Trump: 35% tariff on goods from companies that ship jobs overseas. Bravo!

Trump: 35 Percent Tariff for Companies That Ship Jobs Overseas


It's about time. NAFTA was a mistake that has cost our country dearly. We need to reverse the mistakes of the free traders of the GOP, and sadly, some Democrats too. They've done so much damage. Scrapping TPP is a great start, but going after existing, job-killing trade "deals" is the next step. Sadly, my preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, had to be dragged kicking and screaming to finally denounce these dubious deals. I'm glad that Trump is speaking out against these "deals". They are rip offs. I didn't vote for him, but I support him on this big time.

Too bad he started off with the stupid Carrier deal. Even the vapid brained Sarah Pallin criticized it. Instead of telling Carrier that they will be heavily taxed for all their imports because NAFTA ain't gonna be law when they complete their Mexican factory, he cuts their taxes by millions of dollars in exchange for just half of the jobs staying in the US. Low Energy! Sad!
Trump can threaten companies with a 35% tariff if they move jobs oversea but he has no power to impose that tariff. Only congress can do so and they aren't about to do any such thing. First of all, it would be illegal to single out a single company in a country to tax, second it could set off a trade war, and lastly, it's bad policy.

If Trump continues his ridiculous threats as president, he's going to be ignored.
TRUMPS my guy , love him on all things and Carrier was first . As far as tariffs go , heck yeah . I'm sick of seeing chinese and Mexican junk selling in Walmart and making china wealthy.
Luckily, we don’t have to guess how such a tariff would impact the economy, because the Obama administration attempted a version of Trump’s idea seven years ago. It did not go well.

“It’s basically a real-world case study on what would happen if we imposed 35 percent tariffs on Chinese imports,” says Scott Lincicome, an international trade attorney and adjunct fellow at the Cato Institute. “In this case, we saw huge costs for consumers, gains by other foreign competitors, and almost no gains for American workers, even under the most generous of assumptions.”
All sounds Great Faun but have you considered what would happen if the world put Tarriff''s on all American Goods..;..? the funny thing about you seeing Chinese and Mexicans becoming more wealthy,you forgot to mention WALMART getting more wealthy but still paying pathetically low staff WAGES,funny too how you blame the overseas manufactures,when American Companies actually put in the orders???????strange thinking when you consider Americans had the choice at one time to choose between the WELL MADE AMERICAN PRODUCT by an educated workforce OR CHEAP CRAPPY IMPORTS......AMERICANS CHOSE THE CRAP,and continued to buy the same CRAP,even though it only lasted a few weeks or less.......WHY Faun What made Americans so UnAmerican ????????????

A Statistic for all of 1963.......... 94% of All Clothing and Footwear WORN BY AMERICANS.......WAS MADE IN AMERICA

Today in 2016.............94% of All Clothing and Footwear WORN BY AMERICANS................IS MADE OVERSEAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shocking isn't it

Dream on if you think The Don and or Americans WILL CHANGE MUCH........Why do you blame others for this situation you are all in....When YOU CREATED THE PROBLEM IN THE FIRST PLACE,including THE DON......I'm sorry to the Trump Lemmings,there is nothing Funny about your plight and situation....apart from your Stupidity and Ignorance...that's Funny you dumb ASSES
I don't think Trump will change much. He's already flip-flopped on several campaign issues and I suspect he will move to the center, though he portayed himself as a conservative during the election to get folks on the right to vote for him.
TRUMPS my guy , love him on all things and Carrier was first . As far as tariffs go , heck yeah . I'm sick of seeing chinese and Mexican junk selling in Walmart and making china wealthy.
Luckily, we don’t have to guess how such a tariff would impact the economy, because the Obama administration attempted a version of Trump’s idea seven years ago. It did not go well.

“It’s basically a real-world case study on what would happen if we imposed 35 percent tariffs on Chinese imports,” says Scott Lincicome, an international trade attorney and adjunct fellow at the Cato Institute. “In this case, we saw huge costs for consumers, gains by other foreign competitors, and almost no gains for American workers, even under the most generous of assumptions.”
All sounds Great Faun but have you considered what would happen if the world put Tarriff''s on all American Goods..;..? the funny thing about you seeing Chinese and Mexicans becoming more wealthy,you forgot to mention WALMART getting more wealthy but still paying pathetically low staff WAGES,funny too how you blame the overseas manufactures,when American Companies actually put in the orders???????strange thinking when you consider Americans had the choice at one time to choose between the WELL MADE AMERICAN PRODUCT by an educated workforce OR CHEAP CRAPPY IMPORTS......AMERICANS CHOSE THE CRAP,and continued to buy the same CRAP,even though it only lasted a few weeks or less.......WHY Faun What made Americans so UnAmerican ????????????

