Trump 2020

HUGE! Author Lee Smith: "We Knew the Clinton Campaign was Giving Information to FBI - It Now Appears FBI was Giving Information to Clinton Campaign as Well" (VIDEO)


HUGE! Author Lee Smith: “We Knew the Clinton Campaign was Giving Information to FBI – It Now Appears FBI was Giving Information to Clinton Campaign as Well” (VIDEO)

by Jim Hoft February 15, 2020 231 Comments
On Friday the FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was exonerated after admitting to leaking classified information to the press and lying about it under oath several times.

On Friday we also learned the conduct at the Obama FBI under James Comey, Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe and others was much worse than we thought.

Last night author Lee Smith joined Jason Chaffetz on The Ingraham Angle on Friday night to discuss the latest developments in the Spygate scandal.

The more we learn – the more corruption is revealed at the top levels of the Obama intelligence community.

On Friday Eric Felton at Real Clear Investigations observed: “Buried in IG Report: How an FBI Team in Rome Gave Steele Highly Guarded Secrets.”

Felton points to a meeting in Rome a month before the 2016 election:

A month before the 2016 presidential election, the FBI met Christopher Steele in Rome and apparently unlawfully shared with the foreign opposition researcher some of the bureau’s most closely held secrets, according to unpublicized disclosures in the recent Justice Department Inspector General report on abuses of federal surveillance powers.

What’s more, Steele, the former British spy who compiled the “dossier” of conspiracy theories for the Hillary Clinton campaign, was promised $15,000 to attend the briefing by FBI agents eager to maintain his cooperation in their Trump-Russia collusion investigation codenamed Crossfire Hurricane.

That investigation was so closely guarded that only a handful of top officials and agents at the FBI were allowed to know about it.

The report by Inspector General Michael Horowitz details how a team of FBI agents in early October 2016 shared with Steele extensive classified materials, just weeks before the bureau cut off ties with him for leaking his own research to the media. The secrets included foreign intelligence information still considered so sensitive that the IG’s report refers to it even now only as coming from a “Friendly Foreign Government.” In fact, this is a reference to Australia. That country’s ambassador to Britain sent the United States a tip about loose talk by junior Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos. The FBI has described that as the predicate for its Trump-Russia investigation.
Stage is set, Senator Graham asks AG Barr to provide Crossfire Hurricane witnesses to Senate Judiciary

Stage is set, Senator Graham asks AG Barr to provide Crossfire Hurricane witnesses to Senate Judiciary


thegatewaypundit reports: Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham on Friday sent a letter to Attorney General Bill Barr formally asking him to make witnesses available for the committee’s probe into ‘Crossfire Hurricane.’ So after 3 and a half years and many lives destroyed, Lindsey Graham is just now getting around to calling in witnesses. “As you are aware, the Committee is continuing to investigate matters related to the Justice Department and the FBI’s handling of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, including the applications for, and renewals of, a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Warrant on Carter Page,” Lindsey Graham wrote. Graham asked Barr to make available over a dozen witnesses for transcribed interviews including James Comey, Sally Yates, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, Bruce Ohr and others.
It now looks like the stage may now be set to go after individuals that were directly involved with the illegal usage of FISA, as Senator Graham is now calling on AG Barr to provide crossfire hurricane witnesses for the Senate Judiciary Committee. This development of Graham comes after AG Barr has accepted an invitation from the House Judiciary to testify, after the Democrat establishment has run a narrative of AG Barr and Trump using their positions to get reduced or no sentences for individuals like Roger Stone and General Flynn who were actually victims of the illegal use of FISA by the Comey FBI, Lynch DOJ, and even Brennan's CIA. By the way FBI Director Wray has declared that the use of FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign was in fact illegal after the FISA court ruled the warrants used against Carter Page were invalid.
Now it looks like Senator Graham has truly been activated to ask AG Barr to provide Crossfire Hurricane witnesses, an operation where the FISA court has ruled the warrants used were invalid...And where FBI Director Wray has ruled Crossfire Hurricane as illegal. Moves are now being made and the stage is now set.
WATCH: Bernie Lashes Out At Top Dem Strategist James Carville For Saying He’s Too Extreme

WATCH: Bernie Lashes Out At Top Dem Strategist James Carville For Saying He’s Too Extreme


In response to prominent Democratic strategist James Carville sounding the alarm on the party’s hard move to the far-left, socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) denounced the distinguished Clinton-era adviser as a “political hack.”

