Trump 2020

I agree with you. It really IS as if God stepped in and helped Donald Trump become president. Divine intervention? I believe it was.

Absolutely - Trump is a man of deep faith.

Here he is under Jesus' guidance, signing the executive order to begin snatching and caging toddlers -

Jesus is also at his side helping to cut a trillion dollars from Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security!


I agree with you. It really IS as if God stepped in and helped Donald Trump become president. Divine intervention? I believe it was.

Absolutely - Trump is a man of deep faith.

Here he is under Jesus' guidance, signing the executive order to begin snatching and caging toddlers -

Jesus is also at his side helping to cut a trillion dollars from Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security!


Who said anything about Jesus? I said God. But I am not Xian.

Held in equal reverence - God/ Son o God - Take your pick amiright?!

I'm a Spiritual Agnostic (aka SOMETHING after - Just not sure what and neither does anyone else!! ;-)

nobody else knows eh ?

you should speak for yourself beloved being , and lament in your ignorance , now tell me

do you think you existed before you got in your physical body ?

im interested ..
DrLove SHOULD change their name to DrDUMB. I've seen nothing but inanity in their posts.

Cool, but I've read your posts and well, you know ... :lol:
Our Great and Just President has saved this country. He was elected because God was watching.
I agree with you. It really IS as if God stepped in and helped Donald Trump become president. Divine intervention? I believe it was.

Absolutely - Trump is a man of deep faith.

Here he is under Jesus' guidance, signing the executive order to begin snatching and caging toddlers -

Jesus is also at his side helping to cut a trillion dollars from Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security!


Our Great and Just President has saved this country. He was elected because God was watching.
I agree with you. It really IS as if God stepped in and helped Donald Trump become president. Divine intervention? I believe it was.

Absolutely - Trump is a man of deep faith.

Here he is under Jesus' guidance, signing the executive order to begin snatching and caging toddlers -

Jesus is also at his side helping to cut a trillion dollars from Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security!


Who said anything about Jesus? I said God. But I am not Xian.

Held in equal reverence - God/ Son o God - Take your pick amiright?!

I'm a Spiritual Agnostic (aka SOMETHING after - Just not sure what and neither does anyone else!! ;-)

nobody else knows eh ?

you should speak for yourself beloved being , and lament in your ignorance , now tell me

do you think you existed before you got in your physical body ?

im interested ..

Well, I'm not really interested in a Q Meme Nutter's opinion of as to my "ignorance" or lack thereof.

But I'll answer the question. Yes, I believe some form of me existed prior to this lifetime.

PS: Who let you out of the Conspiracy Theories Forum anyway? :cuckoo:
Last edited:
I agree with you. It really IS as if God stepped in and helped Donald Trump become president. Divine intervention? I believe it was.

Absolutely - Trump is a man of deep faith.

Here he is under Jesus' guidance, signing the executive order to begin snatching and caging toddlers -

Jesus is also at his side helping to cut a trillion dollars from Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security!


I agree with you. It really IS as if God stepped in and helped Donald Trump become president. Divine intervention? I believe it was.

Absolutely - Trump is a man of deep faith.

Here he is under Jesus' guidance, signing the executive order to begin snatching and caging toddlers -

Jesus is also at his side helping to cut a trillion dollars from Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security!


Who said anything about Jesus? I said God. But I am not Xian.

Held in equal reverence - God/ Son o God - Take your pick amiright?!

I'm a Spiritual Agnostic (aka SOMETHING after - Just not sure what and neither does anyone else!! ;-)

nobody else knows eh ?

you should speak for yourself beloved being , and lament in your ignorance , now tell me

do you think you existed before you got in your physical body ?

im interested ..

Well, I'm not really interested in a Q Meme Nutter's opinion of as to my "ignorance" or lack thereof.

But I'll answer the question. Yes, I believe some form of me existed prior to this lifetime.

