Trump 2020

Far Left Democrat Chris Murphy Admits to Meeting Secretly with Iranian Foreign Minister in Germany -- Defies Trump Administration

Far Left Democrat Chris Murphy Admits to Meeting Secretly with Iranian Foreign Minister in Germany — Defies Trump Administration


by Jim Hoft February 18, 2020 362 Comments
In early January the United States killed General Qassim Soleimani, a top commander of Iran’s al-Quds Force, in an airstrike at Baghdad’s International Airport. The strike also killed Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy commander of Iran-backed militias known as the Popular Mobilization Forces. Seven people were reportedly killed in the airstrike.
'A Violation of the Logan Act' - Trump Blasts Dem Sen. Chris Murphy For Secretly Meeting with Iranians (VIDEO)

‘A Violation of the Logan Act’ – Trump Blasts Dem Sen. Chris Murphy For Secretly Meeting with Iranians (VIDEO)

by Cristina Laila February 18, 2020


CSPAN on Twitter
Two America's. Two sets of laws. One that applied to Republicans, and one that NEVER applied to Democrats.

While Mueller was head of the FBI, Jeffrey Epstien got 13 MONTHS.
Mueller's witch hunters want Roger Stone to get 13 YEARS,

Why the Left Is Losing.

Identity politics and multiculturalism are central motivating forces for the activists who have dominated left-wing parties since the ’68 generation rose to prominence. These ideas tend to be considerably less popular than the Left’s economic offer, hence the bind the Left finds itself in.

Yet this alone cannot explain the inflexibility of left-wing parties. TPolitical correctness functions as an emergent system that can push new ideas even when few people actually believe in them. Like the emperor’s new clothes, no one dares violate a taboo which may cost them dearly.

Left-wing political correctness is more powerful than the right-wing variant. For instance, many social conservatives may dislike environmentalist candidates in their ranks, but dissidents on the left of a conservative party won’t have their character questioned and reputation trashed. By contrast, a left-wing politician who moves right on culture—calling for lower immigration or abolishing female-only shortlists, for instance—is likely to be accused of racism or sexism by radical online activists. This causes them intense embarrassment and, by triggering a social taboo, may lead others to pile on them to signal virtue. This can damage a person’s reputation well beyond politics.

They’re making their appeal more selective. Or as Stacy McCain noted years ago, “You don’t build a winning coalition through a process of subtraction.”


Bloomberg to Sanders: The best-known socialist in the country is a millionaire with three houses


Trump Counters Obama, We Found The Magic Wand You Were Talking About - Episode 2100a

Does that video address the policies like aggressively increased government spending and aggressive NY Fed intervention that you guys would have called "socialist" not FOUR YEARS ago?

Because both of those actions are stimulative and helping both the economy and markets, as I'm sure you know.
you have not absorbed the material ,

and so Mac1958 you shall stay in the dark by your own freewill .. and so be that

as we continue with the facts while you cry in your milkshake , boo hoo for you beloved

Justice Department Says 2 Prosecutors Assigned to Review Ukraine-Related Materials


Justice Department Says 2 Prosecutors Assigned to Review Ukraine-Related Materials

BY JANITA KAN February 18, 2020 Updated: February 19, 2020FONT BFONT SText size Print
The Justice Department (DOJ) told House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler in a letter that the department has appointed two prosecutors to review Ukraine-related information.

This comes after Attorney General William Barr confirmed on Feb. 10 that the DOJ had “established an intake process” to review any Ukraine-related information submitted by individuals, in order to assess its source and credibility. His comments were made in response to questions about whether the department was receiving information on matters about Ukraine from President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told CBS’s “Face the Nation” the day before that the DOJ has created a process to allow Giuliani to submit information he has collected in Ukraine about former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden so that the material can be vetted.

Following Barr’s remarks, Nadler sent a letter to the attorney general demanding answers as to why the department was receiving information outside its established channels (pdf). Nadler also accused Barr of misrepresenting past comments by saying he hadn’t discussed Ukraine matters with Giuliani.


Bloomberg to Sanders: The best-known socialist in the country is a millionaire with three houses

Yes, including the very Soviet Lakeside Dacha.

Bloomberg running New York behaved like a crossing guard drunk on the power of his reversible stop sign. His stupid and demeaning remarks, all on tape, include attacks on African Americans, attacks on the elderly, attacks on gun owners, attacks on civil libertarians, attacks on women, more attacks on women, and attacks on farmers. He's an elitist unchecked by the usual manners and political correctness that are supposed to govern Upper East Side prejudices. Bloomberg actually codifies it through petty rules. Donald Trump is our most unfiltered voice of populism, Bloomberg is the smirking id of our imperious elites.

Bloomberg’s paternalism assures him that these "less than" people are too stupid to decide for themselves what to eat and what to smoke.

Among the endless things that Bloomberg banned as mayor, according to a list compiled by Gizmodo, were trans-fats, Big Gulps, Styrofoam food packaging, collecting grass clippings at certain times of the year, black roofs, and non-energy-efficient taxis. He lowered the speed limit in some parts of the city. His administration contemplated cracking down on bars and liquor stores (having been robbed of smoke breaks, service workers must also be deprived of jobs), only to magnanimously back off that initiative.

While the respiratory health of bartenders was deemed a crisis, the mental health of those living near East 34th Street in Manhattan was less important. That was where Bloomberg was caught violating noise regulations by landing his private helicopter in the middle of the day. Repeatedly. Eight times in one weekend. After he’d already made a point of cracking down on noise pollution. Bloomberg’s reign was more about class snobbery than the rule of law. The rules apply only to the little people.

Michael Bloomberg: Smirking Id of America's Elites | The American Conservative
Completely unhinged, drug addicted, obese, illiterate, likes dictators, disrespects veterans, POWs, families of dead soldiers, believes Putin over the CIA, thinks black people are dumb, wants to fck his own daughter, drives up the national debt, gives tax cuts to people who dont need them, has lied 14k times since taking office, calls generals dopes and babies, pardons corrupt pols and war criminals, dodges the draft by way of fake bone spurs, doesnt believe in science, demonizes Mexicans and Muslims, posts to Twitter more often than any working human being, fake and poorly done "tan" . hey whats not to like
Completely unhinged, drug addicted, obese, illiterate, likes dictators, disrespects veterans, POWs, families of dead soldiers, believes Putin over the CIA, thinks black people are dumb, wants to fck his own daughter, drives up the national debt, gives tax cuts to people who dont need them, has lied 14k times since taking office, calls generals dopes and babies, pardons corrupt pols and war criminals, dodges the draft by way of fake bone spurs, doesnt believe in science, demonizes Mexicans and Muslims, posts to Twitter more often than any working human being, fake and poorly done "tan" . hey whats not to like

Completely unhinged, drug addicted, obese, illiterate, likes dictators, disrespects veterans, POWs, families of dead soldiers, believes Putin over the CIA, thinks black people are dumb, wants to fck his own daughter, drives up the national debt, gives tax cuts to people who dont need them, has lied 14k times since taking office, calls generals dopes and babies, pardons corrupt pols and war criminals, dodges the draft by way of fake bone spurs, doesnt believe in science, demonizes Mexicans and Muslims, posts to Twitter more often than any working human being, fake and poorly done "tan" . hey whats not to like
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