Truckers vote to ignore Trudeau ultimatum to clear Ambassador Bridge

Ame®icano They are so full of shit I can't even talk to them about Politics they just go on ignore and I used to be one. I flipped and now I am just registered, Independent.

I can't stand the liberal democrat platform now. It's so gross.

If you are considering other people opinions, you are not a leftist.

They never accept anyone opinion but their own, and they don't change.

That's why I don't think you were one of them. You probably just wanted to be trendy. :D
There is an abundance of empirical evidence, of people suffering serious harm, and even death, as a direct result of this dangerous mRNA shit.

I listened to a virologist the other day say that all the vax does is release a flood of spike proteins into the bloodstream, which are toxic, and dangerous to the heart. Meantime, nothing of the rest of the virus is used, so the person's immunity is still rather compromised.
The forced “vaccine” mandates are already there, even before anyone protests against them, before any government tries to suppress such protests.

That faggot truly is Castro's bastard child isn't it?

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With this, I assume you disagree with me.

But what I do know is that you can't read, you can't comprehend, and you can't think for yourself.

Let me simplify it, se even moron such as yourself can understand.

Pfizer - BioNTech was always and still is under EUA, and that's what they're giving in the US.
Pfizer - Comirnaty is fully approved, and it's not available in the US.

Moderna (original) was always and still is under EUA, and that's what they're giving in the US.
Moderna Spikevax is fully approved (as of Jan 31), and it's not available in the US.

If you were really getting fully approved "vaccines" you would be able to sue the manufacturers for damages, since only EUA "vaccines" are distributed in the US, you can't sue them, by law. If you still think they're giving fully approved "vaccines", go and get another booster, and don't forget to sign that you're relieving them from any responsibilities.
I'm not lying, you're just so stupid that you can't read what actualy is approved.

The fully FDA approved "vaccines" are Pfizer Comirnaty and Moderna Spikevax. They are not available in the US.

What is given to Americans instead are Pfizer BioNTech and original Moderna that are still under EUA.

You can check it yourself, can you? From your own link...

It's still under EUA, just expanded for kids.
You keep lying! - Spikevax is available here in the USA.

Spikevax has the same formulation as the EUA Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine and is administered as a primary series of two doses, one month apart. Spikevax can be used interchangeably with the EUA Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine to provide the COVID-19 vaccination series.
KissMy Spikevax is moderna.

On January 31, 2022, the FDA announced the second approval of a COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Spikevax, for the prevention of COVID-19 in individuals 18 years of age and older.


You're really an idiot. I nearly drew it for you, and you still don't get it. Should I bring my kids crayons?

Yeah, Spikevax is approved, but you can't get it, it's not available. Oh, since you can't get Spikevax, they'll give you original one, you know, the one they have no liability for.

Why there is a need for Spikevax if is the same formulation with EUA "vaccine"? So morons like you think they're getting fully approved "vaccine" while they're getting EUA "vaccine". And if you get myocarditis, or blood clot you can't sue them. No liabilities for Moderna, or Pfizer. Zero.

I would tell you to think, but you're not capable of thinking. Therefore, moron!
You're really an idiot. I nearly drew it for you, and you still don't get it. Should I bring my kids crayons?

Yeah, Spikevax is approved, but you can't get it, it's not available. Oh, since you can't get Spikevax, they'll give you original one, you know, the one they have no liability for.

Why there is a need for Spikevax if is the same formulation with EUA "vaccine"? So morons like you think they're getting fully approved "vaccine" while they're getting EUA "vaccine". And if you get myocarditis, or blood clot you can't sue them. No liabilities for Moderna, or Pfizer. Zero.

I would tell you to think, but you're not capable of thinking. Therefore, moron!
You keep lying! - Spikevax is available here in the USA.
KissMy Spikevax is moderna.

On January 31, 2022, the FDA announced the second approval of a COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Spikevax, for the prevention of COVID-19 in individuals 18 years of age and older.

You see Michelle420, this is exactly what I was talking about above. They simply don't read, or comprehend, even their own links, they just spew what media told them to.

Media said Pfizer vaccine is fully approved. Yes, but they don't say which one, and if you're uninformed fuck, and if you don't read their approval paper, you would never know that what you're actually getting is EUA "vaccine", for which pharma has no liability. Even if you ask for FDA fully approved "vaccine" they will give you EAU with an explanation, "they're both the same". If they're the same, why different name, and why they're both not fully approved?

For that, you need to have some brain, and our leftist friends don't have it. They're just repeating what media told them, without any thinking of their own.

I've explain this in detail in another thread in CDZ, to keep it clean from trolls. Do you trust current COVID "vaccines"?
Genuine science will not. The LIBtARd mockery of “science”, to which Godless fools such as Colon norris cling, the same science that affirms that Bruce Jenner is a woman, very well might, if that is what supports the LIbtARd agenda.
Under your assumption it is only liberals who are godless. You have to be kidding.
It might be the fact you godbothering republicans Have very little defence and hate the left with a passion only allowed without gods permission.

It must keep you awake at night knowing the government has passed so many freedoms like abortion and same sex marriage. You're filthy religion won't let you think for yourself. You live in a celestial dictatorship where you constantly worship a ghost anticipating eternity.

