Truck attempts to block CNN view of Trump golfing

Trump said he would never have time to play golf or even leave the White House - because he would be too busy working. Holy shit...
The nutty right, including trump, bashed Obama continuously for playing golf...

The 27 times Donald Trump tweeted about Barack Obama playing golf too much -

Now they cheer for the president who has played roughly three times as much golf in his first year than Obama did. And after trump said he wouldn’t play golf at alll if elected.

Saddest part for them is that the only reason they defend that hypocrite is because he’s a Republican.
Trump said he would never have time to play golf or even leave the White House - because he would be too busy working. Holy shit...
The nutty right, including trump, bashed Obama continuously for playing golf...

The 27 times Donald Trump tweeted about Barack Obama playing golf too much -

Now they cheer for the president who has played roughly three times as much golf in his first year than Obama did. And after trump said he wouldn’t play golf at alll if elected.

Saddest part for them is that the only reason they defend that hypocrite is because he’s a Republican.

Yep, almost every word out of Trump's ugly mouth is nothing but a "projection" of who HE is. It's like he's looking in a mirror.
Trump is probably the laziest so-called president in U.S. history.

Day after day, CNN’s team of political journalists have set up cameras on the same public road to catch glimpses of President Donald Trump hitting the links at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. But on Wednesday, a white box truck parked right in front of those cameras and blocked the news organization’s view.

While the Secret Service denied that the truck was intentionally placed to obstruct views of Trump, CNN’s Dan Merica pointed out the significance of the vehicle’s placement.

″The president and the White House have tried to obscure the fact that President Trump golfs on a regular basis,” Merica said. “This is a man who ran for president, who criticized President Barack Obama regularly for golfing during his presidency, but that criticism hasn’t continued into the Trump presidency.”

Trump’s latest outing marked the 87th time he has visited one of his golf properties since taking office. It was also his 112th day staying at a Trump-owned property during his presidency, NBC News reported.

The most recent rounds of golf occurred soon after Trump tweeted that he was getting “back to work” after the Christmas holiday.

More: Box Truck Blocks Media's View Of Trump Getting 'Back To Work' -- By Golfing

So, Trump is now trying to hide while playing golf. His hypocrisy just gets deeper and deeper.

He was getting a blowjob from Pelosi...
Trump is probably the laziest so-called president in U.S. history.
One problem the idiot has is he's trying to run the country like he does his RE business and there is a constitution here and people who refuse to kiss his ass ,,,,,,just republicans do

Day after day, CNN’s team of political journalists have set up cameras on the same public road to catch glimpses of President Donald Trump hitting the links at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. But on Wednesday, a white box truck parked right in front of those cameras and blocked the news organization’s view.

While the Secret Service denied that the truck was intentionally placed to obstruct views of Trump, CNN’s Dan Merica pointed out the significance of the vehicle’s placement.

″The president and the White House have tried to obscure the fact that President Trump golfs on a regular basis,” Merica said. “This is a man who ran for president, who criticized President Barack Obama regularly for golfing during his presidency, but that criticism hasn’t continued into the Trump presidency.”

Trump’s latest outing marked the 87th time he has visited one of his golf properties since taking office. It was also his 112th day staying at a Trump-owned property during his presidency, NBC News reported.

The most recent rounds of golf occurred soon after Trump tweeted that he was getting “back to work” after the Christmas holiday.

More: Box Truck Blocks Media's View Of Trump Getting 'Back To Work' -- By Golfing

So, Trump is now trying to hide while playing golf. His hypocrisy just gets deeper and deeper.

OMG I was gonna post this as satire....Lakhota really thinks this is a legit and winning issue...holy shit.........

who blocked the view of Trump
How many diet cokes did he have today

yeah CNN just ignore terrorist attacks and other real news for these important questions!!!!!

by the way, CNN hate Trump, why do they need to see him playing golf?

Day after day, CNN’s team of political journalists have set up cameras on the same public road to catch glimpses of President Donald Trump hitting the links at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. But on Wednesday, a white box truck parked right in front of those cameras and blocked the news organization’s view.

While the Secret Service denied that the truck was intentionally placed to obstruct views of Trump, CNN’s Dan Merica pointed out the significance of the vehicle’s placement.

″The president and the White House have tried to obscure the fact that President Trump golfs on a regular basis,” Merica said. “This is a man who ran for president, who criticized President Barack Obama regularly for golfing during his presidency, but that criticism hasn’t continued into the Trump presidency.”

Trump’s latest outing marked the 87th time he has visited one of his golf properties since taking office. It was also his 112th day staying at a Trump-owned property during his presidency, NBC News reported.

The most recent rounds of golf occurred soon after Trump tweeted that he was getting “back to work” after the Christmas holiday.

More: Box Truck Blocks Media's View Of Trump Getting 'Back To Work' -- By Golfing

So, Trump is now trying to hide while playing golf. His hypocrisy just gets deeper and deeper.