A Statistic for all of 1963.......... 94% of All Clothing and Footwear WORN BY AMERICANS.......WAS MADE IN AMERICA

Today in 2016.............94% of All Clothing and Footwear WORN BY AMERICANS................IS MADE OVERSEAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shocking isn't it

Dream on if you think The Don and or Americans WILL CHANGE MUCH........Why do you blame others for this situation you are all in....When YOU CREATED THE PROBLEM IN THE FIRST PLACE,including THE DON......I'm sorry to the Trump Lemmings,there is nothing Funny about your plight and situation....apart from your Stupidity and Ignorance...that's Funny you dumb ASSES
I don't think Trump will change much. He's already flip-flopped on several campaign issues and I suspect he will move to the center, though he portayed himself as a conservative during the election to get folks on the right to vote for him.
I foresee nothing but disaster ahead for Americans.
TRUMPS my guy , love him on all things and Carrier was first . As far as tariffs go , heck yeah . I'm sick of seeing chinese and Mexican junk selling in Walmart and making china wealthy.
Luckily, we don’t have to guess how such a tariff would impact the economy, because the Obama administration attempted a version of Trump’s idea seven years ago. It did not go well.

“It’s basically a real-world case study on what would happen if we imposed 35 percent tariffs on Chinese imports,” says Scott Lincicome, an international trade attorney and adjunct fellow at the Cato Institute. “In this case, we saw huge costs for consumers, gains by other foreign competitors, and almost no gains for American workers, even under the most generous of assumptions.”
All sounds Great Faun but have you considered what would happen if the world put Tarriff''s on all American Goods..;..? the funny thing about you seeing Chinese and Mexicans becoming more wealthy,you forgot to mention WALMART getting more wealthy but still paying pathetically low staff WAGES,funny too how you blame the overseas manufactures,when American Companies actually put in the orders???????strange thinking when you consider Americans had the choice at one time to choose between the WELL MADE AMERICAN PRODUCT by an educated workforce OR CHEAP CRAPPY IMPORTS......AMERICANS CHOSE THE CRAP,and continued to buy the same CRAP,even though it only lasted a few weeks or less.......WHY Faun What made Americans so UnAmerican ????????????

A Statistic for all of 1963.......... 94% of All Clothing and Footwear WORN BY AMERICANS.......WAS MADE IN AMERICA

Today in 2016.............94% of All Clothing and Footwear WORN BY AMERICANS................IS MADE OVERSEAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shocking isn't it

Dream on if you think The Don and or Americans WILL CHANGE MUCH........Why do you blame others for this situation you are all in....When YOU CREATED THE PROBLEM IN THE FIRST PLACE,including THE DON......I'm sorry to the Trump Lemmings,there is nothing Funny about your plight and situation....apart from your Stupidity and Ignorance...that's Funny you dumb ASSES
I don't think Trump will change much. He's already flip-flopped on several campaign issues and I suspect he will move to the center, though he portayed himself as a conservative during the election to get folks on the right to vote for him.
I foresee nothing but disaster ahead for Americans.
That remains to be seen but I certainly hope not. If Trump is successful then that benefits the country. I would rather see that happen than a disaster like Bush.
TRUMPS my guy , love him on all things and Carrier was first . As far as tariffs go , heck yeah . I'm sick of seeing chinese and Mexican junk selling in Walmart and making china wealthy.
Luckily, we don’t have to guess how such a tariff would impact the economy, because the Obama administration attempted a version of Trump’s idea seven years ago. It did not go well.

“It’s basically a real-world case study on what would happen if we imposed 35 percent tariffs on Chinese imports,” says Scott Lincicome, an international trade attorney and adjunct fellow at the Cato Institute. “In this case, we saw huge costs for consumers, gains by other foreign competitors, and almost no gains for American workers, even under the most generous of assumptions.”
All sounds Great Faun but have you considered what would happen if the world put Tarriff''s on all American Goods..;..? the funny thing about you seeing Chinese and Mexicans becoming more wealthy,you forgot to mention WALMART getting more wealthy but still paying pathetically low staff WAGES,funny too how you blame the overseas manufactures,when American Companies actually put in the orders???????strange thinking when you consider Americans had the choice at one time to choose between the WELL MADE AMERICAN PRODUCT by an educated workforce OR CHEAP CRAPPY IMPORTS......AMERICANS CHOSE THE CRAP,and continued to buy the same CRAP,even though it only lasted a few weeks or less.......WHY Faun What made Americans so UnAmerican ????????????

