Tropical Storm Barry

Ugh. Sounds like Houston all over again. Let's hope not.

Oldlady, not being a dick, but it wasn't that bad here when Harvy hit. Construction on I-45 caused all the flooding. Where my old house was got flooded bad. My house was a loss 100%. We burnt it down after insurance looked at it and told me we would get nothing. That area floods naturally, and being surrounded by rice fields didn't help, but even then, only about 12 houses were wrecked. Harvy was nothing but hype and the gimp In Austin scamming tax payers out of money. Berry looks like it will be the same.
I was in Houston a week after Harvey finished and got partially swallowed by ‘quick mud’. Very scary situation. I lost a pair of valuable shoes in the process. The residue of the water level in a city park was about 20 feet above the water line. I’d call that more serious than hype.

Yeah I'm watching the weather folks do this delicate dance...I feel kinda bad for them (I'm a lifelong weather geek. Not I hope those annoying armchair kinds that think they can forecast and clap back at actual meteorologists---I just like to follow storms and stuff, and what they say. Amateur forecasters bug me. But I digress.)

Anywho, I don't think the storm itself is that bad...I think they're warning people because New Orleans should by all rights sink into the sea. That said I don't think they're going to get as much rain as they first thought, thank God. Now 12 inches when they first though up to 20. So maybe not as bad
Ugh. Sounds like Houston all over again. Let's hope not.

Oldlady, not being a dick, but it wasn't that bad here when Harvy hit. Construction on I-45 caused all the flooding. Where my old house was got flooded bad. My house was a loss 100%. We burnt it down after insurance looked at it and told me we would get nothing. That area floods naturally, and being surrounded by rice fields didn't help, but even then, only about 12 houses were wrecked. Harvy was nothing but hype and the gimp In Austin scamming tax payers out of money. Berry looks like it will be the same.
I was in Houston a week after Harvey finished and got partially swallowed by ‘quick mud’. Very scary situation. I lost a pair of valuable shoes in the process. The residue of the water level in a city park was about 20 feet above the water line. I’d call that more serious than hype.

WHAT? Mud? Holy shit. I have lived here since 1981 and never knew anything about mud! It was 1,000,000,000,000,% hype.

Ugh. Sounds like Houston all over again. Let's hope not.

Oldlady, not being a dick, but it wasn't that bad here when Harvy hit. Construction on I-45 caused all the flooding. Where my old house was got flooded bad. My house was a loss 100%. We burnt it down after insurance looked at it and told me we would get nothing. That area floods naturally, and being surrounded by rice fields didn't help, but even then, only about 12 houses were wrecked. Harvy was nothing but hype and the gimp In Austin scamming tax payers out of money. Berry looks like it will be the same.
I was in Houston a week after Harvey finished and got partially swallowed by ‘quick mud’. Very scary situation. I lost a pair of valuable shoes in the process. The residue of the water level in a city park was about 20 feet above the water line. I’d call that more serious than hype.

WHAT? Mud? Holy shit. I have lived here since 1981 and never knew anything about mud! It was 1,000,000,000,000,% hype.
No hype. Real incident in Houston after Harvey...

How to Get Out Of A Mud Bog (Quicksand)
Ugh. Sounds like Houston all over again. Let's hope not.

Oldlady, not being a dick, but it wasn't that bad here when Harvy hit. Construction on I-45 caused all the flooding. Where my old house was got flooded bad. My house was a loss 100%. We burnt it down after insurance looked at it and told me we would get nothing. That area floods naturally, and being surrounded by rice fields didn't help, but even then, only about 12 houses were wrecked. Harvy was nothing but hype and the gimp In Austin scamming tax payers out of money. Berry looks like it will be the same.
I was in Houston a week after Harvey finished and got partially swallowed by ‘quick mud’. Very scary situation. I lost a pair of valuable shoes in the process. The residue of the water level in a city park was about 20 feet above the water line. I’d call that more serious than hype.

Yeah I'm watching the weather folks do this delicate dance...I feel kinda bad for them (I'm a lifelong weather geek. Not I hope those annoying armchair kinds that think they can forecast and clap back at actual meteorologists---I just like to follow storms and stuff, and what they say. Amateur forecasters bug me. But I digress.)