As the fraudulent charlatan pastors say, you keep the faith sucker, we'll keep the money.
Hopefully Trudeau does as he had said, bringing in the military to get that damn trucks off the bridges. I'm damn tired of shortages and paying higher prices. The truckers are violating the law and the govern should act. Actually, I don't really hold truckers to blame. They are being mislead by the crap of social media, the worst thing that has very happen to America.
Sure, sure, he could do that. I could see the truckers just abandoning the trucks and forcing him to tow them all away. Here's what would happen if he really did try that. They would simply move onto the next and more deadly phase, a mass trucker strike. You'll have your bridges back, but no fuel for your car to drive over them when you're desperately searching for a supermarket that still has food on the shelves.
Under your assumption it is only liberals who are godless. You have to be kidding.
It might be the fact you godbothering republicans Have very little defence and hate the left with a passion only allowed without gods permission.

It must keep you awake at night knowing the government has passed so many freedoms like abortion and same sex marriage. You're filthy religion won't let you think for yourself. You live in a celestial dictatorship where you constantly worship a ghost anticipating eternity.

As the fraudulent charlatan pastors say, you keep the faith sucker, we'll keep the money.

It's ironic how, in thinking that you had a valid point to make, you've only proven mine.

You hold up depraved sexual perversions, and the cold-blooded murder of innocents, as the “freedoms” for which you stand, only demonstrating how evil and soulless you truly are; proving my point that in rejecting God, in rejecting any rational standards of ethics and morality, you have willfully given Satan free reign to fill the resulting void with pure evil and madness.
This illustrates just how ignorant you are, because where God is death has no sting,
Let's dig a little deeper on the ignorance issue. Am I ignorant because immaculate conception are impossible? How about some nut walking on water? Maybe not believing virgin births includes ignorance. Yet both of us know those fairy tales are impossible but you defend it like your life depends on it. So who is the ignorant one now?
The irony is when alive, you Jesus junkies sing the praises if how God will protect you. When they die of covid, suddenly they are spoken of no more and gods help that didn't arrive is never mentioned again.
Yet it's me who is ignorant? Dint make me vomit you idiot.
so deny all you want, but in the end maybe science will somehow lie to you, and tell you that if you take this pill or vaccine you can live forever. Go for it.
Science doesn't lie. There's no reason for them to lie. Why would science want to keep me alive or kill me? There's no logic in either scenario. You are really saying that reliance in science is a false belief. Might I remind you that approximately 400k believers have died so far from covid and your filthy invisible ghost God never lifted a finger to help.
Don't threaten me with your hideous lies that God will save me. Like now and will always be, there is no God and you are delusional.
If I die tomorrow, at least I will plĺl0praise his name as the Almighty creator that holds the keys to life and death in his hands.
If you die, you an praise his name or his arsehole forever and nothing will happen. There has NEVER been evidence your filthy God creator one thing on this earth other idiots who believes he exists.
If he held the keys to life and death, why didn't he intervene to save those who firmly believe in him?
No. He let them die and now you say "God works in mysterious ways" while never mentioning covid.
I choose life eternal myself, and not what we have now in which is time stamped.
Choosing while alive will give you a warm inner glow but offers nothing else. You can't name one person who is in eternity other than eternal death in the ground.
You have no evidence if any such thing and the arrogance of you to suggest you have unique knowledge you will achieve eternity is breathtaking. You speak of it as if its at a fact. You are delusional and brain washed.
Ame®icano I know it's like they are hypnotized it's the weirdest thing. I personally have known 5 people who came down with covid (one a family member ) 3 were vaccinated and 2 weren't and ALL of them got COvid. None went to the Hospital, none died. The only difference I observed really is the older adults covid lasted longer for than the younger adults.

I am so frustrated with the liberals pushing medical on people who don't want it and especially when it's not even stopping covid. Vaccinated people are not only getting covid but giving it to other people both vaccinated and unvaccinated. SO to rip truck drivers out of their trucks and through them in jail because they don't want a mandate forced on them requiring them to take an "experimental" vaccine that normally must go through 10-12 years of rigid clinical trials is a bunch of BULLSHIT. Period. Where are our brave protestors in America?

The Canadian Truck drivers are heroes in my Heart. I love them for not allowing a human government to dictate to them what to do with their bodies. They are paying a huge price for this, being prosecuted, having financial accounts frozen, being thrown in Jail. ALL because they don't want a mandate that forces an experimental vaccine in their body.

Fucking Fascists!

SpikeVax Is Moderna relabelled for marketing purposes it even says so on the FDA website. Holy shit. Wake up. It doesn't even stop the vaccinated from actually getting covid.
It's ironic how, in thinking that you had a valid point to make, you've only proven mine.

You hold up depraved sexual perversions, and the cold-blooded murder of innocents, as the “freedoms” for which you stand, only demonstrating how evil and soulless you truly are; proving my point that in rejecting God, in rejecting any rational standards of ethics and morality, you have willfully given Satan free reign to fill the resulting void with pure evil and madness.
You know I'm right but you godbotherers never admit it.
Don't threaten me with your mealy mouthed words about Satan and your other bullshit.
Your problem is ive challenged your filthy God crap and you have no defence other than to rely on some supernatural dictatorship to deal with it.
Suck eggs son. Nothing will happen and that will hurt you even more because your silly gid didn't invoke revenge in your behalf.

Every time you reply I get another whack at you. Have another go.
Don't threaten me with your mealy mouthed words about Satan and your other bullshit.

No threat—just a clear statement of fact.

You've made your choice; you've rejected God and chosen Satan. At your age, you will soon enough be called to stand before Him, and to be held accountable for the choice that you have made, and to face the consequences thereof.

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