True liberalism is anarchic. Modern day liberalism is statist

Post them facts.

It's well known -for those to whom facts matter- that the Eugene Debs wing of the Democrat Party stole the term "liberal" back in the 1920s, in order to obfuscate their true aims.

Please....Indulge us with some stuff!
Poems? Strange...But I disagree with anarchic....but back then we didn't need the government to protect customers and workers so much from corporations, or the workers and customers weren't so educated and informed....
"It's well known -for those to whom facts matter- that the Eugene Debs wing of the Democrat Party stole the term "liberal" back in the 1920s, in order to obfuscate their true aims."

You're quite misinformed. Was it Glenn Beck? Debs was Socialist Party all the way...

Eugene V. Debs Foundation
Eugene V. Debs, five time Socialist Candidate for Presidency,the only candidate
to run for U.S. President from prison, advocate of industrial unionism, ... - Cached - Similar

We need more classic liberal discipline in schools and colleges and culture- especially history, science, and ethics...
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Post them facts.

It's well known -for those to whom facts matter- that the Eugene Debs wing of the Democrat Party stole the term "liberal" back in the 1920s, in order to obfuscate their true aims.

Please....Indulge us with some stuff!

What are your contentions?
True liberalism is anarchic. Modern day liberalism is statist

It would not surprise me if this did get "moved", despite it being a prudent political topic.
Yet, your statement is poignant.

The word "liberal", just as the word "anarchy", is being usurped by the pinko, the statist, the elitist.
They usurp words that they fear the most, in order to twist, flip, and thus redefine as to be as hateful as they are.
Yes, they hope that if there is no word to define what it is that they hate, what they hate will cease to exist.
Their only joy is to spread hate.

Any so-called "conservative" who uses the term "liberal" as a pejorative, when they should be using terms that are more fitting...
such as commie, totalitarian, statist, elitist, monarchist, or nazi...
Well, they are simply playing fool to msnbc's & faux new's anti-freedom semantic games.
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yes, and Obama and the Dems are not in any way commie, totalitarian, monarchist, or nazi. Perhaps Statist in that people need protection from corporations, or elitist in simply being highly educated.
I have the facts to back it up, but let's see if this one gets move to "poems".

The conservatives are just as bad. Don't be partisan. Back away, and look at the bigger picture. This is all a game, a sham, to get us so involved with each other, that we are distracted from the actions of the very small group of powerful people at the top: bankers, CEO's, presidents, vice presidents all starting wars, reaping profits, gaining evermore power... while you and I and all of us sit here on a message baord, and point and blame each other for the problem... That is the whole game, and with every word slung at the other side, they are winning.
I have the facts to back it up, but let's see if this one gets move to "poems".

The conservatives are just as bad. Don't be partisan. Back away, and look at the bigger picture. This is all a game, a sham, to get us so involved with each other, that we are distracted from the actions of the very small group of powerful people at the top: bankers, CEO's, presidents, vice presidents all starting wars, reaping profits, gaining evermore power... while you and I and all of us sit here on a message baord, and point and blame each other for the problem... That is the whole game, and with every word slung at the other side, they are winning.

I'm not a quarter as afraid of those you name, as I am of the politicians that do their bidding. Doesn't matter the party, if they are part and parcel of the elite.
The words that people ought to use to describe intrusive, oppressive governments are authoritarian or if truly oppressive and obseeively interferring possible totalitarian.

Why those words, and not liberal, libertarian, conservative or liberal, socialist, communist, fascist and so on?

Because all the above words really mean something else, and none are necessarily intrustive or oppressive.(althought certainly many are and were, too)

Hitler's fascist goverment and Stalins communist government are good examples of totalitarian states.

Englands current government appears to me to be authoritarian and the USA's government appears to be becoming increasingly authoritarian as well.
True liberalism is anarchic. Modern day liberalism is statist

1 : the quality or state of being liberal

2 a often capitalized : a movement in modern Protestantism emphasizing intellectual liberty and the spiritual and ethical content of Christianity

b : a theory in economics emphasizing individual freedom from restraint and usually based on free competition, the self-regulating market, and the gold standard

c : a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties; specifically : such a philosophy that considers government as a crucial instrument for amelioration of social inequities (as those involving race, gender, or class)

d capitalized : the principles and policies of a Liberal party

I hate to bother you Teabaggers with an educational-opportunity....but, you really do need to take-advantage of them, when they present themselves....even though you consider them Elitist-exercises.


True conservatism is isolationist. Modern mainstream conservatism is imperialist, interventionist, and militarist.

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