True history of the birther movement: Telegraph UK 2011

Obama lied about Obama's country of birth before Trump did. And Hillary raised it as a political issue before Trump did.
Except Hillary NEVER raised the issue at all!!!!

Every Right-wing liar in this thread has been challenged to show even one quote from Hillary about Obama's birthplace, and all the liars have failed. You are no exception. There are however a number of direct quotes from Small Fingers Trump.

Sure, her campaign starting it had nothing to do with her. Just to be clear, that's your standard for Trump, right? He's not responsible for what his staff does? No quote, it's not him?

Trump of course has been openly a Birther since 2011



And this is the loon who is the GOP candidate....
What a true patriot Trump is wanting to get to the truth of Obama's original birth origins. Trump knows it's a constitutional issue.

He was born to an American mother, it doesn't matter where he was born, there was no Constitutional issue, monkey man.

There was only an Obama is a dumb ass issue
You are ignorant of the citizenship laws at the time of his birth. She (if thats his real mother) was too young to confer citizenship to him.
We don't support the liar and BirtherTrump- though he is by far the most liberal Republican who was in the primary this year.

Hillary has flat out lied on many fronts, the liberals are voting for her. If you wNt to bitch about Trumps lies, go right ahead, it's hypocritical of you but that isn't anything new either.

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LOL- so your panties get in a wad if I point out Trump's lies- just because Clinton has lied too?

Are you really saying that since all politicians lies we shouldn't point out any of them?

Or are you saying that we need to give equal time to lie coverage?

Trump is almost as big of a liar as Clinton. Not sure what one has to do with the other.

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Well this thread is about Birtherism- and Trump is the Biggest Birther of all

And he lies and blames his idiotic Birtherism on Clinton



Many sources confirm the leak came out of the Clinton camp and up until his announcement to run for President, Trump and Clinton were good friends. So it all makes sense. Thanks for the reminder.

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I am quite confident they remain good friends.

The 'many sources' are one report of an 'anonymous email being circulated by Clinton supporters'

Clinton has never once publicly made any Birther statements.

Trump started out Birtherin in 2011- and has done for the last 5 years.
Non sequitur. You changed from starting the birther movement (Hillary) to who made the first claim he was born in Kenya (Obama)
No, I showed the GOP's birther movement started on freerepublic more than a month before the first Operation Chaos fake Clinton supporter email. I never made any claim about Kenya.

You're confusing your own points. The "movement" started with Hillary, before that it was only Obama who said he was born in Kenya, but there was no movement. Just him

Or to be accurate before that it is only Kaz lying about what President Obama said.

Nope, his publisher did

His publisher made a mistake- you lie.
She got her source material from Obama!
It was out there long before the 2008 campaign but it is true that the Clinton supporters kicked it up a notch.

"False rumours about Mr Obama’s background first surfaced in 2004, in Illinois, where he was a state senator. Andy Martin, a perennial local candidate and litigant, claimed Mr Obama was secretly Muslim.

Related theories — including that he was radicalised in a “madrassa” in Indonesia — developed after Mr Obama entered the national stage with a speech to the Democratic National Convention later that year.

In 2005, Mr Obama went to Washington as the junior US senator for Illinois. The rumours about him persisted, but seemingly failed to take hold among political insiders and voters alike.

It was not until April 2008, at the height of the intensely bitter Democratic presidential primary process, that the touch paper was properly lit.

An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii."

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton

Actually it started when Obama told his publisher in roughly 1990 that he was born in Kenya. Obama was the original birther

Well that is a lie on two fronts.

President Obama never told his publisher that he was born in Kenya

And the Birther movement didn't find that pamphlet until 2012- 4 years after Birthers started Birthering- and a full year after Trump came out of the closet as a Birther.

Unless Trump has a time machine he just swallowed the Birther lies wholesale.

Well, that's a lie, I didn't say Trumps claim started the birther movement, I said he was the first birther, not a logical conclusion.