Anywho, I don't think the storm itself is that bad...I think they're warning people because New Orleans should by all rights sink into the sea. That said I don't think they're going to get as much rain as they first thought, thank God. Now 12 inches when they first though up to 20. So maybe not as bad

Yup. During Harvy me and the kids went to HEB over on FM 96. You had a Fox News dumb ass looking for huge puddles to stand in while he did his comedy bit for cable TV. You also has about 20 sister humpers from Louisiana trying to pull security. They wore out their welcom pretty fast and were asked to leave. All the boat action you saw on TV were people from the more well to do part of Dickinson using their boats that are typically parked on the bayou to go over and get all the apartment dwellers that lived closer to I-45 up on dry land. Don't get me wrong, it was really cool to see that community come together like that, but retarded swamp dwellers from Louisiana had very little to do with it. There was really only one road going into the neighborhood that had water deep enough for a prop driven boat to go on. Most of it was done with canoes and kayaks.

New Orleans has it way worse. When I was in the Navy I remember doing a week vacation there. I had never been there before and it rained all week. From about 7AM to noon it rained really bad. I thought this was the end of the world. As soon as it would stop people were out and around, the water went away and that was that. It just floods there.
Ugh. Sounds like Houston all over again. Let's hope not.

Oldlady, not being a dick, but it wasn't that bad here when Harvy hit. Construction on I-45 caused all the flooding. Where my old house was got flooded bad. My house was a loss 100%. We burnt it down after insurance looked at it and told me we would get nothing. That area floods naturally, and being surrounded by rice fields didn't help, but even then, only about 12 houses were wrecked. Harvy was nothing but hype and the gimp In Austin scamming tax payers out of money. Berry looks like it will be the same.
I was in Houston a week after Harvey finished and got partially swallowed by ‘quick mud’. Very scary situation. I lost a pair of valuable shoes in the process. The residue of the water level in a city park was about 20 feet above the water line. I’d call that more serious than hype.

WHAT? Mud? Holy shit. I have lived here since 1981 and never knew anything about mud! It was 1,000,000,000,000,% hype.

Ugh. Sounds like Houston all over again. Let's hope not.

Oldlady, not being a dick, but it wasn't that bad here when Harvy hit. Construction on I-45 caused all the flooding. Where my old house was got flooded bad. My house was a loss 100%. We burnt it down after insurance looked at it and told me we would get nothing. That area floods naturally, and being surrounded by rice fields didn't help, but even then, only about 12 houses were wrecked. Harvy was nothing but hype and the gimp In Austin scamming tax payers out of money. Berry looks like it will be the same.
I was in Houston a week after Harvey finished and got partially swallowed by ‘quick mud’. Very scary situation. I lost a pair of valuable shoes in the process. The residue of the water level in a city park was about 20 feet above the water line. I’d call that more serious than hype.

WHAT? Mud? Holy shit. I have lived here since 1981 and never knew anything about mud! It was 1,000,000,000,000,% hype.
No hype. Real incident in Houston after Harvey...

How to Get Out Of A Mud Bog (Quicksand)

I don't doubt it. But it's muddy down here. In my life I have received four memorable ass whippings for losing shoes in mud. Way back in the day when they were building all this shit it was a swampy gross mess here. We called winter "mud season". What you experienced happens allot. If you ever do it again go to tractor supply and get the cheap ass rubber boots. Bout three pair. They are like 5 bucks each and don't suck so bad when you cut them lose. Or just get knock off crocks.
Ugh. Sounds like Houston all over again. Let's hope not.

Oldlady, not being a dick, but it wasn't that bad here when Harvy hit. Construction on I-45 caused all the flooding. Where my old house was got flooded bad. My house was a loss 100%. We burnt it down after insurance looked at it and told me we would get nothing. That area floods naturally, and being surrounded by rice fields didn't help, but even then, only about 12 houses were wrecked. Harvy was nothing but hype and the gimp In Austin scamming tax payers out of money. Berry looks like it will be the same.
I was in Houston a week after Harvey finished and got partially swallowed by ‘quick mud’. Very scary situation. I lost a pair of valuable shoes in the process. The residue of the water level in a city park was about 20 feet above the water line. I’d call that more serious than hype.

Yeah I'm watching the weather folks do this delicate dance...I feel kinda bad for them (I'm a lifelong weather geek. Not I hope those annoying armchair kinds that think they can forecast and clap back at actual meteorologists---I just like to follow storms and stuff, and what they say. Amateur forecasters bug me. But I digress.)

Anywho, I don't think the storm itself is that bad...I think they're warning people because New Orleans should by all rights sink into the sea. That said I don't think they're going to get as much rain as they first thought, thank God. Now 12 inches when they first though up to 20. So maybe not as bad

Yup. During Harvy me and the kids went to HEB over on FM 96. You had a Fox News dumb ass looking for huge puddles to stand in while he did his comedy bit for cable TV. You also has about 20 sister humpers from Louisiana trying to pull security. They wore out their welcom pretty fast and were asked to leave. All the boat action you saw on TV were people from the more well to do part of Dickinson using their boats that are typically parked on the bayou to go over and get all the apartment dwellers that lived closer to I-45 up on dry land. Don't get me wrong, it was really cool to see that community come together like that, but retarded swamp dwellers from Louisiana had very little to do with it. There was really only one road going into the neighborhood that had water deep enough for a prop driven boat to go on. Most of it was done with canoes and kayaks.