PS: Who let you out of the Conspiracy Theories Forum anyway? :cuckoo:

Many Blessings and thank you for your answer ,

yes , and you know we never die for we are Eternal Spirit inside a Physical Body , which expires after a time ..

all is Love and so be it

in Love and LIGHT
President Trump hints at US Military discipline for impeachment hoax asset Vindman

President Trump hints at US Military discipline for impeachment hoax asset Vindman


theepochtimes report:: President Donald Trump suggested that the military will likely look at disciplinary action against impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who was recently dismissed from the National Security Council (NSC) last week. “That’s going to be up to the military, we’ll have to see, but if you look at what happened, they’re going to certainly, I would imagine, take a look at that,” Trump told reporters at the White House after he was asked about further steps that might be taken. Trump had previously said the “military can handle him.”
In another comment, the president said Vindman was sent to “a much different location,” likely referring to his new job at the Pentagon. “The military can handle him any way they want,” he told reporters, adding that “General Milley has him now. I congratulate General Milley,” referring to Army Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
It's looking like things won't be turning out to well for impeachment hoax asset Lt. Col. Vindman, as President Trump is hinting that the US Military is looking into disciplinary actions to use against impeachment hoax asset Lt. Col. Vindman. It's known to be a no no while in US Military uniform to show political bias or political affiliation, but Vindman went beyond this while in uniform trying to coup an acting President because Democrats hate President Trump.
Really when it comes to the actions of Lt. Col. Vindman and what he was part of while in the uniform, there should only be two places of discipline for Vindman to face...Those are Leavenworth or Camp Delta at Guantanamo Bay. Actually anyone who receives a Federal paycheck who were behind and involved in the impeachment hoax should all face US Military justice.

OH LORDY - It was only a matter of time before you linked The Epoch Times! :lmao:

Trump, QAnon and an impending judgment day: Behind the Facebook-fueled rise of The Epoch Times
President Trump hints at US Military discipline for impeachment hoax asset Vindman

President Trump hints at US Military discipline for impeachment hoax asset Vindman


theepochtimes report:: President Donald Trump suggested that the military will likely look at disciplinary action against impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who was recently dismissed from the National Security Council (NSC) last week. “That’s going to be up to the military, we’ll have to see, but if you look at what happened, they’re going to certainly, I would imagine, take a look at that,” Trump told reporters at the White House after he was asked about further steps that might be taken. Trump had previously said the “military can handle him.”
In another comment, the president said Vindman was sent to “a much different location,” likely referring to his new job at the Pentagon. “The military can handle him any way they want,” he told reporters, adding that “General Milley has him now. I congratulate General Milley,” referring to Army Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
It's looking like things won't be turning out to well for impeachment hoax asset Lt. Col. Vindman, as President Trump is hinting that the US Military is looking into disciplinary actions to use against impeachment hoax asset Lt. Col. Vindman. It's known to be a no no while in US Military uniform to show political bias or political affiliation, but Vindman went beyond this while in uniform trying to coup an acting President because Democrats hate President Trump.
Really when it comes to the actions of Lt. Col. Vindman and what he was part of while in the uniform, there should only be two places of discipline for Vindman to face...Those are Leavenworth or Camp Delta at Guantanamo Bay. Actually anyone who receives a Federal paycheck who were behind and involved in the impeachment hoax should all face US Military justice.

OH LORDY - It was only a matter of time before you linked The Epoch Times! :lmao:

Trump, QAnon and an impending judgment day: Behind the Facebook-fueled rise of The Epoch Times

so are you saying the story is false ?

if not why bother ?
Durham scrutinizing John Brennan’s handling of Russian interference in 2016


Durham scrutinizing John Brennan’s handling of Russian interference in 2016

by Jerry Dunleavy
| February 14, 2020 09:02 AM

John Brennan’s analysis of Russian election interference, including scrutiny of the former Obama CIA director’s handling of a secret source said to be close to the Kremlin.

Durham, who was selected by Attorney General William Barr in 2019 to look into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation and the government’s response to Moscow’s meddling, is investigating whether Brennan’s CIA was attempting to keep other agencies in the dark as he pushed for a specific, preconceived analytic assessment about Russia’s true intentions in 2016, the New York Times reported Thursday.

