Trump: 35% tariff on goods from companies that ship jobs overseas. Bravo!

So an import tariff? Great, have fun with less jobs.

Go state socialism!

Can you explain how protecting American jobs is going to destroy jobs?

Who does that tariff get passed on to?

The CEO and Shareholders.

You see, if ABC company tries to charge too much we won't buy it. And the truth is, a lot of the savings that companies get from doing business in China aren't always passed on to the consumers. Sometimes the executives take all those savings and give themselves bonus'.

And who benefits? A company that's manufacturing inside the USA.

Fact is, this is what Trump won on. He won by talking tariffs. If you don't think the voters will punish the GOP for not delivering, well, you are probably right. The American people are really dumb and have really short memories. They'll forget. If the GOP aren't telling them every day how bad the economy is and how the debt is a problem, they'll forget.

In fact I can't wait for the GOP to pay off the debt in the next 8 years. Or will they just forget about the debt and double it just like every other administration does. My guess is they will.

The consumer always pays.

The hard truth is American labor will never be competitive with the developing world.
Unless you want to abolish MW and pay $1/hr, tariffs will only drive up prices.

I don't mind paying more for goods if it means our economy works. Do you? Pay an extra $500 for a washing machine? Who cares? Pay an extra $1 for a bag of apples? BFD. Pay $3 a gallon instead of $2? Won't break me. Because our economy will be booming with high paying jobs and opportunity.
Trump: 35 Percent Tariff for Companies That Ship Jobs Overseas


It's about time. NAFTA was a mistake that has cost our country dearly. We need to reverse the mistakes of the free traders of the GOP, and sadly, some Democrats too. They've done so much damage. Scrapping TPP is a great start, but going after existing, job-killing trade "deals" is the next step. Sadly, my preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, had to be dragged kicking and screaming to finally denounce these dubious deals. I'm glad that Trump is speaking out against these "deals". They are rip offs. I didn't vote for him, but I support him on this big time.

Too bad he started off with the stupid Carrier deal. Even the vapid brained Sarah Pallin criticized it. Instead of telling Carrier that they will be heavily taxed for all their imports because NAFTA ain't gonna be law when they complete their Mexican factory, he cuts their taxes by millions of dollars in exchange for just half of the jobs staying in the US. Low Energy! Sad!
The trouble with Trump and your support of his will not work......You should all NOTE THAT UNDER (and Yes he is still President)President Obama in the past 6 Years has CREATED OVER 15 MILLION NEW JOBS.....I REPEAT 15 MILLION .....So much for the Trump Rhetoric,never has a new PresIdent for office, been in such a good position......I will hope this continues under Trump....I Doubt it as History is against him.....The Startling Statisitic is that since and including the Presidency of JFK,under every Democratic Presidency a huge amount of Jobs have been created...YET under every Republican since JFK,UNEMPLOYMENT HAS RISEN DRAMATICALLY.....You work that out.......Despite all the "DONS" is individuals like him(Big Business) that have taken American Workers Jobs overseas to make more profit and higher margins whilst paying their employees SHIT-WAGES.

Yet Trump uses Chinese,Korean and Japanese Steel,Ilegal Workers(under paid) etc.,on his projects.......I wish you the best but I note already the Top End of Town are the first group of Americans to be privileged.....Does a man like the Don really understand the plight of the workers now unemployed....NO....because like all his ilk,he and they created the problem in the first place,DIDN'T THEY........Course they did......Don speaks in platitudes...Beware of the Snake Oil SALESMAN.....You may end up sicker than you are now....STEVEN

And still with 75 open law suits
If Trump wants to make America great again, root for him. It is we who stand to gain from his success. Stop hoping he fails. It's like cutting off your nose to spite you face....

Walmart was founded as the "Made in America" store. Let's make stuff again. Good stuff that doesn't break 2 weeks later....

That's rich coming from you. :laugh:

What the hell does that mean??
If Trump wants to make America great again, root for him. It is we who stand to gain from his success. Stop hoping he fails. It's like cutting off your nose to spite you face....

Walmart was founded as the "Made in America" store. Let's make stuff again. Good stuff that doesn't break 2 weeks later....

