Trump: 35% tariff on goods from companies that ship jobs overseas. Bravo!

Nobody wins in a trade war.

But outsiders are going to win any war if you have no defenses. What, you think China is not engaged in a trade war?
China is continually extending its influence around the Far East and Africa. The Chinese would like to see the Americans erect a tariff barrier so that it can get into markets instead of the Americans.

Because obama ran away the past 8 years...

Just a question how are you going to defend yourself from Russi if they decided to invade?

I do not anticipate Russia invading any European Union country anytime soon.
If Trump weakens the NATO as he threatened to do, it is conceivable that Russia will take the Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.

I hope he takes your country..not a damn thing you can do about it unless you cry for our help.

Russia is the biggest military power on the continent of Europe.
Some fun facts about the history of tariffs as it relates to righty politics:

The GOP under Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush abandoned the protectionist ideology, and came out against quotas and in favor of the GATT/WTO policy of minimal economic barriers to global trade. Free trade with Canada came about as a result of the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement of 1987, which led in 1994 to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). It was based on Reagan's plan to enlarge the scope of the market for American firms to include Canada and Mexico. President Bill Clinton, with strong Republican support in 1993, pushed NAFTA through Congress over the vehement objection of labor unions.

Tariffs in United States history - Wikipedia

It's funny watching conservatives reject Reagan policies while chanting "lets make America great again, like Reagan did"
In order to hold on to their base, Republicans are abandoning unpopular conservative positions which in this case happens to be free trade. It's ironic for the Right to take this position because tariffs are one of the most heavy handed inferences with the free market. In the 20th century, it was Democrats that supported such actions to protect failing US industries.

Damn right. I tried pointing out that Republicans would never let Trump tariff/tax corporations and the Republicans didn't want to have the conversation until the election was over. And Trump fans were too stupid to put 2 and 2 together. They should have voted Democrats in and Trump in to office. We've been saying tariff companies that import for years!


This is why we need Tariffs on all Imports
Trump: 35 Percent Tariff for Companies That Ship Jobs Overseas


Paul Ryan, McCarthy and other GOP leaders disagree with Trump. Very interesting how will all these pan out with Trump administration.

Trump's tariff plan hits a hurdle: Congressional Republicans

GOP Not Thrilled With Trump's Plan To Keep Jobs In The US

WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald Trump's proposal to impose high import tariffs on companies that move operations outside the United States is going to be a tough sell within his own party.

Congressional Republicans — free-market supporters who have long said that government should not pick winners and losers — made clear that they disagreed with Trump’s proposal, even if they agreed with the sentiment of keeping jobs in the country. Instead, they advocated for tax reform, specifically lowering the corporate tax rate and the tax on repatriation, as an incentive to stay.

“You can't just establish tariffs at will,” said Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. “There has to be a reason."

Hatch said Republicans might support tariffs in some “isolated cases,” but not as a blanket policy. “He just sent that warning shot and it's got some businesses thinking twice before they leave,” he said of Trump’s tweet. “But give us a chance to change the tax laws, so there's much more economic incentive to stay here. We know how to do that.”
Typically, a new administration has about a 60 day honeymoon with congress and the media. In Trump's case, it's likely to be half of that. Congress, the media, our allies, and the public want see the new president's actions, not his rhetoric.
Do not underestimate the power of words.
We can not have "Supply Side Economics" and "Free Trade" in place at the same time and not have Revenue and High Unemployment Problems.

Tariffs were originally set up to help protect American industries by Alexander Hamilton, the first U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln, then leader of the new Republican Party, similarly implemented a 44 percent tariff to protect American industries and generate funds for the war and the construction of railroads. After World War II and during the Cold war, the U.S. government began lowering trade barriers and instituting what is known as Free Trade.

Our flawed Free Trade Policies like the NAFTA,CAFTA,_____________fill in the blank are undemocratic and secretive trade regimes like the World Trade Organization make us a non-Sovereign Country.

Shackled with these disadvantages, America is no longer able to compete economically on the world stage. Our nation is gradually allowing Japan, nations in the European Union and emerging economies in China, India and Brazil to overtake the U.S. as the world's lone economic superpower. Eventually, if all remains the same, NAFTA,CAFTA and the WTO will be responsible for America's complete and total economic downfall. The nation is already well on its way, and without wholesale changes to our flawed economic policy, we will certainly find ourselves being the richest Third World Country.

It is beyond me that all Progressive talk show hosts are not telling their listeners that legislation passed and signed by our Presidents lets the Corporations outsource their jobs to Countries with cheap labor because Tariffs (taxes) on all Imports have been removed by our legislators in Washington,DC.

People have to start asking themselves why didn't the Corporations outsource their jobs to Countries with cheap labor from the 1940's though the 1970's and even before this time frame ------------ because we had 40% Tariffs on all Imports making the cost of any goods coming into our Country from cheap labor Countries equal to the price of goods made in the USA.

