True to form, Atheist hero says sexual abuse not as bad as religion.

Oh I'm not making any statement about what the imaginary girl said. I believe a woman could say and even believe that she was more traumatized by being told by an abusive person in power that someone she loved was suffering in hell, than she would be traumatized by the sex abuse she suffered from the same person.

MY point is that the atheist whackadoodle is exploiting a girl who was abused sexually and apparently emotionally by a crazed priest, in order to prove his ridiculous point that Catholicism is more harmful than sex abuse.

I mean what sort of person would go there in the first place? What a puke.

Yeah really. Discussing a subject like that is fucking disgusting. :cuckoo:
You see the world through a filter of hate.

Christians don't and won't maintain that there aren't good honest decent folks, and we show respect to them. But we believe that the only way to attain heaven is through Christ.

Now you loons warp that and see that as some sort of condemnation of non-believers...our belief somehow means that we think we're better. We don't think we're better. We think we're saved. We know that it's faith, not works, that gets one into heaven...but you seem to think that it's all about works, and being christian means your works are BETTER. Not so. It has nothing to do with works.

It would be nice if you could present some evidence of "holier than thou" and "lack of respect".

And why would anyone "respect" someone who lies about them and obviously hates them in the first place? You lie about Christians, you seek them out to spew hateful filth about them, and you expect us to *respect* you?

Like I told someone else in another thread...we aren't your slaves. If you want a slave, go to a muslim market and buy one.
wrong again i dont see the world thou a filter or hate as far as on this site goes i see it as its posted by others .
perhaps in my last past you thought i referred to you * personally * i didnt
i made a general l statement about christians who put atheist down if you do then yes it applies to you .and im sure we can find a christian *slave market* if we look at USA history of course thats if the foundling fathers were christian which they were not .( differant thread )

examples in this thread ... post 8 , 11,13 show disrespect and insult atheists cant quite find it but there are referances thou out this thread about moslims being *animals * and other deprimental terms thats what i replied to in one of my posts .

*some * christians are and i have no doubt we could find * some * atheist who resemble animals in their attitude to others .
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Could this be called child abuse?

The Sight of Hell ---by Rev. John Furniss, C.S.S.R.


"I have carefully read over this Little Volume for Children and have found nothing whatsoever in it contrary to the doctrine of Holy Faith; but, on the contrary, a great deal to charm, instruct and edify our youthful classes, for whose benefit it has been written."
---William Meagher, Vicar General, Dublin, December 14, 1855.

The Red Hot Floor

Look into this room. What a dreadful place it is! The roof is red hot; the floor is like a thick sheet of red hot iron. See, on the middle of that red hot floor stands a girl. She looks about sixteen years old. Her feet are bare, she has neither shoes nor stockings on her feet; her bare feet stand on the red hot burning floor. The door of this room has never been opened before since she first set her foot on the red hot floor. Now she sees that the door is opening. She rushes forward. She has gone down on her knees on the red hot floor. Listen, she speaks! She says; "I have been standing with my feet on this red hot floor for years. Day and night my only standing place has been this red hot floor. Sleep never came on me for a moment, that I might forget this horrible burning floor. Look," she says, "at my burnt and bleeding feet. Let me go off this burning floor for one moment, only for one single, short moment. Oh, that in the endless eternity of years, I might forget the pain only for one single, short moment." The devil answers her question: "Do you ask," he says, "for a moment, for one moment to forget your pain. No, not for one single moment during the never-ending eternity of years shall you ever leave this red hot floor!" "Is it so?" the girl asks with a sigh, that seems to break her heart; "then, at least, let somebody go to my little brothers and sisters, who are alive, and tell them not to do the bad things which I did, so they will never have to come and stand on the red hot floor." The devil answers her again: "Your little brothers and sisters have the priests to tell them these things. If they will not listen to the priests, neither would they listen even if somebody should go to them from the dead."

Oh, that you could hear the horrible, the fearful scream of that girl when she saw the door shutting, never to be opened any more....
[emphasis added]
That bit about obeying the priests is a nice touch -- considering what we now know about the activities of priests with children!!

