Truckers To Shut Down America

Source or retract!

(And note: some felons CAN vote, it varies state to state.)


I worked as a Mover/Trucker for 11 years. Many independents and even some people working for companies were ex felons. the Moving company I worked at there was a point if I had to wonder if Jimmy (The boss) wasn't standing outside prison gates hiring people as they left.

Evasion noted. You claimed that more than 50% of truckers were felons. Again: source or retract!

Don't want to stereotype, but mover/trucker has always been at kind of the low rung of truck driver jobs. You become enslaved to the moving company because they finance your truck and stick you with a long term contract so you can only haul for them. In fairness, they may take care of some of the drivers by giving them some decent runs, but most get stuck with short hauls and spend as much or even more time loading and unloading as they do putting miles on the road. If any shady operations occur in the industry, that might be the place shady operations might be found.
So as to felons driving, one should understand that drivers get drug tested on a regular and routine basis. It should also be noted that drivers come into contact with law enforcement on a regular and sometimes daily basis. When they pull into weigh stations from state to state they often have to deal with safety inspections. Each time that happens they are face to face with a law enforcement officier and provideing their log book and drivers license. Insurance companys are notoriously strict as are most companies. Odds are that any felon driving a truck has proven he or she has reformed after paying his or her dues and proven they have become a law abiding, responsible tax paying citizen. Kind of what we all should want to see. Seems kind of unfair and a cheap shot to put that felon thing on them just to make an unrelated political point.
Current and ongoing.

'Truckers for the Constitution' Plan to Slow D.C. Beltway, Arrest Congressmen - US News and World Report

Conlon cited the idea of a citizens grand jury – meaning a pool of jurors convened without court approval – as the mechanism for indicting the officials.

"We want these people arrested, and we're coming in with the grand jury to do it," he said. "We are going to ask the law enforcement to uphold their constitutional oath and make these arrests. If they refuse to do it, by the power of the people of the United States and the people's grand jury, they don't want to do it, we will. ... We the people will find a way."

It's almost certain that anyone attempting to "arrest" a member of Congress would be arrested themselves for attempted kidnapping.

A group of truckers is reportedly planning to shut Washington, D.C. down for three days straight starting on Oct. 11 to protest the “corruption against the Constitution.”

The “Truckers To Shut Down America” Facebook page has more than 16,000 likes, though it is unclear how many truckers actually intend on taking part in the disruptive protest.

“The American people are sick and tired of the corruption that is destroying America! We therefore declare a GENERAL STRIKE on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013! Truck drivers will not haul freight! Americans can strike in solidarity with truck drivers!” the group’s description reads.

In a YouTube video uploaded by user “Kevin Allan” and linked on the “Truckers To Shut Down America” Facebook page, the event is labeled as a general “strike” by the American people against the federal government and its “bulls**t.”

Truckers to shut down America for 3 days - YouTube

Why Are Truckers Threatening to ?Shut Down Washington, D.C.? for Three Days Straight? | Video |

Why? Because this shit is a two way street!
That would be a great start. What a great idea.

Yay truckers.

I smoke to a trucker just the other day and he told me that truckers are having a tough time just surviving. And that they are sick of it
I did some truckin' myself years back, and I still have trucker friends. They know they hold probably more power over America than any other industry. If anyone can make Washington take notice, they can, because if there isn't any trucks moving, there's no FOOD being brought into cities. No food being brought into cities, won't take long before the shelves are bare and people are killing each other over a frigin' hotdog. You wan't anarchy? Just have the trucks stop and you'll have it. So Washington better listen and listen good.

In DC they should be worried about not getting enough toilet paper.
That would be a great start. What a great idea.

Yay truckers.

I smoke to a trucker just the other day and he told me that truckers are having a tough time just surviving. And that they are sick of it
I did some truckin' myself years back, and I still have trucker friends. They know they hold probably more power over America than any other industry. If anyone can make Washington take notice, they can, because if there isn't any trucks moving, there's no FOOD being brought into cities. No food being brought into cities, won't take long before the shelves are bare and people are killing each other over a frigin' hotdog. You wan't anarchy? Just have the trucks stop and you'll have it. So Washington better listen and listen good.

Indeed. We would all have to wait for most of our products to do any of our work. Businesses would have to shut down. Washington would have no choice but to pay attention.

