Trump: 35% tariff on goods from companies that ship jobs overseas. Bravo!

The tariff will have no positive effects per se but it will keep the national debt from exploding during the repair of infrastructure and the reduction in unneeded/harmful regulation. A hike on the energy taxes will also be needed.
A hike on energy taxes will be needed.....Please explain this statement.
TRUMPS my guy , love him on all things and Carrier was first . As far as tariffs go , heck yeah . I'm sick of seeing chinese and Mexican junk selling in Walmart and making china wealthy.
Luckily, we don’t have to guess how such a tariff would impact the economy, because the Obama administration attempted a version of Trump’s idea seven years ago. It did not go well.

“It’s basically a real-world case study on what would happen if we imposed 35 percent tariffs on Chinese imports,” says Scott Lincicome, an international trade attorney and adjunct fellow at the Cato Institute. “In this case, we saw huge costs for consumers, gains by other foreign competitors, and almost no gains for American workers, even under the most generous of assumptions.”
The tariff will have no positive effects per se but it will keep the national debt from exploding during the repair of infrastructure and the reduction in unneeded/harmful regulation. A hike on the energy taxes will also be needed.
A hike on energy taxes will be needed.....Please explain this statement.

Flooding the world energy market will do major economic damage to Russia and Iran while removing the incentive of China to take over the South China Sea to find oil while providing money to build out our military. something in the $0.10-0.5 range would provide the money for both goals.
Trump: 35 Percent Tariff for Companies That Ship Jobs Overseas


It's about time. NAFTA was a mistake that has cost our country dearly. We need to reverse the mistakes of the free traders of the GOP, and sadly, some Democrats too. They've done so much damage. Scrapping TPP is a great start, but going after existing, job-killing trade "deals" is the next step. Sadly, my preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, had to be dragged kicking and screaming to finally denounce these dubious deals. I'm glad that Trump is speaking out against these "deals". They are rip offs. I didn't vote for him, but I support him on this big time.

Too bad he started off with the stupid Carrier deal. Even the vapid brained Sarah Pallin criticized it. Instead of telling Carrier that they will be heavily taxed for all their imports because NAFTA ain't gonna be law when they complete their Mexican factory, he cuts their taxes by millions of dollars in exchange for just half of the jobs staying in the US. Low Energy! Sad!
The trouble with Trump and your support of his will not work......You should all NOTE THAT UNDER (and Yes he is still President)President Obama in the past 6 Years has CREATED OVER 15 MILLION NEW JOBS.....I REPEAT 15 MILLION .....So much for the Trump Rhetoric,never has a new PresIdent for office, been in such a good position......I will hope this continues under Trump....I Doubt it as History is against him.....The Startling Statisitic is that since and including the Presidency of JFK,under every Democratic Presidency a huge amount of Jobs have been created...YET under every Republican since JFK,UNEMPLOYMENT HAS RISEN DRAMATICALLY.....You work that out.......Despite all the "DONS" is individuals like him(Big Business) that have taken American Workers Jobs overseas to make more profit and higher margins whilst paying their employees SHIT-WAGES.

Yet Trump uses Chinese,Korean and Japanese Steel,Ilegal Workers(under paid) etc.,on his projects.......I wish you the best but I note already the Top End of Town are the first group of Americans to be privileged.....Does a man like the Don really understand the plight of the workers now unemployed....NO....because like all his ilk,he and they created the problem in the first place,DIDN'T THEY........Course they did......Don speaks in platitudes...Beware of the Snake Oil SALESMAN.....You may end up sicker than you are now....STEVEN
You maybe laughing on the other side of your faces in a year or so,just sayin
The tariff will have no positive effects per se but it will keep the national debt from exploding during the repair of infrastructure and the reduction in unneeded/harmful regulation. A hike on the energy taxes will also be needed.
A hike on energy taxes will be needed.....Please explain this statement.

Flooding the world energy market will do major economic damage to Russia and Iran while removing the incentive of China to take over the South China Sea to find oil while providing money to build out our military. something in the $0.10-0.5 range would provide the money for both goals.

Do you think Trump is going to do anything to hurt his butt buddy Putin?
So an import tariff? Great, have fun with less jobs.

Go state socialism!
--------------------------------------------------------------- things weren't working good for Americans under mrobamas 8 years of doing things his way . Lets see how President Trump does Onyx !!

What wasn't working? 15 million jobs created. Tripled the stock market, wages rising, 20 million more Americans with health insurance.

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TRUMPS my guy , love him on all things and Carrier was first . As far as tariffs go , heck yeah . I'm sick of seeing chinese and Mexican junk selling in Walmart and making china wealthy.
Luckily, we don’t have to guess how such a tariff would impact the economy, because the Obama administration attempted a version of Trump’s idea seven years ago. It did not go well.

“It’s basically a real-world case study on what would happen if we imposed 35 percent tariffs on Chinese imports,” says Scott Lincicome, an international trade attorney and adjunct fellow at the Cato Institute. “In this case, we saw huge costs for consumers, gains by other foreign competitors, and almost no gains for American workers, even under the most generous of assumptions.”
All sounds Great Faun but have you considered what would happen if the world put Tarriff''s on all American Goods..;..? the funny thing about you seeing Chinese and Mexicans becoming more wealthy,you forgot to mention WALMART getting more wealthy but still paying pathetically low staff WAGES,funny too how you blame the overseas manufactures,when American Companies actually put in the orders???????strange thinking when you consider Americans had the choice at one time to choose between the WELL MADE AMERICAN PRODUCT by an educated workforce OR CHEAP CRAPPY IMPORTS......AMERICANS CHOSE THE CRAP,and continued to buy the same CRAP,even though it only lasted a few weeks or less.......WHY Faun What made Americans so UnAmerican ????????????

