Truckers To Shut Down America


A group of truckers is reportedly planning to shut Washington, D.C. down for three days straight starting on Oct. 11 to protest the “corruption against the Constitution.”

The “Truckers To Shut Down America” Facebook page has more than 16,000 likes, though it is unclear how many truckers actually intend on taking part in the disruptive protest.

“The American people are sick and tired of the corruption that is destroying America! We therefore declare a GENERAL STRIKE on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013! Truck drivers will not haul freight! Americans can strike in solidarity with truck drivers!” the group’s description reads.

In a YouTube video uploaded by user “Kevin Allan” and linked on the “Truckers To Shut Down America” Facebook page, the event is labeled as a general “strike” by the American people against the federal government and its “bulls**t.”

Truckers to shut down America for 3 days - YouTube

Why Are Truckers Threatening to ?Shut Down Washington, D.C.? for Three Days Straight? | Video |

Truckers and bikers are patriotic voters who are willing to lose money to stand up for what they believe. :clap: :clap:
Collective action and civil disobedience. Sounds as if right wingers are fine with that so long as someone can still make a huge profit and exploit people. But those tactics are fine to make some undefined political point. Kinda ironic, ain't it?

A group of truckers is reportedly planning to shut Washington, D.C. down for three days straight starting on Oct. 11 to protest the “corruption against the Constitution.”

The “Truckers To Shut Down America” Facebook page has more than 16,000 likes, though it is unclear how many truckers actually intend on taking part in the disruptive protest.

“The American people are sick and tired of the corruption that is destroying America! We therefore declare a GENERAL STRIKE on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013! Truck drivers will not haul freight! Americans can strike in solidarity with truck drivers!” the group’s description reads.

In a YouTube video uploaded by user “Kevin Allan” and linked on the “Truckers To Shut Down America” Facebook page, the event is labeled as a general “strike” by the American people against the federal government and its “bulls**t.”

Truckers to shut down America for 3 days - YouTube

Why Are Truckers Threatening to ?Shut Down Washington, D.C.? for Three Days Straight? | Video |

Truckers and bikers are patriotic voters who are willing to lose money to stand up for what they believe. :clap: :clap:

But in the end, they will accomplish nothing but get a grey hound ticket home if they are lucky. Its a stupid move. If they wanted to get something done they would get the lumpers unions to strike.

A group of truckers is reportedly planning to shut Washington, D.C. down for three days straight starting on Oct. 11 to protest the “corruption against the Constitution.”

The “Truckers To Shut Down America” Facebook page has more than 16,000 likes, though it is unclear how many truckers actually intend on taking part in the disruptive protest.

“The American people are sick and tired of the corruption that is destroying America! We therefore declare a GENERAL STRIKE on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013! Truck drivers will not haul freight! Americans can strike in solidarity with truck drivers!” the group’s description reads.

In a YouTube video uploaded by user “Kevin Allan” and linked on the “Truckers To Shut Down America” Facebook page, the event is labeled as a general “strike” by the American people against the federal government and its “bulls**t.”

Truckers to shut down America for 3 days - YouTube

Why Are Truckers Threatening to ?Shut Down Washington, D.C.? for Three Days Straight? | Video |

Truckers and bikers are patriotic voters who are willing to lose money to stand up for what they believe. :clap: :clap:

And what do they believe? Because I'm confused...
Truckers and bikers are patriotic voters who are willing to lose money to stand up for what they believe. :clap: :clap:

What do you base this comment on? Are you claiming that somehow bikers and truckers are more patriotic than other Americans? The truckers event has not even happened yet. The last biker event drew a couple of thousand bikers. How do you know how many of them if any took off work without pay?
Truckers and bikers are patriotic voters who are willing to lose money to stand up for what they believe. :clap: :clap:

What do you base this comment on? Are you claiming that somehow bikers and truckers are more patriotic than other Americans? The truckers event has not even happened yet. The last biker event drew a couple of thousand bikers. How do you know how many of them if any took off work without pay?
I think she said 'patriotic', not 'MORE patriotic', yes? I don't think 'MORE' was even implied.

Also, it is not necessary to know how many of them took-off work without pay.

For those drivers employed by someone else; if you're not driving, you're off-the-clock.

For those drivers who are self-employed owner-operators, if your not driving, you're not making money.

An easy-to-understand and very largely accurate common-sense observation pertaining to Opportunity Costs, in their context; perceptible as Truth for anyone who understands anything about the trucking industry.