That's rich coming from you. :laugh:

What the hell does that mean??
One of the biggest Obama haters wants now for us all to hold hands and work together for Trump. :laugh:
Obama wanted to make the UN and their Muslim agenda great. I believe that he hated this country and everything it stood for.
I am an American. If there is someone in politics that has this country's best interest at heart for a refreshing change, then I am all for it.
If Trump wants to make America great again, root for him. It is we who stand to gain from his success. Stop hoping he fails. It's like cutting off your nose to spite you face....

Walmart was founded as the "Made in America" store. Let's make stuff again. Good stuff that doesn't break 2 weeks later....

That's rich coming from you. :laugh:

What the hell does that mean??
One of the biggest Obama haters wants now for us all to hold hands and work together for Trump. :laugh:
America was created on our reluctance to kiss the ring We will NEVER lower ourselves like republicans have to kissing the ring of an idiot
Obama wanted to make the UN and their Muslim agenda great. I believe that he hated this country and everything it stood for.
I am an American. If there is someone in politics that has this country's best interest at heart for a refreshing change, then I am all for it.

It's cool that you have such intimate knowledge of the hearts. Incredible even. :rolleyes:
Obama wanted to make the UN and their Muslim agenda great. I believe that he hated this country and everything it stood for.
I am an American. If there is someone in politics that has this country's best interest at heart for a refreshing change, then I am all for it.
You believed Obama hated this country?? Then you are the lowest of low lifes a moron a traitor a repub But I repeat myself
Lots of small USA manufacturers are soaring in the stock markets
The gop tax plan is biz friendly. Obama was more than open to lowering the corp tax rate, but McConnell wanted the dems to have nothing positive to show. Plus, wages are rising a bit, so there may be more demand from both a tax cut and wage boost.

And to an extent, McConnell's strategy worked. Had the dems ran a less toxic candidate, maybe not.
Or he will give them massive tax breaks if they only send half their jobs overseas. Which is what the Republicans were doing in the first place.

Trump can't just will tariffs. Show me Paul Ryan say he will tariff. Democrats will go along with that.
He didn't tariff carrier, did he? No.

Is Paul Ryan on board with tariffs? No. Why don't you know this?
Trump threatened to place tariffs and Republican Paul Ryan will do as he is told
Nope. Trump's threat to put tariffs on Chinese imports is just part of his posturing prior to asking for negotiations. It's not going to happen. If Trump actually pursued it, Ryan would block it because it would push the country into an economic slowdown at best or a full blown recession at worst and that would likely mean losing the House in the midterm.

Well what about tariff any companies that haven't already left if they leave? Why can't we do that? And give them special tax breaks for manufacturing inside America. Don't punish the importers but reward the ones who manufacture here.

I've always said don't punish people who don't vote but we should give $100 tax break on your taxes every 2 years if you vote.
There's a good chance it's illegal to create a tariff on a class of products that only applies to specific US companies who have not violated any law or regulation.

Many companies that move operations abroad do so, not because they a are greedy capitalist seeking to add a couple of cents to annual earnings but rather the profit margins are so low, the company has no choice. If these tariffs make it to law, such a company will discontinue the product or manufactured it abroad for sale in foreign markets. Then all it's US employees associated with the product loose their job, not just manufacturing.

It should be clear to most people what Trump is doing. He threatens companies with huge tariffs if they move their operations abroad. Now, whether those tariffs every actually make it into law, there will be companies that at least think twice before moving jobs overseas. Likewise those considering entering the country illegally will think twice about adopting the US as their home with the president promising to deport them and generally make their life a living hell.

There is real danger if Trump can't follow through on his promises as president. If his 2,000 mile wall becomes a hundred mile wall with some fences, his mass deportation becomes nothing more than collecting illegal immigrants when they leave prison, and bringing jobs back to the US is just a 5% or 10% corporate tax cut, then he will become an irrelevant windbag who can't be trusted in the eyes of the world.
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Lots of small USA manufacturers are soaring in the stock markets
The gop tax plan is biz friendly. Obama was more than open to lowering the corp tax rate, but McConnell wanted the dems to have nothing positive to show. Plus, wages are rising a bit, so there may be more demand from both a tax cut and wage boost.