As for his publisher saying he was born in Kenya, there is only one possible source for that

I didn't say you believed Trump started the Birther movement- do try to keep up.

You lied twice- by a) claiming that President Obama told his publisher that he was born in Kenya and
b) by lying that pamphlet was the start of the Birther movement- which as I point out is chronologically impossible
No, I showed the GOP's birther movement started on freerepublic more than a month before the first Operation Chaos fake Clinton supporter email. I never made any claim about Kenya.

You're confusing your own points. The "movement" started with Hillary, before that it was only Obama who said he was born in Kenya, but there was no movement. Just him

Or to be accurate before that it is only Kaz lying about what President Obama said.

Nope, his publisher did

His publisher made a mistake- you lie.
She got her source material from Obama!

prove it.
Hillary has flat out lied on many fronts, the liberals are voting for her. If you wNt to bitch about Trumps lies, go right ahead, it's hypocritical of you but that isn't anything new either.

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LOL- so your panties get in a wad if I point out Trump's lies- just because Clinton has lied too?

Are you really saying that since all politicians lies we shouldn't point out any of them?

Or are you saying that we need to give equal time to lie coverage?

Trump is almost as big of a liar as Clinton. Not sure what one has to do with the other.

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Well this thread is about Birtherism- and Trump is the Biggest Birther of all

And he lies and blames his idiotic Birtherism on Clinton



Many sources confirm the leak came out of the Clinton camp and up until his announcement to run for President, Trump and Clinton were good friends. So it all makes sense. Thanks for the reminder.

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I am quite confident they remain good friends.

The 'many sources' are one report of an 'anonymous email being circulated by Clinton supporters'

Clinton has never once publicly made any Birther statements.

Trump started out Birtherin in 2011- and has done for the last 5 years.

I didn't say she said it publicly, she leaked it.

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LOL- so your panties get in a wad if I point out Trump's lies- just because Clinton has lied too?

Are you really saying that since all politicians lies we shouldn't point out any of them?

Or are you saying that we need to give equal time to lie coverage?

Trump is almost as big of a liar as Clinton. Not sure what one has to do with the other.

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Well this thread is about Birtherism- and Trump is the Biggest Birther of all

And he lies and blames his idiotic Birtherism on Clinton



Many sources confirm the leak came out of the Clinton camp and up until his announcement to run for President, Trump and Clinton were good friends. So it all makes sense. Thanks for the reminder.

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I am quite confident they remain good friends.

The 'many sources' are one report of an 'anonymous email being circulated by Clinton supporters'

Clinton has never once publicly made any Birther statements.

Trump started out Birtherin in 2011- and has done for the last 5 years.

I didn't say she said it publicly, she leaked it.

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You presume that she leaked it.

Unlike Trump- who has been spouting the Birther idiocy on national TV since 2011
Trump is almost as big of a liar as Clinton. Not sure what one has to do with the other.

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Well this thread is about Birtherism- and Trump is the Biggest Birther of all

And he lies and blames his idiotic Birtherism on Clinton



Many sources confirm the leak came out of the Clinton camp and up until his announcement to run for President, Trump and Clinton were good friends. So it all makes sense. Thanks for the reminder.

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I am quite confident they remain good friends.

The 'many sources' are one report of an 'anonymous email being circulated by Clinton supporters'

Clinton has never once publicly made any Birther statements.

Trump started out Birtherin in 2011- and has done for the last 5 years.

I didn't say she said it publicly, she leaked it.

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You presume that she leaked it.

Unlike Trump- who has been spouting the Birther idiocy on national TV since 2011

Not sure why you bring up Trump. Hillary campaign leaked it long before Trump spouted his insanity.

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Sure, Hillary said she had nothing to do with the e-mails circulated by Hillary supporters, we can believe her. It's classic you continually dismiss out of hand Democrat responsibility for anything. You may want to google the word "cynic." I think the word you were looking for is "lemur"
As I pointed out, the emails were circulated by Operation Chaos Operatives, pretending to be Hillary supporters as they were instructed to do.

