True Americans can see we're in trouble


Sep 7, 2012
I believe that the current state of America and it's relationships with the Islamic world are reason enough to become isolationist. Millions of dollars are spent supporting countries we will never win over. Thousands of American lives lost meaninglessly while we pay the "host" nation's population exorbitant amounts of money to not think less of our operations.

Meanwhile the wars against drugs, racism, unemployment etc. are receiving no attention by comparison. Why... because our govt. cannot keep it's hands out of the cookie jar, because we feel threatened by every word and act any other country makes. The easiest and most beneficial action for America as a whole, long term, would be to move troops home, from everywhere.

I cannot do more than speculate as to why we are still involved in any war or "police action" that does not directly concern our countries safety. I am however aware that if our country doesn't want to crumble in the next decade it needs to strengthen our border and re-invest completely into America.

We are concerned about the growing rate of unemployment, but we keep taxing American based companies until there is little choice but to outsource jobs to continue to make a profit. Our education system is atrocious. Our social welfare plan doesn't promote self sustainability, but rather to stay on the tax payers nipple, and with that we are unable to drug test welfare recipients because it's somehow unethical. Yet to receive "employment" anywhere else we the hard working ambitious must submit. Moreover senate and congress members are not held to inside trading law. The EPA is the direct cause for fuel inefficiency and the cost of living. The diesel engine is the cleanest fuel burning engine we have. Does it produce black "smoke"? Yes, is that actually smoke? No. What you are seeing is soot, which up until recently had naturally occurring sulfur in it which did not hurt the environment but instead lubricated the engine. All of this is easier for the environment to handle. The EPA has crippled the fuel economy of commercial and civilian diesel engines by forcing auto makers to introduce urea injection and exhaust gas into the fuel air mixture. More interestingly, Trains, public transit such as buses, shipping via trucks, and even commercial jets are all diesel. What does this mean to the American people? That by letting the EPA and government/oil companies to attempt to strong arm us into alternative energies now and not gradually, they are directly increasing the cost of living, and as we all realize, when products become more expensive our wages do not grow to provide those goods. The American Govt' has a tax stamp for marijuana. What does this mean? That the substance is not illegal, but rather illegal to produce or sell this substance legally. Legalizing it would cut the amount of spending in the prison system, funding for drug enforcement programs and public defenders. More importantly the amount of violent crime would fall as a result of anyone being to buy just as easily as one were buying cigarettes. The simplest things could benefit this country far more than our twisted sense of morality.

I feel that the current state of our country is to be blamed on the Electoral College, Which made sense when it was first constituted but not in this modern day, and the way we allow candidates conduct there election campaign. I leaned in the fifth grade that each individual vote does not count, and more so that 11 states need to be swayed to vote in order for any nominee to win. How does this seem to be in the best interest of the American people? I feel the need to point at the speculation of why those in office do the types of things that do no make sense to the general public. Examples include oil fields during Desert Storm, bailing out the Automakers, the recently found Lithium Mine in Afghanistan, etc. etc. This directly relates to how we allow a nominee to conduct there campaign. Nominees should not be allowed to fund there campaigns with help from outside sources. If it were not for the funds provided by some of these sources our leaders more than likely would not have committed to such disadvantageous actions.

America has to completely remove religion from it's decision making process at least on the federal level. It should not make any difference to the overall morals of this country. The Federal Govt was never meant to govern like it does. Its purpose was to resolve disputes between local governments. The easiest way to unite the peoples of America is to stop segregating them. All citizens need to have the same rights regardless of race, religion or creed. Homosexuals should be entitled to rights that any "married" are, but it's between the church and it's followers what this union is called.

I can go on and on, and may very well continue these thoughts, but I will leave readers with this. A 3rd party Dictator is the only thing that can save America. It may seem against all that our country was founded on, but one clear headed person, free of obligations to anyone, to make the necessary changes our country needs to survive.
I believe that the current state of America and it's relationships with the Islamic world are reason enough to become isolationist. Millions of dollars are spent supporting countries we will never win over. Thousands of American lives lost meaninglessly while we pay the "host" nation's population exorbitant amounts of money to not think less of our operations.

