Trump 2020

Exactly Zorro !

lets continue !!

LIVE: President Trump Rally in Las Vegas Nevada at MASSIVE Arena

NPR/Marist: Socialism Is Still Box-Office Poison — Especially Where It Counts

NPR and Marist conducted a poll to determine just how popular socialism is these days: Asked about their impression of socialism, 28% of adults said they have a favorable view, while 58% said they had an unfavorable one.

If socialism is so unpopular with Americans, how can Sanders be on the rise in the Democratic primary? Because Democrats and, more specifically, progressives view socialism favorably. Half of Democrats said so, while more than two-thirds of progressives did.
Why O' why, do liberals think violating laws is akin fighting oppression? The rich wealthy politicians that live in gated isolated communities, you want to feel our pain? Fuck you. Sell off all your assets.
Bernie Sanders told Russia is trying to help his campaign - CNNPolitics

Sanders told Russia is trying to help his campaign

Updated 0339 GMT (1139 HKT) February 22, 2020

Washington (CNN)Sen. Bernie Sanders said Friday that his campaign was briefed about Russian efforts to help his presidential campaign, intensifying concerns about the Kremlin's role in the US presidential race.

It remains unclear how Russia is attempting to help Sanders, according to The Washington Post, which first reported the effort. The revelation comes a day after it was reported that the US intelligence community believes Moscow is taking steps to help President Donald Trump win and at a time when Sanders is emerging as the Democratic front-runner.
Speaking to reporters in Bakersfield, California, Friday afternoon, Sanders confirmed that his campaign was briefed about the Kremlin's efforts about a month ago and condemned Russia's attempts to interfere in US elections.
"It was not clear what role they're going to play. We were told that Russia, maybe other countries, are going to get involved in this campaign, and look, here's the message to Russia: stay out of American elections," Sanders said.
"And what they are doing, by the way, the ugly thing that they are doing, and I've seen some of their tweets and stuff, is they try to divide us up. That's what they did in 2016 and that is the ugliest thing they are doing -- is they are trying to cause chaos, they are trying to cause hatred in America."

Bernie Ties to Russia !!

Bring in Mueller to Investigate !!

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BIGGEST CON JOB: Trump EXPOSES Obama Administration at White House Speech

Trump Exposes Obama Crimes here .. Obamas actions were DELIBERATE

to disempower and WEAKEN the USA

LIVE: Trump MASSIVE Rally with Modi in Ahmedabad India

7 MILLION People on the side of the Road from the Airport to the Stadium !!

President Trump on a Warpath with a "Deep State" Hit List to Oust 'Never-Trumpers'

President Trump on a Warpath with a “Deep State” Hit List to Oust ‘Never-Trumpers’

by Cristina Laila February 24, 2020 448 Comments


President Trump and his allies over the last year and a half have assembled a list of anti-Trump officials who need to be ousted.

It’s about time.

President Trump has been on a serious warpath to oust ‘disloyal’ people since his impeachment and acquittal.

The President is looking to replace the “bad people” with Trump loyalists.

According to Axios reporter Jonathan Swan, a network of pro-Trump conservatives are quietly developing “Never-Trump/pro-Trump lists,” and some have even sent Trump memos to help him make his decisions.

The ousting of corrupt US Attorney Jessie Liu was just the beginning. President Trump reportedly reviewed a memo of all of her misdeeds before making the final decision to withdraw the nomination of Liu to the Treasury Department.

According to Axios, the Liu memo was just the first of many that President Trump is reviewing compiled from a conservative activist network headed by Ginni Thomas and GOP Senate staffer Barbara Leeden dubbed “Groundswell.”

Members of Groundswell meet every Wednesday at the DC office of conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch and these members are funneling names of “bad people” to Thomas to be passed on to the President.

Via Axios:

    • A well-connected network of conservative activists with close ties to Trump and top administration officials is quietly helping develop these “Never Trump”/pro-Trump lists, and some sent memos to Trump to shape his views, per sources with direct knowledge.
    • Members of this network include Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and Republican Senate staffer Barbara Ledeen.
The big picture: Since Trump’s Senate acquittal, aides say the president has crossed a psychological line regarding what he calls the “Deep State.” He feels his government — from Justice to State to Defense to Homeland Security — is filled with “snakes.” He wants them fired and replaced ASAP.

The Groundswell memo: The presidential personnel office reviewed Thomas’ memo and determined that some names she passed along for jobs were not appropriate candidates. Trump may revisit some given his current mood.

Potential hires she offered to Trump, per sources with direct knowledge:

    • Sheriff David Clarke for a senior Homeland Security role.
    • Fox News regular and former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino for a Homeland Security or counterterrorism adviser role.
    • Devin Nunes aide Derek Harvey for the National Security Council (where he served before McMaster pushed him out).
    • Radio talk show host Chris Plante for press secretary.
    • Federalist contributor Ben Weingarten for the National Security Council.
    • The State Department memo: In one extraordinary incident last year, President Trump passed along another action memo to his then-head of presidential personnel, Sean Doocey (since pushed to State and replaced with former body man John McEntee). People familiar with the January 2019 memo say it came from conservatives associated with Groundswell. Though nobody I’ve spoken to has claimed credit for it.
      • According to sources briefed on the incident, the memo was, in large part, an attack against Doocey. The memo accused him and a colleague in the State Department of obstructionism and named several State Department officials who needed to be fired.
      • This list named former deputy secretary John Sullivan, deputy undersecretary for management Bill Todd, and undersecretary for political affairs David Hale, who later testified in the impeachment hearings. (Todd and Hale are career foreign service officers, serving in positions typically reserved for career officials.) Sullivan is now the U.S. Ambassador to Russia.
He's allowed North Korea to develop a robust nuclear program

Made Iran Nuclear Again

Came just this short of starting a war with Iran

Abandoned our Kurdish Allies

Tried to kill healthcare for millions

Added MASSIVELY to our debt

That's ONE term.. God help us if he gets another
... And made America Great Again :finger3:

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