Truckers To Shut Down America

Let's face it (pun intended), if the presence or absence of a Facebook page makes or breaks your movement, you really don't have one.

I can agree with that...However, social media can work, but there has to be a support system in place for the event...As far as I can tell, they said 'Hey, everyone, let's jam up the beltway', and when asked what's beyond that, there were crickets.

No rally, no speakers, no real reason to stream in to a point where they could shut down their trucks and get out on the mall....

If it were something like come on in, and circle the beltway one time, and then come in and park, for events on the mall, there probably would have been more participation....
Oh stop with the Facebook excuse, that was shut down a few weeks ago and by Sep 23 the protest organizers made their own website which is still up:

The problem isn't suppression of communication, it is greatly overestimating the "gives a shit" level.
Let's face it (pun intended), if the presence or absence of a Facebook page makes or breaks your movement, you really don't have one.

I can agree with that...However, social media can work, but there has to be a support system in place for the event...As far as I can tell, they said 'Hey, everyone, let's jam up the beltway', and when asked what's beyond that, there were crickets.

No rally, no speakers, no real reason to stream in to a point where they could shut down their trucks and get out on the mall....

If it were something like come on in, and circle the beltway one time, and then come in and park, for events on the mall, there probably would have been more participation....

What was supposed to be their end game?

Lets jam up traffic until the following happens?

Gas prices go down?
Trucking companies pay higher rates?
Obama resigns?

What were they asking for?
No wonder only 30 showed up
Oh stop with the Facebook excuse, that was shut down a few weeks ago and by Sep 23 the protest organizers made their own website which is still up:

The problem isn't suppression of communication, it is greatly overestimating the "gives a shit" level.

With Obama's approval ratings at an all time low (37%), effectively lower than G.W. Bush at this point in his presidency, and a full 81% saying the country is going in the wrong direction, I don't think it is your hypothetical "gives a shit" meter....
Oh stop with the Facebook excuse, that was shut down a few weeks ago and by Sep 23 the protest organizers made their own website which is still up:

The problem isn't suppression of communication, it is greatly overestimating the "gives a shit" level.

With Obama's approval ratings at an all time low (37%), effectively lower than G.W. Bush at this point in his presidency, and a full 81% saying the country is going in the wrong direction, I don't think it is your hypothetical "gives a shit" meter....

At this point in his presidency, G W Bush had not led the country into an economic collapse

The best was yet to come
Let's face it (pun intended), if the presence or absence of a Facebook page makes or breaks your movement, you really don't have one.

I can agree with that...However, social media can work, but there has to be a support system in place for the event...As far as I can tell, they said 'Hey, everyone, let's jam up the beltway', and when asked what's beyond that, there were crickets.

No rally, no speakers, no real reason to stream in to a point where they could shut down their trucks and get out on the mall....

If it were something like come on in, and circle the beltway one time, and then come in and park, for events on the mall, there probably would have been more participation....

True enough. And the objectives were not thought out from the beginning. My favorite part of the manifesto is still the bit about "removing Muslims from office who do not support the Constitution". Not removing Christians or Jews or Buddhists or atheists; just Muslims. Contradicting the Constitution to "support" it. :cuckoo:
What was supposed to be their end game?

Lets jam up traffic until the following happens?

Gas prices go down?
Trucking companies pay higher rates?
Obama resigns?

What were they asking for?
No wonder only 30 showed up

I don't really know, and that is the problem...As a truck driver myself, all I can tell you is that there wasn't much buzz on the CB's yesterday about it, and that points to a problem getting the word out. Secondly, it could be apathy, sure.

But, and this is a question for you, are you saying that OWS had a real point, and those going against the current administration don't?

I honestly think that this group would have been better, taking a little more time, and getting out a clear message, rather than just trying to rush into the spotlight...

Lord knows, we have enough to be pissed about.
True enough. And the objectives were not thought out from the beginning. My favorite part of the manifesto is still the bit about "removing Muslims from office who do not support the Constitution". Not removing Christians or Jews or Buddhists or atheists; just Muslims. Contradicting the Constitution to "support" it. :cuckoo:

Agreed, they do themselves no favors by letting unrestrained crazy talk into the discussion....

My platform would have been simple

1. Over regulation

2. High Fuel prices

3. Over taxation

Focus on those three, and go from there.
True enough. And the objectives were not thought out from the beginning. My favorite part of the manifesto is still the bit about "removing Muslims from office who do not support the Constitution". Not removing Christians or Jews or Buddhists or atheists; just Muslims. Contradicting the Constitution to "support" it. :cuckoo:

Agreed, they do themselves no favors by letting unrestrained crazy talk into the discussion....

My platform would have been simple

1. Over regulation

2. High Fuel prices

3. Over taxation

Focus on those three, and go from there.

