Trudeau threatening tow truck drivers

You’re really not good at this. From your own article:

“Simmons proposed a compromise — increasing penalties on an existing law that bans any person from obstructing roadways, instead of passing legislation specifically targeting protesters.

The change would increase the current punishment of $500 or six months in jail for blocking roadways to McMahan’s proposal of $1,500, a year in jail or both, with a minimum $500 fine and 25 days in jail.

The amended proposal was passed by committee members unanimously and will now go on to the full Senate.”

It was passed unanimously, you dope. According to your article, both sides were in favor of increasing the penalty for blocking roadways.

I always find it hilarious when you guys accidentally prove the exact opposite of what you’re trying to show lol.
That is what Democrats had to negotiate with. They would vote for the compromise. That is their only leverage.


Your ignorance of the mechanics of lawmaking is absolutely staggering. Is there any part of the political process that you DO understand?

Or is this more of the time tested strategy of manufactured ignorance to avoid the obvious truth?

Either way, it's asinine.

There is no avoiding the fact that the left defended blocking roadways as a form of protest right up until it was used against them. Tying yourself into whatever pretzel shape you care to won't improve your position. Your attempts to gaslight with revisionist history will 100% fail.
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You won’t find me defending that.

I guess conservatives are against destroying property, attacking police officers and blocking traffic.

(But only when it’s the other side doing it)
Same as you because I have never seen you write a damn word condemning the actions of BLM or ANTIFA when they did it multiple times, and now please show the destruction of property and the attacking of police versus when you rioted, burned down businesses and even threatened to kill a seventeen year boy that shoot three like you that got two of you killed?

Also show me the countless of threads and posts by you condemning BLM and ANTIFA actions and when you don’t provide one shred of evidence to show you are against such actions, well I know you love it when your side does it!

Only had the Truckers Convoy down this against Trump and then you would love them!
That is what Democrats had to negotiate with. They would vote for the compromise. That is their only leverage.

View attachment 602961

Your ignorance of the mechanics of lawmaking is absolutely staggering. Is there any part of the political process that you DO understand?

Or is this more of the time tested strategy of manufactured ignorance to avoid the obvious truth?

Either way, it's asinine.

There is no avoiding the fact that the left defended blocking roadways as a form of protest right up until it was used against them. Tying yourself into whatever pretzel shape you care to won't improve your position. Your attempts to gaslight with revisionist history will 100% fail.
You’re still pushing this?

Once again, it was a unanimous vote you moron. BOTH sides were in favor of increasing penalties for people who block roadways. Poof goes your idiotic argument. Thanks for playing.

Maybe try reading your own links next time and you won’t embarrass yourself like this.
So when you say that “the left” generally supports blocking freeways, you think you demonstrated that by giving a quote from AOC.

In your little world, the entire left can be characterized by some vague expression from a single Democrat.

Thank you for articulating precisely where the breakdown is in your reasoning.
You just wrote all conservatives to me, so you do the same damn thing hypocrite!
Same as you because I have never seen you write a damn word condemning the actions of BLM or ANTIFA when they did it multiple times, and now please show the destruction of property and the attacking of police versus when you rioted, burned down businesses and even threatened to kill a seventeen year boy that shoot three like you that got two of you killed?

Also show me the countless of threads and posts by you condemning BLM and ANTIFA actions and when you don’t provide one shred of evidence to show you are against such actions, well I know you love it when your side does it!
Look at my signature.
Still no comment from our liberty loving Tweener Golfing Gator

Damn, you really do miss me when I am not on the forum giving you constant attention. Do you dream about me at night?

As for the OP, nobody should be forced to preform work for the Govt, it is clearly wrong to threaten a tow truck drivers
Damn, you really do miss me when I am not on the forum giving you constant attention. Do you dream about me at night?

As for the OP, nobody should be forced to preform work for the Govt, it is clearly wrong to threaten a tow truck drivers
I think of you and your twin as smug non partisans who are really libs in disguise

you never show up when the left is looking bad

as trudeau, who is biden’s soulmate is looking here

this way I know that you know

its true that I only hot a bland generic tut tut from you over a very serious and getting worse situation in canada

But thats not unexpected
I expect an unexpected rash of tow truck breakdowns and tow truck drivers self quarantining for suspected Covid symptoms.

If I was a tow truck driver I'd just say oh I have a fever I shouldn't go out and tow trucks today. Or if I owned the company I'd tell them "were backed up with emergencies and for the sake of safety we have to take care of them first but if we get an opening I'll let you know" and tell my guys to drive their trucks home and we will dispatch them from there so they aren't sitting around the shop.
I think of you and your twin as smug non partisans who are really libs in disguise

you never show up when the left is looking bad

as trudeau, who is biden’s soulmate is looking here

I did not post at all last night, and that just seems to upset you so very much. Never have I had anyone so desperate for my attention on this forum as you are.

its true that I only hot a bland generic tut tut from you over a very serious and getting worse situation in canada

But thats not unexpected

I do not give a flying fuck about Canada or what happens there. Next you are going to whine because ii do not post about China or Russia or Iran 95 times a day like you seem to think I should.

Get a fucking life dude, you are about to make me break my own 'no ignore" rule
I do not give a flying fuck about Canada or what happens there.
Sorry, but I’m not buying that fairy tale

You are not interested in commenting now because the libs are looking very much like Brown Shirts

but if the shoe were on the other foot I think you would be energized
Sorry, but I’m not buying that fairy tale

You are not interested in commenting now because the libs are looking very much like Brown Shirts

but if the shoe were on the other foot I think you would be energized
good bye
If I was a tow truck driver I'd just say oh I have a fever I shouldn't go out and tow trucks today. Or if I owned the company I'd tell them "were backed up with emergencies and for the sake of safety we have to take care of them first but if we get an opening I'll let you know" and tell my guys to drive their trucks home and we will dispatch them from there so they aren't sitting around the shop.
So, denying work to your employees?
Waited five weeks for a fan hub... Nine weeks for a charge air cooler and still have a truck sitting waiting for a turbo.

The mechanics yard is full of trucks waiting for parts.

Local Ryder shop had a box truck OOS for over a month waiting on...a head gasket. One of my company's tractors spent three weeks waiting on a turbocharger. Another was a week for a water pump. (Seriously, how do you NOT have a Cummins L9 pump in stock?!) A trailer had a suspension airbag(!) on 2 week back order. (Mechanic actually ordered one off eBay.) It's a bitch getting super-single tires, too.

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