A Statistic for all of 1963.......... 94% of All Clothing and Footwear WORN BY AMERICANS.......WAS MADE IN AMERICA

Today in 2016.............94% of All Clothing and Footwear WORN BY AMERICANS................IS MADE OVERSEAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shocking isn't it

Dream on if you think The Don and or Americans WILL CHANGE MUCH........Why do you blame others for this situation you are all in....When YOU CREATED THE PROBLEM IN THE FIRST PLACE,including THE DON......I'm sorry to the Trump Lemmings,there is nothing Funny about your plight and situation....apart from your Stupidity and Ignorance...that's Funny you dumb ASSES
I don't think Trump will change much. He's already flip-flopped on several campaign issues and I suspect he will move to the center, though he portayed himself as a conservative during the election to get folks on the right to vote for him.
I foresee nothing but disaster ahead for Americans.
That remains to be seen but I certainly hope not. If Trump is successful then that benefits the country. I would rather see that happen than a disaster like Bush.
I do share your hope but there is little to pin it on.
Trump: 35 Percent Tariff for Companies That Ship Jobs Overseas


It's about time. NAFTA was a mistake that has cost our country dearly. We need to reverse the mistakes of the free traders of the GOP, and sadly, some Democrats too. They've done so much damage. Scrapping TPP is a great start, but going after existing, job-killing trade "deals" is the next step. Sadly, my preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, had to be dragged kicking and screaming to finally denounce these dubious deals. I'm glad that Trump is speaking out against these "deals". They are rip offs. I didn't vote for him, but I support him on this big time.

Too bad he started off with the stupid Carrier deal. Even the vapid brained Sarah Pallin criticized it. Instead of telling Carrier that they will be heavily taxed for all their imports because NAFTA ain't gonna be law when they complete their Mexican factory, he cuts their taxes by millions of dollars in exchange for just half of the jobs staying in the US. Low Energy! Sad!
Or he will give them massive tax breaks if they only send half their jobs overseas. Which is what the Republicans were doing in the first place.

Trump can't just will tariffs. Show me Paul Ryan say he will tariff. Democrats will go along with that.
He didn't tariff carrier, did he? No.

Is Paul Ryan on board with tariffs? No. Why don't you know this?
35 percent tariffs is the TRUMPS opening bid and they probably won't be needed once companies fall in line !!
35 percent tariffs is the TRUMPS opening bid and they probably won't be needed once companies fall in line !!

Company's can't just "fall in line". They don't have equipment or facilities in the US, and they don't have trained workers. The jobs are gone, and they aren't coming back. That's W's lasting gift to you jackasses.

Congress refuses to spend money to retrain these workers, or to provide them with jobs rebuilding infrastructure - having squashed every attempt Obama made at education and infrastructure spending. That's what Republicans wanted. They wanted Obama to fail as a President.
TRUMPS my guy , love him on all things and Carrier was first . As far as tariffs go , heck yeah . I'm sick of seeing chinese and Mexican junk selling in Walmart and making china wealthy.
Luckily, we don’t have to guess how such a tariff would impact the economy, because the Obama administration attempted a version of Trump’s idea seven years ago. It did not go well.

“It’s basically a real-world case study on what would happen if we imposed 35 percent tariffs on Chinese imports,” says Scott Lincicome, an international trade attorney and adjunct fellow at the Cato Institute. “In this case, we saw huge costs for consumers, gains by other foreign competitors, and almost no gains for American workers, even under the most generous of assumptions.”
All sounds Great Faun but have you considered what would happen if the world put Tarriff''s on all American Goods..;..? the funny thing about you seeing Chinese and Mexicans becoming more wealthy,you forgot to mention WALMART getting more wealthy but still paying pathetically low staff WAGES,funny too how you blame the overseas manufactures,when American Companies actually put in the orders???????strange thinking when you consider Americans had the choice at one time to choose between the WELL MADE AMERICAN PRODUCT by an educated workforce OR CHEAP CRAPPY IMPORTS......AMERICANS CHOSE THE CRAP,and continued to buy the same CRAP,even though it only lasted a few weeks or less.......WHY Faun What made Americans so UnAmerican ????????????

