Trump: 35% tariff on goods from companies that ship jobs overseas. Bravo!

and as TRUMP just said on VARNEY on FOX Busines , this is a great time to be alive . everything is now ready to be changed to the ways Americans want things . This was video , interesting thing was that of the 3 groups that were tracked the dems hated what they heard Trump saying . [makes me smile]
it sometimes takes years to build a factory and develop a line....

it could take 10 to 20 years before companies manufacturing overseas could afford to return, and pay the higher wages for Americans....and if the 35% tariff still costs less to make than the cost of returning here and developing factory lines from scratch, then they wont do it....

Either way, what we are left with is much higher prices for goods, whether thru a 35% tariff or thru higher usa wages.
and as Charlie Payne just mentioned , remove some of the rules and regulations that hinder USA manufacturers and business DrT !!

You mean the ones that keep your water and air clean, and the workers safe - those regulations?

The ignorant lies of the right wingers.

High taxes and good wages didn't drive the jobs off-shore. It was greed, and W's tax breaks for companies taking jobs out of the US. Because Republicans believe greed is good, contrary to the Bible which names it as one of the 7 Deadly Sins.
----------------------------------------------------------- you can blame the bushes , ok with me as i can't stand them . No matter who or what is to blame i just want things fixed for my American Kids and Grandkids and ALL American kids . And TRUMP may be the guy to fix things DLady !!
it sometimes takes years to build a factory and develop a line....

it could take 10 to 20 years before companies manufacturing overseas could afford to return, and pay the higher wages for Americans....and if the 35% tariff still costs less to make than the cost of returning here and developing factory lines from scratch, then they wont do it....

Either way, what we are left with is much higher prices for goods, whether thru a 35% tariff or thru higher usa wages.
-------------------------------------- higher priced goods are ok with me Care4 . Your argument sounds like 'juan mccains' who wants mexicans in the USA because without mexicans in the USA Americans will have to pay for more expensive lettuce Care4 !!
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it sometimes takes years to build a factory and develop a line....

it could take 10 to 20 years before companies manufacturing overseas could afford to return, and pay the higher wages for Americans....and if the 35% tariff still costs less to make than the cost of returning here and developing factory lines from scratch, then they wont do it....

Either way, what we are left with is much higher prices for goods, whether thru a 35% tariff or thru higher usa wages.
------------------------------------------- build the factories faster and with TRUMP knowledge of building YUGE buildings he can't be 'bs'ed' about building things . Developing a line , Carriers lines were already developed same as Fords little car lines were developed , same as Rexnords lines of 'bearings' have been developed for the last hundred years Care4 !!
it sometimes takes years to build a factory and develop a line....

it could take 10 to 20 years before companies manufacturing overseas could afford to return, and pay the higher wages for Americans....and if the 35% tariff still costs less to make than the cost of returning here and developing factory lines from scratch, then they wont do it....

Either way, what we are left with is much higher prices for goods, whether thru a 35% tariff or thru higher usa wages.
-------------------------------------- higher priced goods are ok with me Care4 . Your argument sounds like 'juan mccains' who wants mexicans in the USA because without mexicans in the USA Americans will have to pay for more expensive lettuce Care4 !!
And I can understand your position on this, higher prices are okay... (if it turns out that more Americans have higher paying jobs and all surrounding jobs also go up in pay, is my concern for the nation)

But then that limits our corporations to selling ONLY to Americans at these higher prices and reduces their company's could just force corporations to move their corporation headquarters to a foreign Nation, to avoid the 35% tariff and higher wages of Americans, and just keep their factory in China that makes their goods...

For every ACTION, there is a REACTION....buyer beware!

There is so much more to this than what is being discussed in the simple terms we discuss these things on this board...

Smarter, experienced heads, need to analyze this measure from head to toe, inside and out, right side up and upside down, BEFORE any steps are taken, so we can have a good idea of the plausible long term REACTION and affect of it...

REMEMBER, none of us lowly ones posting on this board, WANT to hurt our Nation or the citizens within...even those of us taking different positions, we both want what will be best, overall for Americans in the long run...

