Truck attempts to block CNN view of Trump golfing

The hilarious part is Trump lying and hiding to play golf. Obama did. :p

Credible proof?
You mean you want me to post the same exact links you have demanded of me in the past, over and over again, only to have you ask me to do so again - like now? Bwuhahaha....

Barry attacked Bush for playing golf while US troops were in harm's way. Bush immediately stopped. Once in office, the Hypocrite and Chief immediately BEGAN golfing.

Now snowflakes CLAIM they are mad that Turmp is playing golf, trucks are blocking their view of him playing golf, etc....

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What you're REALLY pissed at and haven't gotten over is Trump kicked Hillary's ass and is President now.

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Hillary LOST...get over it.

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We “ claim?”
There’s video to prove it.
You DEPLORABLES crack me up.

You mental patients crack us up.

Day after day, CNN’s team of political journalists have set up cameras on the same public road to catch glimpses of President Donald Trump hitting the links at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. But on Wednesday, a white box truck parked right in front of those cameras and blocked the news organization’s view.

While the Secret Service denied that the truck was intentionally placed to obstruct views of Trump, CNN’s Dan Merica pointed out the significance of the vehicle’s placement.

″The president and the White House have tried to obscure the fact that President Trump golfs on a regular basis,” Merica said. “This is a man who ran for president, who criticized President Barack Obama regularly for golfing during his presidency, but that criticism hasn’t continued into the Trump presidency.”

Trump’s latest outing marked the 87th time he has visited one of his golf properties since taking office. It was also his 112th day staying at a Trump-owned property during his presidency, NBC News reported.

The most recent rounds of golf occurred soon after Trump tweeted that he was getting “back to work” after the Christmas holiday.

More: Box Truck Blocks Media's View Of Trump Getting 'Back To Work' -- By Golfing

So, Trump is now trying to hide while playing golf. His hypocrisy just gets deeper and deeper.

This is proof how desperate the traitorous msm is to trash our president. Does anybody watch cnn anymore?
The hilarious part is Trump lying and hiding to play golf. Obama did. :p

Credible proof?
You mean you want me to post the same exact links you have demanded of me in the past, over and over again, only to have you ask me to do so again - like now? Bwuhahaha....

Barry attacked Bush for playing golf while US troops were in harm's way. Bush immediately stopped. Once in office, the Hypocrite and Chief immediately BEGAN golfing.

Now snowflakes CLAIM they are mad that Turmp is playing golf, trucks are blocking their view of him playing golf, etc....

View attachment 168337

What you're REALLY pissed at and haven't gotten over is Trump kicked Hillary's ass and is President now.

View attachment 168338

Hillary LOST...get over it.

View attachment 168339
So Queasy how’d that huge defeat of your favorite child molester work out for you?
Just think you and Trump will always be known for supporting a pedaphile.

Day after day, CNN’s team of political journalists have set up cameras on the same public road to catch glimpses of President Donald Trump hitting the links at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. But on Wednesday, a white box truck parked right in front of those cameras and blocked the news organization’s view.

While the Secret Service denied that the truck was intentionally placed to obstruct views of Trump, CNN’s Dan Merica pointed out the significance of the vehicle’s placement.

″The president and the White House have tried to obscure the fact that President Trump golfs on a regular basis,” Merica said. “This is a man who ran for president, who criticized President Barack Obama regularly for golfing during his presidency, but that criticism hasn’t continued into the Trump presidency.”

Trump’s latest outing marked the 87th time he has visited one of his golf properties since taking office. It was also his 112th day staying at a Trump-owned property during his presidency, NBC News reported.

The most recent rounds of golf occurred soon after Trump tweeted that he was getting “back to work” after the Christmas holiday.

More: Box Truck Blocks Media's View Of Trump Getting 'Back To Work' -- By Golfing

So, Trump is now trying to hide while playing golf. His hypocrisy just gets deeper and deeper.