The top Connecticut prosecutor’s team reviewed emails from the CIA, FBI, and National Security Agency analysts who came together to assess Russia’s interference, the new report revealed, and Durham’s investigators pressed for answers about why some agencies at least temporarily denied other agencies access to secretive intelligence about the Kremlin’s active-measures campaign.

Durham interviewed agents and analysts from all three agencies, and the report said he was scrutinizing whether the clash over intelligence-sharing was the typical sort of bureaucratic turf battle over jealously guarded secrets or an effort to cover something up.

Much of this revolves around how the United States government eventually reached its January 2017 intelligence assessment on Russian meddling and whether Brennan was pushing for a biased result.

One major battle was about the identity and credibility of a CIA source allegedly close to the Kremlin. The NSA wanted more details about him, which the CIA resisted before providing them. The NSA then disagreed with the CIA and FBI about how much confidence to place in the source.

At least some intelligence officials were disturbed by a law enforcement officer such as Durham inquiring into the assessments made by intelligence agencies, though Durham played a similar role in his Obama-era investigation into the CIA's destruction of tapes showing the harsh interrogation of detainees.

Durham hasn’t yet interviewed Brennan, though the report said his emails and other records have been requested from the CIA by the U.S. attorney. Retired Adm. Mike Rogers, who was head of the NSA at the time, was interviewed by Durham last summer and fall.

The January 2017 intelligence community assessment in question concluded with "high confidence" that Russian President Vladimir Putin “ordered an influence campaign in 2016” and that Russia worked to “undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process, denigrate former Secretary of State [Hillary] Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency” and “developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump.” The NSA diverged on one aspect, expressing only “moderate confidence” that Putin actively tried to help Trump’s election chances and harm those of Clinton by contrasting her unfavorably.

“I wouldn’t call it a discrepancy, I’d call it an honest difference of opinion between three different organizations, and, in the end, I made that call,” Rogers told the Senate in May 2017. “It didn’t have the same level of sourcing and the same level of multiple sources.”

It was Brennan’s still-classified “wake-up call” intelligence that prompted the Obama administration to reconsider how it viewed Russia's hacking of the Democratic National Committee, the Senate Intelligence Committee revealed last week. The specifics of the intelligence that jolted Barack Obama's national security team into action is detailed in a blacked-out section, titled “[Redacted] Intelligence Was The ‘Wake Up’ Call.”

Within an hour or two of being briefed on the intelligence, then-national security adviser Susan Rice said Obama needed to know.

Rice said “the president's reaction was of grave concern,” which “prompted her to call the first of a series of restricted small-group Principals Committee meetings on the topic.”

“During the meeting with the President, Director Brennan also advised the President of a plan to brief key individuals, including congressional leadership, but not to disseminate the intelligence via routine reporting channels,” the Senate report stated.

The committee noted “the receipt of the sensitive intelligence prompted the National Security Council to begin a series of restricted Principals Committee meetings to craft the administration's response” and said the discussions “were atypically restricted” and “excluded” key officials who were normally clued in.
US continues crackdown on Huawei, adds charges to New York case - CNN

US charges Huawei with racketeering, escalating crackdown on tech giant

By Brian Fung and Clare Duffy, CNN Business

Updated 2314 GMT (0714 HKT) February 13, 2020

New York (CNN Business)The US government has charged Chinese technology giant Huawei with racketeering and conspiracy to steal trade secrets, according to a superseding indictment unsealed Thursday in the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York.

A third charge alleges that Huawei engaged in wire fraud to steal intellectual property. The three new allegations supplement more than a dozen other charges already lodged against the company in a case originally unsealed last January. Huawei pleaded not guilty to the initial charges last March.
The Trump administration has been locked in a battle with Huawei for more than a year, as US officials have waged a campaign urging allies not to use Huawei's 5G equipment and enacted other measures aimed at stunting the company's growth.