I support the truckers in this move

The lake I live on is actually a commercial river that has been dammed up. I just have to wonder if the locks are up and running. If they are not, then the ships and barges cannot pass through. I can't really tell since the leaves are still too think to see very far out into the lake.
Current and ongoing...
Despite the costs to the arresting citizens in personal terms, should they decide to proceed, perhaps some good would come of it... a few Citizens' Arrests of Congress-folk would liven-up the national conversation a bit, and serve as a memory-refresher to our Elected Leaders that they hold their positions through the good graces and at the pleasure of their fellow countrymen...
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Never mind, I found it.

"It does not matter if a million or 50 roll through DC in this effort. Congress will listen to We the People. Which is remove Obama from office for crimes of treason and misdemeanors. We want Congressional hearing on Benghazi and Seal Team 6. Louis Learner [sic] put in jail. No amnesty, remove all Muslims in our government that do not uphold the Constitution. Remove Eric Holder from office for crimes against the people and the Constitution. Last but not least is Fuel prices."

I can assure you, DC, the police maybe even the military, will not allow anyone to shut down DC for 3 days...heheh...what a joke.

I'm thinking 50-100 trucks, all of which will be towed and impounded.

Then laughed at...

These guys own their own trucks. No one can make the drive. Now, McDonald's might be a different story.
Talk about bad timing, they are going to attempt to shut down the shut down gov'ment. I should go over just swell.
The OP states that the truckers WILL shut down America. Let's see if that's the truth or just another silly tilting at windmills.

How do you think you get your food and other products?

Oh that's right it is obama fairies with their magical wand

These left wing loonie birds think it all grows in the supermarket covered in cellophane.
Talk about bad timing, they are going to attempt to shut down the shut down gov'ment. I should go over just swell.

Actually, the point is to make the ones who made it shut down to shut down. Like Congress and prezbo.
Never mind, I found it.

"It does not matter if a million or 50 roll through DC in this effort. Congress will listen to We the People. Which is remove Obama from office for crimes of treason and misdemeanors. We want Congressional hearing on Benghazi and Seal Team 6. Louis Learner [sic] put in jail. No amnesty, remove all Muslims in our government that do not uphold the Constitution. Remove Eric Holder from office for crimes against the people and the Constitution. Last but not least is Fuel prices."

I can assure you, DC, the police maybe even the military, will not allow anyone to shut down DC for 3 days...heheh...what a joke.

I'm thinking 50-100 trucks, all of which will be towed and impounded.

Then laughed at...

People actually support these guys?

Remove all Muslims from public office? Sounds like leftovers from the 2 million biker rally

No not remove all Muslims, only those that don't uphold the Constitution.
You seem to have not read the end of that statement.
Current and ongoing...
Despite the costs to the arresting citizens in personal terms, should they decide to proceed, perhaps some good would come of it... a few Citizens' Arrests of Congress-folk would liven-up the national conversation a bit, and serve as a memory-refresher to our Elected Leaders that they hold their positions through the good graces and at the pleasure of their fellow countrymen...

I agree with all but the 'citizens arrest' bit. I think that could go very far south, very fast.
Never mind, I found it.

"It does not matter if a million or 50 roll through DC in this effort. Congress will listen to We the People. Which is remove Obama from office for crimes of treason and misdemeanors. We want Congressional hearing on Benghazi and Seal Team 6. Louis Learner [sic] put in jail. No amnesty, remove all Muslims in our government that do not uphold the Constitution. Remove Eric Holder from office for crimes against the people and the Constitution. Last but not least is Fuel prices."

I can assure you, DC, the police maybe even the military, will not allow anyone to shut down DC for 3 days...heheh...what a joke.

I'm thinking 50-100 trucks, all of which will be towed and impounded.

Then laughed at...

People actually support these guys?

Remove all Muslims from public office? Sounds like leftovers from the 2 million biker rally

No not remove all Muslims, only those that don't uphold the Constitution.
You seem to have not read the end of that statement.

Except one would still have to wonder why Muslims were being singled out.
People actually support these guys?

Remove all Muslims from public office? Sounds like leftovers from the 2 million biker rally

No not remove all Muslims, only those that don't uphold the Constitution.
You seem to have not read the end of that statement.

Except one would still have to wonder why Muslims were being singled out.

Their not, unless they are advocating for Sharai law in our courts here, like quite a few of them are doing.
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No not remove all Muslims, only those that don't uphold the Constitution.
You seem to have not read the end of that statement.

Except one would still have to wonder why Muslims were being singled out.

Their not, unless they are advocating for Sharai law in our courts here, like quite a few of them are doing.

Wait, so specifically mentioning Muslims, and not any other particular group, is NOT singling out Muslims? :confused:

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