This is proof how desperate the traitorous msm is to trash our president. Does anybody watch cnn anymore?

Anyone looking for news. But you don’t have to worry. You can live in your little bubble of Fox News which has become similar to North Korean State TV.

Day after day, CNN’s team of political journalists have set up cameras on the same public road to catch glimpses of President Donald Trump hitting the links at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. But on Wednesday, a white box truck parked right in front of those cameras and blocked the news organization’s view.

While the Secret Service denied that the truck was intentionally placed to obstruct views of Trump, CNN’s Dan Merica pointed out the significance of the vehicle’s placement.

″The president and the White House have tried to obscure the fact that President Trump golfs on a regular basis,” Merica said. “This is a man who ran for president, who criticized President Barack Obama regularly for golfing during his presidency, but that criticism hasn’t continued into the Trump presidency.”

Trump’s latest outing marked the 87th time he has visited one of his golf properties since taking office. It was also his 112th day staying at a Trump-owned property during his presidency, NBC News reported.

The most recent rounds of golf occurred soon after Trump tweeted that he was getting “back to work” after the Christmas holiday.

More: Box Truck Blocks Media's View Of Trump Getting 'Back To Work' -- By Golfing

So, Trump is now trying to hide while playing golf. His hypocrisy just gets deeper and deeper.

He said he’s “ working” then goes back to playing golf.
This idiot is incapable of telling the truth.

That's odd, look at all the promises he's kept. Amazing how much he's accomplished despite "golfing" and "lies".

If you call weakening public health, consumer protections and letting polluters run wild as “ accomplishments.”

You worthless leftist traitors crack me up!

Day after day, CNN’s team of political journalists have set up cameras on the same public road to catch glimpses of President Donald Trump hitting the links at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. But on Wednesday, a white box truck parked right in front of those cameras and blocked the news organization’s view.

While the Secret Service denied that the truck was intentionally placed to obstruct views of Trump, CNN’s Dan Merica pointed out the significance of the vehicle’s placement.

″The president and the White House have tried to obscure the fact that President Trump golfs on a regular basis,” Merica said. “This is a man who ran for president, who criticized President Barack Obama regularly for golfing during his presidency, but that criticism hasn’t continued into the Trump presidency.”

Trump’s latest outing marked the 87th time he has visited one of his golf properties since taking office. It was also his 112th day staying at a Trump-owned property during his presidency, NBC News reported.

The most recent rounds of golf occurred soon after Trump tweeted that he was getting “back to work” after the Christmas holiday.

More: Box Truck Blocks Media's View Of Trump Getting 'Back To Work' -- By Golfing

So, Trump is now trying to hide while playing golf. His hypocrisy just gets deeper and deeper.

This is proof how desperate the traitorous msm is to trash our president. Does anybody watch cnn anymore?

Anyone looking for news. But you don’t have to worry. You can live in your little bubble of Fox News which has become similar to North Korean State TV.

No, we get it. Trump golfs and drives a truck so that outstanding media sources can't report the bastard plays golf.

Fox News is more like the NAZI report, not NK State TV.

We're coming after you, best to resist.

Day after day, CNN’s team of political journalists have set up cameras on the same public road to catch glimpses of President Donald Trump hitting the links at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. But on Wednesday, a white box truck parked right in front of those cameras and blocked the news organization’s view.

While the Secret Service denied that the truck was intentionally placed to obstruct views of Trump, CNN’s Dan Merica pointed out the significance of the vehicle’s placement.

″The president and the White House have tried to obscure the fact that President Trump golfs on a regular basis,” Merica said. “This is a man who ran for president, who criticized President Barack Obama regularly for golfing during his presidency, but that criticism hasn’t continued into the Trump presidency.”

Trump’s latest outing marked the 87th time he has visited one of his golf properties since taking office. It was also his 112th day staying at a Trump-owned property during his presidency, NBC News reported.

