Trump: 35% tariff on goods from companies that ship jobs overseas. Bravo!

TRADE WARS , when was the last Trade War in the USA . Only thing i remember was Harley Davidson taking the 'japs' to court over some clone motorcycles but i forget the details . And that was only a battle in 81 or thereabouts and i think that the 'japs' lost that battle . So when was the last trade war ??
So an import tariff? Great, have fun with less jobs.

Go state socialism!

Can you explain how protecting American jobs is going to destroy jobs?

Who does that tariff get passed on to?

The CEO and Shareholders.

You see, if ABC company tries to charge too much we won't buy it. And the truth is, a lot of the savings that companies get from doing business in China aren't always passed on to the consumers. Sometimes the executives take all those savings and give themselves bonus'.

And who benefits? A company that's manufacturing inside the USA.

Fact is, this is what Trump won on. He won by talking tariffs. If you don't think the voters will punish the GOP for not delivering, well, you are probably right. The American people are really dumb and have really short memories. They'll forget. If the GOP aren't telling them every day how bad the economy is and how the debt is a problem, they'll forget.

In fact I can't wait for the GOP to pay off the debt in the next 8 years. Or will they just forget about the debt and double it just like every other administration does. My guess is they will.

The consumer always pays.

The hard truth is American labor will never be competitive with the developing world.
Unless you want to abolish MW and pay $1/hr, tariffs will only drive up prices.

I don't mind paying more for goods if it means our economy works. Do you? Pay an extra $500 for a washing machine? Who cares? Pay an extra $1 for a bag of apples? BFD. Pay $3 a gallon instead of $2? Won't break me. Because our economy will be booming with high paying jobs and opportunity.

Sure you do. When your family get bigger and your condo get smaller, you have spent more for other necessities. Where do you think your savings will go?
High paying jobs doesn't mean your income will jump from $80k/year to $120k/year.
If you buy $600 for brand new washing machine today then suddenly it cost (from your $500) $1,100. That is just one item...... how about cars, refrigerator, groceries, services, medical insurance, housing etc etc etc etc....... Americans are complaining, suffering and hurting with high prices now......... What do you think will happen then?

Oh I'm not worried about my situations...... my parents never collected SSS benefits. My wife and I and the rest of my clan will not collect SSS benefits either. But I'm worried about my fellow Americans.
He didn't tariff carrier, did he? No.

Is Paul Ryan on board with tariffs? No. Why don't you know this?
Trump threatened to place tariffs and Republican Paul Ryan will do as he is told
Nope. Trump's threat to put tariffs on Chinese imports is just part of his posturing prior to asking for negotiations. It's not going to happen. If Trump actually pursued it, Ryan would block it because it would push the country into an economic slowdown at best or a full blown recession at worst and that would likely mean losing the House in the midterm.
Ryan has a congressional record of doing nothing. Trump will be giving the orders and if Ryan changes character and attempts to disagree with Trump, he will be blown away. They are both Republicans, you know and Trump expect no opposition from his own party.
The president can not introduce a single bill in congress, nor does he have any direct control on the fate of a bill. He can lobby congress and use the bully pulpit to support or oppose legislation. Normally, the president will work with the leadership of his party in both Houses to get mutually agreeable legislation passed.

I'm getting the feeling manufacturing is going to go down south where non union workers will be happy to make $20 hr no benefits and no job security. I'm ok with that. Just keep it in America. If manufacturing has to go to poor red states that's fine with me.
You're analysis might be right but you should not be OK with jobs going to poor red states without union protections.
Trump threatened to place tariffs and Republican Paul Ryan will do as he is told
Nope. Trump's threat to put tariffs on Chinese imports is just part of his posturing prior to asking for negotiations. It's not going to happen. If Trump actually pursued it, Ryan would block it because it would push the country into an economic slowdown at best or a full blown recession at worst and that would likely mean losing the House in the midterm.
Ryan has a congressional record of doing nothing. Trump will be giving the orders and if Ryan changes character and attempts to disagree with Trump, he will be blown away. They are both Republicans, you know and Trump expect no opposition from his own party.
The president can not introduce a single bill in congress, nor does he have any direct control on the fate of a bill. He can lobby congress and use the bully pulpit to support or oppose legislation. Normally, the president will work with the leadership of his party in both Houses to get mutually agreeable legislation passed.