A Statistic for all of 1963.......... 94% of All Clothing and Footwear WORN BY AMERICANS.......WAS MADE IN AMERICA

Today in 2016.............94% of All Clothing and Footwear WORN BY AMERICANS................IS MADE OVERSEAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shocking isn't it

Dream on if you think The Don and or Americans WILL CHANGE MUCH........Why do you blame others for this situation you are all in....When YOU CREATED THE PROBLEM IN THE FIRST PLACE,including THE DON......I'm sorry to the Trump Lemmings,there is nothing Funny about your plight and situation....apart from your Stupidity and Ignorance...that's Funny you dumb ASSES
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TRUMPS my guy , love him on all things and Carrier was first . As far as tariffs go , heck yeah . I'm sick of seeing chinese and Mexican junk selling in Walmart and making china wealthy.
Oh! So you shop at WalMart for cheaper products made in sweatshops for minimum wages. You are in a lot of company. The people who buy Union Made In USA are the true patriots.
So an import tariff? Great, have fun with less jobs.

Go state socialism!
--------------------------------------------------------------- things weren't working good for Americans under mrobamas 8 years of doing things his way . Lets see how President Trump does Onyx !!

What wasn't working? 15 million jobs created. Tripled the stock market, wages rising, 20 million more Americans with health insurance.

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----------------------------------------------------- B.S. burger flipping jobs . obamacare sucks because of the mandate . You like mrobama , i don't , so no arguing as we have a new Captain Trump running things now DLady !!
Two rays of hope have pierced the dark clouds of the future: Trump's loyalty to Social Security /Medicare and now this.
Is he the same Donald that seemed possessed of the devil himself?
Capitalism isn't fair. I understand why you right wingers are rejecting it.
LOL....We don't reject capitalism. We are trying to preserve it while you lefties want a change to socialism

Medicare is a socialist program, as is Social Security. So are public schools, and highways. Anything that is paid for from the public purse, that benefits society as a whole, is a socialist program.

Capitalism depends on socialism to provide an educated workforce, infrastructure, and a social order which protects intellectual property and business.
Companies don't pay tariffs, consumers pay tariffs.
---------------------------------------------- customers like me , just a private guy pay no tariff if we decide to not pay tariffs . And people that want the junk from china and mexico pay the tariff

You will pay the tariff on every imported item you buy. It's nearly impossible to find American made clothing, shoes or electronics.

Even if these manufacturers wanted to bring the jobs home, they can't. There are no facilities, or trained workers.
Trump: 35 Percent Tariff for Companies That Ship Jobs Overseas


It's about time. NAFTA was a mistake that has cost our country dearly. We need to reverse the mistakes of the free traders of the GOP, and sadly, some Democrats too. They've done so much damage. Scrapping TPP is a great start, but going after existing, job-killing trade "deals" is the next step. Sadly, my preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, had to be dragged kicking and screaming to finally denounce these dubious deals. I'm glad that Trump is speaking out against these "deals". They are rip offs. I didn't vote for him, but I support him on this big time.

Too bad he started off with the stupid Carrier deal. Even the vapid brained Sarah Pallin criticized it. Instead of telling Carrier that they will be heavily taxed for all their imports because NAFTA ain't gonna be law when they complete their Mexican factory, he cuts their taxes by millions of dollars in exchange for just half of the jobs staying in the US. Low Energy! Sad!

I may be wrong and correct me if I am,but weren't you a flaming liberal?
Trump: 35 Percent Tariff for Companies That Ship Jobs Overseas


It's about time. NAFTA was a mistake that has cost our country dearly. We need to reverse the mistakes of the free traders of the GOP, and sadly, some Democrats too. They've done so much damage. Scrapping TPP is a great start, but going after existing, job-killing trade "deals" is the next step. Sadly, my preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, had to be dragged kicking and screaming to finally denounce these dubious deals. I'm glad that Trump is speaking out against these "deals". They are rip offs. I didn't vote for him, but I support him on this big time.

Too bad he started off with the stupid Carrier deal. Even the vapid brained Sarah Pallin criticized it. Instead of telling Carrier that they will be heavily taxed for all their imports because NAFTA ain't gonna be law when they complete their Mexican factory, he cuts their taxes by millions of dollars in exchange for just half of the jobs staying in the US. Low Energy! Sad!

So, Trump puts tariffs on companies in China, Mexico, they do the same, the US fails to sell good abroad because it's noncompetitive, because they have to pay wages that are too high, and then what? Goods in the US become more expensive, a recession hits, wham, nice one Donald.
I am not an expert on economics but considering the right mess professional economists, bankers and financial services got us into, maybe not being one of them is an advantage. I am sure that protectionism which uses a trade war helps no-one whereas trading agreements can be good for industry and its workers. If other countries or groups of countries create a tariff wall then American products will not find the markets. Brexit for Britain has the English all hot and bothered these days because the City of London financial services which is the main industry in England will not be able to trade in the European Union (EU) without an agreement with the 27 other states that comprise the EU. Just one of those countries can veto any agreement which the European Commission suggests. Now, do you suppose the banking city of Frankfurt-am-Main might prefer to take some of that lucrative trade? And the same goes for Paris and Dublin. Sweden is already planning on offering attractive deals for pharmaceutical companies currently using England. Do not be surprised should any one of these countries decides to veto any deal which involves banking passports to London companies. This should be fun to watch. The single market of the EU which has no tariffs for its members was an insane thing for the English to give up precisely because there were no tariffs to begin with. Donald Trump promising a trade war with Mexico before he even gets inaugurated is baffling.

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