The most recent rounds of golf occurred soon after Trump tweeted that he was getting “back to work” after the Christmas holiday.

More: Box Truck Blocks Media's View Of Trump Getting 'Back To Work' -- By Golfing

So, Trump is now trying to hide while playing golf. His hypocrisy just gets deeper and deeper.

This is proof how desperate the traitorous msm is to trash our president. Does anybody watch cnn anymore?

Anyone looking for news. But you don’t have to worry. You can live in your little bubble of Fox News which has become similar to North Korean State TV.

Have you ever held a job?
Unmarked white panel van. I'm guessing there is equipment in there to listen to every shot he makes, too.

Sure, it could just be a local Trump fan fucking with the media. They would know where the cameramen hang out on the road. But who drives a van like that with no logo?
Maybe they were doing it to protect the children from having to see his lard ass trying to swing a club.

I'd bet he would sweep the green with your ass.

It would be a lot faster if he did it with his own ass, and would take about 5 times fewer passes.

From all I have read, he was a better golfer than I am. He has not posted a score officially since 2009 so there is no way to be sure.

But in my defense he gets to play a hell of a lot more than I do.
Truck attempts to block CNN view of Trump golfing
So much for transparency....

Over the course his presidency, President Donald J. Trump’s approach to the office has been characterized by self-interest, defiance of basic democratic norms, and often incoherent or self-contradictory communications and priorities.

