Triggered leftists ask Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders to remove the cross her kids chalked on the driveway @ the Arkansas Governor's Mansion

Yes, California, Arizona, New Mexico, and a large part of Texas all share much of the same heritage in that regard.

It is important to understand our historical roots including those involving religion. It is pathetic that children no longer understand how theocratic some of the original colonies were with their almost tyrannical religious rules but all those little theocracies voluntarily dissolved themselves by the turn of the 18th Century and none ever started up again. Unless you count the one formed by the LDS in Utah, but that too has so modified nobody would describe it as a theocracy these days. It is important to teach because it so eloquently illustrates how a free people will exercise trial and error, adopt systems that don't work well for many, make mistakes, but eventually they will via social contract form societies that are comfortable and unoppressive for all. And they do that much more satisfactorily and without as many unintended bad consequences as will authoritarian government.

It happens but it is very rare that the federal government needs to step in and govern the people. Which was the whole idea of the Constitution in the first place. Our history informs us but it does not define us just as a person's experience can inform him/her but does not need to define who that person becomes.

At some point, Santa Barbara took to taking it's Spanish heritage very seriously, to the point of imposing requirements on architecture that it comply with a Spanish style.

I remember when a new control tower was to be built at the Santa Barbara Airport, the city dictated that it must be an old-Spanish-style control tower. There were arguments between the city and the FAA very various equipment that the tower was required by federal law to have on its roof, that the city through were not in keeping with the old-Spanish style.

I cannot now seem to easily find when this was built, but at the time, the company for which i worked occupied a couple of building close by. It was certainly in teh very late 1990s, or very early 2000s.

It's kind of hard to tell in this picture, but near the left edge, you see a white van parked next to what looks like a house-like building? That's actually three buildings, and then just beyond them, some more buildings that look a bit more commercial-ish, and then a bit further back, some buildings that look even more commercial-ish. I worked in the building, of those three, that is closest to the tower. We also occupied part of the farthest of the three buildings. But, of course, the main feature in this image is our old-Spanish-style control tower. Just like the control towers you would have seen in 18th-century Spain. well, except for all the antennas and other equipment on the roof that the FAA requires, that they wouldn't have had in 18th-century Spain, which greatly bothered the Santa Barbara architectural Gestapo.

At some point, Santa Barbara took to taking it's Spanish heritage very seriously, to the point of imposing requirements on architecture that it comply with a Spanish style.

I remember when a new control tower was to be built at the Santa Barbara Airport, the city dictated that it must be an old-Spanish-style control tower. There were arguments between the city and the FAA very various equipment that the tower was required by federal law to have on its roof, that the city through were not in keeping with the old-Spanish style.

I cannot now seem to easily find when this was built, but at the time, the company for which i worked occupied a couple of building close by. It was certainly in teh very late 1990s, or very early 2000s.

It's kind of hard to tell in this picture, but near the left edge, you see a white van parked next to what looks like a house-like building? That's actually three buildings, and then just beyond them, some more buildings that look a bit more commercial-ish, and then a bit further back, some buildings that look even more commercial-ish. I worked in the building, of those three, that is closest to the tower. We also occupied part of the farthest of the three buildings. But, of course, the main feature in this image is our old-Spanish-style control tower. Just like the control towers you would have seen in 18th-century Spain. well, except for all the antennas and other equipment on the roof that the FAA requires, that they wouldn't have had in 18th-century Spain, which greatly bothered the Santa Barbara architectural Gestapo.

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That's stretching it for being old Spanish style I think. But California went more for the red tile roofs and such. My home town was Santa Fe and they had and still have stict building codes requiring territorial style. So this is their airport. :)

I really don't mind building codes like that because they do really keep the ambiance of a sort for an area. I have problems though when they get so nit picky about really small stuff. And I really resent people meddling when it's something so unimportant like was the case with the OP.
For the thousandth time, Leftists: there IS no "separation of Church and State" for American citizens. That phrase just means that there is no State Church in America, as in the Church of England. It doesn't mean that expressing your faith in governmental places is illegal.

Why is this so difficult for so many?
Come on Sue, are you telling me that if the Governor's children drew a Muslim symbol in the driveway at the statehouse right wingers wouldn't lose their minds.
Yea, you right wingers would be up in arms.
why in the world do you care what sort of thing kids do with chalk on their parent's driveway? Just because your demaklan controls your plantation,, doesn't mean the rest of the country feels the way you do.
why in the world do you care what sort of thing kids do with chalk on their parent's driveway? Just because your demaklan controls your plantation,, doesn't mean the rest of the country feels the way you do.
It was a right winger who started the thread, boot licker. I don't give a damn if they draw Daffy Duck in the driveway, my point stands if they were to draw a Muslim symbol on the drive way of a Statehood the right wingers you bow down to would have a fit.
It was a right winger who started the thread, boot licker. I don't give a damn if they draw Daffy Duck in the driveway, my point stands if they were to draw a Muslim symbol on the drive way of a Statehood the right wingers you bow down to would have a fit.
yeah he started the thread about how your demaklan brownshirts attacked the Govenoes kids for drawing
For the thousandth time, Leftists: there IS no "separation of Church and State" for American citizens. That phrase just means that there is no State Church in America, as in the Church of England. It doesn't mean that expressing your faith in governmental places is illegal.

Why is this so difficult for so many?

They’ve been groomed to believe there is. These are the same brainwashed morons that believe there’s a constitutional right to abortion.
They do, but it still wouldn't stop you right wing folks from whining about it.
What sort of nonsense is that? Some folks will complain about anything, as per this very thread. That does not diminish Muslim American rights. Where have I ever done so?

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