But it isn't about any of that. They are doing exactly like the 2 million biker facrce did. They are targeting a group and trying to suck them into supporting a political agenda by fronting causes that the bikers or truckers might support if the causes stood by themselves. It's the use of gimmicks and scams to make little irrelevent fringe political groups look bigger than they are and hence have some kind of relevence that they don't in fact have. It is gimmick by small groups of t party people trying to prove they are important and worthy of some of that Koch money. In the meantime it's a way to make a few bucks collecting donations off the suckers and selling some t-shirts and decals, patchs, etc.
But it isn't about any of that. They are doing exactly like the 2 million biker facrce did. They are targeting a group and trying to suck them into supporting a political agenda by fronting causes that the bikers or truckers might support if the causes stood by themselves. It's the use of gimmicks and scams to make little irrelevent fringe political groups look bigger than they are and hence have some kind of relevence that they don't in fact have. It is gimmick by small groups of t party people trying to prove they are important and worthy of some of that Koch money. In the meantime it's a way to make a few bucks collecting donations off the suckers and selling some t-shirts and decals, patchs, etc.

Do you have any proof that this was sparked by the TP, or are you just tying the two together because you can't imagine anyone else being disgusted with Obama?
What was supposed to be their end game?

Lets jam up traffic until the following happens?

Gas prices go down?
Trucking companies pay higher rates?
Obama resigns?

What were they asking for?
No wonder only 30 showed up

I don't really know, and that is the problem...As a truck driver myself, all I can tell you is that there wasn't much buzz on the CB's yesterday about it, and that points to a problem getting the word out. Secondly, it could be apathy, sure.

But, and this is a question for you, are you saying that OWS had a real point, and those going against the current administration don't?

I honestly think that this group would have been better, taking a little more time, and getting out a clear message, rather than just trying to rush into the spotlight...

Lord knows, we have enough to be pissed about.

OWS had no leadership, no coherent message and no objectives

They protested for protest sake and they failed
OWS had no leadership, no coherent message and no objectives

They protested for protest sake and they failed
Yup some of the interviews they had with OWS young adults were hilarious.

We're here because of the bankers!
What about the bankers?
They're uh... uh... greedy and bad.
What did they do?
They were greedy.

But it isn't about any of that. They are doing exactly like the 2 million biker facrce did. They are targeting a group and trying to suck them into supporting a political agenda by fronting causes that the bikers or truckers might support if the causes stood by themselves. It's the use of gimmicks and scams to make little irrelevent fringe political groups look bigger than they are and hence have some kind of relevence that they don't in fact have. It is gimmick by small groups of t party people trying to prove they are important and worthy of some of that Koch money. In the meantime it's a way to make a few bucks collecting donations off the suckers and selling some t-shirts and decals, patchs, etc.

Do you have any proof that this was sparked by the TP, or are you just tying the two together because you can't imagine anyone else being disgusted with Obama?

The TP has never had the balls to form their own party. When placed into an embarrassing or awkward position they claim there is no actual TP. Like this one. They are pushing the same agenda. That makes them TP. Until they have the balls to stand up and be recognized they will get what they get and can whine about it all they want. If someone gets misidentified, tough sh.t, don't be so cowardly as to try and hide.

A group of truckers is reportedly planning to shut Washington, D.C. down for three days straight starting on Oct. 11 to protest the “corruption against the Constitution.”

The “Truckers To Shut Down America” Facebook page has more than 16,000 likes, though it is unclear how many truckers actually intend on taking part in the disruptive protest.

“The American people are sick and tired of the corruption that is destroying America! We therefore declare a GENERAL STRIKE on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013! Truck drivers will not haul freight! Americans can strike in solidarity with truck drivers!” the group’s description reads.

In a YouTube video uploaded by user “Kevin Allan” and linked on the “Truckers To Shut Down America” Facebook page, the event is labeled as a general “strike” by the American people against the federal government and its “bulls**t.”

Truckers to shut down America for 3 days - YouTube

Why Are Truckers Threatening to ?Shut Down Washington, D.C.? for Three Days Straight? | Video |



I'm laughing twice, first at the story and then I saw you signature....

Oh boy, that's funny....
Exactly, it's a three day event, and it's early on the first day. A little early to proclaim it's a flop.

I don't use Facebook, but have heard that the Fascists running that company shut down the Trucker's FB page.

Maybe that is why only 30 or 40 truckers have participated so far. Facebook fucked them up.

Couldn't have had their shit all that together if all it took was mean ol' Facebook to derail them.

The TP has never had the balls to form their own party. When placed into an embarrassing or awkward position they claim there is no actual TP. Like this one. They are pushing the same agenda. That makes them TP. Until they have the balls to stand up and be recognized they will get what they get and can whine about it all they want. If someone gets misidentified, tough sh.t, don't be so cowardly as to try and hide.

Yep, that's the typical leftist line about the TP, however, you failed to even address what I asked you in any way....Here, I'll repeat the question so that maybe this time you'll answer it...

Do you have any proof that the Tea Party was affiliated with trucker protest in any way?

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