Zone1 Trinity religionsssssssssssssss

they never existed, you just prove yourself a liar the same as moses ... the religions of servitude.
That's some logic.........the "effects" of the 10 commandments are very quantifiable (measurable). Your lack of logic is like suggesting that Gravity or the Wind do not exist because you cannot see them. :banghead: There are many facts that can be confirmed as facts due to the "potential" that produces a quantifiable EFFECT.
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Jesus started 1 new religion( Acts 24:5)= a single religion-1Cor 1:10-Unity of thought( ALL of Gods 1 truth, no division) = a single named religion. God had 1 named religion in the OT. Judaism. They have been cut off of being Gods chosen( Matt 23:38-39)--Jesus spoke to 7 congregations( church) in Revelation, not to synagogues. 7 congregations of the one religion he is with.
You fail to identify the book of Revelation as a message that is "signified" (Rev.1:1).....i.e, symbolic in nature.

This book of symbolism is sometimes called "The Revelation of John". But, the statement in Rev. 1:1 declares the source of this information is coming from Jesus Christ.......the words in Revelation were given to an angel who in turn revealed them to John. John simply recorded the things that were revealed to him (Rev. 1:1, 4, 9; 22:8)

One rule in reading from the Holy Scriptures is the fact that "ALL SCRIPTURE" is inspired by the same source, God (2 Tim. 3:16). As such, anything revealed in the book of Revelation must agree with the rest of the bible as God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33) The Holy Spirit of Truth would never contradict Himself.

Who was the book of Revelation Rev. 1:4 declares that the book was written to the 7 churches in Asia (it was called Asia minor at the time of John's revelations). Chapters 2 and 3 list the names of the churches. Why was the book written to these 7 churches? In other parts of the Holy Scriptures we know there were more than these 7 churches (congregations) in Asia. Examples: The church in Colosse (Col. 1:2). Hierapolis (Col. 4:13). Troas (Acts 20:5). Miletus (Acts 20:17). These churches located in the Asia were not included in John's revelation. Does this mean that God contradicted Himself? Of course means that the 7 churches named in Revelation are SYMBOLIC and not literal.

The number 7 in Hebrew is regarded as the PERFECT NUMBER. A perfect example would be found when Solomon was describing his new wife's 7 attributes (Song of Solomon 4:1-7) In fact the number "7" is used 54 times in the book of Revelation........this alone indicates that 7 is symbolic in nature. The 7 churches are representative of all Christian congregations in seeking perfection
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Ummm. I could literally have ice, liquid, and steam in front of me simultaneously. BRAINCHILD!!

sure you could ...


- send your theory to scientific american research center and see what they say ... wanabe - rock scientist.
sure you could ...


- send your theory to scientific american research center and see what they say ... wanabe - rock scientist.



I could have all three of the above on my kitchen table within minutes. I truly hope you aren't as dumb as your post makes you out to be.
You are yet to submit any objective, testable, and repeatable evidence that would prove any single passage of scriptures in the 66 book canon of the Holy Bible to be false
- provide the heavenly etched stone tablets w/ 10 commandment claimed by the liar moses or remove them from all 3 desert religions documents and literature ...
they never existed, you just prove yourself a liar the same as moses ...

That's some logic.........the "effects" of the 10 commandments are very quantifiable (measurable).

you're a proven liar, the events of the 1st century were a repudiation of moses and judaism - in particular the repressive phony 10 commandments that are used to persecute and victimize the innocent - clyde.

and those others during that time that gave their lives for the religion of antiquity prescribed by the heavens as the true path for remission to the everlasting - the triumph of good vs evil.
you're a proven liar, the events of the 1st century were a repudiation of moses and judaism - in particular the repressive phony 10 commandments that are used to persecute and victimize the innocent - clyde.

and those others during that time that gave their lives for the religion of antiquity prescribed by the heavens as the true path for remission to the everlasting - the triumph of good vs evil.
You have no clue what you're talking about. Literally no clue!!
I could have all three of the above on my kitchen table within minutes. I truly hope you aren't as dumb as your post makes you out to be.


no action, there is only 1 jesus - not 3 on your kitchen table, did mary have triplets ...
You have no clue what you're talking about. Literally no clue!!

clue me this - - when was original sin made church doctrine ...

* 3rd century ...

oh, maybe the c-bible has the - trinity & atonement - as a latter day package deal, who need both sinning and the easy street to heaven ... a jackson.

no action, there is only 1 jesus - not 3 on your kitchen table, did mary have triplets ...
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit

All, One God!!

Matthew 28:19, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:”

John 10:30, “I and my Father are one.”

2 Corinthians 13:14, “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.”

John 1:1 & 14, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”
God the Father
God the Son
God the Holy Spirit

All, One God!!
Ummm. I could literally have ice, liquid, and steam in front of me simultaneously.

the trinity is a ruse to tie jesus to the heavens, they voted on it in the 4th century - no rligious person would need to believe the phony explaination given by the c-bible --- you are a stretch - action - why lie, jesus never claimed to be mr big, have that in their own hand writing. no.
the trinity is a ruse to tie jesus to the heavens, they voted on it in the 4th century - no rligious person would need to believe the phony explaination given by the c-bible --- you are a stretch - action - why lie, jesus never claimed to be mr big, have that in their own hand writing. no.
Who is "they" as in "they voted." I have no idea what you're talking about.

