new embarrassment for the nation from that stupid bastard.
Well, the treaties will be set up by adults, and you ignorant rednecks will be told to fuck off by all. This is but the first of several such summits where the world's leaders address a mutual problem.

Who gets to tell whom to fuck off now?


The rest of the world is telling the US to fuck off. Merkel is now the de facto leader of the free world. The US is considered the abode of a bunch of backward hicks that constantly stumble over their own feet. Led by a fat senile old orange clown. Every day is a new embarrassment for the nation from that stupid bastard.

That's what obamay gets for trying to go around Congress..hey I never thought why he always wanted to be a dictator..

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Paris Agreement safer with the US out: Climate observer
ELEANOR HALL: Now European leaders are warning that the US should not abandon the Paris Agreement, but you argue that it would be better for international action on climate if the US were to withdraw. Why?

LUKE KEMP: Well it's really quite simple, the US as a rogue administration can do much more damage inside of the agreement, than it can do outside of the agreement. All you're doing by keeping the US inside of it is gifting greater leverage to a recalcitrant administration.
Under Paris, all Trump has to do is put forward a new pledge every five years. He doesn't have to meet the pledge they've already made and he doesn't have to provide any further climate financing. So, the participation of the US is really just symbolic in that sense. What people are really worried about is the third risk, which is the idea of a domino effect. That the US withdraws, other countries will either, free ride or renege on their commitments or potentially withdraw as well. Now I think that a lot of advocates and commentators in this space are actually really being quite hysterical when you look at it. It seems highly unlikely that other countries are going to withdraw from the agreement to follow someone who is already an international pariah out into the woods, just to avoid making a pledge every five years.
The thing is, I think it's just as likely to happen if the US stays in. If the US stays in, it shows quite clearly that you can operate blatantly violating the purpose and spirit of the agreement and you can miss your target intentionally, you can cut financing, you can go ahead and built new coal mines and build new pipelines. Any other countries will still want to have you on board. That sends a very, very clear message that Paris is simply symbolic and I think that does just as much, if not more damage to the legitimacy of Paris.

The only purpose of the Paris "treaty" was to rope the developed countries into paying for a vast international welfare program. Merkel is free to take command of that without our help.

Thank god for Trump. We dodged a bullet.
Very tired of it all Matthew. Very tiring and depressing. Until something is improved to Air Quality in China Korea and India, don't bring up Phony GW. It is a global scam, people need to oppose this nonsense.
Global scam my ass

Remembering a City Where the Smog Could Kill

What does smog have to do with climate change, moron?


If you had bothered reading the link it explains it in really easy to understand words.....
Very tired of it all Matthew. Very tiring and depressing. Until something is improved to Air Quality in China Korea and India, don't bring up Phony GW. It is a global scam, people need to oppose this nonsense.
Global scam my ass

Remembering a City Where the Smog Could Kill

What does smog have to do with climate change, moron?


If you had bother reading the link it explains it in really easy to understand words.....
CO2 isn't pollution, numskull.
Very tired of it all Matthew. Very tiring and depressing. Until something is improved to Air Quality in China Korea and India, don't bring up Phony GW. It is a global scam, people need to oppose this nonsense.
Global scam my ass

Remembering a City Where the Smog Could Kill

What does smog have to do with climate change, moron?


If you had bother reading the link it explains it in really easy to understand words.....
CO2 isn't pollution, numskull.
Why bother with links at all.... say, can you read more than a sentence at a time?

"Once upon a time, you could touch the air in New York. It was that filthy. No sensible person would put a toe in most of the waterways.

In 1964, Albert Butzel moved to New York City, which then had the worst air pollution among big cities in the United States.

“I not only saw the pollution, I wiped it off my windowsills,” Mr. Butzel, 78, an environmental lawyer, said. “You’d look at the horizon and it would be yellowish. It was business as normal.”

The dawning of environmental consciousness in the United States during the 1960s led to a national commitment to clean air and water with the creation, in 1970, of the Environmental Protection Agency. It came not a moment too soon for New York City, not to mention the nation."

If you had just opened the link and looked at the first couple of paragraphs you wouldn't look half as silly.
Loserterianism doesn't give two shits about health, environment or much of anything. The only thing it cares about is greed.
Greed and money.

I personally want my kids and grandkids to have a healthy planet to live on.

I'm just a crazy lib I guess.
Very tired of it all Matthew. Very tiring and depressing. Until something is improved to Air Quality in China Korea and India, don't bring up Phony GW. It is a global scam, people need to oppose this nonsense.
Global scam my ass

Remembering a City Where the Smog Could Kill

What does smog have to do with climate change, moron?


If you had bothered reading the link it explains it in really easy to understand words.....

Read what, pollution is not climate change... This has nothing to do with pollution.

Very tired of it all Matthew. Very tiring and depressing. Until something is improved to Air Quality in China Korea and India, don't bring up Phony GW. It is a global scam, people need to oppose this nonsense.
Global scam my ass

Remembering a City Where the Smog Could Kill

What does smog have to do with climate change, moron?


If you had bothered reading the link it explains it in really easy to understand words.....

Read what, pollution is not climate change... This has nothing to do with pollution.

97% of scientist disagree with you. The consensus of science community tells us climate change is a direct result of man made pollution..
Thus laws regulating pollution.
Late to the party bear?
Very tired of it all Matthew. Very tiring and depressing. Until something is improved to Air Quality in China Korea and India, don't bring up Phony GW. It is a global scam, people need to oppose this nonsense.
Global scam my ass

Remembering a City Where the Smog Could Kill

What does smog have to do with climate change, moron?


If you had bothered reading the link it explains it in really easy to understand words.....

Read what, pollution is not climate change... This has nothing to do with pollution.

Here bear,

Linking climate change, air pollution and public health
Very tired of it all Matthew. Very tiring and depressing. Until something is improved to Air Quality in China Korea and India, don't bring up Phony GW. It is a global scam, people need to oppose this nonsense.
Global scam my ass

Remembering a City Where the Smog Could Kill

What does smog have to do with climate change, moron?


If you had bothered reading the link it explains it in really easy to understand words.....

Read what, pollution is not climate change... This has nothing to do with pollution.

Here bear,

Linking climate change, air pollution and public health

That's one link that I won't read Aries, they blame everything on climate change just to fear monger

Very tired of it all Matthew. Very tiring and depressing. Until something is improved to Air Quality in China Korea and India, don't bring up Phony GW. It is a global scam, people need to oppose this nonsense.
Global scam my ass

Remembering a City Where the Smog Could Kill

What does smog have to do with climate change, moron?


If you had bothered reading the link it explains it in really easy to understand words.....

Read what, pollution is not climate change... This has nothing to do with pollution.

97% of scientist disagree with you. The consensus of science community tells us climate change is a direct result of man made pollution..
Thus laws regulating pollution.
Late to the party bear?

Judith curry and a bunch of scientist are part of the 97% but others call them a denier , do you know why that is Aries?

Judith Curry slams the AGW cult in the ground


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