I'm getting the feeling manufacturing is going to go down south where non union workers will be happy to make $20 hr no benefits and no job security. I'm ok with that. Just keep it in America. If manufacturing has to go to poor red states that's fine with me.
You're analysis might be right but you should not be OK with jobs going to poor red states without union protections.
---------------------------------------------------------- UNIONS , thats OFF TOPIC and just an attempt to change subjects Eloy !!
and all these financial wizards on the board , no wonder that USMB is so highly rated . i like highly rated message boards fulla 'expurts' Ladies and Gents !! :afro:
And whatever you think of obama he's 5 times better than the last nitwit gwb you pubs gave us Never thought you could beat that moron I was wrong
He didn't tariff carrier, did he? No.

Is Paul Ryan on board with tariffs? No. Why don't you know this?
Trump threatened to place tariffs and Republican Paul Ryan will do as he is told
Nope. Trump's threat to put tariffs on Chinese imports is just part of his posturing prior to asking for negotiations. It's not going to happen. If Trump actually pursued it, Ryan would block it because it would push the country into an economic slowdown at best or a full blown recession at worst and that would likely mean losing the House in the midterm.

Well what about tariff any companies that haven't already left if they leave? Why can't we do that? And give them special tax breaks for manufacturing inside America. Don't punish the importers but reward the ones who manufacture here.

I've always said don't punish people who don't vote but we should give $100 tax break on your taxes every 2 years if you vote.
There's a good chance it's illegal to create a tariff on a class of products that only applies to specific US companies who have not violated any law or regulation.

Many companies that move operations abroad do so, not because they a are greedy capitalist seeking to add a couple of cents to annual earnings but rather the profit margins are so low, the company has no choice. If these tariffs make it to law, such a company will discontinue the product or manufactured it abroad for sale in foreign markets. Then all it's US employees associated with the product loose their job, not just manufacturing.

It should be clear to most people what Trump is doing. He threatens companies with huge tariffs if they move their operations abroad. Now, whether those tariffs every actually make it into law, there will be companies that at least think twice before moving jobs overseas. Likewise those considering entering the country illegally will think twice about adopting the US as their home with the president promising to deport them and generally make their life a living hell.

There is real danger if Trump can't follow through on his promises as president. If his 2,000 mile wall becomes a hundred mile wall with some fences, his mass deportation becomes nothing more than collecting illegal immigrants when they leave prison, and bringing jobs back to the US is just a 5% or 10% corporate tax cut, then he will become an irrelevant windbag who can't be trusted in the eyes of the world.
In the eyes of the world, Donald Trump is a confidence trickster, a braggart and a racist. No one knows what to expect from him except chaos.
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Nope. Trump's threat to put tariffs on Chinese imports is just part of his posturing prior to asking for negotiations. It's not going to happen. If Trump actually pursued it, Ryan would block it because it would push the country into an economic slowdown at best or a full blown recession at worst and that would likely mean losing the House in the midterm.
Ryan has a congressional record of doing nothing. Trump will be giving the orders and if Ryan changes character and attempts to disagree with Trump, he will be blown away. They are both Republicans, you know and Trump expect no opposition from his own party.
The president can not introduce a single bill in congress, nor does he have any direct control on the fate of a bill. He can lobby congress and use the bully pulpit to support or oppose legislation. Normally, the president will work with the leadership of his party in both Houses to get mutually agreeable legislation passed.