A Statistic for all of 1963.......... 94% of All Clothing and Footwear WORN BY AMERICANS.......WAS MADE IN AMERICA

Today in 2016.............94% of All Clothing and Footwear WORN BY AMERICANS................IS MADE OVERSEAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shocking isn't it

Dream on if you think The Don and or Americans WILL CHANGE MUCH........Why do you blame others for this situation you are all in....When YOU CREATED THE PROBLEM IN THE FIRST PLACE,including THE DON......I'm sorry to the Trump Lemmings,there is nothing Funny about your plight and situation....apart from your Stupidity and Ignorance...that's Funny you dumb ASSES
I don't think Trump will change much. He's already flip-flopped on several campaign issues and I suspect he will move to the center, though he portayed himself as a conservative during the election to get folks on the right to vote for him.
I foresee nothing but disaster ahead for Americans.
Same here.....but then Hillary lost....:lol:
If you are an American company and you choose to take your business overseas to take advantage of slave labor you should have no expectation that you get to bring your goods back into the United States without having any tariff enforced.

Paying no tariff, as if you made the goods into the United States, is about the same as giving the companies a huge tax break - it's rewarding them for taking US jobs out of the country so they can boost their own profits.

As the title states - 'It's About Time'.
Company's can't just "fall in line". They don't have equipment or facilities in the US, and they don't have trained workers. The jobs are gone, and they aren't coming back.
Then they better get used to paying tariffs to bring their FOREIGN goods back into the United States.
35 percent tariffs is the TRUMPS opening bid and they probably won't be needed once companies fall in line !!

Company's can't just "fall in line". They don't have equipment or facilities in the US, and they don't have trained workers. The jobs are gone, and they aren't coming back. That's W's lasting gift to you jackasses.

Congress refuses to spend money to retrain these workers, or to provide them with jobs rebuilding infrastructure - having squashed every attempt Obama made at education and infrastructure spending. That's what Republicans wanted. They wanted Obama to fail as a President.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- yep , we announced my / our hope that mrobama fail throgh Mr. Limbaugh 7 - 8 years ago . Now that that has been done WE / i want to destroy his reputation and so called legacy 'Sur' , Jimh , Nat , other lefties and DLady !! And Eloy !!
OFF TOPIC --- But next on the menu , it looks like we are casually and openly going after 'china' DLady !!
Yeah, we've seen tariff wars before. They don't end well for anyone.

Worse, let's say this becomes the policy and it works. Those factories come home. I guarantee you those new factories employ only a fraction of the people they did while they were located over in China or Mexico. We've hit a moment when a newly built factory can be nearly fully automated. The only reason that folks in China or Mexico are employed in those plants is because they're cheaper than robots. Bring those factories to the USA, and the robots will be cheaper than the factory workers. Unless US citizens are willing to work in the same conditions for the same pay as those Mexican and Chinese workers.
Yeah, we've seen tariff wars before. They don't end well for anyone.

Worse, let's say this becomes the policy and it works. Those factories come home. I guarantee you those new factories employ only a fraction of the people they did while they were located over in China or Mexico. We've hit a moment when a newly built factory can be nearly fully automated. The only reason that folks in China or Mexico are employed in those plants is because they're cheaper than robots. Bring those factories to the USA, and the robots will be cheaper than the factory workers. Unless US citizens are willing to work in the same conditions for the same pay as those Mexican and Chinese workers.
------------------------------------------------------------------- still ok with me as its a way to hurt the mexicans and chinese financially . As i said somewhere in this thread , i resent building up the third world on the backs of American not having jobs or buying junk in walmart DrT !!
Since Carrier is sending 1300 out of the 2100 jobs in question to Mexico, will their tariff only be 20% instead of 35%?
and as Charlie Payne just mentioned , remove some of the rules and regulations that hinder USA manufacturers and business DrT !!
and as Charlie Payne just mentioned , remove some of the rules and regulations that hinder USA manufacturers and business DrT !!
----------------------------------------------------- And he just mentioned that if Trumps policies start a trade war the USA would PROBABLY win DrT !!
and as Charlie Payne just mentioned , remove some of the rules and regulations that hinder USA manufacturers and business DrT !!

You mean the ones that keep your water and air clean, and the workers safe - those regulations?

The ignorant lies of the right wingers.

High taxes and good wages didn't drive the jobs off-shore. It was greed, and W's tax breaks for companies taking jobs out of the US. Because Republicans believe greed is good, contrary to the Bible which names it as one of the 7 Deadly Sins.

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