Knowledge of individual particulars are unnecessary when the sweeping generalization is perceived as largely accurate and true, in order to validate the observation on the 'coarse' or 'macro' level.
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Truckers and bikers are patriotic voters who are willing to lose money to stand up for what they believe. :clap: :clap:

What do you base this comment on? Are you claiming that somehow bikers and truckers are more patriotic than other Americans? The truckers event has not even happened yet. The last biker event drew a couple of thousand bikers. How do you know how many of them if any took off work without pay?

Taking a day off and paying for gas is never "losing money" to a biker. It's an opportunity to indulge in your hobby while cloaking yourself in a fig leaf of patriotism. And in this event, muslim bigotry and hatred.

That's a two-fer.

A group of truckers is reportedly planning to shut Washington, D.C. down for three days straight starting on Oct. 11 to protest the “corruption against the Constitution.”

The “Truckers To Shut Down America” Facebook page has more than 16,000 likes, though it is unclear how many truckers actually intend on taking part in the disruptive protest.

“The American people are sick and tired of the corruption that is destroying America! We therefore declare a GENERAL STRIKE on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013! Truck drivers will not haul freight! Americans can strike in solidarity with truck drivers!” the group’s description reads.

In a YouTube video uploaded by user “Kevin Allan” and linked on the “Truckers To Shut Down America” Facebook page, the event is labeled as a general “strike” by the American people against the federal government and its “bulls**t.”

Truckers to shut down America for 3 days - YouTube

Why Are Truckers Threatening to ?Shut Down Washington, D.C.? for Three Days Straight? | Video |

Truckers and bikers are patriotic voters who are willing to lose money to stand up for what they believe. :clap: :clap:

And what do they believe? Because I'm confused...

Me too, but we all know one thing about them: they just looooovve being painted over with blanket statements.

Of course that only applies to bikers, non-bikers, truckers and non-truckers...
That would be a great start. What a great idea.

Yay truckers.

I smoke to a trucker just the other day and he told me that truckers are having a tough time just surviving. And that they are sick of it
I did some truckin' myself years back, and I still have trucker friends. They know they hold probably more power over America than any other industry. If anyone can make Washington take notice, they can, because if there isn't any trucks moving, there's no FOOD being brought into cities. No food being brought into cities, won't take long before the shelves are bare and people are killing each other over a frigin' hotdog. You wan't anarchy? Just have the trucks stop and you'll have it. So Washington better listen and listen good.
Oh I remember an independent Truckers strike during the 80's....Truckers from all over protesting high fuel costs, regulations that applied to independent truckers and not company employee truckers, the 55 mph speed limit and a host of other government nonsense that made the playing field so uneven, it was impossible for independent truckers to make a living, decided to do something about it. They massed in Pennsylvania on I-80 and drove across the state at EXACTLY 55 mph. The ensuing traffic jam was massive. The truckers got their point across.
Most of our goods moves by truck. Without the trucking business, our economy would spiral into a dead stop.
These guys going into DC next month can make a huge statement. And they will.
Never mind, I found it.

"It does not matter if a million or 50 roll through DC in this effort. Congress will listen to We the People. Which is remove Obama from office for crimes of treason and misdemeanors. We want Congressional hearing on Benghazi and Seal Team 6. Louis Learner [sic] put in jail. No amnesty, remove all Muslims in our government that do not uphold the Constitution. Remove Eric Holder from office for crimes against the people and the Constitution. Last but not least is Fuel prices."

I can assure you, DC, the police maybe even the military, will not allow anyone to shut down DC for 3 days...heheh...what a joke.

I'm thinking 50-100 trucks, all of which will be towed and impounded.

Then laughed at...
Well then you'd be a fool. There is nothing the police can do if no laws are broken.
And how many times have we seen liberal protesters lie down in the street and block traffic and all that happens is a few misdemeanor arrests for charges that are usually dismissed? So why the double standard?
BTW, the military is barred by law from enforcing civilian law..
In 1878 the use of a posse comitatus was limited by the passage of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. This act, passed in response to the use of federal troops to enforce reconstruction policies in the southern states, prohibited the use of the U.S. Army to enforce laws unless the Constitution or an act of Congress explicitly authorized such use. This act was amended five times in the 1980s, largely to allow for the use of military resources to combat trafficking in illicit narcotics.

Posse comitatus legal definition of Posse comitatus. Posse comitatus synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary...
I think you are in over your head here.

A group of truckers is reportedly planning to shut Washington, D.C. down for three days straight starting on Oct. 11 to protest the “corruption against the Constitution.”

The “Truckers To Shut Down America” Facebook page has more than 16,000 likes, though it is unclear how many truckers actually intend on taking part in the disruptive protest.

“The American people are sick and tired of the corruption that is destroying America! We therefore declare a GENERAL STRIKE on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013! Truck drivers will not haul freight! Americans can strike in solidarity with truck drivers!” the group’s description reads.

