Trump: 35% tariff on goods from companies that ship jobs overseas. Bravo!

Since Carrier is sending 1300 out of the 2100 jobs in question to Mexico, will their tariff only be 20% instead of 35%?
If Carrier had to pay a 20% or 35% tax on air conditioners manufactured in Mexico they would just ship them to any one of the 170 countries where they are now selling their air conditioning equipment and supply the US market from one of their other US plants or from one their plants in India, China, or South America.

You got it...

Carrier sells its Air Conditioner to it shell company in say {Please enter Country], they then ship the over and open them up and ship them to the states...
Companies don't pay tariffs, consumers pay tariffs.

Hang on, that's what right wingers were saying when any tax is put on any company...

Tariffs don't work cause the loopholes are so easy...
and any finagling or messing around alluded to in post 101 is for Trump and his boys to monitor and fight and stop / control English Ted !!
Some fun facts about the history of tariffs as it relates to righty politics:

The GOP under Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush abandoned the protectionist ideology, and came out against quotas and in favor of the GATT/WTO policy of minimal economic barriers to global trade. Free trade with Canada came about as a result of the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement of 1987, which led in 1994 to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). It was based on Reagan's plan to enlarge the scope of the market for American firms to include Canada and Mexico. President Bill Clinton, with strong Republican support in 1993, pushed NAFTA through Congress over the vehement objection of labor unions.

Tariffs in United States history - Wikipedia

It's funny watching conservatives reject Reagan policies while chanting "lets make America great again, like Reagan did"
and before income tax all the money that the USA raised was through charging TARIFFS Anton !!
and before income tax all the money that the USA raised was through charging TARIFFS Anton !!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maybe you know something about TARIFFS being used to raise USA government monies Anton !!
so Reagan was fine as we had the Reagan Revolution . Maybe these times that we live in will come to be known as the TRUMP Revolution Anton !!
Just some info on TARIFFS Anton . --- Tariffs in United States history - Wikipedia --- I think that TARIFFS were used to collect all Federal Government monies before the 1913 income tax . Maybe the TRUMP is going back to the ways of raising monies the way that the Founders of the USA intended Anton . Personally I think the Tariff idea is good and would steer people to goods made in the USA rather than goods made in 'china' and 'mexico ' Anton .
Just some info on TARIFFS Anton . --- Tariffs in United States history - Wikipedia --- I think that TARIFFS were used to collect all Federal Government monies before the 1913 income tax . Maybe the TRUMP is going back to the ways of raising monies the way that the Founders of the USA intended Anton . Personally I think the Tariff idea is good and would steer people to goods made in the USA rather than goods made in 'china' and 'mexico ' Anton .
It would be good if Americans showed some patriotism and insisted on buying Union Made American products. Unfortunately, by starting a trade war, American workers will see less demand for American exports which are subject to tariffs.
and 'hgw bush' , looks like he had too much influence on the Sainted Ronal dReagan and I have always said that Anton .
Just some info on TARIFFS Anton . --- Tariffs in United States history - Wikipedia --- I think that TARIFFS were used to collect all Federal Government monies before the 1913 income tax . Maybe the TRUMP is going back to the ways of raising monies the way that the Founders of the USA intended Anton . Personally I think the Tariff idea is good and would steer people to goods made in the USA rather than goods made in 'china' and 'mexico ' Anton .
It would be good if Americans showed some patriotism and insisted on buying Union Made American products. Unfortunately, by starting a trade war, American workers will see less demand for American exports which are subject to tariffs.
-------------------------------- no trade war has been started , possible trade war is speculation but may happen I suppose but I am not impressed Eloy ?? My attitude if Feck those fureigners , all of them !! Anyway , a possible trade war is something that the USA would PROBABLY win according to financial guy / expert Charles Paine [sp] Eloy .
Just some info on TARIFFS Anton . --- Tariffs in United States history - Wikipedia --- I think that TARIFFS were used to collect all Federal Government monies before the 1913 income tax . Maybe the TRUMP is going back to the ways of raising monies the way that the Founders of the USA intended Anton . Personally I think the Tariff idea is good and would steer people to goods made in the USA rather than goods made in 'china' and 'mexico ' Anton .
It would be good if Americans showed some patriotism and insisted on buying Union Made American products. Unfortunately, by starting a trade war, American workers will see less demand for American exports which are subject to tariffs.
-------------------------------- no trade war has been started , possible trade war is speculation but may happen I suppose but I am not impressed Eloy ?? My attitude if Feck those fureigners , all of them !! Anyway , a possible trade war is something that the USA would PROBABLY win according to financial guy / expert Charles Paine [sp] Eloy .
Nobody wins in a trade war.
I am not concerned about this SPECULATION of a trade war . I suspect that what Trump is doing is scaring the enemy foreigners that wants what the USA has Eloy !!
I am not concerned about this SPECULATION of a trade war . I suspect that what Trump is doing is scaring the enemy foreigners that wants what the USA has Eloy !!
Believe it or not; the rest of the world is not afraid of the USA.
Just some info on TARIFFS Anton . --- Tariffs in United States history - Wikipedia --- I think that TARIFFS were used to collect all Federal Government monies before the 1913 income tax . Maybe the TRUMP is going back to the ways of raising monies the way that the Founders of the USA intended Anton . Personally I think the Tariff idea is good and would steer people to goods made in the USA rather than goods made in 'china' and 'mexico ' Anton .
It would be good if Americans showed some patriotism and insisted on buying Union Made American products. Unfortunately, by starting a trade war, American workers will see less demand for American exports which are subject to tariffs.
-------------------------------- no trade war has been started , possible trade war is speculation but may happen I suppose but I am not impressed Eloy ?? My attitude if Feck those fureigners , all of them !! Anyway , a possible trade war is something that the USA would PROBABLY win according to financial guy / expert Charles Paine [sp] Eloy .
Nobody wins in a trade war.

