Trrump backtracks on rigged election accusation.

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Father O'Blivion

Platinum Member
Mar 19, 2023
The Dangerous Kitchen
He hates the same people that they hate and nothing else matters.
SOP. Why change the game plan when the Flock all agree in unison regardless of reality.

"Trump would simply peddle nonsense and tell the public to believe him, instead of reality. As we discussed at the time, at different points during the campaign, the Republican publicly argued, for example, that the unemployment rate was 20% — or possibly 42% — even as reality pointed to a rate below 5%."

After the election, at a pre-inaugural press conference, Trump declared there are “96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get,” which was ridiculous, even for him. Around the same time, the then-president-elect declared that the unemployment rate was “totally fiction.”

Soon after, as Trump settled into the White House, and the economic conditions he inherited continued to improve, the then-president decided he believed economic data after all.

That was nearly seven years ago. Now, wouldn’t you know it, the Republican has re-embraced the same outlandish rhetorical tactics he used during his successful candidacy in 2016.
SOP. Why change the game plan when the Flock all agree in unison regardless of reality.

"Trump would simply peddle nonsense and tell the public to believe him, instead of reality. As we discussed at the time, at different points during the campaign, the Republican publicly argued, for example, that the unemployment rate was 20% — or possibly 42% — even as reality pointed to a rate below 5%."

After the election, at a pre-inaugural press conference, Trump declared there are “96 million really wanting a job and they can’t get,” which was ridiculous, even for him. Around the same time, the then-president-elect declared that the unemployment rate was “totally fiction.”

Soon after, as Trump settled into the White House, and the economic conditions he inherited continued to improve, the then-president decided he believed economic data after all.

That was nearly seven years ago. Now, wouldn’t you know it, the Republican has re-embraced the same outlandish rhetorical tactics he used during his successful candidacy in 2016.
It's biggest cult the US has ever seen. They are even starting to call the next election rigged if their guy doesn't win.

The cultists have completely turned on our democratic system, and they are waving the flag while doing it.

It's biggest cult the US has ever seen. They are even starting to call the next election rigged if their guy doesn't win.

The cultists have completely turned on our democratic system, and they are waving the flag while doing it.

The reason Trumpism is a cult is because the typical Trumper, as evidenced by the Trumpsters on this website, is heavily invested in Trump emotionally and psychically. They live their lives vicariously through Trump. The Trumper has his very self-esteem linked to Trump. It is therefore impossible for him to believe that a great majority of people categorically reject Trump. It has to be fraud. No amount of argument will ever convince the Trumper otherwise. Only intensive therapy and intervention can help the Trumper now.
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The reason Trumpism is a cult is because the typical Trumper, as evidenced by the Trumpsters on this website, is heavily invested in Trump emotionally and psychically. They live their lives vicariously through Trump. The Trumper has his very self-esteem linked to Trump. It is therefore impossible for him to believe that a great majority of people categorically reject him. It has to be fraud. No amount of argument will ever convince the Trumper otherwise. Only intensive therapy and intervention can help the Trumper now.
Also, 30 years of Limbaugh, et al. convincing them that any news they don't like is fake opened the door for a psychopath like Trump to rise. He can now literally say anything and they will:

a. Believe him and
b. Refuse to believe anything refuting him.

It's a perfect cult environment.
Ignorant DEM planted cucks^^^^^^of course GA was rigged in 2020. Hundreds of thousand ballots dumped in late (148K D vote spike). Sig review not performed. Counting kept open after Election night until they got enough. You folks is cra-cra as they say in da hood. Dindunuffin they say up in Fulton.
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Ignorant DEM planted cucks^^^^^^of course GA was rigged in 2020. Hundreds of thousand ballots dumped in late (148K D vote spike). Sig review not performed. Counting kept open after Election night until they got enough. You folks is cra-cra as they say in da hood. Dindunuffin they say up in Fulton.
All debunked.

You are helping to normalize the idea that elections are rigged just because your guy lost. All based on nothing more than the word of one man.

The very antithesis of what it means to be an American.
Trump won in 2016 by a huge margin. And he won 2020 by even more.
In your insulated world, sure.

Many people disagree, such as the two companies TRUMP PAID to find corruption, the Cyber Ninjas, Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General.

Not to mention these conservatives:

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