In the face of historic lows in public trust in government and an increasingly polarized electorate, we’ve seen a regression to secrecy in both Congress and the White House. The change has not gone unnoticed around the globe, as our nation’s standing to defend democracy and our government’s ability to advocate for anti-corruption efforts has been precipitously eroded.
  • Trump never disclosed his tax returns.
  • Trump never fully divested from his businesses.
  • The Trump White House issued secret waivers issued for administration officials, and then his Office of Management and Budget sought to block the Office of Government Ethics from obtaining them, before finally disclosing them. Even after they were disclosed, the ethics waivers were so widely granted as to make the White House ethics policies hollow.
  • Trump has embraced nepotism at the highest reaches of the White House. By hiring his adult children as senior advisors, Trump has elevated familial loyalty above merit, demonstrating a disdain for the qualifications of public service, and undermining American ideals that seek to move beyond dynastic approaches to state power.
  • The Trump White House has frequently at odds with the nonpartisan Office of Government Ethics, whose professional administration of American ethics laws and regulations has otherwise been an uncontroversial and helpful presence. The early resignation of director Walter Shaub from OGE called attention to Trump’s ethical challenges, which are continuing to be revealed in interviews. His resignation, unfortunately, may weaken the work of a crucial federal agency that has beenoverwhelmed by ethics requests from the public and addressing the complex finances and associated conflicts from Trump’s wealthy nominees.As we said in June and told Congress in February, the White House should be embracing OGE’s guidance and collaborating with its staff to shore up public trust in government, not fighting with its dedicated civil servants and issuing secret ethics waivers.
  • Broadly speaking, this White House’s approach to communications in constant state of uncorrected contradiction, with no permanent director nor expectation of response to inquiries. As of today, there has been no on-camera press briefing since June 29 after the White House banned recording at press briefings. As a result, there is no stream of the briefing nor archives of these sessions YouTube, as under the Obama administration. The Trump administration is posting text transcripts of press briefings on its website.
  • Instead of protecting and defending the role of journalists in a democracy, this White House and the president has made delegitimizing journalism as “fake news” a near-daily practice. The Trump White House has vilified the media, discarding the narrative that most Presidents have advanced — that a free press is a troublesome but essential piece of a functioning democracy. Instead of taking on reports on the merits, the President and press secretary have made petty, vulgar personal insults on media figures and outlets. They have condemning anonymous sourcing while constantly mandating “on background” conditions for interviews or briefings with “senior administration officials.”
  • This White House attempts to create personalized praise for the President and to dismiss any significant bad news. This creates the impression of an insecure President hungry for praise, whose White House is constantly preparing for destabilizing revelations that they need to dismiss. This posture gets reflected in White House coverage, leading to a vicious cycle.
  • Press briefings once contested, are now restricted. It’s no surprise that a candidate who ran so directly against the media would carry that attitude into the White House, and an adversarial relationship is part of the press’s job. Recent restrictions on video in White House press briefings make White House correspondents’ jobs harder, and raise tough questions about responsible journalism in the face of explicit Presidential hostility.
  • The President’s hostility towards the press involved sacrificing White House credibility. Presidential credibility matters enormously in crisis situations, and the Trump White House’s habits toward the press — embracing self-contradiction, rarely issuing corrections, attacking anonymous sources (while issuing anonymous statements) all disempower the press and the public. As a result, the nation is at greater risk in the event of a natural disaster or attack, as statements from the White House can no longer be taken at face value.
  • Statements from the Press Secretary are simply not as trustworthy as they were [before Trump became POTUS], starting with an attack on what the public could see for itself, with respect to how many people were on the Mall for Inauguration Day. The president and his communications staff have offered varying answers to questions about Russian interference, ranging from incoherence to nonresponse to praise.
  • Keeping the White House visitor logs secret. As we said in April, the White House’s failure to disclose visitor logs demonstrated that American leadership on open government would not come from this Presidency. We testified to Congress in 2011 about the flaws of using a security system as a mechanism for public disclosure, including all of the ways the Obama administration evaded accountability, but it was simply incorrect to assert that disclosure of these logs was not a meaningful transparency measure. The contention that this administration has broken new ground on ethics and accountability was a breathtaking assumption of the language of open government without its substance. The White House has made no statement or release of the announcement, simply removing the page that held a broken promise of transparency from its disclosures section of its website, as if the commitment had never existed.
  • Congress voted to remove an anti-corruption rule, which President Trump then signed with fanfare in the White House, abandoning U.S. leadership on transparency of payments by the extractive industries to governments.
  • The Trump administration began with secret gag orders to agencies, with denials continuing to come from the White House even as agency landing team officials told the press that they would be lifted soon.
  • U.S. involvement in key anti-corruption and transparency initiatives has not been affirmed by the White House, including the Open Government Partnership, one of President Obama’s signature good governance initiatives. The State Department, often responsible for U.S. involvement in such global initiatives, has been sidelined. U.S. participation in the Extractives Industry Transparency Initiative, perhaps the most important commitment in the U.S. first National Action Plan, is now in question.
  • The White House “blog” is nothing of the sort, save for a reverse chronological order of the aggregated statements and releases. There are no posts explaining the complex policy issues before the nation nor soliciting feedback upon proposals. Even basic functions of the website aren’t working today, either through benign or malignant neglect: the public cannot write to the White House through its website today: a link to “write or call” loops back to a broken form.
  • While the White House kept the “We the People” epetition platform on its website operating after January 20, there are no official responses to any of the petitions that passed the threshold at all, including the most popular e-petition in American history.
  • The Trump White House is either ignorant or dismisses the value of open data to ethics disclosures. Instead of posting ethics waivers in January 2017 and on a rolling basis, the administration quietly disclosed a document months later, after massive outcry followed reporting of secret waivers, a data call from the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) and then an unprecedented questioning of OGE’s legal right to ask for waivers that should already been public by the White House Office of Management and Budget Director. To release a PDF like this is not precisely opacity by form or format — but it’s not machine-readable nor the same thing as posting text of the waivers on the webpage.
(Source for the above)​

Did you cut and paste all that bullshit by yourself? I realize you're stupid enough to believe it, but so stupid you believe any one else would read it?
Who would have thought that parking a truck would cause heads on the left to explode? Damn, they need to do this more often!
Look at all the left initiated threads mocking Trump. What's in common is they're all meaningless garbage, but the left are an emotional people and anything will do.