But outsiders are going to win any war if you have no defenses. What, you think China is not engaged in a trade war?
Just some info on TARIFFS Anton . --- Tariffs in United States history - Wikipedia --- I think that TARIFFS were used to collect all Federal Government monies before the 1913 income tax . Maybe the TRUMP is going back to the ways of raising monies the way that the Founders of the USA intended Anton . Personally I think the Tariff idea is good and would steer people to goods made in the USA rather than goods made in 'china' and 'mexico ' Anton .
It would be good if Americans showed some patriotism and insisted on buying Union Made American products. Unfortunately, by starting a trade war, American workers will see less demand for American exports which are subject to tariffs.
-------------------------------- no trade war has been started , possible trade war is speculation but may happen I suppose but I am not impressed Eloy ?? My attitude if Feck those fureigners , all of them !! Anyway , a possible trade war is something that the USA would PROBABLY win according to financial guy / expert Charles Paine [sp] Eloy .
Nobody wins in a trade war.
--------------------------------------------------- maybe we will find out Eloy !!
I am not concerned about this SPECULATION of a trade war . I suspect that what Trump is doing is scaring the enemy foreigners that wants what the USA has Eloy !!
Believe it or not; the rest of the world is not afraid of the USA.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and if that's true , well then its time to scare you fureigners Eloy !!
Trump: 35 Percent Tariff for Companies That Ship Jobs Overseas


It's about time. NAFTA was a mistake that has cost our country dearly. We need to reverse the mistakes of the free traders of the GOP, and sadly, some Democrats too. They've done so much damage. Scrapping TPP is a great start, but going after existing, job-killing trade "deals" is the next step. Sadly, my preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, had to be dragged kicking and screaming to finally denounce these dubious deals. I'm glad that Trump is speaking out against these "deals". They are rip offs. I didn't vote for him, but I support him on this big time.

Too bad he started off with the stupid Carrier deal. Even the vapid brained Sarah Pallin criticized it. Instead of telling Carrier that they will be heavily taxed for all their imports because NAFTA ain't gonna be law when they complete their Mexican factory, he cuts their taxes by millions of dollars in exchange for just half of the jobs staying in the US. Low Energy! Sad!

Hooray for higher taxes!

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