I'm getting the feeling manufacturing is going to go down south where non union workers will be happy to make $20 hr no benefits and no job security. I'm ok with that. Just keep it in America. If manufacturing has to go to poor red states that's fine with me.
You're analysis might be right but you should not be OK with jobs going to poor red states without union protections.
---------------------------------------------------------- UNIONS , thats OFF TOPIC and just an attempt to change subjects Eloy !!
Unions and their role in maintaining proper wages and working conditions are necessary for understanding the race to the working poor in the United States and the rest of the world.
Just some info on TARIFFS Anton . --- Tariffs in United States history - Wikipedia --- I think that TARIFFS were used to collect all Federal Government monies before the 1913 income tax . Maybe the TRUMP is going back to the ways of raising monies the way that the Founders of the USA intended Anton . Personally I think the Tariff idea is good and would steer people to goods made in the USA rather than goods made in 'china' and 'mexico ' Anton .
It would be good if Americans showed some patriotism and insisted on buying Union Made American products. Unfortunately, by starting a trade war, American workers will see less demand for American exports which are subject to tariffs.
I would love to buy American-made products. Unfortunately, they often just aren't available, at any price!
Sadly, you are right.
Can you explain how protecting American jobs is going to destroy jobs?

Who does that tariff get passed on to?

The CEO and Shareholders.

You see, if ABC company tries to charge too much we won't buy it. And the truth is, a lot of the savings that companies get from doing business in China aren't always passed on to the consumers. Sometimes the executives take all those savings and give themselves bonus'.

And who benefits? A company that's manufacturing inside the USA.

Fact is, this is what Trump won on. He won by talking tariffs. If you don't think the voters will punish the GOP for not delivering, well, you are probably right. The American people are really dumb and have really short memories. They'll forget. If the GOP aren't telling them every day how bad the economy is and how the debt is a problem, they'll forget.

In fact I can't wait for the GOP to pay off the debt in the next 8 years. Or will they just forget about the debt and double it just like every other administration does. My guess is they will.

The consumer always pays.

The hard truth is American labor will never be competitive with the developing world.
Unless you want to abolish MW and pay $1/hr, tariffs will only drive up prices.

I don't mind paying more for goods if it means our economy works. Do you? Pay an extra $500 for a washing machine? Who cares? Pay an extra $1 for a bag of apples? BFD. Pay $3 a gallon instead of $2? Won't break me. Because our economy will be booming with high paying jobs and opportunity.

Sure you do. When your family get bigger and your condo get smaller, you have spent more for other necessities. Where do you think your savings will go?
High paying jobs doesn't mean your income will jump from $80k/year to $120k/year.
If you buy $600 for brand new washing machine today then suddenly it cost (from your $500) $1,100. That is just one item...... how about cars, refrigerator, groceries, services, medical insurance, housing etc etc etc etc....... Americans are complaining, suffering and hurting with high prices now......... What do you think will happen then?

Oh I'm not worried about my situations...... my parents never collected SSS benefits. My wife and I and the rest of my clan will not collect SSS benefits either. But I'm worried about my fellow Americans.
If you don't live to 62 the money goes back into the pot
Who does that tariff get passed on to?

The CEO and Shareholders.

You see, if ABC company tries to charge too much we won't buy it. And the truth is, a lot of the savings that companies get from doing business in China aren't always passed on to the consumers. Sometimes the executives take all those savings and give themselves bonus'.

And who benefits? A company that's manufacturing inside the USA.

Fact is, this is what Trump won on. He won by talking tariffs. If you don't think the voters will punish the GOP for not delivering, well, you are probably right. The American people are really dumb and have really short memories. They'll forget. If the GOP aren't telling them every day how bad the economy is and how the debt is a problem, they'll forget.

In fact I can't wait for the GOP to pay off the debt in the next 8 years. Or will they just forget about the debt and double it just like every other administration does. My guess is they will.

The consumer always pays.

The hard truth is American labor will never be competitive with the developing world.
Unless you want to abolish MW and pay $1/hr, tariffs will only drive up prices.

I don't mind paying more for goods if it means our economy works. Do you? Pay an extra $500 for a washing machine? Who cares? Pay an extra $1 for a bag of apples? BFD. Pay $3 a gallon instead of $2? Won't break me. Because our economy will be booming with high paying jobs and opportunity.