The earlier charges alleged that Huawei committed bank fraud and violated economic sanctions against Iran, claims that the company has denied. Thursday's indictment also reveals new details about alleged Huawei business dealings in Iran and North Korea.
The Justice Department accuses Huawei of lying about its relationship with an affiliate business called Skycom, which allegedly helped Iran's government perform "domestic surveillance, including during the demonstrations in Tehran in 2009."
Federal prosecutors claim that when presented with evidence, "the defendants allegedly made repeated misstatements to US officials, including FBI agents and representatives from the US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence," according to a press release from the Justice Department.
Huawei's CFO, Meng Wanzhou, is also named as a defendant in the case. The superseding indictment also charges other individuals whom the Justice Department said have not yet been apprehended and whose names have not been publicly released.
On Thursday, Huawei accused the US government of seeking to "irrevocably damage Huawei's reputation" for competitive reasons, after the Justice Department announced the additional allegations.
Sean Hannity: "Sources are Telling Me... Those that Did Premeditated FISA Fraud... THEY'RE ABOUT TO SEE THEIR WORLD'S ROCKED" (VIDEO)

Sean Hannity: “Sources are Telling Me… Those that Did Premeditated FISA Fraud… THEY’RE ABOUT TO SEE THEIR WORLD’S ROCKED” (VIDEO)

by Jim Hoft February 14, 2020


The deep state DOJ exonerated Andrew McCabe today after the former FBI Deputy Director admitted to lying under oath and leaking classified documents to the Wall Street Journal in order to damage President Trump.

This did not appear to dampen Sean Hannity’s hopes for fair and equal justice under the law.

Tonight Sean Hannity told his audience that sources are telling him, “It’s real. That those that did the premeditated fraud on FISA…They’re about to see their worlds rocked.”

Investigative journalist Sara Carter jumped in to add, “That’s what I’m hearing too.”

Via M#thods:

M3thods on Twitter

SH: "My sources are telling me that it's real. That those that did the premeditated fraud on FISA...They're about to see their worlds rocked." SC: "That's what I'm hearing too."
President Trump hints at US Military discipline for impeachment hoax asset Vindman

President Trump hints at US Military discipline for impeachment hoax asset Vindman


theepochtimes report:: President Donald Trump suggested that the military will likely look at disciplinary action against impeachment witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who was recently dismissed from the National Security Council (NSC) last week. “That’s going to be up to the military, we’ll have to see, but if you look at what happened, they’re going to certainly, I would imagine, take a look at that,” Trump told reporters at the White House after he was asked about further steps that might be taken. Trump had previously said the “military can handle him.”
In another comment, the president said Vindman was sent to “a much different location,” likely referring to his new job at the Pentagon. “The military can handle him any way they want,” he told reporters, adding that “General Milley has him now. I congratulate General Milley,” referring to Army Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
It's looking like things won't be turning out to well for impeachment hoax asset Lt. Col. Vindman, as President Trump is hinting that the US Military is looking into disciplinary actions to use against impeachment hoax asset Lt. Col. Vindman. It's known to be a no no while in US Military uniform to show political bias or political affiliation, but Vindman went beyond this while in uniform trying to coup an acting President because Democrats hate President Trump.
Really when it comes to the actions of Lt. Col. Vindman and what he was part of while in the uniform, there should only be two places of discipline for Vindman to face...Those are Leavenworth or Camp Delta at Guantanamo Bay. Actually anyone who receives a Federal paycheck who were behind and involved in the impeachment hoax should all face US Military justice.

OH LORDY - It was only a matter of time before you linked The Epoch Times! :lmao:

Trump, QAnon and an impending judgment day: Behind the Facebook-fueled rise of The Epoch Times

so are you saying the story is false ?

if not why bother ?

You mean bother with with the Epoch Times - Donnie and Vlad's little propaganda arm who even the Facebook whores won't take money from anymore for political ads because they're a foreign agent?-- Yes I agree ... Why bother??

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