True to form, Atheist hero says sexual abuse not as bad as religion.

We may argue about the effects on an individual of sexual abuse, but it cannot be disputed that, in general, far more harm to more people has been done by 'religions' than through sexual aberrations.

It cannot only be disputed, it can be disparaged and summarily dismissed as blatant ignorance. How people can actually believe that nonsense is one of the great mysteries of our time.

Without religion, people would still be living in caves. It is the greatest civilizing influence in history. It is the well from which the arts and sciences flow. It is hard-wired into our genes.

Not one good thing has sprung from atheism. It is nihilistic, unimaginative and anchored in ignorance.

Can you show us where I said anything about atheism?
Typical. As I maintain...the progressive seeks to sexualize children, to de-criminalize sex with children, while at the same time, they seek to shut down and criminalize religion.

In remarks to Qatar-based TV network Al Jazeera, he said: ‘Horrible as sexual abuse no doubt was, the damage was arguably less than the long-term psychological damage inflicted by bringing the child up Catholic in the first place.’
Interviewer Mehdi Hasan asked: ‘You believe that being bought up as a Catholic is worse than being abused by a priest?’.
Professor Dawkins replied: ‘There are shades of being abused by a priest, and I quoted an example of a woman in America who wrote to me saying that when she was seven years old she was sexually abused by a priest in his car.

‘At the same time a friend of hers, also seven, who was of a Protestant family, died, and she was told that because her friend was Protestant she had gone to Hell and will be roasting in Hell forever.

‘She told me of those two abuses, she got over the physical abuse; it was yucky but she got over it.

‘But the mental abuse of being told about Hell, she took years to get over.’

I don't know how anyone could make a blanket statement like that. Which is worse is up to each individual victim. Some will agree and some won't depending on the level of abuse and if they had a negative expirence with the church aside from the sexual abuse. It's a perception thing.

And that is why he qualifies it by saying, "There are shades of being abused by a priest..".

He says that between a seven year old girl being sexually abused by a priest in his car, and a girl who thought a person who died might go to hell, that the person who told the girl that there was a hell was the worse abuser.

That's fucking sick.
I don't know how anyone could make a blanket statement like that. Which is worse is up to each individual victim. Some will agree and some won't depending on the level of abuse and if they had a negative expirence with the church aside from the sexual abuse. It's a perception thing.

And that is why he qualifies it by saying, "There are shades of being abused by a priest..".

He says that between a seven year old girl being sexually abused by a priest in his car, and a girl who thought a person who died might go to hell, that the person who told the girl that there was a hell was the worse abuser.

That's fucking sick.

You need to learn some reading comprehension.

What he actually said was, "She told me of those two abuses, she got over the physical abuse; it was yucky but she got over it.

‘But the mental abuse of being told about Hell, she took years to get over.’"

He was relating her story. And you are saying you know better than the person who experienced it?

Is getting felt up by a priest less painful than years of fear and guilt? It depends on the details and person perhaps, but I can see how it could be.
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The point being that sex abuse is *yucky* but you can get over's not as bad as being told that her friend went to hell.

The thing is, probably the same person did both things. So essentially what we're hearing here is that sex abuse is better than religion, using an example of a girl who was sexually abused by a priest.

The barrels you guys scrape to justify sexualization of kids, and criminalization of morality.
Typical. As I maintain...the progressive seeks to sexualize children, to de-criminalize sex with children, while at the same time, they seek to shut down and criminalize religion.

In remarks to Qatar-based TV network Al Jazeera, he said: ‘Horrible as sexual abuse no doubt was, the damage was arguably less than the long-term psychological damage inflicted by bringing the child up Catholic in the first place.’
Interviewer Mehdi Hasan asked: ‘You believe that being bought up as a Catholic is worse than being abused by a priest?’.
Professor Dawkins replied: ‘There are shades of being abused by a priest, and I quoted an example of a woman in America who wrote to me saying that when she was seven years old she was sexually abused by a priest in his car.

‘At the same time a friend of hers, also seven, who was of a Protestant family, died, and she was told that because her friend was Protestant she had gone to Hell and will be roasting in Hell forever.

‘She told me of those two abuses, she got over the physical abuse; it was yucky but she got over it.

‘But the mental abuse of being told about Hell, she took years to get over.’

Read more: Richard Dawkins: Forcing religion on your children is child abuse, claims atheist professor | Mail Online

Islamists love talking to people like Dawkins because it makes us Americans look like imbeciles and it makes Islam look good.
Was not Dawkins relating a child abuse victims opinion?

If so, then your quarrel is with the child abuse victim, not Dawkins, right?
No, this is what he said:

"‘Horrible as sexual abuse no doubt was, the damage was arguably less than the long-term psychological damage inflicted by bringing the child up Catholic in the first place.’

He used the imaginary 7 year old who was supposedly abused by a priest as *evidence* that sex abuse isn't as bad as being Catholic.

He's just a fucking snake oil salesman, of the worst sort. Yuck.
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No..."degrees" of sex abuse was all him. There are "degrees" of sex isn't all bad.