OMG I was gonna post this as satire....Lakhota really thinks this is a legit and winning issue...holy shit.........

who blocked the view of Trump
How many diet cokes did he have today

yeah CNN just ignore terrorist attacks and other real news for these important questions!!!!!

by the way, CNN hate Trump, why do they need to see him playing golf?

Why??? Because the lying SOB accused Obama of playing too much golf,,,,and he was SUPPOSED to be working ,,At least that's what the liar said

Day after day, CNN’s team of political journalists have set up cameras on the same public road to catch glimpses of President Donald Trump hitting the links at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. But on Wednesday, a white box truck parked right in front of those cameras and blocked the news organization’s view.

While the Secret Service denied that the truck was intentionally placed to obstruct views of Trump, CNN’s Dan Merica pointed out the significance of the vehicle’s placement.

″The president and the White House have tried to obscure the fact that President Trump golfs on a regular basis,” Merica said. “This is a man who ran for president, who criticized President Barack Obama regularly for golfing during his presidency, but that criticism hasn’t continued into the Trump presidency.”

Trump’s latest outing marked the 87th time he has visited one of his golf properties since taking office. It was also his 112th day staying at a Trump-owned property during his presidency, NBC News reported.

The most recent rounds of golf occurred soon after Trump tweeted that he was getting “back to work” after the Christmas holiday.

More: Box Truck Blocks Media's View Of Trump Getting 'Back To Work' -- By Golfing

So, Trump is now trying to hide while playing golf. His hypocrisy just gets deeper and deeper.

OMG I was gonna post this as satire....Lakhota really thinks this is a legit and winning issue...holy shit.........

who blocked the view of Trump
How many diet cokes did he have today

yeah CNN just ignore terrorist attacks and other real news for these important questions!!!!!

by the way, CNN hate Trump, why do they need to see him playing golf?

Why??? Because the lying SOB accused Obama of playing too much golf,,,,and he was SUPPOSED to be working ,,At least that's what the liar said

We all said that, in fact Trump has a loooooooooooooooooooong way to go to match Obama.
I mean all Trump has done is:

Wipeout ISIS, by allowing generals to fight the war and not politically correct politicians
Reduce regulations by a ton
Work to repeal Obamacare (Got the mandate, the rest will follow)
Get prototypes of the wall built
Cut my taxes and those of businesses
Withdraw from TPP
Withdraw from Paris Climate Accords
In process of renegotiating NAFTA
Started changing the vetting and blocking certain countries from sending people here
Open ANWAR to drilling(it took 40 years and he did it with zero blowback from the left....the guy is genius)
Appoint great judges
Appointed a great cabinet
Slashing the buearacracy
Approve Keystone pipeline
Approve DAPL
Approved Pro Life protections
Start moving our Israeli embassy to Jerusalem

Crush the news media, day after day

I mean he could be doing even more damage to the Obama legacy and doing more shit I love, but I'll give him a break, I am winning so much, I'm almost gonna tell him to stop!
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. Looks like party affiliation means nothing in this case. Seems like the uber wealthy will have some explaining to do....or begging.
Trump isn't great. Obama wasn't great. Bush want great. Clinton wasn't great. Reagan wasn't great. Ford...nope. carter nope. Back we have never had a great president. To be a candidate one must be corrupt. This is inarguable.
Trump said he would never have time to play golf or even leave the White House - because he would be too busy working. Holy shit...
The nutty right, including trump, bashed Obama continuously for playing golf...

The 27 times Donald Trump tweeted about Barack Obama playing golf too much -

Now they cheer for the president who has played roughly three times as much golf in his first year than Obama did. And after trump said he wouldn’t play golf at alll if elected.

Saddest part for them is that the only reason they defend that hypocrite is because he’s a Republican.

Yep, almost every word out of Trump's ugly mouth is nothing but a "projection" of who HE is. It's like he's looking in a mirror.
^ Projection
not all that hard to block the view of Cheetoboi playing golf.. from the shit he plays from sometimes you can barely see his cheap ass 1980's golf cap.


makin' hay while the sun shines ...

The Donald is the greatest President in decades. Get over it and move on! Also consider getting a job so you can join a club at some point in your career!

I am semi-retired but this close to sending The Donald my resume! I am ready to bang some heads of punks attacking our country!
The greatest president in decades has a job approval rating of 38% according to Gallup? The sky in your universe must be green.
Other polls say he's at 45%.....which is pretty good considering the fact that he rarely receives anything positive in the news. Most of the media is openly part of the resistance. They don't even attempt to cover up their absolute hatred for Trump. I consider any poll that shows him above single digits a win in this corrupt media environment.
muddy,,,the media isn't corrupt ,,that's just trump bs you swallowed ,,they just report what's going on whether repubs like it or not

thank-you. you are so correct.



facts are your friend, lenny.

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