Sure you do. When your family get bigger and your condo get smaller, you have spent more for other necessities. Where do you think your savings will go?
High paying jobs doesn't mean your income will jump from $80k/year to $120k/year.
If you buy $600 for brand new washing machine today then suddenly it cost (from your $500) $1,100. That is just one item...... how about cars, refrigerator, groceries, services, medical insurance, housing etc etc etc etc....... Americans are complaining, suffering and hurting with high prices now......... What do you think will happen then?

Oh I'm not worried about my situations...... my parents never collected SSS benefits. My wife and I and the rest of my clan will not collect SSS benefits either. But I'm worried about my fellow Americans.
If you don't live to 62 the money goes back into the pot
and if you all are republicans ,,take one for America
If Trump wants to make America great again, root for him. It is we who stand to gain from his success. Stop hoping he fails. It's like cutting off your nose to spite you face....

Walmart was founded as the "Made in America" store. Let's make stuff again. Good stuff that doesn't break 2 weeks later....

That's rich coming from you. :laugh:

What the hell does that mean??
One of the biggest Obama haters wants now for us all to hold hands and work together for Trump. :laugh:
------------------------------------------------------- naw , don't root for the TRUMP , his success will be all the sweeter with TRUMP haters hating him Hutch . By the way and in closing , mrobama Sucks big time Hutch !!

Well lookey here. Another Obama hater who thinks we should be patriotic and all rally around Trump

Where was this sentiment over the last eight years?
Can you explain how protecting American jobs is going to destroy jobs?

Who does that tariff get passed on to?

The CEO and Shareholders.

You see, if ABC company tries to charge too much we won't buy it. And the truth is, a lot of the savings that companies get from doing business in China aren't always passed on to the consumers. Sometimes the executives take all those savings and give themselves bonus'.

And who benefits? A company that's manufacturing inside the USA.

Fact is, this is what Trump won on. He won by talking tariffs. If you don't think the voters will punish the GOP for not delivering, well, you are probably right. The American people are really dumb and have really short memories. They'll forget. If the GOP aren't telling them every day how bad the economy is and how the debt is a problem, they'll forget.

In fact I can't wait for the GOP to pay off the debt in the next 8 years. Or will they just forget about the debt and double it just like every other administration does. My guess is they will.

The consumer always pays.

The hard truth is American labor will never be competitive with the developing world.
Unless you want to abolish MW and pay $1/hr, tariffs will only drive up prices.

I don't mind paying more for goods if it means our economy works. Do you? Pay an extra $500 for a washing machine? Who cares? Pay an extra $1 for a bag of apples? BFD. Pay $3 a gallon instead of $2? Won't break me. Because our economy will be booming with high paying jobs and opportunity.

Sure you do. When your family get bigger and your condo get smaller, you have spent more for other necessities. Where do you think your savings will go?
High paying jobs doesn't mean your income will jump from $80k/year to $120k/year.
If you buy $600 for brand new washing machine today then suddenly it cost (from your $500) $1,100. That is just one item...... how about cars, refrigerator, groceries, services, medical insurance, housing etc etc etc etc....... Americans are complaining, suffering and hurting with high prices now......... What do you think will happen then?

Oh I'm not worried about my situations...... my parents never collected SSS benefits. My wife and I and the rest of my clan will not collect SSS benefits either. But I'm worried about my fellow Americans.
I used to worry about them too but they told me in 2010, 2014 and this year they don't worry so why should we?
Trump threatened to place tariffs and Republican Paul Ryan will do as he is told
Nope. Trump's threat to put tariffs on Chinese imports is just part of his posturing prior to asking for negotiations. It's not going to happen. If Trump actually pursued it, Ryan would block it because it would push the country into an economic slowdown at best or a full blown recession at worst and that would likely mean losing the House in the midterm.
Ryan has a congressional record of doing nothing. Trump will be giving the orders and if Ryan changes character and attempts to disagree with Trump, he will be blown away. They are both Republicans, you know and Trump expect no opposition from his own party.
The president can not introduce a single bill in congress, nor does he have any direct control on the fate of a bill. He can lobby congress and use the bully pulpit to support or oppose legislation. Normally, the president will work with the leadership of his party in both Houses to get mutually agreeable legislation passed.