The Boiling Kettle

Amos iv. The days shall come when they shall lift you up on pikes, and what remains of you in boiling pots.
Look into this little prison. In the middle of it there is a boy, a young man. He is silent; despair is on him. He stands straight up. His eyes are burning like two burning coals. Two long flames come out of his ears. His breathing is difficult. Sometimes he opens his mouth and breath of blazing fire rolls out of it. But listen! There is a sound just like that of a kettle boiling. Is it really a kettle which is boiling? No; then what is it? Hear what it is. The blood is boiling in the scalded veins of that boy. The brain is boiling and bubbling in his head. The marrow is boiling in his bones! Ask him, put the question to him, why is he thus tormented? His answer is, that when he was alive, his blood boiled to do very wicked things, and he did them, and it was for that he went to dancing-houses, public-houses, and theatres. Ask him, does he think the punishment greater than he deserves? "No," he says, "my punishment is not greater than I deserve; it is just. I knew it not so well on earth, but I know now that it is just. There is a just and a terrible God. He is terrible to sinners in hell -- but He is just!"
Atheists are too stupid to argue with. Anyone who posits that something doesn't exist because he has no experience of it is a dumbass.

Why bother with them?

PLEASE tell me you are posing as a fundie Christian for fun, just to make fun of them. Otherwise, what you posted was ineffably stupid.

Please tell me you're not a dumbass materialist atheist.

I think I already know the answer, though.

P. S. Atheists, by definition, do not comprehend the ineffable. If they did, they wouldn't be atheists.

Care to share your comprehension of the ineffable?
You see the world through a filter of hate.

Christians don't and won't maintain that there aren't good honest decent folks, and we show respect to them. But we believe that the only way to attain heaven is through Christ.

Now you loons warp that and see that as some sort of condemnation of non-believers...our belief somehow means that we think we're better. We don't think we're better. We think we're saved. We know that it's faith, not works, that gets one into heaven...but you seem to think that it's all about works, and being christian means your works are BETTER. Not so. It has nothing to do with works.

It would be nice if you could present some evidence of "holier than thou" and "lack of respect".

And why would anyone "respect" someone who lies about them and obviously hates them in the first place? You lie about Christians, you seek them out to spew hateful filth about them, and you expect us to *respect* you?

Like I told someone else in another thread...we aren't your slaves. If you want a slave, go to a muslim market and buy one.
wrong again i dont see the world thou a filter or hate as far as on this site goes i see it as its posted by others .
perhaps in my last past you thought i referred to you * personally * i didnt
i made a general l statement about christians who put atheist down if you do then yes it applies to you .and im sure we can find a christian *slave market* if we look at USA history of course thats if thats if the foundling fathers were christian which they were not .( differant thread )

examples in this thread ... post 8 , 11,13 show disrespect and insult atheists cant quite find it but there are referances thou out this thread about moslims being *animals * and other deprimental terms thats what i replied to in one of my posts .

*some * christians are and i have no doubt we could find * some * atheist who resemble animals in their attitude to others .

Yes, I know it was a general statement. It was a VERY general statement, which is why I asked you to provide some evidence of the vitriol you spout.

You claim that Christians have a holier than thou present it. Allow us to examine it.
You see the world through a filter of hate.

Christians don't and won't maintain that there aren't good honest decent folks, and we show respect to them. But we believe that the only way to attain heaven is through Christ.

Now you loons warp that and see that as some sort of condemnation of non-believers...our belief somehow means that we think we're better. We don't think we're better. We think we're saved. We know that it's faith, not works, that gets one into heaven...but you seem to think that it's all about works, and being christian means your works are BETTER. Not so. It has nothing to do with works.

It would be nice if you could present some evidence of "holier than thou" and "lack of respect".

And why would anyone "respect" someone who lies about them and obviously hates them in the first place?
You lie about Christians, you seek them out to spew hateful filth about them, and you expect us to *respect* you?
You see the world through a filter of hate.

Christians don't and won't maintain that there aren't good honest decent folks, and we show respect to them. But we believe that the only way to attain heaven is through Christ.

Now you loons warp that and see that as some sort of condemnation of non-believers...our belief somehow means that we think we're better. We don't think we're better. We think we're saved. We know that it's faith, not works, that gets one into heaven...but you seem to think that it's all about works, and being christian means your works are BETTER. Not so. It has nothing to do with works.

It would be nice if you could present some evidence of "holier than thou" and "lack of respect".

And why would anyone "respect" someone who lies about them and obviously hates them in the first place? You lie about Christians, you seek them out to spew hateful filth about them, and you expect us to *respect* you?