New Orleans has it way worse. When I was in the Navy I remember doing a week vacation there. I had never been there before and it rained all week. From about 7AM to noon it rained really bad. I thought this was the end of the world. As soon as it would stop people were out and around, the water went away and that was that. It just floods there.
Maybe your part of Houston didn’t get it so bad but when you see repairs of lights at the top of light-posts being repaired because they were under water and when you get into some quick mud yourself you may rethink the hype angle.
As for NOLA, they are already below sea level so no one there with half a brain should take flooding or hurricanes lightly.
Ugh. Sounds like Houston all over again. Let's hope not.

Oldlady, not being a dick, but it wasn't that bad here when Harvy hit. Construction on I-45 caused all the flooding. Where my old house was got flooded bad. My house was a loss 100%. We burnt it down after insurance looked at it and told me we would get nothing. That area floods naturally, and being surrounded by rice fields didn't help, but even then, only about 12 houses were wrecked. Harvy was nothing but hype and the gimp In Austin scamming tax payers out of money. Berry looks like it will be the same.
I was in Houston a week after Harvey finished and got partially swallowed by ‘quick mud’. Very scary situation. I lost a pair of valuable shoes in the process. The residue of the water level in a city park was about 20 feet above the water line. I’d call that more serious than hype.

WHAT? Mud? Holy shit. I have lived here since 1981 and never knew anything about mud! It was 1,000,000,000,000,% hype.

Ugh. Sounds like Houston all over again. Let's hope not.

Oldlady, not being a dick, but it wasn't that bad here when Harvy hit. Construction on I-45 caused all the flooding. Where my old house was got flooded bad. My house was a loss 100%. We burnt it down after insurance looked at it and told me we would get nothing. That area floods naturally, and being surrounded by rice fields didn't help, but even then, only about 12 houses were wrecked. Harvy was nothing but hype and the gimp In Austin scamming tax payers out of money. Berry looks like it will be the same.
I was in Houston a week after Harvey finished and got partially swallowed by ‘quick mud’. Very scary situation. I lost a pair of valuable shoes in the process. The residue of the water level in a city park was about 20 feet above the water line. I’d call that more serious than hype.

WHAT? Mud? Holy shit. I have lived here since 1981 and never knew anything about mud! It was 1,000,000,000,000,% hype.
No hype. Real incident in Houston after Harvey...

How to Get Out Of A Mud Bog (Quicksand)

I don't doubt it. But it's muddy down here. In my life I have received four memorable ass whippings for losing shoes in mud. Way back in the day when they were building all this shit it was a swampy gross mess here. We called winter "mud season". What you experienced happens allot. If you ever do it again go to tractor supply and get the cheap ass rubber boots. Bout three pair. They are like 5 bucks each and don't suck so bad when you cut them lose. Or just get knock off crocks.
This was way more than mud season mud. This was quick mud.

Horse Was Stuck In Quick Sand Like Mud For 3 Hours. As He Was Sinking Deeper And Deeper His Owner Was Desperate For Help Until A Hero Emerged
Hurricane Barry (Soetero) IS THE 50TH HURRICANE to make landfall in Louisiana.
Yet, the indoctrinated blames climate change.
Hurricane Barry (Soetero) IS THE 50TH HURRICANE to make landfall in Louisiana.
Yet, the indoctrinated blames climate change.
There were no hurricanes or murders or rapes or illegals before November 8th 2016.
Hurricane Barry (Soetero) IS THE 50TH HURRICANE to make landfall in Louisiana.
Yet, the indoctrinated blames climate change.
There were no hurricanes or murders or rapes or illegals before November 8th 2016.

And the above stat, 50th hurricane, is announced by the NBC owned climate change supporting Weather Channel!
They don't even pay attention to their own stats!
Ugh. Sounds like Houston all over again. Let's hope not.

Oldlady, not being a dick, but it wasn't that bad here when Harvy hit. Construction on I-45 caused all the flooding. Where my old house was got flooded bad. My house was a loss 100%. We burnt it down after insurance looked at it and told me we would get nothing. That area floods naturally, and being surrounded by rice fields didn't help, but even then, only about 12 houses were wrecked. Harvy was nothing but hype and the gimp In Austin scamming tax payers out of money. Berry looks like it will be the same.
I was in Houston a week after Harvey finished and got partially swallowed by ‘quick mud’. Very scary situation. I lost a pair of valuable shoes in the process. The residue of the water level in a city park was about 20 feet above the water line. I’d call that more serious than hype.