I'm getting the feeling manufacturing is going to go down south where non union workers will be happy to make $20 hr no benefits and no job security. I'm ok with that. Just keep it in America. If manufacturing has to go to poor red states that's fine with me.
You're analysis might be right but you should not be OK with jobs going to poor red states without union protections.
As long as they stay in America what possible objection could I have? You can't be so strict with your rules that a company can't move from Michigan to Alabama or Texas if they want to. But is location important? Sure is. My company is located in Michigan because that's where most of the machines we sell go. And do your execs want to be located in Arkansas? Have their kids and wife move to hazard county where the Hicks work cheap?

But seriously why isn't it OK for carrier to move to another state?
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Trump: 35 Percent Tariff for Companies That Ship Jobs Overseas


It's about time. NAFTA was a mistake that has cost our country dearly. We need to reverse the mistakes of the free traders of the GOP, and sadly, some Democrats too. They've done so much damage. Scrapping TPP is a great start, but going after existing, job-killing trade "deals" is the next step. Sadly, my preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, had to be dragged kicking and screaming to finally denounce these dubious deals. I'm glad that Trump is speaking out against these "deals". They are rip offs. I didn't vote for him, but I support him on this big time.

Too bad he started off with the stupid Carrier deal. Even the vapid brained Sarah Pallin criticized it. Instead of telling Carrier that they will be heavily taxed for all their imports because NAFTA ain't gonna be law when they complete their Mexican factory, he cuts their taxes by millions of dollars in exchange for just half of the jobs staying in the US. Low Energy! Sad!

That's dead on arrival in a Republican congress. They're not going to tax American companies 35% that are forced to ship manufacturing jobs overseas to survive. Furthermore, it wouldn't create a single job here, but would definitely drive up the cost of the product to American consumers by 35%. Tariffs also never create a single job, but are great at making the economy worse, and driving up the cost of the product. So that is dead on arrival. If we tariff foreign goods, the tariffed country will only return the favor by tarifing our products.

As far as NAFTA--that is the North American trade agreement with bordering countries, Mexico & Canada that's never going to go away--but it could probably be tweek'd to make it fairer for Americans.

The problem has always been that the cost to do business in this country is outrageous, which is why so many jobs have gone overseas. Employers are required to pay payroll taxes, unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, and health insurance requirements, and of course wages are higher here. Plus a lot of other bullshit regulations that make it impossible to compete with foreign countries. If they can't compete in a global economy then they're out of business.

So what Trump needs to do, is start his deal making with foreign countries. If it's fair trade they should be building plants over here to get Americans back to work. If he focuses on that, and cutting unnecessary regulations he may make some headway at getting back to a fair trade system, and our trade deficit will go down. Then the states that are suffering--that have never recovered from manufacturing loss's need to get real by making it affordable for these plants to invest, build & survive. Offer free infrastructure, water, electricity, etc. for new plants to build--lower tax rates for business's to come in and build. IOW lots of incentives. If they don't they're screwing themselves.

So hopefully that's what happens to get this country back to a fair trade system, and put Americans back to work.
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Trump: 35 Percent Tariff for Companies That Ship Jobs Overseas


It's about time. NAFTA was a mistake that has cost our country dearly. We need to reverse the mistakes of the free traders of the GOP, and sadly, some Democrats too. They've done so much damage. Scrapping TPP is a great start, but going after existing, job-killing trade "deals" is the next step. Sadly, my preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, had to be dragged kicking and screaming to finally denounce these dubious deals. I'm glad that Trump is speaking out against these "deals". They are rip offs. I didn't vote for him, but I support him on this big time.

Too bad he started off with the stupid Carrier deal. Even the vapid brained Sarah Pallin criticized it. Instead of telling Carrier that they will be heavily taxed for all their imports because NAFTA ain't gonna be law when they complete their Mexican factory, he cuts their taxes by millions of dollars in exchange for just half of the jobs staying in the US. Low Energy! Sad!