In a YouTube video uploaded by user “Kevin Allan” and linked on the “Truckers To Shut Down America” Facebook page, the event is labeled as a general “strike” by the American people against the federal government and its “bulls**t.”

Truckers to shut down America for 3 days - YouTube

Why Are Truckers Threatening to ?Shut Down Washington, D.C.? for Three Days Straight? | Video |

Truckers and bikers are patriotic voters who are willing to lose money to stand up for what they believe. :clap: :clap:
And when unionized workers do the same thing: "lose money to stand up for what they believe", they are regarded as thugs. Weird the way that works, huh?
Never mind, I found it.

"It does not matter if a million or 50 roll through DC in this effort. Congress will listen to We the People. Which is remove Obama from office for crimes of treason and misdemeanors. We want Congressional hearing on Benghazi and Seal Team 6. Louis Learner [sic] put in jail. No amnesty, remove all Muslims in our government that do not uphold the Constitution. Remove Eric Holder from office for crimes against the people and the Constitution. Last but not least is Fuel prices."

I can assure you, DC, the police maybe even the military, will not allow anyone to shut down DC for 3 days...heheh...what a joke.

I'm thinking 50-100 trucks, all of which will be towed and impounded.

Then laughed at...

People actually support these guys?

Remove all Muslims from public office? Sounds like leftovers from the 2 million biker rally
Go ahead. Make fun..
Most truckers are hard working Americans whose ranks include people from all walks of life that cross demographic and other lines.
That message is bogus in that few people actually would subscribe to such silliness.
No, I would suspect that most of the truckers that show up are plain pissed off at what that our government is doing TO us.
Truckers and bikers are patriotic voters who are willing to lose money to stand up for what they believe. :clap: :clap:

What do you base this comment on? Are you claiming that somehow bikers and truckers are more patriotic than other Americans? The truckers event has not even happened yet. The last biker event drew a couple of thousand bikers. How do you know how many of them if any took off work without pay?
I think she said 'patriotic', not 'MORE patriotic', yes? I don't think 'MORE' was even implied.

Also, it is not necessary to know how many of them took-off work without pay.

For those drivers employed by someone else; if you're not driving, you're off-the-clock.

For those drivers who are self-employed owner-operators, if your not driving, you're not making money.

An easy-to-understand and very largely accurate common-sense observation pertaining to Opportunity Costs, in their context; perceptible as Truth for anyone who understands anything about the trucking industry.

Knowledge of individual particulars are unnecessary when the sweeping generalization is perceived as largely accurate and true, in order to validate the observation on the 'coarse' or 'macro' level.

You used alot of words just to say my questions were foolish and therefore didn't deserve an answer. And I know enough about the trucking business to know that this event will be a flop. Some convoys may form as there are a ton of trucks that use the beltway on any given day anyway, but that will be the extent of it. It could create a traffic problem, and if only a few handfulls decide to enter the city, that could cause some problems also. Ofcousrse they then might declare success like the bikers did, but mostly their effort will be viewed as bs, just like the biker event.
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"...You used alot of words just to say my questions were foolish and therefore didn't deserve an answer..."
Guilty as charged. I was trying to be polite and felt compelled to serve-up some reasons why. Looks like I overdid it.

"...And I know enough about the trucking business to know that this event will be a flop..."

Our exchange was limited to whether or not truckers' participation constituted lost time and wages, rather than whether or not it is likely to be a success.
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"...You used alot of words just to say my questions were foolish and therefore didn't deserve an answer..."
Guilty as charged. I was trying to be polite and felt compelled to serve-up some reasons why. Looks like I overdid it.

"...And I know enough about the trucking business to know that this event will be a flop..."

Our exchange was limited to whether or not truckers' participation constituted lost time and wages, rather than whether or not it is likely to be a success.

I am always happy to learn things and hear different viewpoints.
Yeah yeah Rebbie we got it. Get past talking about it and let us know when you have some people in office. Now quit spamming.
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Maybe this would have been a good way to stop Nafta too. Power to the people for a change here?
First the bikers, and now the truckers.

Next we'll see the farmers.

It's nice to have all the rocket scientists in the same place.

Half of the truckers can't vote, by the way, because they are former felons.

Source or retract!

(And note: some felons CAN vote, it varies state to state.)


I worked as a Mover/Trucker for 11 years. Many independents and even some people working for companies were ex felons. the Moving company I worked at there was a point if I had to wonder if Jimmy (The boss) wasn't standing outside prison gates hiring people as they left.

Evasion noted. You claimed that more than 50% of truckers were felons. Again: source or retract!

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