Yeah I'm watching the weather folks do this delicate dance...I feel kinda bad for them (I'm a lifelong weather geek. Not I hope those annoying armchair kinds that think they can forecast and clap back at actual meteorologists---I just like to follow storms and stuff, and what they say. Amateur forecasters bug me. But I digress.)

Anywho, I don't think the storm itself is that bad...I think they're warning people because New Orleans should by all rights sink into the sea. That said I don't think they're going to get as much rain as they first thought, thank God. Now 12 inches when they first though up to 20. So maybe not as bad

Yup. During Harvy me and the kids went to HEB over on FM 96. You had a Fox News dumb ass looking for huge puddles to stand in while he did his comedy bit for cable TV. You also has about 20 sister humpers from Louisiana trying to pull security. They wore out their welcom pretty fast and were asked to leave. All the boat action you saw on TV were people from the more well to do part of Dickinson using their boats that are typically parked on the bayou to go over and get all the apartment dwellers that lived closer to I-45 up on dry land. Don't get me wrong, it was really cool to see that community come together like that, but retarded swamp dwellers from Louisiana had very little to do with it. There was really only one road going into the neighborhood that had water deep enough for a prop driven boat to go on. Most of it was done with canoes and kayaks.

New Orleans has it way worse. When I was in the Navy I remember doing a week vacation there. I had never been there before and it rained all week. From about 7AM to noon it rained really bad. I thought this was the end of the world. As soon as it would stop people were out and around, the water went away and that was that. It just floods there.
Maybe your part of Houston didn’t get it so bad but when you see repairs of lights at the top of light-posts being repaired because they were under water and when you get into some quick mud yourself you may rethink the hype angle.
As for NOLA, they are already below sea level so no one there with half a brain should take flooding or hurricanes lightly.

I owned property in THE worst part of Houston fucked up by Harvy. I lost a house. A dozen others where I lived did to. The Trinity flooded the rice fields, the fields flooded my property. If you saw street lights that got flooded, then they were in a hole. When Harvy came, I lived in the town homes I'm in now just across from NASA. Dickinson was hit hard. That's the place you saw the tards from Lauisana standing around on he news. It flooded in two places there. If you google earth the place you will see one, and the other was on the east side of I-45. I'm not scared of mud, but I can attest to the fact that it really sucks ass when it's in your house. What part of Houston were you in? I might understand better if I knew?
Oldlady, not being a dick, but it wasn't that bad here when Harvy hit. Construction on I-45 caused all the flooding. Where my old house was got flooded bad. My house was a loss 100%. We burnt it down after insurance looked at it and told me we would get nothing. That area floods naturally, and being surrounded by rice fields didn't help, but even then, only about 12 houses were wrecked. Harvy was nothing but hype and the gimp In Austin scamming tax payers out of money. Berry looks like it will be the same.
I was in Houston a week after Harvey finished and got partially swallowed by ‘quick mud’. Very scary situation. I lost a pair of valuable shoes in the process. The residue of the water level in a city park was about 20 feet above the water line. I’d call that more serious than hype.

Yeah I'm watching the weather folks do this delicate dance...I feel kinda bad for them (I'm a lifelong weather geek. Not I hope those annoying armchair kinds that think they can forecast and clap back at actual meteorologists---I just like to follow storms and stuff, and what they say. Amateur forecasters bug me. But I digress.)

Anywho, I don't think the storm itself is that bad...I think they're warning people because New Orleans should by all rights sink into the sea. That said I don't think they're going to get as much rain as they first thought, thank God. Now 12 inches when they first though up to 20. So maybe not as bad

Yup. During Harvy me and the kids went to HEB over on FM 96. You had a Fox News dumb ass looking for huge puddles to stand in while he did his comedy bit for cable TV. You also has about 20 sister humpers from Louisiana trying to pull security. They wore out their welcom pretty fast and were asked to leave. All the boat action you saw on TV were people from the more well to do part of Dickinson using their boats that are typically parked on the bayou to go over and get all the apartment dwellers that lived closer to I-45 up on dry land. Don't get me wrong, it was really cool to see that community come together like that, but retarded swamp dwellers from Louisiana had very little to do with it. There was really only one road going into the neighborhood that had water deep enough for a prop driven boat to go on. Most of it was done with canoes and kayaks.