Meanwhile the wars against drugs, racism, unemployment etc. are receiving no attention by comparison. Why... because our govt. cannot keep it's hands out of the cookie jar, because we feel threatened by every word and act any other country makes. The easiest and most beneficial action for America as a whole, long term, would be to move troops home, from everywhere.

I cannot do more than speculate as to why we are still involved in any war or "police action" that does not directly concern our countries safety. I am however aware that if our country doesn't want to crumble in the next decade it needs to strengthen our border and re-invest completely into America.

We are concerned about the growing rate of unemployment, but we keep taxing American based companies until there is little choice but to outsource jobs to continue to make a profit. Our education system is atrocious. Our social welfare plan doesn't promote self sustainability, but rather to stay on the tax payers nipple, and with that we are unable to drug test welfare recipients because it's somehow unethical. Yet to receive "employment" anywhere else we the hard working ambitious must submit. Moreover senate and congress members are not held to inside trading law. The EPA is the direct cause for fuel inefficiency and the cost of living. The diesel engine is the cleanest fuel burning engine we have. Does it produce black "smoke"? Yes, is that actually smoke? No. What you are seeing is soot, which up until recently had naturally occurring sulfur in it which did not hurt the environment but instead lubricated the engine. All of this is easier for the environment to handle. The EPA has crippled the fuel economy of commercial and civilian diesel engines by forcing auto makers to introduce urea injection and exhaust gas into the fuel air mixture. More interestingly, Trains, public transit such as buses, shipping via trucks, and even commercial jets are all diesel. What does this mean to the American people? That by letting the EPA and government/oil companies to attempt to strong arm us into alternative energies now and not gradually, they are directly increasing the cost of living, and as we all realize, when products become more expensive our wages do not grow to provide those goods. The American Govt' has a tax stamp for marijuana. What does this mean? That the substance is not illegal, but rather illegal to produce or sell this substance legally. Legalizing it would cut the amount of spending in the prison system, funding for drug enforcement programs and public defenders. More importantly the amount of violent crime would fall as a result of anyone being to buy just as easily as one were buying cigarettes. The simplest things could benefit this country far more than our twisted sense of morality.

I feel that the current state of our country is to be blamed on the Electoral College, Which made sense when it was first constituted but not in this modern day, and the way we allow candidates conduct there election campaign. I leaned in the fifth grade that each individual vote does not count, and more so that 11 states need to be swayed to vote in order for any nominee to win. How does this seem to be in the best interest of the American people? I feel the need to point at the speculation of why those in office do the types of things that do no make sense to the general public. Examples include oil fields during Desert Storm, bailing out the Automakers, the recently found Lithium Mine in Afghanistan, etc. etc. This directly relates to how we allow a nominee to conduct there campaign. Nominees should not be allowed to fund there campaigns with help from outside sources. If it were not for the funds provided by some of these sources our leaders more than likely would not have committed to such disadvantageous actions.

America has to completely remove religion from it's decision making process at least on the federal level. It should not make any difference to the overall morals of this country. The Federal Govt was never meant to govern like it does. Its purpose was to resolve disputes between local governments. The easiest way to unite the peoples of America is to stop segregating them. All citizens need to have the same rights regardless of race, religion or creed. Homosexuals should be entitled to rights that any "married" are, but it's between the church and it's followers what this union is called.

I can go on and on, and may very well continue these thoughts, but I will leave readers with this. A 3rd party Dictator is the only thing that can save America. It may seem against all that our country was founded on, but one clear headed person, free of obligations to anyone, to make the necessary changes our country needs to survive.

Learn a little about World history and human nature, and then get back with us.
I know enough about world history to know that America has done everything it claimed it was set out to do since Sept 11. 2001. Osama Bin Ladin and Saddam Hussein are no longer threats. I do know that trying to aid countries that have been feuding since the beginning of history and trying to bring piece to lands that Jesus Christ himself could not tame is a waste of time and money but more importantly human life mainly American. Becoming isolationist and worrying about ourselves is the greatest defense against nations seeking our end. Believe it or not, most of these countries and there factions don't have the juice to hurt us on our own soil if we don't et them in.
Meanwhile the wars against drugs, racism, unemployment etc. are receiving no attention by comparison.