That's dead on arrival in a Republican congress. They're not going to tax American companies 35% that are forced to ship manufacturing jobs overseas to survive. Furthermore, it wouldn't create a single job here, but would definitely drive up the cost of the product to American consumers by 35%. Tariffs also never create a single job, but are great at making the economy worse, and driving up the cost of the product. So that is dead on arrival. If we tariff foreign goods, the tariffed country will only return the favor by tarifing our products.

As far as NAFTA--that is the North American trade agreement with bordering countries, Mexico & Canada that's never going to go away--but it could probably be tweek'd to make it fairer for Americans.

The problem has always been that the cost to do business in this country is outrageous, which is why so many jobs have gone overseas. Employers are required to pay payroll taxes, unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, and health insurance requirements, and of course wages are higher here. Plus a lot of other bullshit regulations that make it impossible to compete with foreign countries. If they can't compete in a global economy then they're out of business.

So what Trump needs to do, is start his deal making with foreign countries. If it's fair trade they should be building plants over here to get Americans back to work. If he focuses on that, and cutting unnecessary regulations he may make some headway at getting back to a fair trade system, and our trade deficit will go down. Then the states that are suffering--that have never recovered from manufacturing loss's need to get real by making it affordable for these plants to invest, build & survive. Offer free infrastructure, water, electricity, etc. for new plants to build--lower tax rates for business's to come in and build. IOW lots of incentives. If they don't they're screwing themselves.

So hopefully that's what happens to get this country back to a fair trade system, and put Americans back to work.
Honestly, this is why I am a Republican now. I was ideal before but now I see you are right. The manual labor jobs are leaving America. I suggest current liberals take my advice and become a Republican personally because our fantasy of a perfect country is just that. A fantasy.

We are never going to solve poverty with a population explosion happening in the poor communities. Poor people need to stop having so many children. People who have kids need to be prepared to help raise those kids and be able to help them so that when they grow up they can be an engineer or pilot or doctor. People who don't want those things should stop breeding.

Anyone who's poor getting gov cheese and didn't vote should get their benefits or entitlements taken away from them. You and I spend all this time and energy arguing for them and they don't even bother to vote? I give up
Trump: 35 Percent Tariff for Companies That Ship Jobs Overseas


It's about time. NAFTA was a mistake that has cost our country dearly. We need to reverse the mistakes of the free traders of the GOP, and sadly, some Democrats too. They've done so much damage. Scrapping TPP is a great start, but going after existing, job-killing trade "deals" is the next step. Sadly, my preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, had to be dragged kicking and screaming to finally denounce these dubious deals. I'm glad that Trump is speaking out against these "deals". They are rip offs. I didn't vote for him, but I support him on this big time.

Too bad he started off with the stupid Carrier deal. Even the vapid brained Sarah Pallin criticized it. Instead of telling Carrier that they will be heavily taxed for all their imports because NAFTA ain't gonna be law when they complete their Mexican factory, he cuts their taxes by millions of dollars in exchange for just half of the jobs staying in the US. Low Energy! Sad!

That's dead on arrival in a Republican congress. They're not going to tax American companies 35% that are forced to ship manufacturing jobs overseas to survive. Furthermore, it wouldn't create a single job here, but would definitely drive up the cost of the product to American consumers by 35%. Tariffs also never create a single job, but are great at making the economy worse, and driving up the cost of the product. So that is dead on arrival. If we tariff foreign goods, the tariffed country will only return the favor by tarifing our products.

As far as NAFTA--that is the North American trade agreement with bordering countries, Mexico & Canada that's never going to go away--but it could probably be tweek'd to make it fairer for Americans.

The problem has always been that the cost to do business in this country is outrageous, which is why so many jobs have gone overseas. Employers are required to pay payroll taxes, unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, and health insurance requirements, and of course wages are higher here. Plus a lot of other bullshit regulations that make it impossible to compete with foreign countries. If they can't compete in a global economy then they're out of business.

So what Trump needs to do, is start his deal making with foreign countries. If it's fair trade they should be building plants over here to get Americans back to work. If he focuses on that, and cutting unnecessary regulations he may make some headway at getting back to a fair trade system, and our trade deficit will go down. Then the states that are suffering--that have never recovered from manufacturing loss's need to get real by making it affordable for these plants to invest, build & survive. Offer free infrastructure, water, electricity, etc. for new plants to build--lower tax rates for business's to come in and build. IOW lots of incentives. If they don't they're screwing themselves.