Beware also of jumping out of the frying pan and in to the fire...we could be doing this with the tariff measure....this MUST BE THOUGHT THRU..... for all of our sake.
I doubt the Republican Congress will give Trump tariffs. He may have to ally himself with the Bernie wing of the Democratic party to get much genuine protectionism passed.
An appropriate tariff, for starters, should represent the difference between the labor cost of producing the product overseas as opposed to producing it here.
The US is the world's largest consumer nation and companies from all over the globe dream of gaining access to American consumers.

As it stands Trump is talking about taxing American companies that are shipping jobs abroad and that is a reasonable first step.

Trump never said he would invoke a 35% tariff. It's an invention by the radical left to frighten the (majority) low information left. The Carrier deal was the most brilliant piece of work we have seen by a president or president elect in modern times.
If you are an American company and you choose to take your business overseas to take advantage of slave labor you should have no expectation that you get to bring your goods back into the United States without having any tariff enforced.

Paying no tariff, as if you made the goods into the United States, is about the same as giving the companies a huge tax break - it's rewarding them for taking US jobs out of the country so they can boost their own profits.

As the title states - 'It's About Time'.
Tariffs are determined by the type of goods and the country exporting them to the US. It's doesn't matter who owns the company that manufactures the goods.

Tariffs like all taxes can only be levied by congress, not the president.
Trump never said he would invoke a 35% tariff.

Well his policy is coming off of twitter, but his words are that there would be a 35% tax on offshore companies across the border trying to get products back in the US.

We are assuming he means an import tariff, because it would be batshit crazy if he were planning on doubling their corporate tax.
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Dumbass Donald has a very shallow understanding of economics.
Often when a company decides to move production of a product abroad, it's because they can no longer afford to manufacture it in the US. If you apply a tax of 35% on the product when it's brought back into the US for sale, the company would have several alternatives, none good for American workers. Assuming the product can not be manufactured in the US with a sufficient profit margin then the manufacturer will either stop manufacturing the product or manufacture it abroad for sale in foreign markets. In either case, everyone associated with the product in the US loses their job, manufacturing, distribution, and retailing it. How is this good for the US workers?
Oh, the irony of Donald Trump. The old right are the new socialists, and the old left are the new capitalists. :laugh2:
Since Carrier is sending 1300 out of the 2100 jobs in question to Mexico, will their tariff only be 20% instead of 35%?
If Carrier had to pay a 20% or 35% tax on air conditioners manufactured in Mexico they would just ship them to any one of the 170 countries where they are now selling their air conditioning equipment and supply the US market from one of their other US plants or from one their plants in India, China, or South America.
Trump: 35 Percent Tariff for Companies That Ship Jobs Overseas


It's about time. NAFTA was a mistake that has cost our country dearly. We need to reverse the mistakes of the free traders of the GOP, and sadly, some Democrats too. They've done so much damage. Scrapping TPP is a great start, but going after existing, job-killing trade "deals" is the next step. Sadly, my preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, had to be dragged kicking and screaming to finally denounce these dubious deals. I'm glad that Trump is speaking out against these "deals". They are rip offs. I didn't vote for him, but I support him on this big time.

Too bad he started off with the stupid Carrier deal. Even the vapid brained Sarah Pallin criticized it. Instead of telling Carrier that they will be heavily taxed for all their imports because NAFTA ain't gonna be law when they complete their Mexican factory, he cuts their taxes by millions of dollars in exchange for just half of the jobs staying in the US. Low Energy! Sad!
Or he will give them massive tax breaks if they only send half their jobs overseas. Which is what the Republicans were doing in the first place.

Trump can't just will tariffs. Show me Paul Ryan say he will tariff. Democrats will go along with that.
He didn't tariff carrier, did he? No.

Is Paul Ryan on board with tariffs? No. Why don't you know this?
Trump threatened to place tariffs and Republican Paul Ryan will do as he is told
TRUMPS my guy , love him on all things and Carrier was first . As far as tariffs go , heck yeah . I'm sick of seeing chinese and Mexican junk selling in Walmart and making china wealthy.

Why are you picking on Mexico...

Mexico's trade imbalance with the US is smaller than US global average it is about 10% compared to almost 20% globally....

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