So now you blindly believe the unsubstantiated accusations of the left. Again, "cynic," Google it ...

Hell you believe the unsubstantiated accusations you make.

Despite what the facts are.

You believing something makes it a "fact?" Has science heard about you? Wow, we can take some shortcuts and jump ahead in science by decades ...

LOL- me citing the actual record- the actual facts- you cite yourself and your fictional accounts of what your twisted mind has invented.

You haven't cited any facts, what are you talking about? Your opinion is not fact
Non sequitur. You changed from starting the birther movement (Hillary) to who made the first claim he was born in Kenya (Obama)
No, I showed the GOP's birther movement started on freerepublic more than a month before the first Operation Chaos fake Clinton supporter email. I never made any claim about Kenya.

You're confusing your own points. The "movement" started with Hillary, before that it was only Obama who said he was born in Kenya, but there was no movement. Just him

Or to be accurate before that it is only Kaz lying about what President Obama said.

Nope, his publisher did

His publisher made a mistake- you lie.

Yes, publishers always make up where people were born, I see your point. If I had a dollar for every American author some publisher made up was born overseas.

According to you, I'd have one dollar ...
Except Hillary NEVER raised the issue at all!!!!

Every Right-wing liar in this thread has been challenged to show even one quote from Hillary about Obama's birthplace, and all the liars have failed. You are no exception. There are however a number of direct quotes from Small Fingers Trump.

Sure, her campaign starting it had nothing to do with her. Just to be clear, that's your standard for Trump, right? He's not responsible for what his staff does? No quote, it's not him?

Trump of course has been openly a Birther since 2011



And this is the loon who is the GOP candidate....
What a true patriot Trump is wanting to get to the truth of Obama's original birth origins. Trump knows it's a constitutional issue.

He was born to an American mother, it doesn't matter where he was born, there was no Constitutional issue, monkey man.

There was only an Obama is a dumb ass issue
You are ignorant of the citizenship laws at the time of his birth. She (if thats his real mother) was too young to confer citizenship to him.

First it was a "Constitutional" issue, now it's citizenship laws. Let me know when you pick a position, monkey man
It was out there long before the 2008 campaign but it is true that the Clinton supporters kicked it up a notch.

"False rumours about Mr Obama’s background first surfaced in 2004, in Illinois, where he was a state senator. Andy Martin, a perennial local candidate and litigant, claimed Mr Obama was secretly Muslim.

Related theories — including that he was radicalised in a “madrassa” in Indonesia — developed after Mr Obama entered the national stage with a speech to the Democratic National Convention later that year.

In 2005, Mr Obama went to Washington as the junior US senator for Illinois. The rumours about him persisted, but seemingly failed to take hold among political insiders and voters alike.

It was not until April 2008, at the height of the intensely bitter Democratic presidential primary process, that the touch paper was properly lit.

An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii."

Birther row began with Hillary Clinton

Actually it started when Obama told his publisher in roughly 1990 that he was born in Kenya. Obama was the original birther

Well that is a lie on two fronts.

President Obama never told his publisher that he was born in Kenya

And the Birther movement didn't find that pamphlet until 2012- 4 years after Birthers started Birthering- and a full year after Trump came out of the closet as a Birther.

Unless Trump has a time machine he just swallowed the Birther lies wholesale.

Well, that's a lie, I didn't say Trumps claim started the birther movement, I said he was the first birther, not a logical conclusion.

As for his publisher saying he was born in Kenya, there is only one possible source for that

I didn't say you believed Trump started the Birther movement- do try to keep up.

You lied twice- by a) claiming that President Obama told his publisher that he was born in Kenya and
b) by lying that pamphlet was the start of the Birther movement- which as I point out is chronologically impossible

I didn't say the pamphlet started the birther movement, I said Hillary did. You just had a long debate with me over that. How stupid are you?

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