Truckers vote to ignore Trudeau ultimatum to clear Ambassador Bridge

Ame®icano I know it's like they are hypnotized it's the weirdest thing. I personally have known 5 people who came down with covid (one a family member ) 3 were vaccinated and 2 weren't and ALL of them got COvid. None went to the Hospital, none died. The only difference I observed really is the older adults covid lasted longer for than the younger adults.
The vaccine is designed to lessen the chances of people getting so sick they need hospitalization. Get some facts.
I am so frustrated with the liberals pushing medical on people who don't want it and especially when it's not even stopping covid.
Not one person in any government said it will STOP covid. That is a very poor excuse.
Vaccinated people are not only getting covid but giving it to other people both vaccinated and unvaccinated. SO to rip truck drivers out of their trucks and through them in jail because they don't want a mandate forced on them requiring them to take an "experimental" vaccine that normally must go through 10-12 years of rigid clinical trials is a bunch of BULLSHIT.
You are an ignorant liar. It us not experimental vaccibe so cut the lies.
You have no knowledge of how this vaccine was produced so shut up.
Period. Where are our brave protestors in America?
Home if the brave my arse. They are unpatriotic traitors by not wanting what's best for the country regardless of who is POTUS and that is what a lot of this is about.
The Canadian Truck drivers are heroes in my Heart. I love them for not allowing a human government to dictate to them what to do with their bodies.
Oh the irony. Do you have the same sympathy for young pregnant girls who want an abortion but the do gooder Jesus junkies apply the bible to stop them?
Where's their freedom to chose about their bodies?
You don't give that freedom shit much thought darling.
They are paying a huge price for this, being prosecuted, having financial accounts frozen, being thrown in Jail.
The are going to jail because they flaunted the law when told several times to stop it. They deserve nothing else.
Not one financial account belonging to a dumb arse truckie has been frozen . You are a liar.
ALL because they don't want a mandate that forces an experimental vaccine in their body.

Fucking Fascists!
All because they disagree about who should be running the country. They are the true fascists.
SpikeVax Is Moderna relabelled for marketing purposes it even says so on the FDA website. Holy shit. Wake up. It doesn't even stop the vaccinated from actually getting covid.
Again, no one has ever claimed it did. I explain that above.
You are deliberately grossly misinformed for political reasons.
Don't come barging on here throwing you weight around when you are obviously as ignorant as a row of cats watching tv.
No threat—just a clear statement of fact.
That's exactly the point. Its not a fact because you have no evidence There is no God. Faith does not equate to fact. You are delusional.
You've made your choice; you've rejected God and chosen Satan.
I have not rejected God because as an atheist, I dont believe there are any supernatural dieties which control anything, including your silly Satan. The arrogance of you to suggest you know what i should anticipate. You sanctamonious ignoramus.
At your age, you will soon enough be called to stand before Him, and to be held accountable for the choice that you have made, and to face the consequences thereof.
Again, you are arrogantly suggesting you have unique knowledge of my destination and punishment. You don't. You are childishly suggesting as a godbotherer you know something I don't. In fact you are simply projecting your are superior to me.
Furthermore, how could you possibly know your fate will be different to mine? Hope was never a good contraceptive. That's all you have because there is no proof of anything else.

So don't threaten me with your immature religious rebuttals. Try that in some gullible children like you normally do.
I love ripping strips off you ignorant Jesus junkies. Have another go.
There is an abundance of empirical evidence, of people suffering serious harm, and even death, as a direct result of this dangerous mRNA shit.

More disturbing is the considerable, obvious, but unsuccessful effort, to suppress this evidence.

Someone who denies God is in no position to cast aspersions on anyone else's intellect or character.
Fuck off Bob. Don't threaten people with your shit. You look very childish.
Again, someone who denies God is in no position to call anyone else delusional.
Bob. From the beginning all I have ever asked for from hundreds of godbotherers is irrefutable evidence that God exists.
To this point n it one has produced a sceric of evidence. You are now one of if them.
Yet now You suggest it's me who is delusional because I believe in nothing and you have produced just that, nothing.
What can be asserted without evidence can dismissed evidence.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Don't be so arrogant to think you can judge anyone with ignorance dripping from your mouth like lava.
Ignorance is ignorance and nothing of value can be derived from it.
Fuck them. Domestic Terrorists. They were a fucking minority of the truckers in Canada. Even the Truckers Union of Canada posed that fucked up move to block the bridges. Maskholes, covidiots and vaxasses are the reason the variants. Fucking mask up and save your own fucking life or shut to fuck up and fucking DIE!!!!!!
This must be pisted from someone hiding under a bed
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Your fact checkers do not support your claim, moron. Read it again...

Spikevax and Comirnaty are brand names for the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, respectively. The claim falsely implies that those vaccines, which have received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, are different from the non-branded vaccines that have been in use since December 2020 under the Emergency Use Authorization. The drug formulation is the same for the branded and non-branded vaccines, and the two versions can be used interchangeably, according to the FDA and the drug companies.

Meaning, since they claim "vaccines are the same and can be used interchangeably, they will give you "vaccine" approved under EUA", for which they have no liability.

