Truck Driver Gets 110 Years For Claiming The Lives Of Four People.

I used to use neutral once in awhile in Wyoming going through the sisters..I could see far ahead though, and I would wait till I was close enough to the bottom to where I wouldn't get over about 125 or 130. My 10 speed 3406 cat didn't like those speeds with the engine brake screaming on level 3, so I'd cheat a little when I could see the coast was clear.

I wish I could find a site where he (his lawyer) explained exactly what happened. I also wish I knew how he got a CDL.
I'd bet that he is a company driver.

I would still like to know. The reason for that is I've seen so many of these foreigners that couldn't backup a trailer with a half a football field in front of them and two empty docks on both sides next to the one they were trying to back into, and they have to do 10 pull ups or more. I know damn well they never took or passed a CDL test here in the states. In fact you can tell some never drove a truck before in their lives.

I would like to see the responsibility of this accident given to those actually responsible, namely the bureaucrats. It's obvious to me they are letting in these inexperienced foreigners and just handing them US CDL licenses.
I would still like to know. The reason for that is I've seen so many of these foreigners that couldn't backup a trailer with a half a football field in front of them and two empty docks on both sides next to the one they were trying to back into, and they have to do 10 pull ups or more. I know damn well they never took or passed a CDL test here in the states. In fact you can tell some never drove a truck before in their lives.

I would like to see the responsibility of this accident given to those actually responsible, namely the bureaucrats. It's obvious to me they are letting in these inexperienced foreigners and just handing them US CDL licenses.
Lol, I remember plenty of those back on my days of long haul too. No CB, no turn signals, cab jumping up n down when they back up, etc..I'd hate to see how many of them there are these days. Do chicken haulers still exist?
Lol, I remember plenty of those back on my days of long haul too. No CB, no turn signals, cab jumping up n down when they back up, etc..I'd hate to see how many of them there are these days. Do chicken haulers still exist?

The government kicked me out a little over two years ago. Trust me, there are more around than ever. When me and the other drivers were bullshitting on the dock, and we see some guy come out in sandals to open his trailer door when the temperature was 45 outside, we would just say "here we go again!" One time one of them backed into a dock and didn't open the doors. We were laughing so hard we could barely drink our coffee.
The government kicked me out a little over two years ago. Trust me, there are more around than ever. When me and the other drivers were bullshitting on the dock, and we see some guy come out in sandals to open his trailer door when the temperature was 45 outside, we would just say "here we go again!" One time one of them backed into a dock and didn't open the doors. We were laughing so hard we could barely drink our coffee.
Kinda makes you want to pull and stow his air lines while he's getting unloaded right?
Unfortunately I watched this live on the local news as it unfolded. It makes it abundantly clear that businesses can't just hire some illiterate schmuck to drive trucks. I don't ignore the humanity of the driver, but his ignorance of mountain driving and runaway ramps or inability to read English, implicates the Texas firm that hired him.
Does he have a green card?

If he he does not speak English he should not have a drivers license
Does he have a green card?

If he he does not speak English he should not have a drivers license

Like I said earlier, I've seen truck drivers who didn't know a word of English, so you know they have no idea how to read our road signs. While these bureaucrats are focused on taking good, accomplished and well experienced American drivers off the road, they are replacing us with these guys who never drove a truck in their lives. It makes zero sense.
Perhaps we need to focus on the agency that gave this person a CDL. And the company that hired him. OK, 110 years in jail is harsh given the culpability of those that hire and approved this jerk, they NEED to be brought to light and brought under legal scrutiny.
Perhaps we need to focus on the agency that gave this person a CDL. And the company that hired him. OK, 110 years in jail is harsh given the culpability of those that hire and approved this jerk, they NEED to be brought to light and brought under legal scrutiny.

Well, here is the problem: Our country is hurting for truck drivers and has been for a very long time, but this virus really put it all on steroids. Companies are willing to hire anybody that can make that truck move no matter who they are. It's desperation. So they get these guys and have no idea what kind of experience they had in their own country, hire them, and off they go.

I bring this up when I get into discussions how blue-collar workers can't get a decent paying job. I tell them join the transportation industry. Not only will you make a more than living wage, but you can also make a good amount of money while seeing the country. Can't get Americans to take these jobs. So industry is looking towards other countries to fill in these huge gaps.
It's a huge problem in our industry. However I have yet to find a report of who this guy is and how he got his license.

Several times a year some foreigner would come running up to my truck "Please, please mister, you back in trailer. I know no how!" I would never do that of course, but in order to speed things up, I always ended up helping these vagrants.

As a very well experienced driver, I can tell you first hand many of these foreigners never took a CDL test in the US to drive here. They get some sort of reciprocity from their country where an equivalent of a CDL costs you five dollars and a pack of cigarettes. Here if you want any chance at passing our tests to get your Class A, brother you better know how to handle that vehicle.

So they stick these foreigners in these trucks, no experience, no training, some who can't even speak English yet alone read it, and expect them to safely pilot a potential 80,000 lbs vehicle. Pure stupidity.

I don't think he should go to prison, I think the bureaucrats that allowed him to drive in the first place belong in prison for life. I don't know because I can't find any details or testimony from this guy, but it sounds like he didn't know how to put the truck in gear while moving. Had he done that, he could have applied the engine brakes to slow that vehicle down. But you need the training and experience to do that. He probably didn't even know what engine brakes were.
I used to look up to truckers as my go-to on driving skills. Not so much NOW in 2021. This might sound corny, but truckers where professional, courteous and the very model of what a motorist should be. NOW? I deal with truckers every day, they have morphed into this group of ignorant morons that seem to think THEY are above the law. The entire licensing system need to be overhauled for a start.
I don't think he killed those people with purpose. The fact that he was obviously unqualified should revert back to the company that hired him.

Yes and no. It's the government that issues CDL"s. It's up to them to make sure the applicant is capable of handling that vehicle. It starts there. My experience is that many of these foreigners had no training, had no experience, and probably never been on the inside of a truck in their lives until they got a job here. Blame the government.

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