Trump 2020 Chairperson AOC Says Raise Poverty Level to $38K a Year

Didn’t Amazon make like 11.5 billion after taxes and didn’t even pay any taxes?

How can you make $11.5 billion extra in profit and not pay a penny in federal taxes? How is that possible?

And if Amazon can get away with this? How many other billionaires and corporations are getting away with it?
Didn’t Amazon make like 11.5 billion after taxes and didn’t even pay any taxes?

How can you make $11.5 billion extra in profit and not pay a penny in federal taxes? How is that possible?

And if Amazon can get away with this? How many other billionaires and corporations are getting away with it?
Ask the stooges in you favored party how that happens, Gomer Pyle.
Bubble world syndrome again. $38K is not much for NYC, but in much of America you’re doing well.

And she says making $38k the poverty level would show the world how bad Americans have it. OMG that’s hilarious.

AOC Floats New Poverty Line, And It’s Full-On Insane
This is why it’s very important the auto union workers win and they keep making good money. They keep all our wages up. Every non union company has to pay at least close to what those workers make otherwise people will start organizing.

Unfortunately a lot of college educated white collar workers today don’t make as much as auto worker blue collar workers. And they don’t get profit sharing. They pay more fo their healthcare too.

But thank god for unions otherwise we’d all be making much less. They bring everyone’s wages up.
Didn’t Amazon make like 11.5 billion after taxes and didn’t even pay any taxes?

How can you make $11.5 billion extra in profit and not pay a penny in federal taxes? How is that possible?

And if Amazon can get away with this? How many other billionaires and corporations are getting away with it?

They do it by adhering to current tax laws....what a shock.
Didn’t Amazon make like 11.5 billion after taxes and didn’t even pay any taxes?

How can you make $11.5 billion extra in profit and not pay a penny in federal taxes? How is that possible?

And if Amazon can get away with this? How many other billionaires and corporations are getting away with it?

Amazon complied with all U.S. federal, state, and local tax laws snowflake they are not getting away with anything so shut your lying puke lib mouth. :anj_stfu:
Didn’t Amazon make like 11.5 billion after taxes and didn’t even pay any taxes?

How can you make $11.5 billion extra in profit and not pay a penny in federal taxes? How is that possible?

And if Amazon can get away with this? How many other billionaires and corporations are getting away with it?

They followed the tax laws implemented by your wonder libs.
Didn’t Amazon make like 11.5 billion after taxes and didn’t even pay any taxes?

How can you make $11.5 billion extra in profit and not pay a penny in federal taxes? How is that possible?

And if Amazon can get away with this? How many other billionaires and corporations are getting away with it?

They followed the tax laws implemented by your wonder libs.

Doesn't matter to assholes on the left. If you earn a profit you are guilty of something by default according to them.
Watch me BITCH SLAP the left...In 2016–17, total revenues at degree-granting postsecondary institutions in the United States were $649 billion.

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