We need to demand that our Legislators in Washington,DC who we sent their to represent "We the People" implement high Tariffs on all Imports that would create a Demand in the USA putting our Hard Working Americans back to work paying their fair taxes (revenue) and once again being able to stimulate our economy by purchasing durable goods labeled Made in the USA.

Romney and his Bain Capital buddies are right now outsourcing Hard Working American jobs to China paying only .99/hour in labor because they know they can ship those goods back to the USA without paying any tariffs (taxes) at our border because of our flawed Free Trade Policies (passed by our legislators in Washington,DC who know the reason for our revenue and high unemployment problems) thus making their profits zoom while the Hard Working Americans are being hung to dry.

Wake up Washington --------------- we want our jobs BACK NOW ................
Or he will give them massive tax breaks if they only send half their jobs overseas. Which is what the Republicans were doing in the first place.

Trump can't just will tariffs. Show me Paul Ryan say he will tariff. Democrats will go along with that.
He didn't tariff carrier, did he? No.

Is Paul Ryan on board with tariffs? No. Why don't you know this?
Trump threatened to place tariffs and Republican Paul Ryan will do as he is told
Nope. Trump's threat to put tariffs on Chinese imports is just part of his posturing prior to asking for negotiations. It's not going to happen. If Trump actually pursued it, Ryan would block it because it would push the country into an economic slowdown at best or a full blown recession at worst and that would likely mean losing the House in the midterm.
Ryan has a congressional record of doing nothing. Trump will be giving the orders and if Ryan changes character and attempts to disagree with Trump, he will be blown away. They are both Republicans, you know and Trump expect no opposition from his own party.
The president can not introduce a single bill in congress, nor does he have any direct control on the fate of a bill. He can lobby congress and use the bully pulpit to support or oppose legislation. Normally, the president will work with the leadership of his party in both Houses to get mutually agreeable legislation passed.
TRUMPS my guy , love him on all things and Carrier was first . As far as tariffs go , heck yeah . I'm sick of seeing chinese and Mexican junk selling in Walmart and making china wealthy.

You're still going to see the shelves stocked with stuff from China and Mexico, but it's going to cost you 60% more, you stupid putz.
No. Not unless those are American manufacturers who moved operations out of the country.
TRUMPS my guy , love him on all things and Carrier was first . As far as tariffs go , heck yeah . I'm sick of seeing chinese and Mexican junk selling in Walmart and making china wealthy.

You're still going to see the shelves stocked with stuff from China and Mexico, but it's going to cost you 60% more, you stupid putz.
No. Not unless those are American manufacturers who moved operations out of the country.
American manufacturers like Trump?

Is he going to put a 35% tariff on all the goods he makes overseas?
and before income tax all the money that the USA raised was through charging TARIFFS Anton !!

Must've been a great idea, hmm I wonder why we stopped doing that...oh yea because at some point we started manufacturing stuff and selling it overseas.

Here is what 35% tariffs will do:

1. Will usher in a new tariff war era and disrupt businesses and markets - BIGLY.
2. long term will force corporations to setup factories or at least round-about made-in labeling scheme in EACH country.
3. This is counter to efficiency gained in economies of scale and will make products more expensive for everyone.

If you are going to turn huge chunk of economy on it's ear you damn better have a good reason to.

Employment is nearly full at 4.6% unemployment, we have near record job openings and compensation jumped up 5% in 2015-2016 and we have a shrinking prime age work group so what are we doing this for exactly?

Instead of going down dangerous tariff war path we should be concentrated on better matching our workforce to jobs we already have open.
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and before income tax all the money that the USA raised was through charging TARIFFS Anton !!

Must've been a great idea, hmm I wonder why we stopped doing that...oh yea because at some point we started manufacturing stuff and selling it overseas.

Here is what 35% tariffs will do:

1. Will usher in a new tariff war era and disrupt businesses and markets - BIGLY.
2. long term will force corporations to setup factories or at least round-about made-in labeling scheme in EACH country.
3. This is counter to efficiency gained in economies of scale and will make products more expensive for everyone.

If you are going to turn huge chunk of economy on it's ear you damn better have a good reason to.

Employment is nearly full at 4.6% unemployment, we have near record job openings and compensation jumped up 5% in 2015-2016 and we have a shrinking prime age work group so what are doing this for exactly?

Instead of going down dangerous tariff war path we should be concentrated on better matching our workforce to jobs we already have open.
Tariffs were no longer effective when our workers began making liveable wages.
He didn't tariff carrier, did he? No.