Like I told someone else in another thread...we aren't your slaves. If you want a slave, go to a muslim market and buy one.
wrong again i dont see the world thou a filter or hate as far as on this site goes i see it as its posted by others .
perhaps in my last past you thought i referred to you * personally * i didnt
i made a general l statement about christians who put atheist down if you do then yes it applies to you .and im sure we can find a christian *slave market* if we look at USA history of course thats if thats if the foundling fathers were christian which they were not .( differant thread )

examples in this thread ... post 8 , 11,13 show disrespect and insult atheists cant quite find it but there are referances thou out this thread about moslims being *animals * and other deprimental terms thats what i replied to in one of my posts .

*some * christians are and i have no doubt we could find * some * atheist who resemble animals in their attitude to others .

Yes, I know it was a general statement. It was a VERY general statement, which is why I asked you to provide some evidence of the vitriol you spout.

You claim that Christians have a holier than thou present it. Allow us to examine it.
i beleive i did
the idea that they (being christians ) are BETTER then the others expressed many times by some posters here on this site
higher moral standard . more charitable ...... greater understanding of life , .........

Where did I lie about atheists? I submitted evidence of a top atheist saying some really incredibly stupid shit. I provided the name, the context, I linked what lie did I tell?

You, on the other hand, maintain that Christian(s) are holier than thou and a bunch of other unflattering things...but you can't provide any examples.

So..I maintain that you're the liar.
wrong again i dont see the world thou a filter or hate as far as on this site goes i see it as its posted by others .
perhaps in my last past you thought i referred to you * personally * i didnt
i made a general l statement about christians who put atheist down if you do then yes it applies to you .and im sure we can find a christian *slave market* if we look at USA history of course thats if thats if the foundling fathers were christian which they were not .( differant thread )

examples in this thread ... post 8 , 11,13 show disrespect and insult atheists cant quite find it but there are referances thou out this thread about moslims being *animals * and other deprimental terms thats what i replied to in one of my posts .

*some * christians are and i have no doubt we could find * some * atheist who resemble animals in their attitude to others .

Yes, I know it was a general statement. It was a VERY general statement, which is why I asked you to provide some evidence of the vitriol you spout.

You claim that Christians have a holier than thou present it. Allow us to examine it.
i beleive i did
the idea that they (being christians ) are BETTER then the others expressed many times by some posters here on this site
higher moral standard . more charitable ...... greater understanding of life , .........

Uh, no, you didn't.

Where did I lie about atheists?

As I maintain...the progressive seeks to sexualize children, to de-criminalize sex with children, while at the same time, they seek to shut down and criminalize religion.

Your own words condemn you as a liar.

Really, where? About what? Specifics, please.

Seriously? You cannot see your own falsehoods and fabrications for what they are?

1. Prove that "progressive seeks to sexualize children" with independent nonpartisan studies.

2. Prove that "progressive seeks ... to de-criminalize sex with children" with independent nonpartisan studies.

3. Prove that "progressive seeks ... to shut down and criminalize religion" with independent nonpartisan studies.
Progressives de-criminalizing sex offenses (specifically, pedophilia):

"Stigmatizing and stereotyping minor-attracted people inflames the fears of minor-attracted people, mental health professionals and the public, without contributing to an understanding of minor-attracted people of the issue of child sexual abuse."

Read more: Group of Psychologists Pushing to Change Definition of Pedophilia | Fox News Insider

Progressive normalization of pedophilia:

Incidentally, professionals received 6 CEUs for attending that conference.

Creepy progressives.
Progressives de-criminalizing sex offenses (specifically, pedophilia):

"Stigmatizing and stereotyping minor-attracted people inflames the fears of minor-attracted people, mental health professionals and the public, without contributing to an understanding of minor-attracted people of the issue of child sexual abuse."

Read more: Group of Psychologists Pushing to Change Definition of Pedophilia | Fox News Insider

Progressive normalization of pedophilia:


You failed utterly and completely when it came to providing any independent nonpartisan studies to substantiate your canards.
The OP is the post. I am not the post.

And the OP consisted of an article, with a link, and quotes of a leading atheist which supports my statement.

Please return to school. I don't get paid to educate your sorry progressive ass.
The OP is the post. I am not the post.

And the OP consisted of an article, with a link, and quotes of a leading atheist which supports my statement.

Please return to school. I don't get paid to educate your sorry progressive ass.

You are the Original Poster who made the Original Post. Your article does not in any way support your baseless lies about "progressives". Your lack of basic comprehension skills disqualifies you from being capable of teaching.

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