So hopefully that's what happens to get this country back to a fair trade system, and put Americans back to work.
Honestly, this is why I am a Republican now. I was ideal before but now I see you are right. The manual labor jobs are leaving America. I suggest current liberals take my advice and become a Republican personally because our fantasy of a perfect country is just that. A fantasy.

We are never going to solve poverty with a population explosion happening in the poor communities. Poor people need to stop having so many children. People who have kids need to be prepared to help raise those kids and be able to help them so that when they grow up they can be an engineer or pilot or doctor. People who don't want those things should stop breeding.

Anyone who's poor getting gov cheese and didn't vote should get their benefits or entitlements taken away from them. You and I spend all this time and energy arguing for them and they don't even bother to vote? I give up
You can still be a Dem and want those things you want Why become a publican and feel dirty all the time?
Nope. Trump's threat to put tariffs on Chinese imports is just part of his posturing prior to asking for negotiations. It's not going to happen. If Trump actually pursued it, Ryan would block it because it would push the country into an economic slowdown at best or a full blown recession at worst and that would likely mean losing the House in the midterm.
Ryan has a congressional record of doing nothing. Trump will be giving the orders and if Ryan changes character and attempts to disagree with Trump, he will be blown away. They are both Republicans, you know and Trump expect no opposition from his own party.
The president can not introduce a single bill in congress, nor does he have any direct control on the fate of a bill. He can lobby congress and use the bully pulpit to support or oppose legislation. Normally, the president will work with the leadership of his party in both Houses to get mutually agreeable legislation passed.

I'm getting the feeling manufacturing is going to go down south where non union workers will be happy to make $20 hr no benefits and no job security. I'm ok with that. Just keep it in America. If manufacturing has to go to poor red states that's fine with me.
You're analysis might be right but you should not be OK with jobs going to poor red states without union protections.
As long as they stay in America what possible objection could I have? You can't be so strict with your rules that a company can't move from Michigan to Alabama or Texas if they want to. But is location important? Sure is. My company is located in Michigan because that's where most of the machines we sell go. And do your execs want to be located in Arkansas? Have their kids and wife move to hazard county where the Hicks work cheap?

But seriously why isn't it OK for carrier to move to another state?
Poor people who are willing to work for rock-bottom minimum wages could take well-paid union jobs from fellow workers.
If Trump wants to make America great again, root for him. It is we who stand to gain from his success. Stop hoping he fails. It's like cutting off your nose to spite you face....

Walmart was founded as the "Made in America" store. Let's make stuff again. Good stuff that doesn't break 2 weeks later....

That's rich coming from you. :laugh:

What the hell does that mean??
One of the biggest Obama haters wants now for us all to hold hands and work together for Trump. :laugh:
------------------------------------------------------- naw , don't root for the TRUMP , his success will be all the sweeter with TRUMP haters hating him Hutch . By the way and in closing , mrobama Sucks big time Hutch !!

Well lookey here. Another Obama hater who thinks we should be patriotic and all rally around Trump

Where was this sentiment over the last eight years?
----------------------------------------------------------------- i , we , me and Rush told mrobama that we hope that he fails pretty soon after he took office . And mrobama did fail when he failed to get 'illary' elected . Next step is for President Trump to sh1tcan everthing that mrobama did in his 2 terms in office . And no , i don't want liberal , lefties and democrats to be Patriotic . I want them to remain traitorous liberals , lefties and democrats Hutch .
hey Oreo , hows Carly doing , nice to see your return . Quite an upset election eh , totally unexpected to YOU i bet eh ?? [chuckle]
and an off topic PSA but the TRUMP is taking the stage shortly as he starts his second rally which is part of his THANK YOU Tour' to his supporters who elected him and are his base for 2020 . So , check it out on FOX Business on the Lou Dobbs show as it should be a good rally . Rally should be starting soon !!

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