“Look, James, in all due respect, is a political hack who said very terrible things when he was working for Clinton against Barack Obama,” Sanders told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Wednesday night.

“We are taking on the establishment. This is no secret to anybody…,” he said. “The insurance companies don’t like me, the pharmaceutical industry, which is charging us ten times more for the same drugs they sell in Canada, they don’t like me either, nor does the fossil fuel industry, because their product happens to be destroying our planet, nor does military-industrial complex or prison-industrial complex. We are taking on Trump, the Republican establishment, Carville, and the Democratic establishment.”

“At the end of the day the grassroots movement we are putting together of young people, of working people, of people of color, want real change,” added Sanders.

CNN on Twitter
He's allowed North Korea to develop a robust nuclear program

Made Iran Nuclear Again

Came just this short of starting a war with Iran

Abandoned our Kurdish Allies

Tried to kill healthcare for millions

Added MASSIVELY to our debt

That's ONE term.. God help us if he gets another
I see 12 “funny” replies

what exactly do you dispute about that?
Trump kicks off Daytona 500 race with limo loop, Air Force One flyby

Trump kicks off Daytona 500 race with limo loop, Air Force One flyby


DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump took a loop around the Daytona 500 racetrack on Sunday in his presidential limousine, drawing cheers from fans at NASCAR’s most prestigious race not long after completing a dramatic flyby on Air Force One.

Ramping up his nationwide re-election effort after his acquittal in the U.S. Senate impeachment trial, Trump served as grand marshal at the annual National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing event, which takes place in the electoral swing state of Florida.

Trump, a former reality television star with a taste for showmanship, landed on Air Force One near the Daytona International Speedway. He was then driven in the presidential limousine known as “The Beast” directly onto the racetrack along with the rest of his motorcade.

After meeting people at the speedway and delivering brief remarks, Trump kicked off the race by announcing to the drivers: “Gentlemen, start your engines!”

Engines revved, and Trump got back into the limo with his wife, Melania, for a lap around the track, with the race cars following behind. Some fans chanted “Four more years” while Trump was there.

Trump’s campaign planned to take advantage of the president’s appearance by flying an aerial banner near the speedway and running a television ad during the Fox broadcast.

Shortly after starting, the race was postponed until Monday because of rainy weather.

Previous presidents who attended NASCAR events at the speedway include Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush.

Florida is one of a handful of U.S. states that swing between Democrats and Republicans in presidential elections. Trump won the state, where he has golf courses and a home that is now considered his primary residence, in his race against Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Trump plans a fundraising swing and political rallies in Western states this week. He spent the weekend at his resort in Palm Beach, Florida, before going to Daytona.

He later made it back to Washington for the wedding of top aide and immigration hardliner Stephen Miller to Vice President Mike Pence’s spokeswoman, Katie Waldman, at the Trump International Hotel near the White House.
Dershowitz: I Have Proof Obama Ordered FBI Investigation At Request Of George Soros

Dershowitz: I Have Proof Obama Ordered FBI Investigation At Request Of George Soros


Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz revealed in an interview on Sunday that he has proof that former Democrat President Barack Obama ordered the FBI to investigate someone after far-left billionaire George Soros asked for the investigation.

Dershowitz’s remarks come after critics have attacked President Donald Trump for tweeting about matters related to the Department of Justice, which led to Attorney General William Barr publicly asking the president to stop last week.

“There was a lot of White House control of the Justice Department during the Kennedy administration and I don’t think we saw very many liberal professors arguing against that,” Dershowitz told Breitbart News. “I have some information as well about the Obama administration – which will be disclosed in a lawsuit at some point, but I’m not prepared to disclose it now – about how President Obama personally asked the FBI to investigate somebody on behalf of George Soros, who was a close ally of his.”

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