Proven in... an ORDER issued on November 12, in Doe et al. v. Austin, U.S. Federal District Judge Allen Winsor of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida denied a preliminary injunction requested by 16 service members against the U.S. Military’s COVID vaccine mandate. A hearing is scheduled for Sept. 14, 2022.

However, the judge’s acknowledgment that “the DOD cannot mandate vaccines that only have an EUA”. For two reasons.

One reason pertains to the difference in ingredients and manufacturing process between Pfizer’s EUA vaccine and the approved Comirnaty vaccine, and the other pertains to the legal difference between a fully licensed vaccine and an EUA vaccine. The latter reason would apply not just to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, but also to the vaccines produced by Moderna and Johnson & Johnson (Janssen), both of which are authorized only as EUA products.
This is how it starts and the minority group here is not being protected. So we see how full of shit liberals are. Unvaccinated people are being marginized and. Discriminated against. Liberal s are just fine with it. I bet the ACLU is okay with it too. What posers to pretend to care for minority rights. They only care for "some" minority groups but not all.
Get it while it's hot!

Trudeau to declare 'emergency measures act', live in 20 minutes. I think?

Like father like son.

Communist do what communist does.

In a nutshell, everyone who doesn't support Trudeau is a enemy and they can go after their business or personal accounts, deny them licenses, insurance, etc. without court orders.

Leftists really need to be starved before they institute communism, not after. I hope truckers got the message and go on general strike, and cut all trucking.
Interesting how the very idea of the truckers getting any kind of credit for the ending of mandates/restrictions makes these clotshot lovers absolutely seethe. What's so threatening to normies about the idea that the truckers did accomplish something? I'm not saying they did, but I'm not going out of my way frothing at the mouth trying to prove it one way or the other either.
Because it's spitting in the face of their little-g god Government.

They hate heretics.
Where is the evidence they are dangerous or poisonous? You have nothing.
Stick with your filthy bible. I can see how God protected thOse 400000 who died from the virus. Ask them if they would prefer a vacinne.

You are letting your personal and religious crap interfere with good science, research and logic.
Barring a verified medical condition, there is not one person on earth that should not be vaccinated.
You are also ignorant enough to let your Republican politics interfere as if that is justification for anything.
You hate Biden because he us promoting it.

I can see straight through all you believers bullshit. You not proving anything but your stupidity.
Keep studying your bible son. I can see how far it has gotten you
You really love the taste of boot, don't you?
Like father like son.

Communist do what communist does.

In a nutshell, everyone who doesn't support Trudeau is a enemy and they can go after their business or personal accounts, deny them licenses, insurance, etc. without court orders.

Leftists really need to be starved before they institute communism, not after. I hope truckers got the message and go on general strike, and cut all trucking.
Americans called in the military the same day the riots were happening.

Trudeau has waited nearly 3 weeks and still hasn't called in the military!

What's wrong with that picture numbnuts?
Also the military always uses vaccines that are not FDA approved.
That's completely wrong.

Biden’s vaccine requirement could ‘very well’ require troops to get the shot

Because COVID-19 vaccines are available to the military under the Food and Drug Administration’s emergency use authorization (EUA), the shot has so far been strictly voluntary.

It is not FDA approved, and therefore, it is still a voluntary vaccine,” Pentagon press secretary John Kirby told reporters earlier this month.
Fuck them. Domestic Terrorists. They were a fucking minority of the truckers in Canada. Even the Truckers Union of Canada posed that fucked up move to block the bridges. Maskholes, covidiots and vaxasses are the reason the variants. Fucking mask up and save your own fucking life or shut to fuck up and fucking DIE!!!!!!
Well, ain't you just an angry little bitch.
That's completely wrong.

Biden’s vaccine requirement could ‘very well’ require troops to get the shot

Because COVID-19 vaccines are available to the military under the Food and Drug Administration’s emergency use authorization (EUA), the shot has so far been strictly voluntary.

It is not FDA approved, and therefore, it is still a voluntary vaccine,” Pentagon press secretary John Kirby told reporters earlier this month.
That came only after the judges order, where DOD couldn't provide the proof that "fully approved" FDA "vaccines" actually exist.
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With this, I assume you disagree with me.

But what I do know is that you can't read, you can't comprehend, and you can't think for yourself.

Let me simplify it, se even moron such as yourself can understand.

Pfizer - BioNTech was always and still is under EUA, and that's what they're giving in the US.
Pfizer - Comirnaty is fully approved, and it's not available in the US.

Moderna (original) was always and still is under EUA, and that's what they're giving in the US.
Moderna Spikevax is fully approved (as of Jan 31), and it's not available in the US.

If you were really getting fully approved "vaccines" you would be able to sue the manufacturers for damages, since only EUA "vaccines" are distributed in the US, you can't sue them, by law. If you still think they're giving fully approved "vaccines", go and get another booster, and don't forget to sign that you're relieving them from any responsibilities.
Remember, everybody -- every single commercial you see for class-action lawsuits saying "if you or a loved one were harmed by [insert name of medication here}" -- every single one of those medications was FDA-approved.

The FDA serves the pharmaceutical industry, not the American people.

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