Is Paul Ryan on board with tariffs? No. Why don't you know this?
Trump threatened to place tariffs and Republican Paul Ryan will do as he is told
Nope. Trump's threat to put tariffs on Chinese imports is just part of his posturing prior to asking for negotiations. It's not going to happen. If Trump actually pursued it, Ryan would block it because it would push the country into an economic slowdown at best or a full blown recession at worst and that would likely mean losing the House in the midterm.
Ryan has a congressional record of doing nothing. Trump will be giving the orders and if Ryan changes character and attempts to disagree with Trump, he will be blown away. They are both Republicans, you know and Trump expect no opposition from his own party.
The president can not introduce a single bill in congress, nor does he have any direct control on the fate of a bill. He can lobby congress and use the bully pulpit to support or oppose legislation. Normally, the president will work with the leadership of his party in both Houses to get mutually agreeable legislation passed.
Trump needs no lessons on how to be a bully.
He didn't tariff carrier, did he? No.

Is Paul Ryan on board with tariffs? No. Why don't you know this?
Trump threatened to place tariffs and Republican Paul Ryan will do as he is told
Nope. Trump's threat to put tariffs on Chinese imports is just part of his posturing prior to asking for negotiations. It's not going to happen. If Trump actually pursued it, Ryan would block it because it would push the country into an economic slowdown at best or a full blown recession at worst and that would likely mean losing the House in the midterm.
Ryan has a congressional record of doing nothing. Trump will be giving the orders and if Ryan changes character and attempts to disagree with Trump, he will be blown away. They are both Republicans, you know and Trump expect no opposition from his own party.
The president can not introduce a single bill in congress, nor does he have any direct control on the fate of a bill. He can lobby congress and use the bully pulpit to support or oppose legislation. Normally, the president will work with the leadership of his party in both Houses to get mutually agreeable legislation passed.

Hopefully the Democrats get back on board with tariff'ing companies that move overseas, Trump will also be for it and it will make the GOP look bad just before the 2018 midterms. Democrats need to hold Republicans feet to the fire whenever they go against things that Trump wants to do that will help blue collar/uneducated workers.

We all know the GOP and Trump aren't going to do anything different for the uneducated blue collar. They're going to tell them the same thing that was true before and during Obama's administration. If they want more money they're going to have to be highly skilled. Gone are the days where a line worker makes $20 hr and great union benefits and pensions.

I'm getting the feeling manufacturing is going to go down south where non union workers will be happy to make $20 hr no benefits and no job security. I'm ok with that. Just keep it in America. If manufacturing has to go to poor red states that's fine with me.
TRUMPS my guy , love him on all things and Carrier was first . As far as tariffs go , heck yeah . I'm sick of seeing chinese and Mexican junk selling in Walmart and making china wealthy.

You're still going to see the shelves stocked with stuff from China and Mexico, but it's going to cost you 60% more, you stupid putz.

You write that like it would be some kind of problem; as if it would make America worse instead of better. or Great.

You honestly don't see a problem with that?
If Trump wants to make America great again, root for him. It is we who stand to gain from his success. Stop hoping he fails. It's like cutting off your nose to spite you face....

Walmart was founded as the "Made in America" store. Let's make stuff again. Good stuff that doesn't break 2 weeks later....

That's rich coming from you. :laugh:
So an import tariff? Great, have fun with less jobs.

Go state socialism!

Can you explain how protecting American jobs is going to destroy jobs?

Who does that tariff get passed on to?

The CEO and Shareholders.

You see, if ABC company tries to charge too much we won't buy it. And the truth is, a lot of the savings that companies get from doing business in China aren't always passed on to the consumers. Sometimes the executives take all those savings and give themselves bonus'.

And who benefits? A company that's manufacturing inside the USA.

Fact is, this is what Trump won on. He won by talking tariffs. If you don't think the voters will punish the GOP for not delivering, well, you are probably right. The American people are really dumb and have really short memories. They'll forget. If the GOP aren't telling them every day how bad the economy is and how the debt is a problem, they'll forget.

In fact I can't wait for the GOP to pay off the debt in the next 8 years. Or will they just forget about the debt and double it just like every other administration does. My guess is they will.
So an import tariff? Great, have fun with less jobs.

Go state socialism!

Can you explain how protecting American jobs is going to destroy jobs?

Who does that tariff get passed on to?

The CEO and Shareholders.

You see, if ABC company tries to charge too much we won't buy it. And the truth is, a lot of the savings that companies get from doing business in China aren't always passed on to the consumers. Sometimes the executives take all those savings and give themselves bonus'.

And who benefits? A company that's manufacturing inside the USA.

Fact is, this is what Trump won on. He won by talking tariffs. If you don't think the voters will punish the GOP for not delivering, well, you are probably right. The American people are really dumb and have really short memories. They'll forget. If the GOP aren't telling them every day how bad the economy is and how the debt is a problem, they'll forget.

In fact I can't wait for the GOP to pay off the debt in the next 8 years. Or will they just forget about the debt and double it just like every other administration does. My guess is they will.

The consumer always pays.

The hard truth is American labor will never be competitive with the developing world.
Unless you want to abolish MW and pay $1/hr.Tariffs will only drive up prices.

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