Truckers vote to ignore Trudeau ultimatum to clear Ambassador Bridge

No they didn't start it but they are certainly make it worse.
They don't make it one iota worse than the illegal mandates that the overstepping government has forced on the populace. Governments govern best who governs least. Rescind all of the illegal mandates and the problem is solved. Plain and simple.
They don't make it one iota worse than the illegal mandates that the overstepping government has forced on the populace. Governments govern best who governs least. Rescind all of the illegal mandates and the problem is solved. Plain and simple.
They don't care when they fire people over the jab which is what Canada is doing.........What hospitals are doing...........and they are trying to DESTROY ANY WHO DON'T OBEY THEM. They are threatening anyone in Canada to not be able to work and starve their families.

They are lucky this isn't VIOLENT.
Veterans have formed a line between the police and the truckers at the Windsor bridge. :up:

They don't make it one iota worse than the illegal mandates that the overstepping government has forced on the populace. Governments govern best who governs least. Rescind all of the illegal mandates and the problem is solved. Plain and simple.
They are just making a bad situation worse and it will not change anything. If the current trend holds in regard to cases, deaths, and preventive measures, the mandates will be mostly gone by summer. The war is nearly over but that is not a time to give up the fight.

Cases are falling rapidly and if current trends hold we will be down from a high of over a million cases a day to ten or fifteen thousand cases a day in about a month. That is when we should drop all mask mandates and start phasing out vaccination mandates over the next 6 months. Considering the potential this virus has, a conservative approach is needed.

Everyone wants to get life back to normal. However health authorities want to make sure that it is not a new normal in which a half million or more die every year in a an epidemic that last decades marked by fear, inflation, and ever new variants.
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current trends hold we will be down from over million cases a day
You are still parroting the same old tired lies that the government has been throwing around since the start of this scamdemic. When are you going to wise up and figure out you've been played in the biggest hoax since the beginning of human history.
That is when we should drop all mask mandates and start phasing out vaccination mandates over the next 6 months.
Masks are ineffective for the umpteenth time. The vax is not safe nor effective. It does NOT prevent infection nor spread and it IS associated with numerous serious health conditions that have resulted from it.
potential this virus has,
Potential? LMAO Woulda Coulda Shoulda--the same tired shit we've been hearing for two solid years. Wake up.
However health authorities want to make sure that it is not a new normal in which a half million
The vegetable in the WH is trying to cover his ass by changing the way infection numbers have been tallied because people are starting to realize that this has ALL been BS. Ever wonder why they are not tracking fatality numbers from covid anymore? Its called an EXIT STRATEGY--they are trying to cover their asses because they have been caught in LIES.
You are still parroting the same old tired lies that the government has been throwing around since the start of this scamdemic. When are you going to wise up and figure out you've been played in the biggest hoax since the beginning of human history.

Masks are ineffective for the umpteenth time. The vax is not safe nor effective. It does NOT prevent infection nor spread and it IS associated with numerous serious health conditions that have resulted from it.

Potential? LMAO Woulda Coulda Shoulda--the same tired shit we've been hearing for two solid years. Wake up.

The vegetable in the WH is trying to cover his ass by changing the way infection numbers have been tallied because people are starting to realize that this has ALL been BS. Ever wonder why they are not tracking fatality numbers from covid anymore? Its called an EXIT STRATEGY--they are trying to cover their asses because they have been caught in LIES.
Sorry, but I don't address conspiracy theories, fake news, and lies. It only helps spread them. I'm sure someone else will oblige you
Sorry, but I don't address conspiracy theories, fake news, and lies. It only helps spread them. I'm sure someone else will oblige you

Ummm, yeah, you actually do. It is now beyond question that fau chi funded the development of a biological weapon that has killed hundreds of thousands. YOU, are wrong.
Soon enough, the police will come in and clear out all the "protesters". Trudeau seems reluctant to use the military, but he may have to if the situation demands.

Ummm, the veterans are standing BETWEEN the cops and the truckers. And every day more cops are saying they won't do your fascist bidding.

Suck it up buttercup, you are screwed.

Trudeau intimates military force is on the table.

The fascism is strong in the Trudeau government. Either way this is the end of Trudeau.
You can protest until you destroy others property, block interstate & international highways, ports or prevent others freedom, commerce, trade & ability to live, then you have gone too far and you will be arrested, run down or executed.

You have the same rights to vote, freedom of speech & protest as everyone else, but those rights end when they trample on my life, freedom & liberty. Get the hell off the roads before we take you out!
You can protest until you destroy others property, block interstate & international highways, ports or prevent others freedom, commerce, trade & ability to live, then you have gone too far and you will be arrested, run down or executed.

You have the same rights to vote, freedom of speech & protest as everyone else, but those rights end when they trample on my life, freedom & liberty. Get the hell off the roads before we take you out!

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeewww. Internet tough guy alert!
You can protest until you destroy others property, block interstate & international highways, ports or prevent others freedom, commerce, trade & ability to live, then you have gone too far and you will be arrested, run down or executed.

You have the same rights to vote, freedom of speech & protest as everyone else, but those rights end when they trample on my life, freedom & liberty. Get the hell off the roads before we take you out!

You are aware that Canadian truckers blocked Canadian roads, are you?

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