New Orleans has it way worse. When I was in the Navy I remember doing a week vacation there. I had never been there before and it rained all week. From about 7AM to noon it rained really bad. I thought this was the end of the world. As soon as it would stop people were out and around, the water went away and that was that. It just floods there.
Maybe your part of Houston didn’t get it so bad but when you see repairs of lights at the top of light-posts being repaired because they were under water and when you get into some quick mud yourself you may rethink the hype angle.
As for NOLA, they are already below sea level so no one there with half a brain should take flooding or hurricanes lightly.

I owned property in THE worst part of Houston fucked up by Harvy. I lost a house. A dozen others where I lived did to. The Trinity flooded the rice fields, the fields flooded my property. If you saw street lights that got flooded, then they were in a hole. When Harvy came, I lived in the town homes I'm in now just across from NASA. Dickinson was hit hard. That's the place you saw the tards from Lauisana standing around on he news. It flooded in two places there. If you google earth the place you will see one, and the other was on the east side of I-45. I'm not scared of mud, but I can attest to the fact that it really sucks ass when it's in your house. What part of Houston were you in? I might understand better if I knew?
Buffalo Bayou between Allen Pkwy and Memorial Dr. There is a bike/hike path up the hill from the stream —that’s where the quick mud was —and a paved park area next to Allen Pkwy. The previously submerged lights that were being serviced were at the Gus Wortham fountain. I warned the service workers about the mud and told them they needed to close that section of the path.
The geriatric Rolling Stones cancelled a concert in the Big Easy. Maybe their walkers wouldn't work in the stormy weather.
I was in Houston a week after Harvey finished and got partially swallowed by ‘quick mud’. Very scary situation. I lost a pair of valuable shoes in the process. The residue of the water level in a city park was about 20 feet above the water line. I’d call that more serious than hype.

Yeah I'm watching the weather folks do this delicate dance...I feel kinda bad for them (I'm a lifelong weather geek. Not I hope those annoying armchair kinds that think they can forecast and clap back at actual meteorologists---I just like to follow storms and stuff, and what they say. Amateur forecasters bug me. But I digress.)

Anywho, I don't think the storm itself is that bad...I think they're warning people because New Orleans should by all rights sink into the sea. That said I don't think they're going to get as much rain as they first thought, thank God. Now 12 inches when they first though up to 20. So maybe not as bad

Yup. During Harvy me and the kids went to HEB over on FM 96. You had a Fox News dumb ass looking for huge puddles to stand in while he did his comedy bit for cable TV. You also has about 20 sister humpers from Louisiana trying to pull security. They wore out their welcom pretty fast and were asked to leave. All the boat action you saw on TV were people from the more well to do part of Dickinson using their boats that are typically parked on the bayou to go over and get all the apartment dwellers that lived closer to I-45 up on dry land. Don't get me wrong, it was really cool to see that community come together like that, but retarded swamp dwellers from Louisiana had very little to do with it. There was really only one road going into the neighborhood that had water deep enough for a prop driven boat to go on. Most of it was done with canoes and kayaks.

New Orleans has it way worse. When I was in the Navy I remember doing a week vacation there. I had never been there before and it rained all week. From about 7AM to noon it rained really bad. I thought this was the end of the world. As soon as it would stop people were out and around, the water went away and that was that. It just floods there.
Maybe your part of Houston didn’t get it so bad but when you see repairs of lights at the top of light-posts being repaired because they were under water and when you get into some quick mud yourself you may rethink the hype angle.
As for NOLA, they are already below sea level so no one there with half a brain should take flooding or hurricanes lightly.

I owned property in THE worst part of Houston fucked up by Harvy. I lost a house. A dozen others where I lived did to. The Trinity flooded the rice fields, the fields flooded my property. If you saw street lights that got flooded, then they were in a hole. When Harvy came, I lived in the town homes I'm in now just across from NASA. Dickinson was hit hard. That's the place you saw the tards from Lauisana standing around on he news. It flooded in two places there. If you google earth the place you will see one, and the other was on the east side of I-45. I'm not scared of mud, but I can attest to the fact that it really sucks ass when it's in your house. What part of Houston were you in? I might understand better if I knew?
Buffalo Bayou between Allen Pkwy and Memorial Dr. There is a bike/hike path up the hill from the stream —that’s where the quick mud was —and a paved park area next to Allen Pkwy. The previously submerged lights that were being serviced were at the Gus Wortham fountain. I warned the service workers about the mud and told them they needed to close that section of the path.

Ahhhh, that explains everything. Yup, that place gets nasty. Used to be, there really weren't any real bike/walking trails there, but it was still a fun place to be a kid.

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