And to an extent, McConnell's strategy worked. Had the dems ran a less toxic candidate, maybe not.
Which only lends fuel to my supreme dislike for the Repub party and some of the idiots here,, McConnell and the other repub leader are adding to not the draining of the swamp
Lots of small USA manufacturers are soaring in the stock markets
The gop tax plan is biz friendly. Obama was more than open to lowering the corp tax rate, but McConnell wanted the dems to have nothing positive to show. Plus, wages are rising a bit, so there may be more demand from both a tax cut and wage boost.

And to an extent, McConnell's strategy worked. Had the dems ran a less toxic candidate, maybe not.
Which only lends fuel to my supreme dislike for the Repub party and some of the idiots here,, McConnell and the other repub leader are adding to not the draining of the swamp
Donald Trump is very swamp friendly. He sold people a Brooklyn bridge on tariffs and "bringing jobs back." However, we have an improving economy (assuming we can avoid inflation), and an improving tax and regulatory govt relationship. We may well see rising wages and NEW JOBS CREATED.

I think the maftring in rural Ohio and PA still pretty screwed ... and now they'll even lose their medicare. Chumps.
Just some info on TARIFFS Anton . --- Tariffs in United States history - Wikipedia --- I think that TARIFFS were used to collect all Federal Government monies before the 1913 income tax . Maybe the TRUMP is going back to the ways of raising monies the way that the Founders of the USA intended Anton . Personally I think the Tariff idea is good and would steer people to goods made in the USA rather than goods made in 'china' and 'mexico ' Anton .
It would be good if Americans showed some patriotism and insisted on buying Union Made American products. Unfortunately, by starting a trade war, American workers will see less demand for American exports which are subject to tariffs.
I would love to buy American-made products. Unfortunately, they often just aren't available, at any price!
Just some info on TARIFFS Anton . --- Tariffs in United States history - Wikipedia --- I think that TARIFFS were used to collect all Federal Government monies before the 1913 income tax . Maybe the TRUMP is going back to the ways of raising monies the way that the Founders of the USA intended Anton . Personally I think the Tariff idea is good and would steer people to goods made in the USA rather than goods made in 'china' and 'mexico ' Anton .
It would be good if Americans showed some patriotism and insisted on buying Union Made American products. Unfortunately, by starting a trade war, American workers will see less demand for American exports which are subject to tariffs.
I would love to buy American-made products. Unfortunately, they often just aren't available, at any price!
Beef, it's what's for dinner. (-:

and before income tax all the money that the USA raised was through charging TARIFFS Anton !!

Must've been a great idea, hmm I wonder why we stopped doing that...oh yea because at some point we started manufacturing stuff and selling it overseas.

Here is what 35% tariffs will do:

1. Will usher in a new tariff war era and disrupt businesses and markets - BIGLY.
2. long term will force corporations to setup factories or at least round-about made-in labeling scheme in EACH country.
3. This is counter to efficiency gained in economies of scale and will make products more expensive for everyone.

If you are going to turn huge chunk of economy on it's ear you damn better have a good reason to.

Employment is nearly full at 4.6% unemployment, we have near record job openings and compensation jumped up 5% in 2015-2016 and we have a shrinking prime age work group so what are doing this for exactly?

Instead of going down dangerous tariff war path we should be concentrated on better matching our workforce to jobs we already have open.
Tariffs were no longer effective when our workers began making liveable wages.
If Trump wants to make America great again, root for him. It is we who stand to gain from his success. Stop hoping he fails. It's like cutting off your nose to spite you face....

Walmart was founded as the "Made in America" store. Let's make stuff again. Good stuff that doesn't break 2 weeks later....

That's rich coming from you. :laugh:

What the hell does that mean??
One of the biggest Obama haters wants now for us all to hold hands and work together for Trump. :laugh:
------------------------------------------------------- naw , don't root for the TRUMP , his success will be all the sweeter with TRUMP haters hating him Hutch . By the way and in closing , mrobama Sucks big time Hutch !!
and all these financial wizards on the board , no wonder that USMB is so highly rated . i like highly rated message boards fulla 'expurts' Ladies and Gents !! :afro:

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