The "degrees" part seems to stem from the idea that there are different types of sexual abuse.

Do you think all forms of sexual abuse are the same? I think there is a degree of difference between foundling another persons genitalia versus violent anal rape.

Especially amongst us guys!!
You are either being blatantly ironic for humors sake, hypocritical, are a selective amnesiac, or are just plain dumb. You don't address your posts in threads with actual other respondents, and you complain? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Or it was confusing what you meant and even this post is moronic! You insult her because she points to a mental midget that says a Priest stating (which I believe to be a LIE) that her friend is going to hell because he is not a catholic is worse than a person getting RAPED!!!

Guess this fool never learned of sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt me!

Religion can be a very good thing, such as all the catholic charities sending doctors all over the world to prove needed medical care to 3rd world poor children, or all the catholic charties that provide food and shelter to homeless people throughout the world or when religion gives people the power to overcome a drug or alcohol addiction. Or religion can be horrendous in the case of Islam, were Muslim animals murder people because they don't believe in their demonic cult!
Wait a second....I agree with what you say about the catholcis and religion in general, when it is in the hands of the right people....But are you saying that all practioners of Islam are part of a demonic cult?
The point being that sex abuse is *yucky* but you can get over's not as bad as being told that her friend went to hell.

It all depends on the abuse (as he said). A kid getting touched a few times by an adult is one thing and most kids will shrug it off. I'm not going to get into the details here, but there are times when it is obviously much much worse.

The thing is, probably the same person did both things. So essentially what we're hearing here is that sex abuse is better than religion, using an example of a girl who was sexually abused by a priest.


The statement was harsh and probably in poor taste. But the guy is a scientist, not a prophet. He does not speak for all atheist, only himself.

And you have absolutely no proof of any kind that what he said was untrue or a misrepresentation of the truth.

The barrels you guys scrape to justify sexualization of kids, and criminalization of morality.

And there you go off the rails. Nobody, including Dawkins, is saying that sexual deviancy is a good thing or should be justified. He is simply trying to make a point in a dramatic fashion.

And since we are talking about it, he clearly succeeded.
Atheists are too stupid to argue with. Anyone who posits that something doesn't exist because he has no experience of it is a dumbass.

Why bother with them?

you call ALL Atheists stupid like calling all priests pedifiles you dont agree with that do you ?.

somebody believing something exists cus a ancient book say so is a idiot
i read and was told santa existed and beleived it until i grew up
You are either being blatantly ironic for humors sake, hypocritical, are a selective amnesiac, or are just plain dumb. You don't address your posts in threads with actual other respondents, and you complain? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Or it was confusing what you meant and even this post is moronic! You insult her because she points to a mental midget that says a Priest stating (which I believe to be a LIE) that her friend is going to hell because he is not a catholic is worse than a person getting RAPED!!!

Guess this fool never learned of sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt me!

Religion can be a very good thing, such as all the catholic charities sending doctors all over the world to prove needed medical care to 3rd world poor children, or all the catholic charties that provide food and shelter to homeless people throughout the world or when religion gives people the power to overcome a drug or alcohol addiction. Or religion can be horrendous in the case of Islam, were Muslim animals murder people because they don't believe in their demonic cult!
catholic assistance to the needy in 3rd world countries would not be needed so much if they didnt teach the natives birth control is a sin .. the birth rate would be a lot less and the countries might have a chance to sustain itself . anyway with all that income exempt from taxes they need to do something to put back into the communities they steal from. selling even half of the riches held in the vatican would feed, shelter & give medical care to the citizens of those countries for years ....,
catholics murder those who dont beleive in their form of belief to .thou out history they have done so from the inquisition onward .

not must better than the muslin *ANIMALS *
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The point being that sex abuse is *yucky* but you can get over's not as bad as being told that her friend went to hell.

It all depends on the abuse (as he said). A kid getting touched a few times by an adult is one thing and most kids will shrug it off. I'm not going to get into the details here, but there are times when it is obviously much much worse.

The thing is, probably the same person did both things. So essentially what we're hearing here is that sex abuse is better than religion, using an example of a girl who was sexually abused by a priest.


The statement was harsh and probably in poor taste. But the guy is a scientist, not a prophet. He does not speak for all atheist, only himself.

And you have absolutely no proof of any kind that what he said was untrue or a misrepresentation of the truth.

The barrels you guys scrape to justify sexualization of kids, and criminalization of morality.

And there you go off the rails. Nobody, including Dawkins, is saying that sexual deviancy is a good thing or should be justified. He is simply trying to make a point in a dramatic fashion.

And since we are talking about it, he clearly succeeded.

He minimizes it. Probably because he was talking to radical muslims, who get antsy when anyone says it's immoral to have sex with children.
"He had sex with that girl at seven - not that there's anything wrong with that! She'll be just fine!"
In deceiving people about their true nature, ideas can kill.

Most religions do this.
Whatever. That was in no way exemplified by his dipshit rhetoric.

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