The words of Jesus:

John 8:58, “Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM.”

Jesus declares that He existed before Abraham. That means He is eternal and one with God the Father.
My OP is about the trinity religions, not the trinity. I used bible facts to show they are not Jesus' religion.
Trinitarian religions are based on the personhood of the Holy Spirit, which cannot be proven scripturally (for what it's worth). Paul and Peter didn't acknowledge the Holy Spirit in their greeting to the churches, probably the greatest evidence against the 'personhood' of the Holy Spirit.
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Who is "they" as in "they voted." I have no idea what you're talking about.

The words of Jesus:

John 8:58, “Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM.”

Jesus declares that He existed before Abraham. That means He is eternal and one with God the Father.

those are the words of the c-bible and how you told them to write it or you would see the deception throughout that entire book ...

* 3rd century ...

what happened there, action - original sin was coined in the 3rd century - how is it you claim jesus died for - your - sins when no one in the 1st century even knew about the all encompassing o-sin jesus was suppose to have sacrificed his life for ...

- they died were murdered for the religion of antiquity, liberation theology, self determination - the 1st century repudiation of moses and his phony 10 commandments.
those are the words of the c-bible and how you told them to write it or you would see the deception throughout that entire book ...

what happened there, action - original sin was coined in the 3rd century - how is it you claim jesus died for - your - sins when no one in the 1st century even knew about the all encompassing o-sin jesus was suppose to have sacrificed his life for ...

- they died were murdered for the religion of antiquity, liberation theology, self determination - the 1st century repudiation of moses and his phony 10 commandments.
So you just pick and choose what you want to believe based on what? Take what you like and leave the rest. How do you know that what you believe is correct and everything else isn't?
Water can be ice
Water can be liquid
Water can be steam

Ice, Liquid, & Steam are three manifestations of the element, H2O
But one cannot get by facts--The Abrahamic God served by Israel= a single being God-YHWH(Jehovah). no matter what others say.
3 in one does not necessarily have to mean completely divided. Individual cooperation for the enhancement of life is possible. I am less concerned with religious dogma.
Good then believe Jesus-John 20:17, Rev 3:12--his real teachers taught and teach the same-2Cor 1:3, Eph 1:3, Coll 1:3-1Peter 1:3
You fail to identify the book of Revelation as a message that is "signified" (Rev.1:1).....i.e, symbolic in nature.

This book of symbolism is sometimes called "The Revelation of John". But, the statement in Rev. 1:1 declares the source of this information is coming from Jesus Christ.......the words in Revelation were given to an angel who in turn revealed them to John. John simply recorded the things that were revealed to him (Rev. 1:1, 4, 9; 22:8)

One rule in reading from the Holy Scriptures is the fact that "ALL SCRIPTURE" is inspired by the same source, God (2 Tim. 3:16). As such, anything revealed in the book of Revelation must agree with the rest of the bible as God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33) The Holy Spirit of Truth would never contradict Himself.

Who was the book of Revelation Rev. 1:4 declares that the book was written to the 7 churches in Asia (it was called Asia minor at the time of John's revelations). Chapters 2 and 3 list the names of the churches. Why was the book written to these 7 churches? In other parts of the Holy Scriptures we know there were more than these 7 churches (congregations) in Asia. Examples: The church in Colosse (Col. 1:2). Hierapolis (Col. 4:13). Troas (Acts 20:5). Miletus (Acts 20:17). These churches located in the Asia were not included in John's revelation. Does this mean that God contradicted Himself? Of course means that the 7 churches named in Revelation are SYMBOLIC and not literal.

The number 7 in Hebrew is regarded as the PERFECT NUMBER. A perfect example would be found when Solomon was describing his new wife's 7 attributes (Song of Solomon 4:1-7) In fact the number "7" is used 54 times in the book of Revelation........this alone indicates that 7 is symbolic in nature. The 7 churches are representative of all Christian congregations in seeking perfection
Its not all symbolism. And most cant even understand the first sentence-A Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave to him= The giver= God, the receiver is not God, there is only 1 God.
Trinitarian religions are based on the personhood of the Holy Spirit, which cannot be proven scripturally (for what it's worth). Paul and Peter didn't acknowledge the Holy Spirit in their greeting to the churches, probably the greatest evidence against the 'personhood' of the Holy Spirit.
All the evidence is against the HS being a living being- It has no personal name, Never seen on a throne, Does not get glory or the such, Many important passages in the NT mentions God and Jesus( always separate)but not the HS.
Catholicisms encyclopedia says--In most instances in the NT the Holy spirit is not portrayed as a living being.
Its the lack of holy spirit which has caused all the trinity religionsssssssssss confusion.

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