The "war against drugs" is receiving no attention by comparison?

What are you, on crack?

Anyone born before the 1990's should remember the war on drugs. A huge surplus of money was funded to special drug units and prison systems and drug awareness campaigns to fight the importation of drugs and yes even the growth and distribution of weed. Strangely enough the vast mount of these in jail on drug related charges are from weed busts. going back to A. we haven't taken care of us well enough to govern the world and B. legalizing this substance cuts funding. Think a little bit about the whole picture and you will see we allow much worse substances and activities.
I am open to real opinions. I am not unreasonable, let me know where I'm wrong and let me know what YOU would do. America has not made real progress in some time and remember the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same things but expecting different results.
I know I am not the only person to suggest this but a 10 percent flat tax to all working Americans would secure our country financially. Between becoming isolationist, in that all foreign aid and spending would cease, and a 10 percent flat tax, i would say America could be completely debt free in as early as 50 years. Maybe sooner.
I'm asked if I am on crack, called brain washed and yet no one is willing to give me a single good reason why my thoughts aren't worthy?
Welcome. You must be new here. This site is full of hyperpartisans. Not a single thought can come into their mind or spill onto this site without it being partisan in some form or fashion.

This site is a micrcosm of the state of polarization plaquing the USA.

People are choosing sides in a big way and there is little room for rational discussion while the lines form up. The road ahead is sure to be twice as bumpy as it is now.
I'm asked if I am on crack, called brain washed and yet no one is willing to give me a single good reason why my thoughts aren't worthy?

OK, I ask, you said that you think one of the bigger problems is the electoral college. Personally I am thinking it kept Gore out of the WH thus it is a very good thing. He didn't even win his home state. So tell me why are you against the electoral college? More specifically what do you think it will improve if changed. I am guessing but I think that it only overrid the popular vote twice. What it does do is keep the election from becoming like it did in Florida and argument over qualified votes.


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I am open to real opinions. I am not unreasonable, let me know where I'm wrong and let me know what YOU would do. America has not made real progress in some time and remember the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same things but expecting different results.

I think this is where you are wrong. Upon reflection, I imagine you will come to the same conclusion.

"A 3rd party Dictator is the only thing that can save America"
I know I am not the only person to suggest this but a 10 percent flat tax to all working Americans would secure our country financially. Between becoming isolationist, in that all foreign aid and spending would cease, and a 10 percent flat tax, i would say America could be completely debt free in as early as 50 years. Maybe sooner.

where do you get this from?

It would not be enough to run this country you brainwashed fool
I'm asked if I am on crack, called brain washed and yet no one is willing to give me a single good reason why my thoughts aren't worthy?

OK, I ask, you said that you think one of the bigger problems is the electoral college. Personally I am thinking it kept Gore out of the WH thus it is a very good thing. He didn't even win his home state. So tell me why are you against the electoral college? More specifically what do you think it will improve if changed. I am guessing but I think that it only over rid the popular vote twice. What it does do is keep the election from becoming like it did in Florida and argument over qualified votes.

I understand the purpose the electoral college once played. However with technology and communications bridging the gap in the free flow of information, I believe it hinders intelligent Americans the ability to truly be heard. I get that a large portion of Americans don't even vote, and I believe that has to do with its ineffectiveness. However I understand that a larger portion of Americans are unqualified or uneducated enough to make an informed decision. We already have to register to vote, tack on an unbiased awareness quiz to this process, asking those attempting to register questions about each nominees plans and views. This A.) gives everyone an opportunity to see who is really fighting for election and B.) keeps the "I'm a democrat/ republican, so I have to vote for that parties nominee" at bay just long enough for people to have to research just a little bit before committing to either candidate. Make every vote count and I guarantee more Americans will feel it worthwhile.
Logic... stop spending and have the people support its govt financially, stop using your taxes like a bank account at the end of the year and revenue is generated. How is that hard to follow. Pay off the debt and stop acquiring it.
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