It's proof Trump is doing a great job.
Its a public road

You don't want random drivers being exposed to Trumps fat ass
That’s hilarious. They make the claim that President Trump is the one having the truck park there, but yet go on to say they haven’t verified with the Secret Service and White House if that’s the case.

These Fake News hustlers are just attacking President Trump all day long every day, because they know the low information liberals will eat it up.

Day after day, CNN’s team of political journalists have set up cameras on the same public road to catch glimpses of President Donald Trump hitting the links at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. But on Wednesday, a white box truck parked right in front of those cameras and blocked the news organization’s view.

While the Secret Service denied that the truck was intentionally placed to obstruct views of Trump, CNN’s Dan Merica pointed out the significance of the vehicle’s placement.

″The president and the White House have tried to obscure the fact that President Trump golfs on a regular basis,” Merica said. “This is a man who ran for president, who criticized President Barack Obama regularly for golfing during his presidency, but that criticism hasn’t continued into the Trump presidency.”

Trump’s latest outing marked the 87th time he has visited one of his golf properties since taking office. It was also his 112th day staying at a Trump-owned property during his presidency, NBC News reported.

The most recent rounds of golf occurred soon after Trump tweeted that he was getting “back to work” after the Christmas holiday.

More: Box Truck Blocks Media's View Of Trump Getting 'Back To Work' -- By Golfing

So, Trump is now trying to hide while playing golf. His hypocrisy just gets deeper and deeper.


Day after day, CNN’s team of political journalists have set up cameras on the same public road to catch glimpses of President Donald Trump hitting the links at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. But on Wednesday, a white box truck parked right in front of those cameras and blocked the news organization’s view.

While the Secret Service denied that the truck was intentionally placed to obstruct views of Trump, CNN’s Dan Merica pointed out the significance of the vehicle’s placement.

″The president and the White House have tried to obscure the fact that President Trump golfs on a regular basis,” Merica said. “This is a man who ran for president, who criticized President Barack Obama regularly for golfing during his presidency, but that criticism hasn’t continued into the Trump presidency.”

Trump’s latest outing marked the 87th time he has visited one of his golf properties since taking office. It was also his 112th day staying at a Trump-owned property during his presidency, NBC News reported.

The most recent rounds of golf occurred soon after Trump tweeted that he was getting “back to work” after the Christmas holiday.

More: Box Truck Blocks Media's View Of Trump Getting 'Back To Work' -- By Golfing

So, Trump is now trying to hide while playing golf. His hypocrisy just gets deeper and deeper.

The orange turd tries to hide that he's spending taxpayer's money golfing instead of working and then he lies about it.


Day after day, CNN’s team of political journalists have set up cameras on the same public road to catch glimpses of President Donald Trump hitting the links at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. But on Wednesday, a white box truck parked right in front of those cameras and blocked the news organization’s view.

While the Secret Service denied that the truck was intentionally placed to obstruct views of Trump, CNN’s Dan Merica pointed out the significance of the vehicle’s placement.

″The president and the White House have tried to obscure the fact that President Trump golfs on a regular basis,” Merica said. “This is a man who ran for president, who criticized President Barack Obama regularly for golfing during his presidency, but that criticism hasn’t continued into the Trump presidency.”

Trump’s latest outing marked the 87th time he has visited one of his golf properties since taking office. It was also his 112th day staying at a Trump-owned property during his presidency, NBC News reported.

The most recent rounds of golf occurred soon after Trump tweeted that he was getting “back to work” after the Christmas holiday.

More: Box Truck Blocks Media's View Of Trump Getting 'Back To Work' -- By Golfing

So, Trump is now trying to hide while playing golf. His hypocrisy just gets deeper and deeper.


How? Is Trump to be the only non-golfing president in the last 40 some-odd years? He can't even drink a friggen diet soda for Christ sakes???

Now this is what's call a dictatorship by God!!!!
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