Truckers To Shut Down America

Mohamed Elibiary is one of many.
Muslims in our Government: Mohammed Elibiary Ed Rodgers | Ed Rodgers

And this link
Our Government And The Muslim Brotherhood | thetruthsoldier

Now, let me be clear about what I said and what I didn’t say. I said Islamist influences, I did not say Muslims.

I don’t know how many Muslims work in the U.S. government, but I feel pretty safe saying there are thousands. As a federal prosecutor on terrorism cases, I had the privilege of working with several of them. These were patriotic American Muslims, and a number of Muslims who may not be Americans but who have embraced America and the West. Without them, we could not have infiltrated jihadist cells in New York and stopped terrorists from killing thousands of people.

We are lucky to have them because they have embraced the culture of individual liberty that is the beating heart of Western civilization. They have accepted the premise of our society that everyone has a right to freedom of conscience and equality before the law. They have accepted our foundational principle that free people are at liberty to make law for themselves, irrespective of the rules of any belief system or ideology. They construe Islam’s spiritual elements and its laws as a matter of private conscience, not as a mandatory framework for society.

Those Muslims are not Islamists.

When we talk about the influence of Islamists, we are referring to Muslims who are beholden to Islamic supremacism. Islamic supremacism is an ideology, not a religion. It is a totalitarian social system that would govern every aspect of life down to the granular level — economic, financial, social, political, military, familial, dietary, issues of crime-and-punishment, even matters of hygiene.

That is the sharia system. As interpreted by many of Islam’s most influential thinkers — including organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood and academics like the faculty of ancient al-Azhar University in Cairo — classical sharia rejects basic principles of American constitutional democracy.
Mohamed Elibiary is one of many.
Muslims in our Government: Mohammed Elibiary Ed Rodgers | Ed Rodgers

And this link
Our Government And The Muslim Brotherhood | thetruthsoldier

Now, let me be clear about what I said and what I didn’t say. I said Islamist influences, I did not say Muslims.

I don’t know how many Muslims work in the U.S. government, but I feel pretty safe saying there are thousands. As a federal prosecutor on terrorism cases, I had the privilege of working with several of them. These were patriotic American Muslims, and a number of Muslims who may not be Americans but who have embraced America and the West. Without them, we could not have infiltrated jihadist cells in New York and stopped terrorists from killing thousands of people.

We are lucky to have them because they have embraced the culture of individual liberty that is the beating heart of Western civilization. They have accepted the premise of our society that everyone has a right to freedom of conscience and equality before the law. They have accepted our foundational principle that free people are at liberty to make law for themselves, irrespective of the rules of any belief system or ideology. They construe Islam’s spiritual elements and its laws as a matter of private conscience, not as a mandatory framework for society.

Those Muslims are not Islamists.

When we talk about the influence of Islamists, we are referring to Muslims who are beholden to Islamic supremacism. Islamic supremacism is an ideology, not a religion. It is a totalitarian social system that would govern every aspect of life down to the granular level — economic, financial, social, political, military, familial, dietary, issues of crime-and-punishment, even matters of hygiene.

That is the sharia system. As interpreted by many of Islam’s most influential thinkers — including organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood and academics like the faculty of ancient al-Azhar University in Cairo — classical sharia rejects basic principles of American constitutional democracy.

And you STILL don't know how they really feel. Which is where the problem lies. We never know what's really in someone else's heart.

One of the 911 hijackers lived in San Diego for a time. He had an American girlfriend, went drinking with American buddies, lived a secular life without a thought of fundamentalism. He was a good friend. The kind you called on when you were in a jam. The first to help.

Who knew what he really thought?

Ramsay Yousef became a naturalized citizen in 1986. He had an American wife and American children. An ordinary guy, he was more interested in his son's soccer team than islamic law. He carried out the first WTC bombing.

Who knew what he really thought?

Faisal Shahzad was a middle class guy with a middle class family, he had a good job, a nice little house and lived a nice little ordinary life as a loyal patriotic American. Right up to the point he drove a bomb laden car into Times Square.

Who knew what he really thought?

Who knows any of them?
Their not, unless they are advocating for Sharai law in our courts here, like quite a few of them are doing.
Really? Which congress members have been advocating sharia law?

Keith Ellison

Minnesota Rep Ellison makes Hajj pilgrimage with group that wants Islamic law in US | Sharp Right Turn
Your link (comments):

"It seems that Steve Emerson and company have thoroughly read the Joseph Goebbels propaganda play book: If they tell the same lie repeatedly, they believe that it will be accepted as the truth.

"But in this case, it’s simply the same old lie: The Muslim American Society (MAS) is neither a 'Jihadist' organization, nor one with any affiliation with, or control by, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt nor any other non-American Muslim organization or formation.

"Mr. Emerson, clearly, would like to tar Rep. Ellison with the brish of 'radical Islam', despite the fact that his visit to Mecca as a guest of the Minnesota MAS affiliated was thoroughly vetted, and approved, by the House of Representatives. Keith Ellison is, indeed, a Muslim, and his Hajj was in keeping with his religious obligations.

"But Mr. Ellison is neither radical nor anti-American. His legislative record is very clear. Playing the guilt-by-association card will not change that reality.

"Sadly, the real 'extremists' in this matter are the anti-Islamic elements in America, like Steven Emerson, who will stop at nothing in their persistent attacks on lawful-and legitimate-American Muslim organizations.

"He is to legitimate journalism what Bernard Madoff is to ethical investment management. Shame on him."

Minnesota Rep Ellison makes Hajj pilgrimage with group that wants Islamic law in US | Sharp Right Turn
No, that alleges Keith Ellison made a pilgrimage to Mecca that was paid for by a Muslim American Society of Minnesota, a non-profit interfaith group that is one of 55 branches of the MAS nationwide.

That is not the same as Ellison advocating Sharia law.

So again, when did Ellison say he wanted to implement Sharia law?

I really do love my congress critters.

"...But it is a hoax. 'The comments to U.S. News were designed to do one thing and one thing only: stir the feather of the mainstream media.'”


So, the guy decided to phukk with the lamestream media, and actually got them to believe him?




Well-played, my boy... well-played...

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Raining like crazy in DC

Don't know if many truckers want to go out just to fuck with people

Saw the "real" organizer on Megyn Kelly last night, this goof ball from GA. that gave the interview to U.S. News is a fraud, not affiliated with the T2 rally at all...But good to see you fell for it...My suspicion is that you just want to see any protest against Dear leader fail.

FOX and Megyn Kelly are scammers, just like the truck protesters are scammers. The frauds are at FOX, promoting and supporting bs scammers. Just like the 2 million bikers DC scam. The tea party can no longer put a signigicant demonstration into the works so they are making crap up.
So, is the beltway shutdown yet? No news out of DC. The DC traffic maps show normal conditions.

Washington DC Traffic, Traffic Reports, Road Conditions, and Maps | NBC4 Washington

It wasn't supposed to be a hoax at first. But after they saw how few would be showing up, at least one guy changed to a "Ha! It was a hoax all along! We sure fooled you stupid liberals!" angle.

Who's going to burn hundreds of dollars in diesel (at a minimum) just to be quickly arrested and fined (at a minimum)? Any fleet employee would be instantly fired for taking part, and someone with their own rig would risk losing that rig in a RICO suit. After all, if you are organizing to shut down traffic, that is racketeering. So you'd only get the craziest of the TrueBelievers trying to block traffic.

So, a few dozen truckers are going to drive around in a legal fashion, toot their horns, and then declare a glorious victory over socialism.
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FOX and Megyn Kelly are scammers, just like the truck protesters are scammers. The frauds are at FOX, promoting and supporting bs scammers. Just like the 2 million bikers DC scam. The tea party can no longer put a signigicant demonstration into the works so they are making crap up.

Yeah, yeah, I know, the only "real" news comes from MSNBC, and MediaMatters right? :eusa_hand:
FOX and Megyn Kelly are scammers, just like the truck protesters are scammers. The frauds are at FOX, promoting and supporting bs scammers. Just like the 2 million bikers DC scam. The tea party can no longer put a signigicant demonstration into the works so they are making crap up.

Yeah, yeah, I know, the only "real" news comes from MSNBC, and MediaMatters right? :eusa_hand:

I disagree. Certain "News" organizations are obviously corrupted by their owners political views. Some are also highly unethical. Why pay attention to any of them? People watch that garbadge because they are to lazy to do otherwise. FOX's use of attractive females with big boobs and males who play tough talking no nonsense guys is a scam. They are entertainers and actors on a stage. They put out misinformation. They aren't the only ones. I don't know about MSNBC or Media Matters. I don't pay attention to them. I see FOX at the Bar I go to sometimes for lunch or an evening beer.
FOX and Megyn Kelly are scammers, just like the truck protesters are scammers. The frauds are at FOX, promoting and supporting bs scammers. Just like the 2 million bikers DC scam. The tea party can no longer put a signigicant demonstration into the works so they are making crap up.

Yeah, yeah, I know, the only "real" news comes from MSNBC, and MediaMatters right? :eusa_hand:

It is a non-event

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